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Does the bible clarify why faith will become difficult? First, the bible warns, major lies will sweep masses of people in wrong directions. We are told, faith in God will become somehow counter-cultural, even splitting up families. The bible's warns of a fundamental global change. Physical money will become useless. Imagine if you cannot buy food for your family. Financial exchange will continue everywhere, but soon only digitally. Maybe a public promotion kicks off virtual cash with a large gift of digital currency to each person who joins the system. "Just take the mark". If your family hasn't eaten in weeks, would you take it? Talk about stress, would another of your family members, to stop the suffering hunger? Read Revelation 14:9, it speaks of eternal torment for everyone who takes the mark of the beast. Pressure against believers will be so intense that many Christians the bible says, will turn and take the damning mark. Their decision will be to their own destruction forever
I would love to start coming on here because I do believe as many should that we ought to be strengthened together in unity as Jesus Christ wants us to be. I have a few concerns in regards to things i've experienced and ever wonder if anyone still experiences this so here it goes. I have been a christian for going on three years but it wasn't until recently that I felt the power of the Holy Spirit more and understand my purpose in life. In my journey with the Lord he is giving me more boldness, strength, and braveness. I don't really know how to speak to people and I was very insecure since being a child but it truly is remarkable as to how God can use anyone. My question is that is it normal to see brothers and sisters that you have fellowship once a Sunday to not show so much enthusiasm (being on fire) for the Lord ? I find myself when I meet a Christian brother and sister I want to talk about Christ and keep on but no one really wants to with me. Just a few things here and there but I just feel like the things that are very important to me may not be important. Is it normal to feel like this ? Is it normal to open up to your pastor but not get any encouragement or calls to see how you are doing ? Shouldn't the pastor guide and feed the sheep ? I am not one to say just because this happens I will lose my faith. God has shown me through prayer and thanksgiving that he loves me and know that I have a purpose in life and that's to do his will. I may not have the most wisdom but right now I am trying to understand more of his grace and love so I can be made perfect in his love. John 4 says there will be a time where the true believers will worship God in spirit and in truth . So are we at that point now a days ? Has the salt really left ? I mean I know I am not the only one that feels like this or am I ? Would love to get some insight on this. God Bless you my friends.
Precious friends, Please Be Encouraged/Edified in This Important "study" of three baptisms:
God's Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided, 'Shows water' is NOT Under God's GRACE, Today:
(1) Prophecy/Law for ISRAEL: The Twelve Were Sent to water baptize!
The TWO Main, of 12 baptisms =
A) water, For remission of sins/induction into Israeli "priesthood!" {separate "study" IF you wish...} ( Matthew 3:5-6) ( Mark 1:4) ( Luke 3:3) ( John 1:31) ( Luke 7:29-30) ( Acts 10:37) ( Matthew 28:19) ( Mark 16:16) ( Acts 2:38) ( Acts 22:16) ( Ezekiel 36:25) ( John 18:35) ( Exodus 19:6) +
B) WITH The Holy Spirit, Poured Out By CHRIST, for power, signs And wonders! ( Isaiah 44:3) ( Matthew 3:11) ( Mark 1:8) ( Mark 16:17-18) ( Luke 24:49) ( Acts 2:17-18) ( Acts 2:38) ( Acts 8:15-17) ( Acts 11:16)
Rightly Divided ( 2 Timothy 2:15) From Things That Differ!:
(2) Mystery/GRACE! = our "apostle to the Gentiles" for The Body Of CHRIST:
Paul Was Not Sent to {water} baptize! Why Not?:
Today: 'Only ONE' Baptism = "BY" The ONE Spirit = God's OPERATION, Spiritually Identifying members In (The ONE Body Of) CHRIST!! ( Ephesians 4:5) ( Colossians 2:12) ( Galatians 3:27) ( Romans 6:3-4) ( 1 Corinthians 12:13) --------------------------------------------------
Thus, This ONE Baptism Is Performed, By God, Today, Under God's GRACE/MYSTERY Program, when the sinner "believes in CHRIST, that He died and rose again, and God saves them" in the twinkling of an eye.
Thus, "water baptism" Is Scriptural, But Dispensationally, "was for the Previous Law/Prophecy Program" of God, For ISRAEL!
Conclusion, water baptism is Scriptural, but, TODAY, is UNdispensational! Amen?
Precious friends, Please be Richly Encouraged, enlightened, exhorted, and edified!"
( 2 Timothy 2:15; Romans 16:25; Ephesians 1:3-9; Ephesians 3:9 = Grace/Mystery 'fellowship,' today?)
God's 'Simple' Will: Link
And in 2 Chronicles 21 1 Who is giving David to take count of the Israelites?
And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
Philippians 2:10
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
Isaiah 37:16
O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, that dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth: thou hast made heaven and earth.
Genesis 2:4
These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
Psalms 19:1. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
John 1:3 - All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. Romans 1:20 - For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Ecclesiastes 3:11 - He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. Genesis 2:1
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
Comment by Mishael: I pray for angels to guard the 4 corners of my home. I have never had any demonic manifestations for 36 years. God gave us DOMINION; and Jesus gives us HIS AUTHORITY to to stop satanic activity immediately.
I think Space dot com slash NASA has the best photos.
You forgot to put these words in red as these are Jesus' words. This passage is so encouraging to me because it's when Jesus heals the ear of the high priest's servant. What I read into this passage is that this servant now has undeniable proof of the holiness of our Lord and Savior, an eye witness, and Jesus is willing to do this healing despite being arrested and led to what he knows will be his death. The only thing that concerns me is that Jesus told his disciples to purchase the swords, by selling their coats. He appears to be setting the scene for this miracle. However, maybe he just wanted his disciples to have arms in order to be able to get away. Thanks for making this book available in this form online.
not from men or woman.
But if the bible is not quoted from the bible;
would wisdom still be of much value?
Jesus quoted his fathers words perfectly ( John 8). and the prophets
spoke from God ( Psalm 83:18)
Who is much wiser? Who is wiser to instruct mankind?
God ( Psalm 83:18) and his Son?
2 Timothy 3:16,17;
2 Peter 1:20,21 (holy spirit John 4:24)
John 17:3
John 14:6-28
Psalm 1:1-3
Men and many books?
Jeremiah 10:23
Romans 3:23
Ecclesiastes 12:12-14
Psalms. 146:3, 4
Hope you like
these scriptures.
I would like some insight if I may. I have been a Christian going on three years. And as of recently I read a book entitled Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray which changed my life and gave a lot of clarity on what I was doing wrong in regards with living a Christian life. I know that I am a child of God and I know my purpose in life is to be an instrument of his will and to be a light that shines in the darkness. I strongly have been convicted but in seeking him more I'm studying his Grace, Love and the Fruits of The Spirit. I know if i'm made perfect in love then I have peace and that peace that passeth all understanding is in my heart with Christ my Lord. When it comes to be unequally yoked with my spouse I understand that I am to be at peace with all men and if I am then I also have fruit as we'll. I am finding it very difficult to live with my family who are unequally yoked and still share the deeds of this world. It's very hard but if I understand the word that if his grace is sufficient for me then that's all I need and also to understand that true love and pure love casts out all fear. So why do I feel bad in participating with either watching TV with her or my kids, movies, family gatherings etc.... ? I ask the Lord to show me how to love like Jesus, Talk like Jesus, Walk like Jesus, but how do I converse with family members or even friends who are in spiritual darkness? I know it says that If I am light I should have no dealings with the darkness but how can I ever lead my family or friends to Christ if I am not willing to take time to be with them. I've learned when I am in these situations I keep praying in my head and it really helps. But I love my wife and I know that Gods sovereignty was that we be together but it's hard you know and it can be very very draining. Any advice. I want to serve my God first but also share the love of Jesus. TY
1- what happened to all the bodies of the the 1000's that died in biblical battles?
2- if Abraham lived 175 yrs. and Sarah127, why were their bodies considered too old to produce or bear a child?
I missed the verse of the day from Thursday, October 7, 2021.
Would it be possible for anyone to send it to me?
Kind regards,
Nick Massarella
They go all over capturing videos of the Earth hemorrhaging in destruction and natural (?) Disasters. That's all they do. So we need to see this stuff so we can get a grip on the reality that this world WILL PASS AWAY. Even before our very eyes. AND SOONER THAN WE THINK.
Read the dates on the videos. If you doubt, google the story online (put down the dates and places).
Up until Joe Biden, this nation was Blessed. According to Genesis 12:1-3 .I WILL BLESS THEM THAT BLESS THEE
Heads up. America is going to suffer curses as a result of leadership that persecutes and purposes to help ISRAELS ENEMIES to destroy them. To withhold our support and protection.
Don't dare blame God for these disasters. TEAD JOB 1. SATAN IS THE DESTROYER. We HAD Gods protection. Not anymore.
White, representing the purity and power of Jesus Christ!!
This has nothing to do with REPUBLICAN (red) OR DEMOCRAT (blue). ALL BLESSING COMES FROM GOD.
Get it straight between your heart and your head. Anyone remember the old saying: Pride goth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a Fall.
We think it's us against them. IT IS SATAN DIVIDING US!!!!!!
He wants to destroy USA and we are making it easy.
Go look at the daily disasters around the world at large. The End is here. Stop making it easy for the devil to divide us. It may be too late
In Revelation 18 where the scriptures talk about Babylon, it almost sounds like it is speaking of the United States in some ways. For example, 'is become the habitation of devils', 'the wrath of her fornication', 'the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies' and much more.
Would anyone have any insight regarding this?
Thank You
Even worse is now the covid vaccines have been found to contain aborted fetal tissue (a murdered baby's parts) as admitted by the Pfizer staff on the Project Veritas video. And people have been coerced and even forced out of jobs worldwide based on this mass deception that they would somehow be better off with this experimental concoction than trusting their own God given immune system and taking care of the body God loaned them. I believe this is trusting man over trusting God and I think it's wrong. It's also immoral how people publicly claim it's "safe" when it's confirmed to have already killed a minimum of 16,000 people just in the US with 750,000 injuries. That is an extremely high rate, way more than all vaccines combined in US history. The lies over this are unfathomable.
Greed of the drug companies and evil decisions by congress people and governmental powers have led them to participate in committing mass murder.
I did not think it was the mark of the beast before, but this is the closest thing to it I could have imagined. People are being denied jobs and in some cases already denied buying/selling unless they show their papers, just like Nazi Germany. They are denying rights, silencing people who share the truth, falsely imprisoning some people, and issuing in authoritarian communism.
This is evil and good people must take a stand against evil and shine light on the darkness. If you took the injection already without fully knowing the ramifications or evil behind it, I think God is forgiving and judges fairly. But, please stop condoning the lies and actions around this evil injustice.
Considering the past, with the law of Moses , works were the way too justification. The meetings, the blood sacrifices, the crossing every tee, and doting the eye, would allow the soul to leave and feel the cleansing power of the act of sacrifice, experiencing the consecration of sin! Even so, with Abraham, with his own son, the ultimate Work of faith, an act that still emblazes all expectation! The very extreme of sacrifice! This Satan cannot stand!
The omniscience of God , He would reveal to the world, Abrahams heart. While giving Him a new way! With the evidence of these , It may be easier to comprehend the discussion that Christ had with the father before his incarnation. Why ,the Lord designed, a new and better way, the "new covenant". Removing the name of Christ will do nothing for you. Removing the Son will only cut you out, separating even your existence within His nature. Trying once again to justify yourselves , even as before, only this time you will eliminate yourselves completely. You have misplaced Him, even so He will be always before you, asking you to repent and be baptized! These are His words! Can you hear them? Be not deceived!