King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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Peter knew! Still having made the mistake of forgetting what Jesus had taught Him, He drew His sword and cut off the ear of the man who was sent to arrest Christ.
In a time that would already be determined by the destiny of one man, we too are under the same cloud, even right now!
At times we allow emotion to overcome things we cannot do anything about.
As easily as this is said, so is our nature to do or say the things that are not according to Gods will!
When you come too that place you will find peace, peace even in the darkest garden! Remember one thing! He loves you, and died for U.
Repent and be baptized.
Especially, the shepherds who have been trained to avoid this place full of shadows of death! Trained to take the children a different way, unknown but to only them?
Though I walk through the darkest valley? I.V. inter. version.(darkest valley?). Is darkest valley the same as death? Are you afraid of the darkest valley? Or, are you afraid of the shadow of death? Is your shepherd afraid of the shadow of death? Perhaps He doesn't believe the words of God!
There is one gate, wide is the gate ,narrow is the way. Follow Him , the shepherd of your soul ,the one who has shed His blood for you and me! Repent and be baptized!
His voice is specific, they will try and keep you from Him, do not fear as He calls and keeps you. He will lead as you follow. Be not afraid , for He cares for you!
Do you see the still water, Do you see the green pastures, be not afraid of the shadows they can do nothing! Come to His table, sit down and take what He has prepared for you. The shepherd of your soul! Repent and be baptized
Kind regards
for his sins, and he is even more uncomfortable with the idea of, in his words, "human sacrifice."
The gospel just makes no sense to him. How can I respond to this? I think he likens Christianity to
a cult, where we "drink the blood" and "eat the body" of the sacrificed victim, and he likens it to a satanic practice.
His reasoning can't accept that..... And . . . . thank you whoever reads this for praying for my friend.....
10 vs 26. Is this speaking of a saved christian? What are the consequences if a christian continues in a particular sin, i.e. living together before marriage but claim to be saved!!!!
Luke a physician, one of the disciples, writing these words uses the word thick with people, obviously many! Enough to arouse the elite in govt and the church (synagogue).
Jesus is about to show what it means to be clean on the outside , filthy on the inside.
Christ has no man made manners. Not only does He not wash, but He calls His dinner guests fools filled with ravenous and wickedness! Then He says this,
Ye fools, did not He that made that which is without make that which is within?
Think about that for awhile. Will you find these words in your new bibles? The Son of God speaking this way! The Holy One from all eternity, speaking clearly enough for everyone to hear! Do you here Him! If you do not hear Him now, how will you ever hear Him!
Repent and be Baptized!
Ecclesiasticus Chapter 1 Out Of The KJV Apocrypha
The Prologue of The Wisdom of Jesus The Son of Sirach. Whereas many and great things have been delivered unto us by the law and the prophets, and by others that have followed their steps, for the which things Israel ought to be commended for learning and wisdom; and whereof not only the readers must needs become skillful themselves, but also they that desire to learn be able to profit them which are without, both by speaking and writing: My Grandfather Jesus, when he had much given himself to the reading of the law, and the prophets, and other books of our fathers, and had gotten therein good judgment, was drawn on also himself to write something pertaining to learning and wisdom; to the intent that those which are desirous to learn, and are addicted to these things, might profit much more in living according to the law.
Look @ Isaiah 7:10-15 Prophesied 700 Before Christ Virgin Birth and Fulfillment Of ABBA'S Son Was Born; MATTHEW 1:22-23; Butt The Anti-Christ DeceiveMankind To Call Him Jesus & Not To Use These Isaiah 7:10-15; Now Look At This Scriptures In Matthew 1:22-23; Why Does The World Call Him Jesus from The Latin Version / Translation IESUS Which Was Used In The 1611 KJV Bible From 1611 Until 1629 & In 1630 Some Anti-Christs/ JezeritesChanged It To Jesus????
Revealed To Me From Our ABBA; J.E.S.U.S.= Jehovah s.e.n.t. Emmanuel 2 Save Us Sinners;
"J.E.H.O.V.A.H.= Jehovah, Emmanuel & Holy-Ghost, Overturned Verdict Against Humanity"
Does that verse apply to the unsaved exclusively, or does it apply to the "saved" (but somewhat backslidden)?
I'm thoroughly confused. For years I believed in "once-saved-always-saved" but I don't any more. Neither do I believe that if someone has prayed the "sinners prayer" once, that they are always saved- either.
The verse says the fearful...unbelieving...murderers... shall have their share in the Lake of Fire.
I've never taken a life (murdered) but often I've wished death on the wicked. So much so that for weeks I felt this heaviness weighing on me. It would not go away. I was terrified. My waking thoughts were of damnable things. I asked God every day, "What is this? Why do I feel this doom and gloom?"
God gave me an answer.> In having those wicked thoughts, I caused the Holy Spirit to grieve.
I told a friend of mine what I was feeling and she told me to read Romans 8:1
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
I've read that verse many times. I was a C.I.N.O. (Christian-in-name-only) When I read my Bible, I only read the "feel good" verses. I thought that no matter what I did, Jesus had me covered. Why would Jesus keep sticking up for a habitual sinner like me?
Most of my sins are in my head: I think of doing things that I would never actually do in real life. But, you can't fool the Holy Spirit of God.
Is it too late for me? Am I doomed?
Jesus found out how they were thinking, when He went to the feast as it were in secret. Confronted by His own, tempted to do something not his will, just to see if he is the person He says He is, He sends them ahead to the feast.
He arrives at the feast , I see Him standing in the shadows watching as they question among each other who this Jesus is. Some say he is a deceiver, some say He is a good man. Some despise Him for who He is!
Is this how it is for anyone who stands for truth? A person who excepts the word of Christ.
They will speak behind your back, say things that are concocted out of fear? Fear of being found out.
Being a follower of Christ in the truest sense of the word, will teach u what is in man! It will teach you about a world that is spiraling into hell, a world without faith. This is the life of a follower of Christ, a believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now more than ever, repent and be baptized!