King James Bible
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Departing from the faith. The Bible explains the dividing line between the Spirit of God and the spirit of Antichrist is the deity of Christ ( 1 John 4:3). It takes faith in the sacrificial death of Christ for salvation_I am a sinner, Christ died for my sins, and his blood washes my sins away. If Jesus Christ is not God, His death is worthless. If Jesus is not God, his blood has no more power in it than mine or yours. The deity of Christ is essential to the Christian faith and the Christian hope for eternity.
People claiming Christianity are leaving the doctrine of Christ's deity in leaps and bounds. In a survey October 2018__78 percent of "Americans with evangelical beliefs" said that Jesus was the first and greatest being CREATED by God the Father.
If God created Jesus, He is not God. The deity of Christ is the core of the Christian faith. Suppose the numbers of this survey are close to accurate?
"In the latter times," people will depart from the faith, give heed to seducing spirits, not endure sound doctrine.
A Russian professor told a news outlet that the new torpedo bomb, "Poseidon", can create a 1,600 foot high tsunami, and wipe out all life nearly 1,000 miles inland with a purported 200 megaton nuclear warhead ( Revelation 9:16).
Anybody catch that?
You stated.
"As a Christ follower why would you NOT want to ( try )keep holy and follow these commandments?"
I haven't seen anything written on the site that stated we shouldn't (try).
By the Spirit of God ww know the commandment is Holy.
By the same Spirit we know we fall short.
By the same Spirit we know "by the commandments" we need a savior.
Christ didn't come to keep being crucified every time we break one because we can't keep them perfectly.
We have agreed with scripture throughout the bible that we're justified apart from the deeds of the Law.
Romans 3:26-28.
Salvation is an inward act performed by the Holyspirit that is confirmed by an outwardly act.
We do our best to keep the commandments and that also is an inwardly act by the Holyspirit. The flesh is weak.
You can keep them all the days of your life and have a sinful Heart and you still come up short.
You can't Love your neighbor as required without a NEW heart. And the sabbath day rest is found in Christ.
God bless.
Matthew 19:17
"And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments."
Jesus tells us here point blank: if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments! Jesus and his apostles tell us over and over to keep the commandments and live accordingly. To believe, as a Christian you can disregard God's Commandments, you are deceiving yourself, and ignoring a multitude of bible scripture telling you otherwise.
Here are God's Commandments
1. I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me. You shall not make to thyself any graven thing; nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. You shall not adore them nor serve them.
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
4. Honor your father and your mother.
5. You shall not kill.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not steal.
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
As a Christ follower why would you NOT want to try keep holy and follow these commandments?
To disregard, you are telling Jesus that you don't love Him. John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."
Read and Believe!
Love this verse. It reminds me that our Lord is really everything we need or could every truly satisfy our heart's desires.
Praise be the Lord! Blessed be my Rock! Glory be to my Strong Tower! Hail to my Refuge! Worthy is the Lord God, my Salvation!
Holy, Holy, Holy is my God who lives and reigns forever! Let us exalt His Name together!
A close study of Revelation Rev. 12:1+ suggests that the faithful REMNANT ON EARTH which shall be protected throughout the Tribulation and find entry into the Millennial Kingdom are those who flee to the wilderness-the woman who has a place prepared for her by God ( Rev. 12:6+). We saw that the 144,000 of Israel, who appear to have an evangelistic role, could not be a part of those kept in the wilderness. Because of their evangelistic mission, they will not be in Judea when the signal comes to flee to the mountains and subsequently the wilderness. Furthermore, if they did participate in the flight and subsequent hiding, how could they perform their evangelistic task among the Gentiles and Jews of the Diaspora?
Nowhere is it said that the seal which these receive is to protect them against death throughout the Tribulation and from all causes. Scripture only tells us they are to be protected from the direct effects of God's judgments poured upon the earth. This is why the four winds of the earth are held back until they are sealed ( Rev. 7:1-3+). Judgments upon the earth, the sea, and the trees may not proceed until they are protected. Moreover, they are said to be protected from the demonic locust judgment ( Rev. 9:4+). All of these dangers come directly from God and represent His wrath upon the earth dwellers. They are to be protected from this "friendly fire" during their evangelistic mission. Does this necessarily mean that they are completely invincible for the entire duration of the Tribulation? If the example of the two powerful witnesses of God is any example, then perhaps not.
These are those who will evangelize people Left Behind after the Caught Up (Rapture); Who hid out in the hills and caves to avoid the Mark of the Beast or execution.
I'm saying AVOID DEATH and receive Jesus as Lord, Savior, LIFE ETERNAL__TODAY.
The Egyptians worshipped both cows and bulls. The cow-god was Hathor and represented all of the best qualities of a female. The bull-god was Apis, Hathor's son (who was the most sacred bull-god as there were many bull-gods) who represented protection, virility, male prowess. Also, Apis was worshipped as actually god-creator and represented divinity and eternity. Seth was a donkey or camel -god, sometimes a mix of livestock represented storms and desert.
Resheph was the name of the horse-god and represented war and pestilence.
Menes was a goat-god.
The pestilence (murrian) affected both humans and a variety of livestock. YHWH smiting the livestock of the Egyptians was pestilence demonstrated His defeat of all these livestock-gods.
The next plague was skin boils, pustules, skin eruptions.
There were gods/goddesses of healing, medicine.
Sekmet-goddess of healing
Thoth-god of healing
Isis-goddess of medicine
YHWH sending this plague challenged these gods ability to heal.
The next plague was that of fire and hail.
Shango was the fire and thunder god.
Nut was the hail god.
So YHWH was showing He was stronger and more fierce than these gods.
What is meant by baptized by fire, Matthew 3:11?
Thank you for your help
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