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Bible Questions Page 161

  • GiGiMn on Genesis 6 - 3 years ago
    This chapter has so many ideas in it. Hard to know where to start. Having read most comments I will try to keep to the text as much as possible without going down too many "rabbit holes" knowing that many can be "snake holes" instead.

    This chapter describes the deep and widespread wickedness of mankind in the times before the flood. God says that every intent of man's heart was wicked. Taking this saying literally, it would state that every person but Noah and Enoch in that time were wholly corrupted. I don't know if that was true of Lamech, Methuselah, Jared, Mahalalel, Cainan, Enosh, Seth or Adam between the time of Adam-Noah's 500th year. These persons are spoken of as preachers of righteousness or patriarchs. It say that Noah alone was a just man and perfect in his day. So what does it say about these other patriarchs who were alive during Noah's lifetime or say, 500 years before he was born? So what transpired to bring this state about in mankind?

    Many say that Noah was a godly man and that he descended from these patriarchs who did not intermarry with Cain's progeny. I lean towards this view, but can't be definitive about it from the text.

    In the comment section there is much discussion concerning the identification of the sons of god and daughters of men.

    I was taught as a child that the sons of god where fallen angels and the daughters of men were just that. But I have also heard teaching that says they were the sons of the godly line of Seth and the daughters of men were the daughters of Cain's line. I really don't know as there seems to be some biblical support for both theories. Extra biblical sources elaborate on this subject, some being from a very long time ago in the early church or Book of Enoch, Book of Jasher, and Book of Jubilees. I have read many sections in these extra-biblical books. Like a lot of Judaic rabbinical writings, I take a cautious view of such literature because of the multitude of errors taught in such writings. See more.....
  • Renee Ellis on Psalms 3 - 3 years ago
    Can you teach me the Bible so I understand what it's saying ?
  • GiGi on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    The text does not list any descendants for Abel. It can be assumed that he did not have any children. Cain's lineage is listed in Chapter 4, set apart from Adam's and Seth's. I deduce that Cain continued to wander away from God over the course of his life, becoming more and more debased over time. But he was not alone, his progeny also promoted the widespread wickedness in the world in Cain's lifetime and this same wickedness took root in the lineage of Seth as well. Both lineages became corrupted. Idolatry did not have it's beginnings after the flood with the likes of Nimrod. No, it was practiced before the flood, too, on a grand scale. It grieved God deeply. How sad for Him.

    As God, he could have chosen to be completely unaffected by His creation. He is totally self-sufficient and totally satisfied within the Godhead. He does not have any needs that He cannot fulfill within His Godhead. Yet He chose to be involved with His creation, to have compassion on us, to be grieved by us, to share His life with us. What a wonderful God He is. He chose to condescend Himself to be intimate with us, to know us and have us know Him. A large portion of Christians have a lower viewpoint of God than they ought. Understanding that we can only know God in His humanity in Christ meeting our humanity, He is still higher than the highest of possibilities. Makes me love and appreciate Him more knowing how he bent low to touch me, to choose me even before I was born, having called me from the womb. I honestly cannot remember a time when I did not believe in Him. But having walked with Him all my life, getting to know Him more and more through Scripture, worship, fellowship with believers, I learn more and more how Great He is and how great His love for me is. I'm humbled and grateful. Why me? From infancy? God is not a respecter of persons. He has a redemptive plan for us and He fit me into it according to His wisdom and grace. Certainly didn't earn it as an infant by good works.
  • GiGi on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    Hello again,

    So many good comments on this chapter's thread! This chapter is an account of the generations from Adam to Noah (up to the generation of the flood). It starts off with restating the creation of mankind (Adam) and emphasizing that mankind was made in the image of God. Boy, volumes have been written about what the image of God means and was in mankind. it is common thought that the image of God is in each and every person that existed from Adam until the last person God's wishes to be born on earth is born. It never exited the make-up of mankind. There are many theories about what constitutes the image of God. it is a good topic of research and I encourage pursuing such research. I don't wish to speak more to this topic at this time.

    Many people commented about whether Adam and Eve were created immortal or were mortal but perfect, needing to eat from the tree of life to continue living. My thought is that the tree of life was there for a good and beneficial reason.

    I think that Adam and Eve were created as mortal beings, certainly "above" what we presently are, but in need of God's life-sustaining help. They had that help in the garden before they sinned, but after, the tree of life was made inaccessible to them. Did they need to eat of the tree of life one time to be immortal or daily? Did they ever eat from the tree of life? Don't know. I think that the presence of both trees presented a choice for Adam and Eve. They could choose to eat from the tree of life or the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but not from both. They chose foolishly because they believed the deceiver instead of God, a deadly choice.

    Interesting how it says that Seth was begotten after Adam's image, not God's. I concur that this was stated because Adam was created directly by God (a son of God), but Cain/Abel/Seth were begotten after Adam's image through sexual relations between Adam and Eve, not directly by God. The image of God was passed on through human reproduction.
  • Berean on Luke 9 - 3 years ago
    Luke 9.35

    That voice from heaven must be God speaking about Jesus ! No ? or Yes ? thanks a million
  • GiGi on Genesis 4 - 3 years ago
    In so many comments, it seems that some get far off of topic and away from the text being studied. I understand the desire to share what one feels should be put forth in these comments. I must say that I appreciate the comments that address the text being studied the most. I try to keep in mind whom my audience might be when I write, wishing to build up, encourage, and edify. I realize I have been walking with the Lord all of my life (65 yrs) and have been studying the Bible since I could read it for myself at age 9. The Spirit has been so good to me over the years in my private studies, but I also have been helped by learning from what others tell me or write about Scriptures and doctrines. I try to imagine that there may be a new believer/reader of/scripture reading these comments. I especially hope that my writings can help these brethren. Just a thought.

    To close out chapter 4, it was in the first city/cities that tradesmen began to work with metals, build structures, develop artistic talents such as music, and to farm with livestock (did the continue to be vegetarians if they had livestock?).

    It seems that when mankind began to gather in large groups, advancements in civilization happened quickly. Here in Enoch, the tenth generation of mankind was already smeltering and forging metals. What other advancements might they have learned to do by this time? By the time of the flood, advanced structures were probably built around the world, perhaps pyramid or ziggarut type of structures that would take a large number of people to participate in the building and a long period of time to complete. Some say that the pre-flood civilization was even more advance than where we are today, considering what has been accomplished in the past 1500 years. I don't know about that. That would mean space travel and I don't see any evidence in Scripture that talks about that. Even so, think about the pre-flood knowledge used to build cities right after the flood. Lot's of skills.
  • Kathleen Thornburgh on John 10 - 3 years ago
    Could it be that the Gospel of John was actually written by Lazarus? I truly believe it was he that was the beloved of the LORD.
  • GiGi on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    Next, I want to comment about what God said to the serpent. I am so glad that God made it clear to Adam and Eve that this flashy, fancy-dancy serpent is not a friend of God or mankind. He let them know that the devil is our enemy and should never be trusted. God let Adam and Eve know that the devil answers to God, not the other way around and that God is more powerful and has more authority than the devil. Those are excellent things to know! God could have spoken to Adam and Eve without the serpent being present and visa-versa. But God wanted both parties to hear what he had to say and what judgements He pronounced for each party. There was so much for Adam and Eve to learn about both God and the devil. It was truly good for them to learn this right away after their first sin of disobedience.

    I have always been touched by the story of Joseph and how after it was coming to fruition, Joseph said that what was intended to him for evil, God turned into good to him (paraphrase). Isn't that what happened here in Eden, too? I think this is part of the reason God put so much information in the Bible about certain people and the right and wrong they did in order for those people and us can learn about how He works all things for good to those who love Him and are called by His purpose. ( Romans 8:28) He loves us and nothing can separate us from His love!

    Lastly, I have often thought how amazing the cherubim and sword must have looked that guarded the entrance to Eden. Adam and Eve must have been amazed by its beauty and also a bit terrified at the same time. Can we even imagine the outstanding, extraordinariness of heavenly creatures! They rightly put Satan and all fallen angels to shame! No wonder the prophets had such strong physical reactions to the visions God brought to them. Our flesh can barely stand the holy. Not even Moses was allowed to see God's face on Sinai, but He did experience God's glory. Wow! Life changing!
  • GiGi on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    So much to consider in this chapter!

    I have often wondered how many days had Adam and Eve walked in the Garden with the Lord? was it just a few times or long enough for Adam and Eve to develop a relationship with God that was precious to them. Did they look forward to this meeting each day and talk to each other about the last morning or evening's meeting with the Lord? Did their hearts burn within them as was the case with the disciples on the road to Emmaus after Jesus was resurrected? How blissful this must have been! What did God speak to them when they met with Him in the garden in the cool of the day? How much did they know about God's perfections through these meetings?

    Lot's of questions that the text does not give us answers to, so we have to accept that we do not know.

    Even so, those who think God is a far off God, these meetings show that He desired close fellowship with us from the very beginning. Through Jesus we have a way to have fellowship with our great God anytime we wish. What a privilege we do not deserve!

    God could have cursed Adam and Eve so much more than what He did. They experienced His mercy instead of wrath. Being expelled from the garden and not able to return must have been heartbreaking. Yet, they would discover that the world God made is still extraordinarily beautiful, but not as pristine as the garden. What grace!

    Adam was made to labor in the major task God had designed for him. Work the land to provide sustenance. Eve was made to labor in the major task God had designed for her, to give birth to living humans to nurture. Perhaps in God's mercy and wisdom, He gave such curses to teach mankind to value what they labor to produce for the good of their family. I am not talking about loving material things, but enjoying the fruits of your own labors, whether humble or grand, being thankful to God for not having the laboring be detrimental, but helpful and healthy as well as being grateful to what these labors produce.
  • GiGi on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    As I continue to read in chapter 3, I ponder the nakedness of Adam and Eve. Was it the exposure of their private parts that made them ashamed or was it the loss of shining light of holiness that made them notice that they now looked different? Was knowing that they had lost the shining light of holiness cause them to realize that they had broken fellowship with God and were ashamed for God to see them diminished (as they may have viewed it since they did not know before this what sin was)? Some say their bodies were translucent and glowed with holy light. Maybe. I think there definitely was a change in their appearance to each other. They knew something had changed and not for the good. There is nothing wrong with being naked, but there is something wrong with losing one's holiness. They would have noticed this.

    So glad that God sought them out as they hid from Him. he knew exactly where they were and what had happened. He gave them an opportunity to come "clean" with Him. They had tried to cover their sin by fig leaves. He had to ask them "Who told you you were naked?"

    They immediately began the blame game, not taking responsibility for their individual choices.

    I don't think they understood the depth of what they lost in their disobedience, they did know that their disobedience changed them in a negative way. They didn't even know what death was yet. They would eventually see what it is when Cain kills Abel and Abel is not with them anymore, no longer alive. Perhaps going through all of this and receiving mercy from God may have made Adam and Eve more adamant about believing in God and preaching about Him for 900+ years. Cain and Abel learned something about sacrificing to God from them.

    Adam and Eve alone knew what it meant to lose holy perfection. No one else in all of mankind ever experiences this. Thus the lesson for them and all of us to seek God and His righteousness. Here at the very beginning, God allows this so that no man can boast but in Christ Jesus!
  • GiGi on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    I lean towards a "Gap" theory understanding between Genesis 1:1-1:3. If this happens to be true and there was a "world" or "era" prior to the six days of creation, we cannot know what that may have been like, especially spiritually. Fossil records and archeological discoveries may shed light on some of the physical matter, cultural, geological, and biological, aspects of time before the Genesis creation beginning in Ch.1:3. Will be interesting to see what God allows us to find out.

    There is nothing to limit God from having designed an era prior to our present, (or multiple). We may not discover His purpose or salvic plan for these era(s) this side of heaven. After 65 years of life on this planet, all of which were lived as a member of Christ's church, I hadn't really felt much of a desire to delve into this subject. But last January, I felt that the Spirit was drawing me investigate. The internet has been very helpful as I studied with Bible in hand. It has been a fruitful study, making me prayerfully think in depth about so many things written in these first chapters of Genesis. Things I keep in mind as I study these topics are, How important is it that I fully understand this?" "Will it edify me or others? "Does this thinking add to my understanding of who my God is and how He has saved me? "Is it simply interesting to consider, but not something I need to spend a lot of time trying to figure out or share with others?"

    So, I approach beginning in Genesis once again as a faith journey on which I can learn from the Holy Spirit and also improve my readiness to give an answer to those who ask me about the hope I have in God. I am thankful for all of the input others have added to the comment section. Having come from a very traditional church background for the first 20 years of my life as well as many years in various denominations since then, I am thankful to have had the fullness of the journey God has walked with me all of these years. I pray to stay true.
  • GiGi on Genesis 12 - 3 years ago
    Thank you Jesus!

    I reviewed all of the comments in this section and they prompted a few thoughts I'd like to share.

    Abraham traveled from Ur to Haran with his father Terah, brother Nahor, nephew Lot, niece Milkah, half-sister/wife Sarah, and servants.

    He left his father and brother and their families in Haran and headed to the land God was leading him to. God said to leave his kin and go. I think he took everyone God wanted him to take with him. There is nothing in the text that states that Lot should not have gone with him. He was probably Lot's custodial parent after Haran's death, so Lot was a member of his immediate family.

    Interesting how Abraham set up his altar in Bethel. Was this the same place that Jacob wrestled with God, perhaps?

    Yet he still traveled south from there. Perhaps he needed to "wander" some to graze his flocks and, perhaps, God hadn't told him to set up a permanent camp/residence yet. It seems there were other events that needed to happen first. I don't know if he had ever been to Egypt before. God felt that Abraham needed to experience Egypt before he takes possession of the promised land area. Maybe the leaders of Egypt needed to know who Abraham was and about the God of Abraham. Everything was going along according to God's plan and Abraham was obedient.

    It is interesting that Abraham went up a hill or mountain to offer sacrifices. In previous times inn Shinar, under Nimrod, people preferred to live in the plain and build their own "mountains" to worship their idols. Something to think about. The altars of the Israelites cut not be of cut stones (man-designed) and they did not build temples with images of their God enshrined on top of these like the pagans. God does not want our place of worship to be man-made or idolaterous. (sp?). Thus, we are his Temple and He lives in us as a Spirit. Can't make an idol of that, can we! God made us, formed us in our mother's womb. We are his dwelling place, all God created!
  • GiGi on Genesis 13 - 3 years ago
    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

    I have read all of the comments in this section and found the ones concerning Lot interesting. I have always thought that Lot went with Abraham perhaps because as Lot's uncle, Abraham may have had an obligation, by custom, to take in his nephew and raise him in his household. I do not know how old Lot was when his father, Haran, died, but I have always thought that he was very young and needed a guardian and, by custom, stayed in the household of his guardian even into adulthood. Also, being new to the land, they may have not known of the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah at that time, especially if they kept apart from the other Canaanite tribes around them. Does anyone know about the possibility of such customary obligations?
  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} various washings on Hebrews 9 - 3 years ago
    Hebrews 9:10

    Precious friends, since God is "not the author of Confusion" 1 Corinthians 14:33, Would He not "Have The Biblical Answer" to all The denominational Confusion {I found 10 'Different water baptismal traditions' today...}? Please Be Encouraged And Edified!

    Part 1

    {Borrowed from 12 baptisms "study"} ONE of Israel's various {divers} washings! Greek: Baptismos = Hebrews 9:10:

    4. Levitical priesthood baptism Exodus 29:4 Leviticus 8:6 Numbers 8:7. This washing was The Second Requirement { The First being: "NO blemish!" Leviticus 21:21 }, in order to become a priest under the Law of Moses! Is this baptism in any way connected To baptism # 9?:

    9. "water" baptism of repentance that John preached (Before The Cross), And Peter continued (After The Cross!), to preach! Matthew 3:5-6 Mark 1:4 Luke 3:3 John 1:31 Luke 7:29-30 Acts 10:37 Matthew 28:19 Mark 16:16 Acts 2:38 Acts 22:16 Ezekiel 36:25.

    a) Does this baptism "save" anyone Luke 7:29-30?

    b1) Is this baptism in any way "connected" to baptism # 4?

    b2) Wasn't John preparing National Israel for God's Promise For them "to be a nation of priests unto God" Exodus 19:6?

    b3) Was not The Second Requirement for priesthood induction, Washing? { may require re-review of baptism #4! }.

    b4) Did not CHRIST And The Twelve "heal" everyone in Israel who came to them, in order to meet "The FIRST Requirement" For the priesthood, that Of "NO blemish!"? Matthew 4:24 Acts 5:16 cp Leviticus 21:21

    Semi - conclusion? God {has Not 10 baptismS Today, but ONLY} ONE Baptism = Confusion SOLVED! And "PEACE {Not Confusion} In ALL the churches!" 1 Corinthians 14:33 Amen? Link

    More questions - to be continued in Part 2
  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} various washings on Hebrews 9 - 3 years ago
    Part 2 More baptism questions for today's water adherents:

    9. "water" baptism of repentance:

    c) Is this baptism "for today"? IF this baptism is For us Today, we have Several More Questions:

    c1) Why does No one Today, "teach, as John ( Under The LAW! ), Claimed": it is For "making CHRIST Manifest To Israel" John 1:31?

    c2) Why does {Almost} No one Today, "Confess their sins," when they come to water baptism Matthew 3:6 Mark 1:5?

    c3) Why do not ALL Divided "denominations who Water baptize" today, agree As ONE, And "teach" water as John, CHRIST, And The Twelve ( Under The LAW! ), "taught" That "water baptism Is For The Remission Of sins!" Mark 1:4 Luke 3:3 Acts 2:38 { instead of each one's own "symbolic Re-Interpreted Traditions!" }?

    10. Baptism Of Anointing?: Pentecostal Spirit baptism; This is the baptism "WITH" The Holy Spirit, BY JESUS CHRIST, From Heaven, Poured Out Upon the believing remnant of Israel with signs and powers following. Isaiah 44:3 Matthew 3:11 Mark 1:8 Mark 16:17-18 Luke 24:49 Acts 2:17-18 Acts 2:38 Acts 8:15-17 Acts 11:16.

    And, is not This The THIRD Requirement For "priesthood induction" = Anointing? Compare Exodus 29:7 Leviticus 8:10-12.

    Is God Performing "This" Baptism On us TODAY? IF so, Why NO "signs and powers"?

    Conclusion: IF any water adherent, today, Under GRACE, believes he/she has been water baptized into the 'Israeli priesthood,' is he/she Absolutely Sure he/she Has Met The other Two Requirements Of God? IF he/she has Not "met them," then does not The Following apply To us Today?:

    God Superseded Two baptisms, Under Law, With ONE Baptism, Under GRACE! Link

    Further Note: Paul, in Romans through Philemon, has No doctrine of 'priesthood' for The Body Of CHRIST, Under GRACE, Today, hmm...

    Prophecy vs MYSTERY: Link

    God's 'Simple' Will: Link
  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} on 2 Corinthians 1 - 3 years ago
    Part I

    2 Corinthians 1:9-10

    "...God Which raiseth the dead: Who Delivered us from so great a death, and Doth Deliver: in Whom we trust that He Will Yet Deliver us"

    Precious friends, is not the Solution to Confusion about God's Eternal Salvation, recognizing God's Differences Between His Relationship With us, And our fellowship with HIM?

    God's Simple Will, Today, Under His Pure GRACE? Very Simply showing Three Tenses Of His ETERNAL Salvation:

    1) Past Tense:

    God Establishes His Eternal Relationship With those who humbly believe, 100% trust, place Total faith, In The LORD JESUS CHRIST, His Death {Precious BLOOD}, Burial, And His Resurrection, According To The Scriptures! 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 cp Ephesians 2:8-9 Romans 3 Romans 4 Romans 5

    "GRACE Through faith" In The Merits Of HIS Precious And ALL-Sufficient BLOOD Results:

    All sins Forgiven, His Eternal Life, and, Peace With God! This Is Eternal Deliverance From "So Great A Death," The Penalty of sin! God's Operations Are Justification And Sanctification:

    Justification Is 'His Righteousness Imputed To us' Romans 4:13,16,22,24

    Sanctification Is 'God Setting us Apart,' Spiritually Romans 15:16 1 Corinthians 1:2

    This is First for those who have "first trusted In Christ, Are Made Accepted In The Beloved, and Were Sealed With That Holy Spirit of Promise, Which is The Earnest of our inheritance until The Redemption of The Purchased possession, To The Praise And Glory Of HIS GRACE" Ephesians 1:6,12,13,14 = The Past tense of God's Eternal Salvation

    And Then Only After This, occurs the "present and future" tenses of 2 Corinthians 1:10

    to be continued in Part II
  • Ishmael Patel - 3 years ago
    Can salvation, once obtained, be lost?
  • Grace - 3 years ago
    Can anybody shed light on why Jesus refers to himself in the third person?
  • English Sacha - 3 years ago
    Please every one think about this with an open heart and mind if only for one minute . I say this with love from my heart to yours . How can any one repent from their sinfulness if they don't fully acknowledge it ? How can any of us acknowledge our own sinfullness if we don't recognise it ? How can any of us recognise it if we don't own it ? How can any of us own it if we ease our own and others consciences by blaming the devil or satan or what ever you want to blame as long as you don't blame yourself . This to me is a great evil . Our pride . It stands in the way of true repentance . To truly repent , we must own , recognise and acknowledge our sinfulness . How like Christ are we ? Really ? Are we homeless ? Do we have cash ? Do we know where our next meal is coming from ? Is everything we do done for the benefit of someone else ? All day every day ? Do we love our brothers and sisters enough to die a painfull and humiliating death for their sake ? We are not called to do all of those things but we are supposed to be trying very hard every day to be as much like him as we can and we all fail every day . We all sin , every day . We don't just sin when we give in to temptation and do something that we know we shouldn't really do. We sin also when we dont do those things that we know we should . Whose fault is that ? The devil's ? satans ? No . It's ours . Truly own it and repent of it and be washed clean in the blood of the lamb and be baptized into the Saving Grace of Jesus's Sacrifice....for OUR sinfullness . Much love to you all in Christ .
  • Charles Harden on Matthew 8 - 3 years ago
    Well, what is the sum total most important thing to know and do in Matthew 5-7?
  • English Sacha - 3 years ago
    The reason the veil of the temple , which shielded the mercy seat from view , was ripped open at Christ's death is because it was the barrier between God and man , which is our sinfulness . Because Jesus served God completely and never himself , the veil is not needed any more and we have access to the Most Holy Place through Christ who is our Sinless High Priest in Heaven who ever liveth to make intercession for us . Note it was ripped from the top . To me that means from heaven . If we continue in Christ , doing our best to be as much like him as we can be given our personal circumstances and limitations (we all have them ) then his perfect and willing sacrifice covers all our sins . We can rejoice and be thankful and do as much good as we can when and where we get the opportunity , confident in God's love and mercy towards us when we do fail (we all fail ) , because of what Jesus had done for us . Where does a malevolent evil spirit that gets to be in God's presence and makes us do all kinds of awful things that we wouldn't normally do because we are so good and nice (yes , that was sarcasm ) fit into all this ? It doesn't .
  • Simple as can be - 3 years ago
    Where does God identity himself as Jesus ? He does not .

    Where does Jesus identify himself as God ? He does not .

    Where does the Holy Spirit identity himself as God or Jesus ? He does not .

    The trinity is a big lie .

    Where does it ever say God is of God ? It does not because that is insane .

    But Jesus is the son OF God .

    That is self explanatory unless you are a deceived trinitarian.

    You can twist scriptures to match your insane beliefs.

    But God is only God . 1 and only just as he said .

    Think about it a little please .

    Thanks I'm glad I'm not nuts like doctrine of trinity is !
  • Neil - 3 years ago
    Does anyone know where was noah's ark built?
  • JONAS T. SUIZO on Revelation 1 - 3 years ago
    If ever there are things mandated to know about God (knowing God) what are these so that one will be able to say and claim that he truly, indeed, know God?
  • Andrew on Romans 1 - 3 years ago
    Romans 1:31 in King James Version mentions 5 characteristics, while all others versions mention only 4 "implacable" seems to be extra in the KJV, or otherwise, the other versions seem to have left out this point ?..which is curious, looking up the definition of implacable , it would seem an important aspect of the character they are trying to descibe here.

    see below comparisons:

    Romans 1:31 - The New International Version (NIV)

    31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.

    Romans 1:31 - King James Version (KJV 1900)

    31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection,** implacable**, unmerciful:

    Romans 1:31 - New Living Translation (NLT)

    31 They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy.

    Romans 1:31 - The New King James Version (NKJV)

    31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful;

    Romans 1:31 - New Century Version (NCV)

    31 They are foolish, they do not keep their promises, and they show no kindness or mercy to others.

    Romans 1:31 - American Standard Version (ASV 1901)

    31 without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unmerciful:

    Romans 1:31 - 1890 Darby Bible (DARBY)

    31 void of understanding, faithless, without natural affection, unmerciful;

    Romans 1:31 - GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)

    31 don't have any sense, don't keep promises, and don't show love to their own families or mercy to others.

    Romans 1:31 - The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

    31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, and unmerciful.

    Romans 1:31 - The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

    31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.

    Romans 1:31 - The Lexham English Bible (LEB)

    31 senseless, faithless, unfeeling, unmerciful,

    Romans 1:31 - New International Reader's Version (NIrV)

    31 They are foolish. They can't be trusted. They are not loving and kind.

    Romans 1:31 - New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (NASB95)

    31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful;
  • Kent Bass - 3 years ago
    Stacey, What a testimony! The Lord is truly powerful in your life. I am glad you kept believing even when things looked bad. God is Good. Thank you Yahweh for healing Stacey.
  • David - 3 years ago
    Looking for input

    In Acts 20+21 is the record of Paul going to Jerusalem, 21:22+23 He's bound by the spirit to go there and verse 24 doesn't care if he dies there. He teaches the word then in Chapter 21 he goes to Rhodes to Patara then to Phenicia eventually landing at Tyre. Verse 4 And finding certain disciples we tarries there seven days who said to Paul through the Spirit that he should not go to Jerusalem. Verse ten in caesarea there was a prophet named Agabus who took pauls girdle and bound his own hands and feet [pretty point blank]said thus saith the Holy Ghost the jews shall bind this man and hand him over to the gentiles. and when we heard these things both we and they of that place bes ouht him not to go to Jerusalem then verse 14 and when he would not be persuaded we ceased saying do the will of the lord. My understanding of this in context is that God did not want him to go and he almost lost his life, but its an example of a man that made up his mind this is what I'm doing and God covers it like we do sometimes. I believe he wanted to do this because he knew the law inside out and wanted to deliver people no matter what. It says bound by the spirit any where else I don't read that. Other insights gladly welcome
  • Babs on Isaiah 40 - 3 years ago
    Why do the writers and photographers have pictures of Jesus or others in the Bible pictured as Caucasians? As I read the Bible I read that there are Jews, Queen of Sheba was Egyptian,on and on.. No one has ever seen God and Jesus was Jewish. I really need help on this. Do you know?. Is this more important then studying the word of God..No However racism is not in the Bible.
  • Lynda on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    My question is from Genesis 1 vs 29-30. Is this saying we are to be vegetarians?

    Thank you.
  • Karen Bean - 3 years ago
    Secret organizations?

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