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Dear God,
Thank you for this day. Thank you for my husbands life, and my life. I ask that you would protect us from the schemes of the devil. He has been trying to distract us, frustrate us and tempt us to sin against each other. Holy Spirit enable us to resist the devils temptations and distractions. In moments of weakness please help us to give each other grace and forgiveness. Help us to support each other and be accountable on a daily basis; according to your Love. Please make me aware of any sin or unforgiveness that is at work in me, and the strength to repent and walk away from it. Help my mate to do the same. Increase our desire to stand together under Your Protection. Psalm 91. We desire to walk together according to your Word written in 1 Corinthians 13.
Feel free to add some more requests right here. Personalize.
Part 1 of ?
We know there are many prophesies in the old testament of Jesus reigning and sitting on David's Throne.
Today I want to discuss a great misrepresentation of this truth starting with two of many scriptures in the old testament then we'll go into the New Testament.
1) "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. Is 9:6-7.'
2) Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
Malachi 4:5.
Here's the same promise given to Mary in Luke 1:32-33.
In those days When a king would go out to another country to seize it, or peacefully he would send ahead his messenger/fore runner. They didn't come by surprise. ( They came with observation ) "Keep that in mind "
John the baptist was Jesus fore runner.
Mark 1:2-3.
Matthew 11:13-14.
Israel was expecting a forerunner and king that was to come and rid them of the Romans and sit on David's Throne.
John the baptist was sent ahead to announce The King, Jesus was bringing in a heavenly kingdom not one you can observe, It wasn't going to be a March to battle. That's why Jesus said it come without observation in. They rejected their King due to blindness under the mosaic system.
Please see part 2.
God's Word is true and every man a liar.
4. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat
It says who plainly!
And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. Genesis 4:1.
Why do you ask in that way?
"Who ( REALLY ) fathered Cain."
Is there anything reason we shouldn't trust what's written?
If we can't trust what's written so plainly the question is why don't I believe the Bible.
Jesus often referred to "What is written'.
God bless.
When we study the word of God we see that from Genesis to Revelation the Boos is all about Jesus, Redemption/Salvation ministered by grace. Your strength is Christ!
Fruit of the spirit, "THE gift by the spirit. "Christ" is given to us by GRACE. Even your sanctification is not of yourselves.
The bible says it clearly that all wont be saved and there is a literal place of torment for those who reject Christ and THIS NARROW GATE!
Matthew 7:13-14.
Some preach we're saved by works of the Law. " Which means there's no GRACE.
Christ deity.
This is attacked more than one way.
First of all We know how the trinity is being attacked. There's also those who claim we are going to be Gods.
Therefore there's no such thing as deity if ALL will be saved and we will be equal to God... ( Isn't that us how Satan fell? ) What's often misquoted about Satan is we often say Satan wanted to be God. But it says he wanted to be "LIKE" the most high.
Same type of pride we see here in this frame of mind.
The word.
How often do you see someone either doubt what is written or say the scripture has been tampered with? Some claim to have revelation that exceed the written word.
The Holyspirit.
The work of the Holyspirit and the fruit of the Holyspirit is what seems to be of no Interest in the Church today. Today we hear so often "He or She is full of the Holyspirit.' when observing an outward action. We need to have clearer understanding of the ministry of the Holyspirit.
Man can't manifest the Spirit through practice or mimicking some way of righteousness. This is what was to be shown through Israel and is what Paul is hammering away at in Galatians.
More to come, Hopefully with the Help of others.
God bless.
Have a question
My name is Maria
Can people around me be bothered I I'm going thru spiritual warfare ?
Are these not the same questions that hinder the heart and soul of man?
How to see, how to know the way?
Though they seem impossible, it is possible if we hear His words!
"I Am the way the truth and the Life!"
"If you have seen me ,you have seen the Father"
Repent and be Baptized