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So Moses, buried the dead Egyptian in the sand,, thinking no Egyptian had witnessed the event. However, the next day, upon observing two Hebrews fist fighting, he called out the wrongdoer. They came right back at him and said, "Who made you a prince and judge over us?" and pointed out that they knew he had killed the Egyptian. This made Moses fearful, thinking that if these knew of the killing, surely others with authority may know. And he was right. Pharaoh found out and sought to kill him. It is not known how much of a relationship Moses had with the Pharaoh. But Pharaoh probably did not have a deep love for Moses.
Moses fled as fast as he could travel across the upper Arabian desert to the land of Midian. The Midianites were descendants of Abraham through Keturah, is wife after Sarah died. So, they were distantly related. Moses was 40 years old when he went to Midian. There he met the daughters of Reuel, a priest (don't know if he was a priest of the true God or a priest of a pagan god). The daughters were being harassed by other shepherds at the well where they were to water their sheep. Moses steps in and helps them water the flocks and resist the harassers. When the daughters go home, they tell their father what happened. When he ears, he says something like, "Well, why did you leave him there. Bring him here so we can share a meal! (Remember, he had 7 daughters, and good men were probably hard to find in them parts. So, Moses arrives and is welcomed into the household, given Zipporah to marry, and stays in the land of Midian, serving Reuel and family as a shepherd. He has a son, Gershom. Moses was probably initially unfamiliar with the Midianites and the land, as he most likely spent most of his time in Egypt. But then again, he knew how to travel through the desert country and reach Midian on the east sore of the Gulf of Aqaba.
While in Midian, the king of Egypt died (who was wanting to kill Moses). But it is not known if Moses knew.
Is it in the bible that during the end times you will not be able to tell the season. Quote " you will not be able to tell Winter from summer or summer from winter?
1. Praying prayer of salvation
2. Taking Holy Comminion
3. Receiving the word of God when preached
4. Getting Healed
What knowledge was written down, for others to read?
And what gate is to the East that the porters protect?
I missed a lot of the messages because there was a lot going on while I read. I'll reread it all, but I'd still like to see another's point of view about these questions I have.
Oh yes... one more.
Where is Jewry?
Can one person do communion with his self?
In verse 18 Jesus says all power is GIVEN unto me in heaven and earth .
Who is the superior one that gave him this power ? Must be his father God .
Verse 20 I am with you always , even unto the end of the world
He is speaking to his disciples , that would be the church .
How does one see a rapture pretrib in this statement ? It's not there .
That we are to be "Born again" by the water and the Spirit ??
I'm not trying to start no trouble here , for I love this site very much..and everyone I talked to on one ever said "Yes me" ..they all put me down or didn't believe these things..even though they said they believe in the Holy Ghost..
Just wondering what y'all think about this is hard to find someone like this except at my Church...Pentecostal Apostolic....we can't be that rare ...anyone here Believe "Jesus IS God" ?? ..that there is "One" God and "One" door to heaven ? Through Christ Jesus ...
Not trying to start no trouble here..Okay.
May we survive this year and prosper. May we never be negative.
Hope and believe in miracles from Heaven even when we don't deserve it.
Be humble and kind. Not a keeper of slights. Trust God for the result...and may He shut our mouth when unbelief creeps up on us. amen
Did the Lord Jesus Christ already allow us (Christians) to eat any food we want to eat?
Has this prophecy come already?
I was saved out of Astrology. I was practicing and as a result " serving Satan." After I was saved, I had demonic beings try to scare me to death. Sometimes every day
I would go to a church that would "cast out the demons" before church started. Demons would say, "YOU better come with us!" I would hold on to my chair white-knuckled. One day, a Baptist !!! Gave a word of knowledge about me. Like the woman at the well. I was born again, Spirit filled; but I wasn't healed. Boy did I get healed!
A month later I was to be BAPTIZED IN WATER at my request. I was drawing "a line in the sand". No more demonic attacks! This was me saying I belong to Jesus Christ and no other. He is MY LORD forever.
I was able to read the Bible and understand everything. I tuned out the noise of the world, and asked the Holy Spirit to teach me EVERYTHING. No holds barred I asked the Lord to erase all the memory of stars, planets and geometrical aspects. Take it out of me. He did. It's cool kind of amnesia.
I Needed to honor My Lord by being water baptized. I wanted the slate clean. If they had refused I woulda gone somewhere else.
Do not discourage people like me who need to make a public statement (to creepy demons) that I'm doing this for me, in the sight of Jesus, for the glory of God.
6 weeks later, I'm in with a bunch of street evangelists. God called me. It's lasted 36 years. One on one, cold contact, door to door, dropping tracts outside Goodwill and Home Depot :D
If people came in here to find the God that offers Salvation, WHAT will they see? Where is the fruit of the Holy Spirit_ the patience of our Lord Jesus?
Job1_try to remember that Satan stealthily stalks his victims. He's a watcher. Always looking for an opening to cause the brethren to erupt in controversy. My experience: he's vile, violent, murderous heart, steals joy and peace; adores riots (look in our streets).
Discern the spirits.
18 That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate;
19 Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
Again you are arguing the wrong narrative.
If not you haven't supplied any scripture supporting you MUST be water baptized to be saved!!
We see the transition starting with John the baptist as the for runner.
Matthew 3:8-11.
John's baptism was the baptism of repentance. what was it they needed to turn from? Judaism!!
How did he baptize? With water!
Was it for salvation? No he was preparing the way for salvation. Matthew3:9. Suggest their confidence was in being children of Abraham and the seal of circumcision.
Verse 10 " The axe is laid at the root!!
There goes the degenerate vine, on comes the true vine or genuine vine. One Jews and Gentiles will be joined to. now we see a transition taken place. They were Identified with Judaism by circumcision, now they are to be Identified to Christ by baptism. And to express there belief by water baptism as the Jews did by circumcision.
Then comes Jesus to be baptized by John. For salvation? YES, OURS!!
He was to fulfill all righteousness!
He was Identifying with all who would come to him. He was going to bare our sins on the cross.
GiGi. There has never been a tread where I said I believe a Christian shouldn't be baptized.
I believe we are in tribulation going on the third year and a great harvest of souls is coming are we ready to do our part?For the revivial!
If Adam was around 4000 BCE and God took 6000 years to bring him around, that would be about the end of the last ice age 10,000 BCE that God begin to redo the earth? Where does the proof of life from say 500,000 years ago, fit into the teachings of the Bible? Could Adam have been many 1000s of years before we are taught? Answers anyone?