King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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These words are quick and powerful, giving us a clear view of what will proceed those who are living (in or for the moment), out of the word!
I asked one which bible He used ,and He said none. What church do you belong to, His reply, Catholic!
So I ask myself why, as I said good day to Him, as I began to contemplate why the Catholic church may request such a thing as this? ( the days of bibles even in the protestant church are gone).
While thinking on these things I see the apostles as they struggle teaching and preaching the word. Even though they have received it directly from Christ, there is division and misunderstanding between one another, while we know Jesus taught us to love one another, yet there is division among us.
Education, ability to listen, learning can definitely be a road block, and yet I am reminded of those who were blind, mute, unable to walk too the synagogue , who called out His name, and Christ healed them!
He gave them the sight they needed to see Him. He gave them the hearing thy needed to hear Him! How wonderful are His ways toward all who call on Him!
The authority given to the church are the keys given by God. The church has the Devine authority to use the keys according the Holy Spirit directed by God Himself.
In the ever changing world, even with the learned history, never before could we learn from It more, this the Bride of Christ "the church".
With the knowledge of His will, He has given each one of us liberty and responsibility to rightly divide His words, we all have a place who believe the gospel. I have sinned, I have said wrong words out of haste, not teaching as I should! But this I know, I have been forgiven for Christs sake!
The church is susceptible, It too can fall into sin! It is not infallible. This is why we need to read the word!
Who is Arcturus and his sons?
Thank you,
Is Israel a servant? is he a homeborn slave? why is he spoiled?
Boss: does not equal Master
Employee: does not equal Servants
Yes there was "capitalism" people traded things (value was placed on items).
"What would people do back then for work"? (this statement is just nuts).
Revelation 13:1 Russia
Revelation 13:11 China
God will still love you and heal you even when you seem that he is far from you or you dont deserve it because you backslide. Lay hold unto his promises and his unmeasuarable love for us.
Recieve what he offers freely.