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Bible Questions Page 151

  • Tim legarie on Ezekiel 30 - 3 years ago
    Is there a land of No or is it a place of disbelief?
  • Mandy on 1 Maccabees 3 - 3 years ago
    Is the United States mentioned in the Bible anytime
  • Neil on Judges 21 - 3 years ago
    The Benjaminites were part of the settled land of Promise , were they one of the 12 tribes ?
  • Free - 3 years ago
    Dear Jude hmm where did that come from, your godly heart?

    It may help u too read Romans 9 chapter today. Be blessed in His Holy Name Jesus Christ. Hi is King of King forever and ever.
  • Bill Hyman on Isaiah 42 - 3 years ago
    My KJV Bible does not mention the name Jehovah once in the New Testament and only 4 times in the Old Testament. Why is that?

    As the letter "J" was not invented until the 16th century why does your church translate YHWH as Jehovah and how can you be sure how the name should be pronounced and does it matter as different languages use different spelling and pronunciation?

    Are you aware that the name given by an angel to his mother, Mary, for her son was Yeshua?
  • Lois on Psalms 23 - 3 years ago
    What does the sentence of, "God will rebuke the enemies," what does rebuke mean?
  • Chelsea - 3 years ago
    This isn't so much a Bible question but a question of how God would want me to handle a situation. I am a new Christian so not well versed in finding answers. My husband is happy with our only child and I thought I was too but now I can't help but want another baby even though we are both in the older range for having a baby me being 34 and him 48 and with covid a big concern for us especially since I would need a c section and all the risk of visiting a hospital weekly. I understand and agree whole heartedly with why we shouldn't but my desire is not going away. I have not mentioned it to my husband and have no plans to but I don't know how to get rid of the overwhelming desire to have another baby.
  • Warren - 3 years ago

    Don't raise your eye. Make no mistake, this planet is hell on earth, our minds become caged in with Satan precision. Seeing that the next age doesn't have drought and destruction, it's more as though we become nothing but ash and dust with no feelings, no more tears to cry, no more thoughts to think. My soul goes back to God, so why would I care about anything else? End of discussion.

    It was me last year who persuaded you to stay, and now I would persuade you to go. It's not easy banging your heart against someone's ideological wall.
  • GiGi on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    I must apologize to readers. When I began reading Genesis about one month ago, I was new to this site and such a forum as this. So, after reading the chapters, I would read what has been said in discussion, and then write what I get out of the chapter. I am not really writing to anyone but myself. It helps me remember and process information. I do hope that some may bring some answers to some of my "wonderings" as I often post questions that come to mind. I also hope that some will find something helpful in what I post.

    I know that I write at length. That is how my brain works to process thoughts. So, I apologize if some are irritated with this style. I don't mean to offend anyone.

    I started a journal on Genesis last week, so I have gone back to my posts to re read what I have written to jog my memory. These posts are helping me in this review. I am not very tech savvy, so this is the best way I know how to do this. So, please bear with me as I take this trip into Genesis. Ignore me if you wish. I certainly don't mind if anyone does that.

    Just thought to go back to Genesis 1 and add this for anyone who may start there and wonder, "Who is this GiGi"?

    I am just and old believer who is looking to be refreshed by God's Word. I ad no idea this site had a discussion forum when I first searched for it. The discussion forum was not why I came here, but God knows what I need and led me here.
  • GiGi on Genesis 38 - 3 years ago
    ... Onan robbed God of the opportunity to create a new life from this intimate act. If Onan had not engaged in intimacy at all, he would have disobeyed is father and the custom, but he would not have robbed God. This is why some people believe that contraceptive relations(any intimate act that: does not deposit "seed" into the woman (coitus interruptus, condoms) and any intimate act that: deposits seed in the woman but actions are done to kill or hinder motility of seed by the use of drugs, plugs, jams, and jellies; or any action that causes an abortion (I.U.D. by preventing implantation); or any temporary or permanent action that causes sterility) is wrong since it's intent is to have the pleasure of intimacy but refusing God the opportunity to create a new life in any act of intimacy. This does not mean that every act of intimacy should be to conceive, as conception is not possible on every day of a woman's fertility cycle, nor that people who are infertile should not have intimacy with their spouses. It means that every act of intimacy should be left open for for conception to naturally occur as God wills. I know many will be upset by this explanation, but I feel that so many people do not understand why some people are opposed to contraception due to not having a thorough explanation of this viewpoint. That said, I am not saying that this is my view or that believers need to have this view. I simply suggest that believers consider how seriously God took Onan's actions and be prayerful of how they live out intimacy in their lives. God chose to bond together in one act multiple purposes: union/procreation/pleasure. Does man have a right to break these purposes apart at will just because we can? Normally, couples do not need to add anything to the way God designed the intimacy to cause fertility. But contraception, say opponents, involves an act against this design. I had to wrestle prayerfully with this in my life. May God lead each into his mindset and will.
  • GiGi again on Genesis 38 - 3 years ago
    ... moving on with the chapter. Judah's wife died. Tamar realized that Shelah was grown and had not been allowed to take her for a wife by Judah. (Judah was probably afraid to lose yet another son in this endeavor to produce heirs.) After mourning his wife's death, Judah went into town. Tamar heard that he had gone to town, so she removed her widow's clothing and put on the attire of a prostitute and went to town, too. She sat along the roadside (which must have been the common way for prostitute to advertise her availability.) Judah saw her and requested to have of her services. Funny how Tamar was expected to dress like a widow and stay out of town and Judah could just waltz right in.) Tamar had a plan and cleverly secured a some of Judah's personal affects to use as a pledge that he will pay her a goat for her services.

    Then she went back home and put on her widow's clothing. Tamar did not go to town because she wanted to be a prostitute. She went to town so Judah would chose to be intimate with her so she could produce an heir for her husbands from within the family. Both she and Judah were wrong to do this.

    After 3 months she began to show that she was pregnant. Everyone wanted to have her burned for immorality. But when she produced Judah's personal effects, he realized that he was the father of Tamar's child. So he fessed up and also admitted that it was wrong for him to not give Tamar to is son Shelah. It doesn't seem that he ever did. Tamar gives birth to twin sons. (what if she had a girl?) She must have lived as Judah's wife but they lived without having further intimate contact.

    This story is very "in your face" with the offenses done and many may be appalled by what happened. But it is a good illustration for us to understand how appallingly "in your face" our sins must be to God. It seems he included this story to teach us something about sin. That thoughts and actions, can be sinful. That acts of commission and omission can be sinful.
  • GiGi again on Genesis 38 - 3 years ago
    ... moving on with the chapter. Judah's wife died. Tamar realized that Shelah was grown and had not been allowed to take her for a wife by Judah. (Judah was probably afraid to lose yet another son in this endeavor to produce heirs.) After mourning his wife's death, Judah went into town. Tamar heard that he had gone to town, so she removed her widow's clothing and put on the attire of a prostitute and went to town, too. She sat along the roadside (which must have been the common way for prostitute to advertise her availability.) Judah saw her and requested to have sex wit her. Funny how Tamar was expected to dress like a widow and stay out of town and Judah could just waltz right in.) Tamar had a plan and cleverly secured a some of Judah's personal affects to use as a pledge that he will pay her a goat for her services.

    Then she went back home and put on her widow's clothing. Tamar did not go to town because she wanted to be a prostitute. She went to town so Judah would chose to engage in sex with her so she could produce an heir for her husbands from within the family. Both she and Judah were wrong to do this.

    After 3 months she began to show that she was pregnant. Everyone wanted to have her burned for sexual immorality. But when she Judah's personal effects, he realized that he. was the father of Tamar's child, so he fessed up and also admitted that it was wrong for him to not give Tamar to is son Shelah. It doesn't seem that he ever did. Tamar gives birth to twin sons. (what if she had a girl?) She must have lived as Judah's wife but they lived without having further sexual contact.

    This story is very "in your face" with the offenses done and many may be appalled by what happened. But it is a good illustration for us to understand how appallingly "in your face" our sins must be to God. It seems he included this story to teach us something about sin. That thoughts and actions, can be sinful. That acts of commission and omission can be sinful.
  • GiGi on Genesis 37 - 3 years ago
    Here again we have a parent showing favoritism to one child over another. This time it was Jacob favoring Joseph, his 11th son. Hadn't Jacob learned anything from growing up with his mother favoring him and his father favoring Esau? surely e knew what it was like to favored and not favored. But, Joseph was Rachel's child and she was favored by Jacob over his other wives.

    Joseph was 17 in this chapter. So, for 17 years, his brother had witnessed how their father favored and pampered Joseph. He did not work in the fields with his brothers, even though he was old enough to do so. He was given finer clothing than them. Their father allowed Joseph to snitch on his brothers. Was Jacob aware of how damaging this favoring was to his other sons? I am the fourth of ten children in my family. Growing up we did have discussions and arguments about who was favored by my parents. They tried not to favor any of us, but they made comments that led to us thinking some were more of a "golden child" than others. But we never hated our siblings.

    Joseph was given dreams from God. I don't think Joseph really knew quite how to handle these dreams and so wanted to tell others to find some answers, perhaps. Maybe he did want to lord it over his brothers a bit. He was not perfect.

    Telling his brothers ended up being for the good because, in time, they all would be reminded of these dreams from many years past when in Egypt. I wonder if the multiple colors of the coat was significant. Any help on this?

    Perhaps it was just that it was considered expensive, extravagant, or time consuming to dye so many different colors before spinning into threads to create the coat.

    His brothers were jealous of Joseph and hated him. They commiserated together over this while working in the fields. They were old enough to have married and began families of their own by this time. Jacob sending Joseph out to see how the work was going was not welcome, since he often would bring back a bad report about them.
  • Jonijo on 2 Peter 2 - 3 years ago
    2 Peter 2:20?

    What does this mean?
  • Cheryl on Revelation 20 - 3 years ago
    What kjv publisher is true to 1611?

    I have 'kjv authorized 1611' published by Holman.... Very concerned if its not *accurate *.... How can I possibly know which publisher!?

    Google search bring up SO many articles! Can't read them all

    Who to trust & how can ever know??

    One article said Cambridge pub best?

    Help! Thx
  • CHARITY Means LOVE in the original Language - 3 years ago
    1 Corinthians 13

    1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not LOVE, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

    2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not LOVE, I am nothing.

    3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not LOVE, it profiteth me nothing.

    4 LOVE suffers long, and is kind; LOVE envieth not; LOVE vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

    5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

    6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the TRUTH;

    7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

    8 LOVE never fails, but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

    9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

    10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away,

    11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

    12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known;

    13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is LOVE

    Mishael: we are following Jesus. When His Love is perfected in Us, we become more like Him. We don't strive. We teach patiently. Pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus to us in a way that helps us to see ourselves in that mirror. Looking into it___we see less of us, and more of Jesus. Perfection of Love, within us. It frees us in a way that is almost indescribable. Acceptance in the BELOVED.

    He loves & accepts__now, then, and in between.

  • J Parker on Genesis 2 - 3 years ago
    The people created in Gods image to replenish the earth were whom?

    They were not Adam or Eve who were living souls and who were told to replenish the earth after they were removed from the garden.

    Confusion, on my part, please explain
  • Billy benson - 3 years ago
    Is it gods wishes that all man and wemon can mix races with gods appovial for all?
  • Shirley - 3 years ago
    How does the sacrifices made with the lamb, goat wine and flour for the Lord during the festivals relate to today
  • Harley - 3 years ago
    Thank Hod for the bible and His ability to teach us , listening to your commentaries, I wonder how you people are so far off the mark ?

    Never the less keep reading and seeking the truth , remember God is merciful and we all need it .

    Beware lest any man deceive you Jesus said Great advice for today don't you think so ?
  • Dgjot on Jude 1 - 3 years ago
    Re: Jude 1:9 Where in the Old Testament does it mention the dispute between Michael the archangel and the devil??? I don't know where to find it.

    Thank You.
  • Kent Bass - 3 years ago
    Praise Yah Divine. When your friends and family forsake you, Yah will take you up! He will give his angels charge over you concerning his ways. He will strengthen you. Thank you for your testimony. God Bless!
  • Antonio James on Titus 3 - 3 years ago
    who are the disciples of today
  • Joel Beard - 3 years ago
    Doesn't the bible state that our body is s vessel?
  • Tim - 3 years ago
    Who heard God talking during the first five days of creating life on earth for humans? There was no human present to hear God say anything. The sixth day is when humans had ears to hear. Of course, prior to a new life in human form on Earth would somehow need to be explained and proven. A life that coincides with another life of an image form presence prior to this human lifetime.
  • Trudy - 3 years ago
    Who was the goddess Diana?

    Did she wear pants and preach ?
  • Glenn - 3 years ago
    We have many denominations,. Many different opinions,.. many types of interpretations,.. BUT , only one GOD ,. Our Heavenly Father, who is your ( our ) closest relative,.. Christianity is not a religion, it's a reality,.. may you find peace an understanding

  • Inquiring - 3 years ago
    What do you call a female heritic? Are we that far gone ?
  • Gaylin on Daniel 11 - 3 years ago

    Is the king of the North satan coming as a whirlwind to impersonate the coming of Jesus and the king of the South representing atheism or some other type of false god worship?

    I believe the king of the South references Egypt and pharaoh's statement " I don't know God".

    In the end, all none Jesus believers will be converted to "Christianity" by the miracles of satan's impersonating the return of Jesus.
  • Seriously - 3 years ago
    How has feminism which is unbiblical destroyed Christianity?

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