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Bible Questions Page 141

  • Richard cain on Luke 21 - 3 years ago
    Why does most americans believe almost anything? like a lie.. the serpant in the bible was a snake talking to a woman. that same serpant lead jesus upon a high mountain and said if you be the son of god cast your down and the serpant read out of the book of psalms cp 91 verse starting at verse 11. this serpant called a snake is one more bad dood..a talking snake!! something is wrong with this episode!!! see how even the preachers are deceive whew!!!
  • M - 3 years ago
    Is there anyone who is able to prove using logic that God exists and that it is the God of the Bible that is the Highest?

    I'm not asking for my sake. I do believe. I want to see if anyone knows the answer to this challenge.
  • Susan on Matthew 14 - 3 years ago
    Jesus desired solitude, departed on a ship, then went to the desert. Yet the masses followed him? HOW? did they take a ship? There were @ 20,000 of them (5000 men). Also they were in the desert but Jesus told them to sit on the grass?
  • Gwen Frost on 1 Timothy 2 - 3 years ago
    Is it wrong for a woman to teach if she does it to take over where her husband left off before he passed away?
  • Eljer777 - 3 years ago
    Rev 17:11. This is referring to the antichrist. Satan can only imitate God. Jesus died and rose from the dead. The antichrist and the false phrophet both have lived and died and are in hell right now but they will be ALLOWED to escape from hell. Revelation says several times they ASCEND from the pit. 17:11 how can he be of the 7 and be the 8th? In the end he gets thrown into perdition(lake of fire). 2 people go into the lake of fire without being judged the antichrist and the false phrophet,why? They had 2 opportunities at life.
  • Eljer777 - 3 years ago
    I have been in church for over 63 years. Attended very well known Bible College so I am not a novice. I have questions which Pastors RUN from or honestly answer I don't know. Here is one such question. Show me one instance in the Bible where an angel possessed anyone. Prove to me by scripture an angel and demon are the same. Just because an angel falls it is still a 3 dimensional solid being, they are shape shifters but the only thing they lose when they fall is access to heaven. There is only one fallen angel that can enter heaven freely Satan. My point is demons are not fallen angels, Daniel 8:10 the fallen angels you think are demons are really captured and cast to earth and stamped on(held prisoner) by the antichrist. Demons are the disembodied souls of dead giants from before and after the flood. They are part human and part angel,hybrids that were never meant to exist. If they were angels they would've been chained in hell like the angels before the flood who fell, if they were human they would've been cast into the part of hell for humans. They are neither so they are disembodied and they crave a body now. They are not Nephilim they are Raphaim and the Bible says they will live again during the tribulation.
  • Tony flowers on Proverbs 28 - 3 years ago
    To have respect of persons is not good: for for a piece of bread that man will transgress.

    Can we break this scripture down some? What exactly is it saying?
  • Eljer777 - 3 years ago
    Luke 22:36 and 38. This of course is a command and is ignored by preachers and laymen. They will take out of context a little later that night when Peter chops off the servants ear with that same sword and Jesus says (paraphrase) if you live by the sword you will die by it). He had just commanded them earlier to get a sword he was not contradicting himself but saying I came into the world for this and if you try to stop it you will die.
  • Eljer - 3 years ago
    Why do Pastors and laymen avoid Luke 22:36? It is a command!
  • Alberto Lugo on 2 Corinthians 3 - 3 years ago
    I have this verse memorized and I am not sure what version of the Holy Scriptures it is written in but I am almost certain it is from an Old King James... however I cannot find it anywhere online as the OKJV of the Bible has become too rustic for most modern readers and they are not acquainted with its writings... Please tell me what version of the Bible I can find this text from the Book of 2 Corinthians (Chapter 3, Verse 3)??? I would like to purchase a new Bible soon and want it to read the same way my Old King James did if I can even find one anywhere... Thank You!

    "Not written with ink in tables of stone but in fleshy tables of the heart as we have ministered on the epistle of love to God-ward a greater glory than condemns, that which ministers faith by which the righteous live by." ( 2 Cor. 3:3)
  • Jolene - 3 years ago
    Can a Christian today have a revolution in a dream and what would it mean
  • Bro dan - 3 years ago
    Great things come in three's.

    Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    Believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, repent, and be babtized.

    Thank God - morning, noon, and night!

    Love to smile, love to say hello, love to ask "how are you doing?"

    God is a three letter word, and so is Son!
  • Michael Farranto - 3 years ago
    Is sin the same as disobedience?
  • Gavin - 3 years ago
    Is the third eye mentioned in the bible? Is this classed as demonic or . Please explain
  • Sherri - 3 years ago
    What does purgatory mean according to King James
  • Jerry on 2 Corinthians 1 - 3 years ago
    Where does the Bible talk about the consequences of defiling our bodies which are temples of the Holy Spirit? I thought it was in 2Corinthians?
  • David welch on Exodus 20 - 3 years ago
    In exodus,, the law clearly states,; There is to be no coveting or barring false witnesses against a neighbor.

    Without stating it, the passages implies it is permissible to covet and bare false witness

    against a stranger. Why else would the word neighbor be used?
  • Larry on Zechariah 13 - 3 years ago
    What if a man keeps sinning after being saved? Bible says you will pay for your sins
  • Krystin - 3 years ago
    Is the spirit and the soul the same thing, I've search and search scripture, I've always been told that the soul is laid to rest an the spirit goes to Jesus until the trumpet sound and the souls in the grave first open
  • Tim legarie on Zechariah 1 - 3 years ago
    We will judge the angels! And are not to rise anyone or thing above our God in heaven and Jesus Christ.When we pass over into the heavenly realms will we be like the angels?
  • MANUEL TEIXEIRA on Ephesians 1 - 3 years ago
    What shall I do to be saved ? Believe in Jesus, repent yourself, and be baptized!It's as simple as Paul taugh the prisioner's chief.

    We are saved by faith in the mrits of Jesus's blood, and a repented heart to receive the Holy Spirit, through God's Mercy.

    Like a mariage's cerimony, the baptism has a spiritual symbolism, and is a public recognition of God's acceptance of church's authority, to accept a new member of Jesus's spiritual body, which is the believers's communion.

    the santificaton is the work of The Holy Spirit, through faith and by walking on The way that Jesus walked, folowing His exemple. There's no man who doesn't sin, that's why we allways remember, Jesus continuous intercession in Heaven, and repent ouselves again, repair and reemburse the one we ofended and ask God's forgiveness, resist devil's temptation, through prayer, nourishing ourselves on the word of God, and keep an humble, calm and undivided heart towards God, and fasting often, because this kind of demons, as Jesus advertised His disciples, aren't expelled unless we resist with all our strengh, effort and commitment to obey God's word, and focus our mind on the submission to The Holy Spirit. We can overcome sin, only by these means appointed by The Divine Master. men! As Jesus's disciples, we are suposed to persist walking on a close fellowship and togetherness with Jesus, through the assistance of The Holy Spirit and angels's ministry, in believers's comunion, fighting the Faith's good fight, to remain on Jesus's good works and exemple, by faith on Jesus's FAITH. ALELUIA! Maranata!
  • Mike samuel on John 14 - 3 years ago
    I believe that john 14:3 refers to the rapture of the churches of king yahshua hamashiach. my reasons are simple:

    1. there are two comings of the lord yahshua after his ascension.

    2. they are the 2.1 the rapture of his churches, and 2.2 the second coming.

    3. at the second coming, he will return to earth as king yahshua at exactly the same place that he ascended to heaven.

    4. at the second coming, he will be coming down from heaven to earth together with all of those who were rapture earlier.

    therefore, when yahshua said that...he will come again to recieve us to himself...this cannot be the second coming but the rapture of the churches of yahshua hamashiach. if we were to come down to earth with him, how can he be recieving us??

    sceptics and even christians have asked the question: "how can the rapture be true when jesus himself did not say anything about the rapture??"

    i am not a theologian but i do believe that the the lord yahshua/yeshua/jesus/yesus/iesous was referring to the rapture of his churches in john 14:3!

    halleluyah..... maranatha.

    mike samuel


  • Shanon on Deuteronomy 4 - 3 years ago
    are nose piercings allowed?

    is Jesus Christ the son of God?
  • Joseph - 3 years ago
    @ Brother Philip praise God for your comment. If people would just take the time to read the verses.

    Matthews 24

    38. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

    [Who were eating and drinking? The unrighteousness!]

    39. And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

    [Verse 38 clearly identifies the subject as the unrighteous. Verse 39 continues with the main subject (the unrighteous) being taken away.

    Here is the Basic English translation:

    And they had no care till the waters came and took them all away; so will be the coming of the Son of man.

    - Basic English Bible

    New International Version

    and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

    [Obviously Noah knew about the impending danger so it must be referring to the unrighteous being taken away.]

    Finally re-examine Matthews 13, the good seeds and the rates.

    Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field."

    37 He answered and said to them: "He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man.

    38 The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one.

    39 The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels.

    40 Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age.

    41 The Son of Man will send out His angels,

    and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend,

    [Gather out the bad]

    and those who practice lawlessness,

    42 and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    43 Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.

    It's the unrighteous that are taken away.

    God bless all of you!
  • David R Longerbeam on Ephesians 1 - 3 years ago
    What do you think Paul was referring to in vs 17 ch 1
  • WHAT IS GOING ON__Mishael - 3 years ago
    Peace be upon us all. Jesus is involved in all of our troubles, as darkness falls upon these Last Days.

    I know in our humanity, no one wants to face the reality of the what's coming upon earth. This morning the Lord gave me Joel 1 and 2.

    In the midst of this time in earth history, we should draw closer to Jesus (who intercedes for us 24/7). He is our Salvation, through and from these events. USE His wisdom to get to a safe place. Ask Him for what you Need.

    God creates, out of a state of Chaos. He can do that now. The ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION must take place. 1 Thessalonians 5:4. That hasn't happened yet. Keep an eye on it, and be prayerful till it happens. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem as Jesus SAID. It wasn't a suggestion.

    They are surrounded by enemies! Who are shooting at them. If you are unconcerned about events that must take place, don't watch and pray; you will be likened to the 10 Virgins Parable, JESUS taught. It's NOT a pretty story to be left behind.

    Meanwhile, keep your eyes on Matthew 24 and Luke 21. We will be here on earth until the Abomination. Because of the disaster signs, BE WISE as the 5 Virgins who were READY, prepared.

    I've dragged up 22 times, and moved 1-3 bedroom homes; for safety sake and go where good jobs are abundant. Be willing to do that if where you live now, becomes a dry well. If your "well" dries up, or your "bush"_be willing to follow The Holy Spirits LEAD. He and Jesus are our lifeline.

    How often have I told us to WATCH news relevant to Bible prophesies? Prophesies DO NOT disappear until THEY ARE FULFILLED. Bottom line. On YouTube, type: world disasters this week. Seeing is Believing.

    Do not be afraid. Just prepare to go with Jesus. This is not a call to DOOMSDAY PREP. Watch and pray. Help those with weak faith. Jesus is WORTH anything we have to endure! He is going to scoop us up and take us to Heaven. A REAL PLACE already prepared for us, with homes. No evil, no suffering.
  • Tony on Daniel 10 - 3 years ago
    Revelation 1:15 is repeated in Daniel 10:6, how is that possible? Is Daniel referring to Jesus Christ or another angel?
  • Alfred gallegos on Acts 2 - 3 years ago
    '"not attempting to gain converts to "my" church ect but merely pointing out what is within the pages of the same bibles we all own kjv in my case most bibles read the same only in the amplified version does acts 2;38 read and be baptized everyone of you "because of the forgiveness of your sins" in that version its too easy see it takes away the reason for baptism in the name of Jesus Christ and turns it ito not as a requirement to the obedient but turns it into an afterrhought, an addition to the forgiveness we have already recieved some other way, i would assume the sinners prayer, something else the sincere, the honest, those humbly seeking the Lords will, will admit is not found in the Bible either. i love believers, and want all of us to believe the same thing ,thats the bible, when we can see the bible, really see it, it becomes an adventure, no longer to we have to skip over gobs and gobs of scripture because somwhere someone very sharp at talking convinced us its "history" there actually is: you ready? ONLY ONE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST IN THE BIBLE. if i were allowed yes i would put my phone number here, not to find people to argue with but to teach, i love to teach and i know there are many many wise and prayerful believers out there GOD bless you for this bible site
  • Alfred gallegos on Acts 2 - 3 years ago
    it always amazes me how, a vast majority of people who claim to have faith in Jesus but are scared to death to interpret the bible in the way its actualy written, oh they do understand the written english language but choose to make the bible echo their own preconcieved ideas . for instance why in the above commentary 37-41 the commentater states that people were baptized to openly avow their belief in Jesus, but it reads; Repent and be baptized evertone of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of Sins, not to openly show our belief in Jesus, but as a direct means of having our sins forgiven,this is to point out how it actual reads and what it means acts;2;38 that this is what it means the apostle paul, who wrote 13 of our new testament books openly shows us in his own words in acts 22;16 and now, why tarriests thou? arise,and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord. we all have a free will and can choose to live by the dogmas and teachings of any particular church we may attend, but in a public forum, if we comment on the bible it must be done openly and honestly, while leaving our own attitudes and what we wish the bible actualy said out of it. who among us wants to go to heaven? a repented person wants to obey the word of God without adding to it or taking away from it by trying to change its meaning ,God is not astone standing by saying oh yes he words it much better than i ever could, here is TRUTH. you know why this happens? because most christians dont even realize they are not christians at all,when did Jesus or any of his Apostles ever tell anyone to accept him as their personal savior? its a basic question of is that in the bible or not? we are on a bible site now, try finding that version of the Gospel. Its all over the bible not just like in 13 conversions in the book of acts but Romsns 6 colossions 2 galatians 3 me? i want to go to heaven, Gods way, because how will we talk our way out of it before him ?
  • Bill - 3 years ago
    what are the signs of a true sheppard [pastor].

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