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Bible Questions Page 167

  • Edward Robbins on Revelation 4 - 3 years ago
    what about the seven spirits of God found in revelations?
  • Lily on Matthew 23 - 3 years ago

    Seems they like to blow their own horn .
  • Pauline Wendy Brown on Luke 5 - 3 years ago
    I want to know exact wording prodigal son.
  • Willwe - 3 years ago
    Is it possible to be going through all the motions and be in the wrong spirit ? Not the Holy Spirit . perhaps the spirit of ant-christ that the bible warned of ...

    if so then many could be deceived and not know it .
  • Debra Martin on Psalms 27 - 3 years ago
    My nephew recently died from COVID in spite of literally thousands of prayers for God to spare his life. If death is predestined then why do we pray at all? He already knows the desires of our hearts so why bother? This is the question of his grieving mother.
  • William Sanders on Galatians 1 - 3 years ago
    where is it found in the bible that a husband and wife were killed for lying to the holy ghost?
  • Hallelujah - 3 years ago
    Is Tibet wood and frankincense and myrrh used in the Bible scriptures
  • English Sacha - 3 years ago
    Thy Kingdom Come , Thy Will Be Done , On EARTH As It Is In Heaven . Jesus own words , his instruction to us on what we should pray for . What do those words mean to you ? How are you going to interpret them and spin them around to mean what you think they should mean because you have already made up your mind a long time ago and you are too stubborn to read with an open heart and mind and would rather believe something wrongfully than change your mind . I'm sorry to be a bit contentious , I don't mean to offend but I can't not speak what I know , not feeeel ,know . The EARTH shall be filled with the glory of the Lord , some where in Numbers but can't remember where , sorry .
  • Fred - 3 years ago
    Jesus said to Peter , "whom do men say ye that I Am"? These words will forever go into the hearts and minds of those who know the revelation , the power , the forgiveness of sins found in the saving grace in Jesus Christ! They will indeed be revealed too you, not by flesh and blood, but by His father who art in heaven! How thankful we are for such saving grace, that you sent your only begotten son to save a rebellious people. An undeserving people, a generation unworthy of such great love! A generation that have added their own word with yours! Have intermingled their works with your grace, which could never be, nor will be!

    This is the sin against the Holy Ghost! Thank you Father for this web site, and those who maintain it. Free as it is, even as the liberty we have in you , free as the wind and the spirit that it rides on. Liberty, freedom too love you , even as you have us! May the power of the holy spirit rest upon all those who trust in his word! In the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost!
  • Oluwamayowa on Psalms 111:9 - 3 years ago
    The FEAR of the LORD is the beginning of WISDOM; a good understanding have all they that do His commandments, His praise endures forever. To fear God means to be conscious of His person, presence and love; using it as a guiding basis in our actions and inactions. To fear means to live in obedient devotion to God, and this has nothing to do with being religious, it is a lifestyle that is chosen ( Prov. 1:19).

    However, the foundation of true wisdom, lies in the fear of the Lord. When you fear Him, you would be more God-conscious than sin-conscious. Joseph asserts that shall I do this great wickedness and sin against God? That was a statement from a man who feared the Lord.

    And it does not stop there. This verse also stated that GOOD UNDERSTANDING HAVE ALL THEY THAT DO HIS COMMANDS. What a deep phrase! There's good understanding and there is bad understanding. One brings favor, while the other leads to hardship.

    May God help us live in the reality and consciousness of this truth in the name of Jesus.
  • Christopher A. Tracy on Jeremiah 33:6 - 3 years ago
    This is an amazing app/website! I have had this app since 2019 but didn't bother to look down below where people comment on the verses. How do I get into the area where people interject NOW in 2021, since HERE in this section , comments are from a year or more ago.?? Thank you for all you saints and ReBorn sinners!!
  • Adam - 3 years ago
    2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

    This verse seems to explain what we're seeing currently in culture, in media, and even on this website.

    People don't love the truth, but are more attracted to the lie. The lies become their idol which they serve. They willingly embrace the delusion. How does anyone know if they are believing a lie or not?

    The truth isn't afraid of analysis, but lies are. Can you think of any subjects today that are being censored, silenced, 'discredited' through paid-for 'studies'? I can think of many.


    Death statistics aren't to be questioned whatsoever. They are concealed and only released after they have been 'processed', is there something to hide? VAERS injuries and deaths from all other experimental vaccines have been thoroughly investigated and products pulled after only 5 deaths or so, but something that has thousands to potentially millions of deaths shouldn't be analyzed?

    Election fraud- certain groups don't want this investigated and deny any/all reports of cheating. But wouldn't investigating only build confidence in the integrity of the election with no downside, or are they afraid of what might be discovered?

    People on this forum lately seem to be denying Jesus and making up stories to discredit Him. It's fascinating that someone is interested in Christianity enough to read the Bible, but just can't quite submit to its full truth and agree with its verses like John 1:1. Some seem quite uncomfortable with this and quietly deny it without any rational explanation. Some prefer to believe man's opinion instead of God's. Dangerous lies are being spread and it seems to tie back to this delusion the Word talks about. We must pray and seek God and ask for wisdom. Those who merely come on to spread propaganda to achieve a certain outcome instead of caring about the truth will face consequences. God is a fair judge. End times are near. It's time to admit who Jesus is. We must stay on course to the end and not fall away. 2 Peter 2:20-21.
  • Jerry Foley on Titus 2 - 3 years ago
    Ive always heard that the bible teachs that( the lion shall lay with the lamb) were does it say this in the bible? Thank you.
  • Carline turpin - 3 years ago
    Rephrase: I wanted to know the scriptures pertaining to "Caution", in the bible
  • Carline turpin - 3 years ago
    I was listening to scripture concerning Hezekiah, I wanted to know the scriptures concerning Caution, instead of being in a hurry, one must stop/slow down and proceed with caution.
  • Nancy - 3 years ago
    Does the Bible say that God "repented"?
  • Philip Christian Parks on Genesis 6:2 - 3 years ago
    Of Gen. 6:2; "they (angels) took them (daughters) wives of all which they chose" =

    Scriptures reveal angels may take on human form:

    + In Genesis 18:1-8, The LORD and two holy angels visited Abraham and Sarah in the form of "three men" in human bodies. During that visit, these angels conversed and ate with Abraham in the same manner as would human men.

    + Two of these angels in human form proceeded to visit Lot in Sodom ( Gen. 19). While there, the Sodomites mistook these angels as actual human men and attempted to physically sodomize them ( Gen. 19:5).

    + At least two angels appeared as "young men" ( Mk. 16:5) after LORD JESUS' Resurrection wearing "shining garments" (Lu. 24:4).

    + While the disciples strained to see the final glimpses of The LORD's Ascension into Heaven, "two men {? angels?} stood by them in white apparel", and promised CHRIST's Second Coming "in like manner as ye have seen HIM go into Heaven" (Ac. 1:10-11).

    Because angels are immortal and not subject to death, they have no need to procreate lawfully through marriage as do humans (cp Mt. 22:30; Mk. 12:25).

    Yet, these angels assumed human form and married, co-habitated, and bore children through human "daughters of men" (v.2).
  • CHARLES EDWARD CURRY on Ecclesiastes 1 - 3 years ago
    Who wrote ecclesiastes?
  • Philip Christian Parks on Genesis 6:2 - 3 years ago
    Of Gen. 6:2 =

    Besides here, the Old Testament uses the expression "the sons of GOD" to identify supernatural angelic beings:

    1st, Job 1:6-7 describes "sons of GOD" presenting "themselves before The LORD." Note that "Satan (the supreme demonic angelic principality) came also among them."

    2nd, Job 38:7 records JEHOVAH asking Job

    "[4] Where wast thou [7] When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of GOD shouted for joy?"

    Here, both expressions, "morning stars" and "sons of GOD" identify supernatural angels reacting to GOD's wondrous Creative Power.

    The Old Testament does not use this expression to refer to believing saints except for the possible exception of Hosea 1:10: "In the place where it was said unto them (Israel), Ye are not MY people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of The Living GOD." The LORD, through HIS prophet Hosea, prophetically promised Israel a restoration far into the future.

    Moreover, the designation "men" translates from the Hebrew noun "adam" (Eng. transliteration; pronounced "aw-DAWM"). Scriptures record the term "adam" (aprox. 529 times) to refer to all mankind (generically), both male and female, as the highest created species of living creatures (e.g. Gen. 1:26): "GOD said, Let US make man (Heb. "adam") in OUR IMAGE, after OUR Likeness."

    Therefore, these "daughters of men" are the human female offspring of human fathers and mothers. Certain demonic angels saw these "daughters" as physically attractive ("fair"). Their "fairness" spawned unholy desires within these wanton angels who looked upon them, and desired them as objects solely for fulfilling their lusts.
  • Philip Christian Parks on Genesis 6:2 - 3 years ago
    The theory that the "sons of GOD" are the GODly sons of Seth's lineage while the "daughters of men" are the GOD rejecting daughters of Cain's descendants proves baseless and erroneous.

    Consider the following points of argument:

    > Seth's male descendants were not all inherently righteous by default, simply because Seth was their forefather.

    > From the silence of Scriptures, Bible students cannot assume all of Cain's descendants were evil and rebellious.

    > A marriage between the descendant males of Seth and the female descendants of Cain would not automatically guarantee an offspring of giants. If this were true, all "unequally yoked" ( 2Cor. 6:14) parents, if one is an unbeliever while the other is a believer, would produce grotesque hybrid giants.

    > If Seth's male offspring were inherently righteous enough to deserve the title "sons of GOD", then this demands answers to many questions:

    ? Why is Noah solely and singularly described as "a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with GOD" ( Gen. 6:9; cp. 7:1)?

    ? Why weren't any others of Seth in the Ark besides Noah, a descendant of Seth? Must we assume Noah was Seth's only and final righteous offspring?

    ? Did their marrying an unbeliever forfeit GOD's Mercy and abandon them to die with the rest of the wicked as The LORD de-creed ( Gen. 6:7)? The LORD would not do so according to HIS Promises to Abraham concerning Lot's safety in Sodom. Six times The LORD promised Abraham, "I will spare all the place for their (the righteous) sakes" (see Gen. 18:26-32).

    This theory implies that if Seth's male descendants were truly "sons of GOD", then they all, without exception, had to sin so grievously as to lose this title. So much for the Doctrine of Eternal Security.

    > Bible students commit hermeneutical malpractice to assume the "daughters of men (Heb. "adam")" was restricted to the female descendants of Cain. Such interpretation comes from prejudice and bias which The LORD prohibits (cp. Lev. 19:15).
  • Pressure on 2 Corinthians 4 - 3 years ago
    uhm what is the love of god?

    oh and also what is sin?
  • KJBO Admin - 3 years ago
    We just updated the Bible verse linking functionality so it's faster and more accurate. Thank you for your patience while we stay busy in the background trying to improve the Bible reading and discussing experience. Previously, the script made it so you couldn't accurately type numbers like 1,000 or 10,000, but now you can. Praise God!

    As with any technology, there are limitations. Here are the rules of how it works.

    1. Book & Chapters

    Just type a book and a chapter and it will automatically link. It won't link with just a book, or just a chapter, it must be both with a space in between, like this:

    Genesis 1


    2. Verses

    Just type any verse like you normally would and it will automatically hyperlink if your book, chapter, and verses are are correct, such as:

    Genesis 1:1


    3. Ranges

    Just type a hyphen and another verse to link to a verse range. It won't link to chapter ranges, only verse ranges.

    Genesis 1:1-3

    4. Series

    Just type a comma between each individual verse you want to list for a given chapter. Important note: it doesn't allow spaces between the commas and verses. You can list up to 10 verses in a series. For example:

    Genesis 1:2,4,7,12,15


    If the above rules are followed the Bible verse references will be hyperlinked. You may also use commonly used book abbreviations. You may list multiple Bible verse references in a row separated by a space, period, comma, semicolon and they should link properly. Ranges and series can't be combined, however. It's only one or the other per book and chapter reference. For example:

    Gen 1:2,4,7,12,15. Gen. 1:2-5. Gen 2:2,4,11. Jn 3:16; Mk 10

    If you have any improvement suggestions for this or anything else, we welcome your help.

    May God bless you through your Bible reading and Bible discussions!
  • Al - 3 years ago
    I was always under the impression if you committed suicide, you went to hell. Can someone help me with this, quoting scripture? No, I'm not suicidal, and yes, I'm saved by the blood of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Thank you in advance.
  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} - 3 years ago
    Testing "functionality" Question: I wonder IF the three letter designations for the Bible Books can be posted in FAQ for "help!" in our studies { helps us 'wordy' posters pasters pastors? somewhat when 'characters' get close to "ZERO" :) }? ie:

    Since Deu 1:1 did not work? Deuteronomy 1:1 Det 1:1 Dut 1:1 Dtr 1:1 ?

    Phi 1:1 does not, so: Philippians 1:1; Phl 1:1; Php 1:1? Phn 1:1 ?

    also Philemon 1:1 Phi 1:1 Phm 1:1 Phn 1:1 ?

    Full list?:

    Gen 1:1 Exo 1:1 Lev 1:1 Num 1:1 Dtr 1:1? Jos 1:1 Jud 1:1 Rut 1:1 Ruth 1:1 1 Sa 1:1 2 Sa 1:1 1 Ki 1:1 2 Ki 1:1 1 Ch 1:1 2 Ch 1:1 Ezr 1:1 Ezra 1:1 Neh 1:1 Est 1:1 Esther 1:1

    Job 1:1 Psa 1:1 Pro 1:1 Prv 1:1 Pvb 1:1 Ecc 1:1 SoS 1:1 Son 1:1 Isa 1:1 Jer 1:1 Lam 1:1 Eze 1:1 Dan 1:1 Hos 1:1 Joe 1:1 Amo 1:1 Oba 1:1 Jon 1:1 Mic 1:1 Nah 1:1 Hab 1:1 Zep 1:1 Hag 1:1 Zec 1:1 Mal 1:1

    Mat 1:1 Mar 1:1 Luk 1:1 Joh 1:1 Act 1:1 Rom 1:1 1 Co 1:1 2 Co 1:1 Gal 1:1 Eph 1:1 Php 1:1? Col 1:1 1 Th 1:1 2 Th 1:1 1 Ti 1:1 2 Ti 1:1 Tit 1:1 Phm 1:1? Heb 1:1 Jam 1:1 1 Pe 1:1 2 Pe 1:1 1 Jo 1:1 2 Jo 1:1 3 Jo 1:1 Jud 1:1 Rev 1:1

    Ok, done testing -

    you may now resume back to Normal :) Hope this helps other? short-cut takers? besides me... :)

    God Bless...
  • Brother dan - 3 years ago
    In the great day of judgement, who is the judge, and in what manner will you be judged?

    Here's a hint:

    Revelation 22:12-14

    12And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

    Don't believe Jesus will judge you as he states above?

    Then believe what Jesus states here in scripture:

    Matthew 7:14

    14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

    FEW WILL FIND IT!!!!!!!!

    Stay focused on the true WORD!

    Matthew 7:15

    Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    Man can, and will deceive. If a man's words don't agree with Jesus Christs words/scripture then it is False, discard it!

    Stay focused on the WORD.

    Luke 11:28

    "But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it."

    The WORD!

    God Bless.
  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} on 2 Corinthians 12 - 3 years ago
    2 Corinthians 12:9 God's Power Of ALL-Sufficient GRACE in our weaknesses and infirmities:

    "PEACE With God," and knowing what good "tribulation worketh in us" ( Romans 5:1-5)

    "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." ( Romans 8:18)

    The Spirit "helps our infirmities, And Prays For us" ( Romans 8:26)

    The Spirit "Intercedes For us, According To The Will Of God" ( Romans 8:27)

    God Makes "all things Work Together For Good," for HIS Own ( Romans 8:28)

    We are "Predestinated To Be Conformed To The Image Of God's SON" ( Romans 8:29)

    God Helps us "bear our testings" ( 1 Corinthians 10:13)

    We have The Wonderful "Comfort Of God!" ( 2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

    "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a Far More Exceeding and Eternal Weight of Glory" ( 2 Corinthians 4:17)

    God will "change our vile body" to be "like HIS Glorious Body!" ( Philippians 3:21) Amen?


    "For our infirmities/sufferings"? Should we not "follow Paul our 'pattern'" ( 1 Ti 1:16)?:

    "And HE Said Unto me, My GRACE Is Sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that The Power of CHRIST may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for CHRIST's Sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong." ( 2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

    {Why do so-called "faith healers" ignore This Excellent Word Of God?}

    Amen? And Amen.

    Please Be Richly Encouraged, Enlightened, Exhorted, and Edified!

    ( 2 Timothy 2:15; Romans 16:25; Ephesians 1:3-9; Ephesians 3:9 = Grace/Mystery fellowship {Romans - Philemon}, For ALL "to SEE," today,?)

    God's 'Simple' Will: Link
  • Take no thought... - 3 years ago
    Hello everyone . Has anyone else noticed this ? And if so what do you think of it please ? Ruth is a lovely story and at the end of it we find out that she is actually an ancestor of Jesus through his mother Mary , even though it states in the law that a Moabite shall not enter the congregation of Israel ,Nehemiah Ch13 Verse 1. I noticed in Esther it appears that she and her uncle Mordecai could be descendants of Saul , 1st Sam Ch14 Verse 50+51 ,1st Samuel Ch15 whole thing , 2nd Samuel Ch16 Verse5-8 , Esther Ch2 Verse5-7 ,Esther Ch3 Verse1 an Agagite is a member of an Amalakite tribe , Esther Ch9 Verse10 . This would make the book of Esther more than a beautiful story in a similar way that Ruth is more than a beautiful story . It may be a stretch but could it possibly indicate some kind of redemption / atonement / reconciliation for Saul ?
  • Bryan Johnson on Isaiah 55 - 3 years ago
    Isaiah 55:11 go forth out of my (God) mouth : I have thought I could use this verse to use His word to encourage others, but now I see it must come from Him not me . What say you ?
  • None - 3 years ago
    According to Revelations 22:15, are dogs going to heaven, or will be in Heaven??
  • Darlene on Acts 5 - 3 years ago
    How does Acts 5: 3,4 teach that the Holy Spirit was involved in the trinity? Can you also explain what is the trinity?

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