King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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This happens primarily by false teachings of others taken the same way . And the alarming thing is these are many not a few . These are dark and spiritual dangerous times . The word of God and prayer can not be underestimated. But they will preserve you from errors .
I use the online Bible and I have read the 1611 King James version on other sites before however I searched twice for Scriptures and this Simple to use site came back.
Is there someone in the Corporate Office who can help me with my question?
"How can we add back the Sacred Names of our Heavenly FATHER, the Creator of the Heaven and The Earth and The Sea and all that in them is...
HIS ONE TRUE MESSIAH of HEBREW DESCENT "The Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah/YAHudah...KING YAHUSHA HA'MASCHIACH whose name means "YAH is Salvation" 'HA'MASCHIACH' means 'THE ANNOINTED'
Proverbs 30:4-6 reminds us "WHO has ascended up into Heaven and descended? WHO has gathered the wind in HIS fists? WHO has bound the waters in HIS garments? WHO has established all the ends of the Earth? What is HIS NAME and what is HIS SON's NAME, if you know?
Every WORD of ELOAH is tried. HE is a sheild to them that take refuge in HIM.
Add not to HIS WORDS, lest HE reproves you, and you be found a liar.
Thanks for taking time to read my question and I look forward to hearing back from someone in Authority regarding the Editing of correcting the Titles of LORD/GOD to YAHUAH ELOHIYM "The One True Creator" and Lord/Jesus Christ back to YAHUSHA HA'MASCHIACH "The One True MessiYAH"
I would be happy to help as led by the Beautiful Eternal RUACH HA'ODESH of EL YAHUAH.
HalleluYAH! Amein. Amein.
Although the Bible seems silent on this, is there any sources on where they went?
Truth is the universal constant, the overlooked stone that the builder rejected.
Opinion is to truth as Goliath is to David.
He gave his laws to guide us, teach us and to help us remember Him as our Creator.
Lucifer, the light bearer, decided to take the place of our Creator. He took one third of the angles to believe him. He also wants to claim the earth. His wants to destroy our connection to our Creator by destructing our attention, destroying the Word of God(or changing it) and through persecution of people who follows God's comment.
God says, "Keep my commandments"
Any one who teaches different is the Antichrist. Which means, only you could follow God's Word or by not following, becoming Antichrist.
Anyone who wants to follow Christ, will find opposition and persecution.
The christians were persecuted, they couldn't worship God: so many came to America. Is it possible that the Beast rising up from the Earth is America?
Do Americans have freedom today as was 100-200 years ago?
Maybe things are changing, not for better.
However our faith is in God, who gave proof of His love towards us, humans by sending his Son, Christ to us. Have faith in God and his Son, Jesus Christ.
Here's how. Accept Jesus as Savior from your sins in the body - which go against the Spirit until forgiven. Just walk with Him daily, do a daily verse first thing in the morning with a prayer like the Lord's prayer mixed with the 23d Psalm, or your favorite. Pray a lot, but it doesn't have to be formal, it's a conversation with Jesus. He is your best friend, so talk to Him. He is not imaginary, or an imaginary friend. Once you do this daily, the moment you feel His presence the first time, YOU WILL KNOW.
This comment is with prayer for each unsaved soul reading this to turn to the one who will always love you for who you are, BECAUSE HE MADE YOU, His Spirit is inside you and can be resurrected just like His. Jesus does it all.
Moment by moment walk with Jesus, focusing on Him, the good things in life, love, those we treasure. Focus on loving God and others, serving them in whatever you do. All jobs serve someone.
Once saved and walking with Jesus you are in the Spirit, you are living as unto the Lord, and whatever you do will prosper. Read Psalm 1. Keep it simple, moment by moment loving Jesus and others, turn anger away with a soft answer. Try to be at peace with everyone. Keep up the Shield of Faith, keep talking to Jesus, He treasures us all.
I will tell you how. Accept Jesus as Savior from your sins in the body - which go against the Spirit until forgiven. Just walk with Him daily, do a daily verse first thing in the morning with a prayer like the Lord's prayer mixed with the 23d Psalm, or your favorite.
Moment by moment walking with Jesus, focusing on Him, and the good things in life, love, and those we treasure. Focus on loving God and others and serving them in whatever you do, for all jobs serve someone.
Once you are saved and live your life in the Spirit, you are living as unto the Lord, and whatever you do will prosper. Read Psalm 1. Keep it simple, moment by moment loving Jesus and others, turn anger away with a soft answer. Try to be at peace with all people because we don't fight flesh and blood.
And when you realize you can carry the Shield of Faith daily with ease because you can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you, you will know peace in your walk. Sure, you'll make mistakes, get back up, ask forgiveness, and keep walking. He is always there, faithful, tender, merciful, and loving you as the uniquely created soul you are, part of Himself. We are His children.
You can hear Jesus voice easy, read the New Testament, John is good because John was very close to Jesus, was a minister all his life outliving the other disciples and he loved Jesus.
[email I got from ACLJ dot Com
Can the government shut your church down? Can it forbid your church from worshiping on church property?
More and more we are seeing radical Left localities targeting churches to harass, discriminate against, and even shut them down.
We told you when California tried to use the pandemic to shut down singing in church that this was just the first salvo of a coming battle. We won that case with a settlement agreement in federal court.
But now another church, this time in Virginia, is being banned from using its own property for worship and other ministry. Scripture says, "on this rock I will build my church" ( Matthew 16:18), but the county said, not on this property. Why? Because the church won't get a liquor license. Yes, you read that right. And no, they don't even use wine in communion.
It's absurd. And it's unconstitutional.
Just hours ago, we filed a lawsuit in federal court to defend the religious liberty of the Church.
Mishael: there's a petition we can sign on their website. Thanks y'all. Have Faith in God.
"Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil."
There is fantasy and fiction then there is The Truth. Then there's having the spiritual eye to tell the difference.