King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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11For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. [Don't bless the wicked!] This evil world wants us to hold hands and say they are good. Woe to him that calls evil good and good evil. why? you open yourself up to be possessed by it.
Luke 4:16 ....and as his custom was He (Jesus) went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day.... Luke 13:10 ...and He (Jesus) was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. Genesis 1:5....He called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Genesis 2:2...and on the seventh day God ended his work which He had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. (to set apart, to declare Holy)
Exodus 20:8-11 (4th commandment) Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, but the 7th day is the Sabbath. So we have established that the preparation day and the Sabbath drew on....was Friday. The Sabbath was the 7th day.... Saturday. He rose very early the first day of the week...Sunday. The Sabbath was established in the first week of creation to commemorate his work. A reminder that he is Creator God. The sabbath commandment starts with...remember. God knew that someday the world was going to forget the true Sabbath and worship a man made Sabbath. This happened under Constantine in the 3rd century when he declared Sunday to be a National day of rest. But he could not change the true Sabbath. He could only counterfeit a new day of rest. Then the Roman Catholic Church established it as a "Holy Day" but it was not Gods holy day. The Catholic Church claims the change and declares it as a "Mark" of their authority! There's that word "mark." Could it be the "Mark" of the Beast is making the false Sabbath (Sun day) law?
Thank you all and God Bless You!
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
King James Version (KJV) I think you've missed the whole point of Jesus
I wish young people (&old) could grasp the concept that whatever sins they do now, even though they repent, will still bring consequences to their lives. God is not mocked, we will reap what we sow. This is a reason to turn away from sin and NOT commit that sinful act in the first place.
Just as the serpent came to Eve he will come to you and tell you that God will forgive you, and God will forgive you if you repent, but the action will still bring consequence just as it did to Adam &Eve in the garden of Eden. They were "ashamed"when God came down to speak with them. They knew what they had done. God forgave them right?
But there are many consequences for sinning that can change the course of your life. Sin will always take you farther than you want to go and keep you longer than you want to stay.
Obey the Lords commandments and save yourself and all around you a lot of pain and heartache. Our sinful choices don't only affect us but others that are watching us. Just as doing the right thing encourages others to do the right thing. They are too watching.God bless!
They want to know. They confront Christ with the same authority that they believed they had! How soon they had forgotten the ministry of John the Baptist and His authority. How soon they forgotten how the people responded to His death, that a man as this would be martyr, for His faith. How soon these who should have condemned and left off what happened to John!
So, Jesus asks them. Was the baptism off John of heaven or of men? Their response was "we cannot tell". How unfortunate that because of their blindness they would not learn the authority of Christ! Because of fear, because of unbelief they would never hear "by who's power and authority Christ did what He did!
The people knew the baptism of John. They knew His ministry, as he spoke out against king Herod! They knew because of this! That Jesus is and was who He says He is! The people knew! Because of John the Baptist!
The power of the Holy Spirit! This is the same spirit that guides and directs as a whole, people in the truth. This same spirit that guides the church! Answering their question with the same question! How powerful is the word of God!
Guided by the Holy Spirit is the authority you and I have in the church. Speaking the truth in all its purity, in and through the Lord Jesus Christ! Never forget the authority you have! In heaven and earth! Repent and be Baptized
He has not ascended, verse 27 he tells
Thomas to touch his side.
Did he ascend in between these verses?
Or was he on earth 40 days before ascension ?
Search all the "SEEK" scriptures. If you really desire something from Jesus, you'll go after it with all of your strength. Learn what it is, how it operates; your Faith to obey and a seekers desire to Receive. Both parties have to yield their wills, to the desire of the Lord.
Yes, he wants to heal his followers, reveal wisdom and knowledge; you give the "rest" of your spirit speaking, to the the blessed rest of the Holy Spirit. You have to be still and silent to hear with your born again spirit.
We have to be SEEKERS OF HIM, Not An "Experience". Spirit, soul, reach out to touch the person of our adoration and worship_Jesus!
"All heaven and earth shall ADORE Him." "Seek and you shall Find".
I know in Whom I have believed, and received. You_Ask and receive.
Ponder on 1 Corinthians 12: 29-31
Why the Gifts? Chapter 13 is your answer. Love complete. Now you see through a glass darkly
Peter says that the scripture is of no private interpretation, that holy men where moved by the holy spirit!
Is "moved" is also mythical? There is nothing mythical about movement.. "the spirit "moved" upon Mary, when she conceived Christ! Was the immaculate conception A "Myth"
Do not be moved by mythical people, you will know them by their fruits. When you read the bible, remember that God is breathing on you. Take His breath, for in it is eternal life
Repent and be baptized