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Bible Questions Page 154

  • Kent Bass - 3 years ago
    Albert Greendige, praise Yahweh for giving you a second mom. God is good, all the time. Great testimony. Stay strong!
  • Billy Stanley - 3 years ago
    This is man trying to play God and find their own salvation, to live forever without God. They hate God's nature plan and try to pervert anyway they can. They use his symbols and mock them for their own lusts. It is getting near Sodom and Gomorrah each day, it will not top unless you have the seal of God in you mind, then deliver up before the Synagogue of satan. Philadelphia and Smyrna are the only two churches who taught this, Christ approved. The other five Christ did not approve, thus with your denominations today, all teach different and not what Philadelphia and Smyrna taught. What does you church teach? If it is not what Christ approved, you're not in his favor, like the five churches. Man attempt at his own salvation by using fetal tissues and organs, sacrificing , and looking to satan for eternal life. we know that people can jab, tattoo , mark you, but that will not change ones heart, and God is heart knower ( Acts 2:17

    "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:") The Mark of the Beast is the belief that the tribulation (Failing Away) will happen after Christ return, ie, the rapture. Eve though is clearly states that shall not happen until, until what? ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"). Its say says that satan will look like Christ ( Revelation 13:11"And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.) God allow satan to appear as Christ, to fool those who read over Gods word. ( 2 Corinthians 11:14"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.")God warn of those teaching raptue, Ezekiel 13:20
  • Billy Stanley - 3 years ago
    This is man trying to play God and find their own salvation, to live forever without God. They hate God's nature plan and try to pervert anyway they can. They use hiss symbols and muck them for their own lusts. It getting near Sodom and Gomorrah each day, it will not top unless you have the seal of God in you mind, then deliver up before the Synagogue of satan. Philadelphia and Smyrna are the only two churches who taught this, Christ approved. The other five Christ did not approve, thus with your denominations today, all teach different and not what Philadelphia and Smyrna taught. What does you church teach?
  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} watered-down Doctrine? on 1 Corinthians 4 - 3 years ago
    Ephesians 4:5 ...ONE Baptism... Precious friends, why is that God's 'Sound' Doctrine, Today, Under God's Amazing GRACE, is being 'Changed' Into TWO baptismS? I believe "God is Not the author of All of the following 'Confusion/Division'" 1 Corinthians 14:33 over water baptism - 10 'Different' kinds of 'traditions' in religious denominations - and the question for "TWO baptismS 'water' adherents" is, which of the following do you Sincerely believe is God's reason you should 'practice this tradition' today, Under GRACE?:

    1) believe AND be baptized {i.e. immersion to contact their Christ's blood}?

    2) immersion with a symbolic interpretation?

    3) immersion ONCE in the "name of Jesus?

    4) immersion THRICE in the "name of the Triune Godhead?

    5) immersion {whether once or thrice} for "membership" in their traditional assembly?

    6) sprinkling water on babies inducting them into religion washing away their original sin?

    7) sprinkling water on babies inducting them into some covenant?

    8) sprinkling water on babies inducting them into their parent's custody that they promise to raise them right? {into Mass Confusion?}

    9) sprinkling water on babies, admitting that their ritual is UNscriptural, but "we do it anyway, because it is OUR tradition!"?

    10) pouring water onto babies or adults for Whatever traditional reason religion "can come up with"?

    Precious friends, to date no one has shown Plainly And Clearly, From Scriptures, which one

    of these traditions God Commands for those of us who believe in The BLOOD And The Resurrection of The LORD JESUS CHRIST!

    Would not this 'Confusion' be from the enemy, and "Not from God" 1 Corinthians 14:33 ?

    Why are very few 'interested' in "studying This Issue Rightly Divided" in order to find The Real Truth From God's HOLY Word?

    Thus, I believe and have spoken - I was once a 'proud denominationalist' but God Caused me to repent, When He Led me to HIS Truth.

    ONE Baptism: Link
  • LuAnn - 3 years ago
    What does "bitter belly" mean
  • Vincent P. Colandrea Sr. on Hosea 3 - 3 years ago
    Hosea 3:1 Then said the LORD unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the LORD toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine.

    Does this mean a man & a women that are both widowed and in there 70's & 80's that wish to have a sexual relationship would be called adulteress unless they get married?
  • Laverne Barber - 3 years ago
    please explain Collosians 3:15
  • Kent Bass - 3 years ago
    Amen Cassundra Renee, We should be thankful every morning when we open our eyes that the Lord sustained us that night into the morning, that we have the functions of our body, the bed we are sleeping in, the clothes in our closet, the food in our kitchen, the roof over our head, our loved ones, our car, job etc... Yahweh is GOOD!
  • English Sacha - 3 years ago
    Hello every and any one . I believe that there is some distinction to be made between what God says to a specific person at a specific time and what God says to us , individually here and now e.g. God tells Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply . I have had sisters in Christ look down their noses at me and think very much less of me because I haven't had children . Some of them seem to think that that is what a woman must do , as if God said it to all women and not just to Adam and Eve . Also , when God said : let us make man in our image , was He just talking about Adam , the first Adam , the one from the dust who didn't have a belly button or , was He talking about Jesus , the second Adam ? Or was He talking about us , redeemed and ressurected through Christ our Saviour ? Is this : making man in our image , an on going process that will only be completed when Christ turns the Kingdom over to his Father and God is All in All ? Would like to hear what you think please .
  • Micheline Briggs on Galatians 2 - 3 years ago
    What is the name they call if a jew believes in jesus christ
  • Reading verse by verse - 3 years ago
    Hebrews 12.14

    Follow peace with all men , and holiness , without which no man shall see the Lord ; looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God ; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you , and thereby many be defiled .

    The key word is " holiness " we can not compromise peace with men by there sin even false doctrines . If we do it's down hill and out of touch with God until repented of .

    Read the seven churches in revelation and see what compromises do . The Lord calls them to repent .

    Here is a question do we except errors and sin by others ? We can be at peace with all men but not at the expense of holiness. Love is faithful to the truth and rejoiceth not with sin or error
  • Seeking on Hebrews 12 - 3 years ago
    Hebrews 12.2

    Why did Jesus sit down at the right hand of God and not sit on Gods throne ?

    Stephen say Jesus at the right hand of God in Acts as well .

    The conclusion must be there is only one God sitting on His throne .

    Jesus is sitting by him at his right hand , not at all the same thing .

    Jesus certainly is the Son of God sent to be the Christ or messiah , by God sitting on the throne .
  • English Sacha - 3 years ago
    Hi Rick , please never worry about offending me , I'm English ! This means I have two things , a very thick skin and a good sense of humour , have you seen any monty python ? No worries , I also don't mind being corrected when I'm in the wrong . I've made loads of jokes on here but they have all so far fallen on stoney ground . I shan't give up though , neither should you , much love in Christ .
  • Jos L Ortiz on John 8 - 3 years ago
    The King James and others interpreted Malachi 1:11 in the future trend. The correct interpretation is on the present trend. Who then is God referring to? Who is worshipping properly, accepted by God, in contrast with the Jews of that time?
  • Peter cox - 3 years ago
    The Bible say in John 4:24 that God is a Spirit. And in psalm 104:4 God maketh his angels spirits. If the only begotten Son of God is in heaven now at the right hand of the father. Then can anybody show with scripture what is the nature of the only begotten Son of God in heaven now with his father.
  • Called Israel - 3 years ago
    Daniel 7 & 8 little horn are one & the same in Binyamin Netanyahu who when he came to 1st office ;5 were fallen[dead], one is -Shamir d.2014., one to come & did as caretaker king on the fatal wound of the 7th head-Rabin ,then as Pres .Perez. ...also like leopard -native born Palestine ,different to ALL before..feet like bear -parents from Lithuania one of the ribs torn out of bear, speaks like lion - arrogantly bellows Hebrew & English- lion languages.

    N.B **** These are the seven' mountains' on which the Harlot sits; Zion,Moriah, Ophel,Bezeth, Cared, Acre & sacred bloodied Golgotha...........He [antiChrist]]-supplanter] will magnify himself equal to the 'Commander of the Host' - Jesus Christ- Who is Matthew 27;37- 'king of the Jews'. So is there one man of sin who has made himself a modern 11th king[Prime Minister]. & 8th head [ male; of Government 7th head fatally wounded-Rabin]. ....The answer is YES ! Does he fulfill ALL Prophecy ....YES ! ...Sadly you do not understand as you have NO Prophetical Insight !.....please read on as HE has given me some....

    Daniel 2; The feet & ten toes the divided kingdom under Rome from which the stone -Jesus Christ- is cut is Judah to the South & Israel to the North -both scattered in the Diaspora 70a.d -135a.d. It had ten toe foundation as only 10 of old Israel's sons took up land in the Promised Land. Joseph died on the journey his family settled with Benjamin's & Levi took none settling with ALL as Rabbis. They were part Rome & Jewish -St Paul the example...Jesus was not cut from the divided Roman kingdom as it did not exist.... The modern king/ horn / man of sin also magnified himself by changing his surname to make himself WHAT Jesus Is by name definition ; 'the right hand son '-Hebrew.: Binyamin & 'God's Gift' -Heb. Netanyahu .[was Mielekowsky -from out of the sky?-Deuteronomy fallen angel. This new name adds to 666 in old Hebrew Gemtria ......

    If I have peaked your interest please read more of what the LORD's sp
  • Arthur grubbs - 3 years ago
    Aside from the rich man that asked Abraham if he could go down and witness to his five brothers, are there any other instances of those that have gone before us and wanted to communicate or visit us?
  • Sarah Campanella on 1 Samuel 18 - 3 years ago
    How is it possible to sacrifice 1000 bulls at the temple by Solomon?
  • Kent Bass - 3 years ago
    Amen, Yah bless you Faustino Wilson. I am glad Yah has turned things around for you. Yah says to wait on The Lord. I say wait, wait upon The Lord.
  • Clara D Cartwright - 3 years ago
    Explain the 7th plague of the tabernacle of the 10 commandments
  • Edna on John 6:53 - 3 years ago
    Why were the disciples offended to the point of abandoning Jesus when he said "eat my flesh and drink my blood" ,if it was only a symbol? When Jesus says it again he says it more strongly not less. He doesn't say it's a symbol. He says "Eat/gnaw on my flesh". Seems like the Jews/disciples were completely grossed out and scandalized and though they had seen all Jesus's miracles ,chose to abandon him.
  • Philip Christian Parks on Numbers 21 - 3 years ago
    Re. Numbers 21:6 = And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.

    The descriptive word "fiery" implies these "serpents" were far more sinister than the common venomous snake indigenous to the area. These were very out-of-the-ordinary serpents indeed.

    Did The LORD especially prepare these "fiery serpents", much like when HE caused the "great fish" to swallow Jonah? Both events describe The LORD's punitive discipline.

    Of note, the great fish did not swallow Jonah out of mere opportunity simply because it was in Jonah's immediate proximity. Rather, "The LORD prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah" ( Jon. 1:17). The "great fish" and Jonah were put there together by DIVINE Appointment because GOD put them there in precisely the same vicinity, and at precisely the same time.

    In like manner, these "fiery serpents" did not invade the camp of the Israelites by happenstance of their own accord, for "The LORD sent [them] among the people" (v.6).

    If the word "fiery" qualifies the bite of these serpents as exceedingly severe beyond the norm, then these were out-of-the-ordinary serpents indeed. This implies these serpents were not of the type the Israelites would have ordinarily encountered during their trek across the wilderness.

    Moreover, the "fiery serpent of brass" which Moses manufactured and erected upon a pole (v.8) more likely represented their fiery visual appearance rather than the severity of their bite.
  • Alex N - 3 years ago
    The early Church began to fragment as Paul said i hear there is divisions among you . lie not to one another . And Micah 5 says he will give them Up Till SHE that is in travail has given birth which is the woman in travail and birth Pains in Rev 12 : 5 kjv. AFTER THE BOOK IS OPENED Then the remnant of his brethren shall return to the Children of Israel . Have not i told ya a zillion times that Elijah has to come and turn the hearts of the Fathers to the Children ( what Children ? ( the babes and the sucklings Jesus wd mentions at times ) Remember Isaiah 11 speaks of the babes and the sucklings in his Holy Mountain @ his 2 nd coming thats when the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters that cover the seas @ the 2 nd coming. Jesus made it very plain when he said I am the light of the world but the nite comes when noman can work. There has been a 2000 yr intermission, of darkness spritually speaking and the day of the Lord can not come till there 1st come a great falling away. As David said lover and friend has thou put far from me and my aquaintence into Darkness . Just like there was a 2 day intermission in his life there is also a 2 day intermission in his death Are not the 2000 swine that were lost symbolic of a 2000 yrs lost in the river of time . Rivers are like Times gone by ,Times present and times to come . But Paul said after my death shall grivious wolves enter there in not sparing the FLOCK.
  • Frances Anderson on Psalms 91 - 3 years ago
    Who are the 144,000 saints in revelation?
  • Jane Zammit on Mark 13:18 - 3 years ago
    A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. 12 The demons begged Jesus, "Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them." 13 He gave them permission, and the impure spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.

    I cannot understand this verse. If the demons are spirits; how can they drown by just entering the pigs?
  • ROSE DENMAN - 3 years ago
    Is Man a God
  • Don Swaringen on Genesis 8 - 3 years ago
    how long did it take to build Noah's ark?
  • Joy - 3 years ago
    Can you be a Christian and live for the Lord while living with your boyfriend and not being married?
  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} water baptism? - 3 years ago
    Precious friend, Adam: Is water baptism for us today, Under GRACE? You say about us who 'found an answer of NO,' According To The Scriptures:

    "Finally, there's always someone trying to discredit baptism as if they have a force telling them its bad or as if they're afraid of it, or have some kind of personal animosity against it, or fear of public embarrassment? I think this reaction to a direct instruction from Jesus is a noteworthy reaction in itself.

    Acts 2:38 - this verse is all I need to see in the Bible. People can use lots of words, can twist things, can use unlimited anecdotes, but none of it matters, because I read Acts 2:38

    and I know exactly what it says and since I'm serious about following Jesus I was baptized."

    Kind of an unfair statement, is it not, about those of us saved by GRACE Through faith?

    1) Which rule of hermeneutics says to build God's Sound Doctrine on 'ONLY one verse'?

    2) I believe Scripture says The Holy Spirit is our Blessed Teacher, not 'some force telling us it bad'.

    3) We are not 'afraid of it, or have any animosity toward it' IF God Commands it to be practiced today, Under GRACE.

    4) IF we studied ALL THIRTEEN Bible baptisms, prayerfully and Carefully, According To all of God's Bible "study" Rules: Link

    how is it that we 'Cannot Conclude' That God ONLY 'Has ONE (Spiritual) Baptism' Today, Under GRACE, as per Ephesians 4:5, or should we 'practice Bad Math' and ADD water, men saying TWO, When God Says 'ONE'?

    IF This ONE 'Spiritual' Baptism 1 Corinthians 12:13 Is God's OPERATION, THEN why is it not

    Scriptural To 'believe' "God Says There is 'NO' water baptism" Today, Under HIS Pure GRACE?

    We have Several More Questions for water adherents today, IF they wish to lovingly dialogue with us...

    Please, Precious friends, Be Richly Encouraged In God's Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided 2 Timothy 2:15 = Ends All 'Confusion'?

    Grace, Peace, Mercy, And Love...
  • Timothy Powers - 3 years ago
    What is the best scripture in the bible about breaking addiction?

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