King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)
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Now that you've read exactly what Jesus said .
Do the preachers, teachers, ministers, and
Television evangelist do as Christ said? Or is that the Devil starring straight into your eyes preparing you for everlasting HELL .
My research is homosexuality, where did other Bible get practicing homosexuality. It didn't say that here on KJV. I am looking for evidence that it violates the Ten Commandments. Thanks
They were both warriors; soldiers. What they did is "CUT A COVENANT with each other. Much the same as God instituted the process in Genesis with Abraham concerning the Deed of Ownership of the Land. The boundaries of Israel CANNOT be disputed; cannot be given away. No matter how much American presidents want to "make nice" with the Palestinians.
In cutting a covenant, both persons exchange weapons, and everything they possess. They are KINSMEN. (biblically: a kindred spirit). There is zero nothing that insinuates a homosexual lifestyle.
Im older ok? Been around since the 50's. My brain is like a recorder: audio, photographic. I remember details of all generations since. I was there. When I said this Generation is Terminal, it's based on cycles of discipline. Reality of national relationships being formed. It's plain but you have to dig like an animal. We like it served up for us and we gobble down the LIES.
The saturation of the news (in our face) on ISSUES, keeps our focus off what the nations are doing.
The explosion of gayness focuses us on pleasure, forcing lifestyles on others: dressing talking parenting, surgical change, make schools teach it; advent of haters, hating and prosecuting other haters. Time consuming, huh? You bet.
We're all wrapped up in that: meanwhile, Israel's enemies have surrounded it, arming themselves to the teeth with weapons of mass destruction. Just itching to start shooting. No one sees the total fulfillment of Matthew 24, in their face!
You're being blinded to what's really happening! They aren't going to tell the truth. Only the Bible has it written down; blow by blow. WHAT are you going to do about Jesus?? Will you warn others?
The AGE of issues is DONE! Get ready to meet a Holy God; who is a consuming fire. WAKE UP.
God is going to end it as soon as the first Nuke is launched at Jerusalem.
Is it true there is no more remission for my sins?
In the New Testament, the Greek noun (pronounced "ar-KAY") occurs in English Biblical translations as "principality" or "- ies". Apostle Paul is the primary New Testament writer who used "arche" to refer to living entities.
The term "principalities" identify individuals occupying the highest, supreme rank, and possessing power and authority equal to that rank.
While Paul may have referred to the Roman emperor and other political rulers of his day in certain contexts (e.g. Rom. 8:38; Tit. 3:1), he most certainly included the spirits of the angelic realm as well (cp. Eph. 3:10; 6:12; Col. 2:15), even Satan whose titles include "the prince of the power of the air" ( Eph. 2:2), and "the god of this world" ( 2Cor. 4:4).
No doubt, Paul also considered the eschatological Antichrist of the Tribulation Period, of whom "the dragon (Satan) gave him (the Antichrist) his power, and his seat {throne}, and great authority" ( Rev. 13:2). Paul even wrote about this Satan possessed "man of sin" (2Thes. 2:3-4).
Depraved man desires to replace worshiping JEHOVAH GOD with worshiping angels (e.g. Deu. 32:17; 1Cor. 10:20; 1Tim. 4:1).
The New Testament often refers to the angelic realm as "principality(-ies)" linking them with:
+ angels ( Rom. 8:38);
+ "powers in heavenly places" ( Eph. 3:10);
+ "the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" ( Eph. 6:12);
+ "all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible (? angels?)" ( Col. 1:16).
All other New Testament usages of the noun "beginning" (arche) describe the first position in initiation, commencement, or sequence.
Some believe this Michael is the Old Testament identity of The SON OF GOD due to his description as "the great prince which stands for the children of thy (Daniel's) people (the Jews)" (12:1).
But this Michael surely is not The SON OF GOD, for he is described simply as "one of the chief princes" (v.13), implying there are many more angels that hold the position of archangel. LORD JESUS CHRIST, The KING of kings and LORD of lords, would not occupy a title designation of equality as simply one of the chief princes.
The reader may correctly assume that Michael champions GOD's Purposes for Israel and the Jewish nation as just one of his responsibilities. Compare the expression, "Michael your prince" (v.21).
Hermeneutics may interpret this expression to identify Michael as an archangel rather than GOD HIMSELF or HIS MESSIAH/CHRIST. The verb "help" certainly implies a rather benign insufficiency in comparison to GOD's Omnipotence.
Apparently the "layers of a woman" is supposedly a woman's bed. Layers, meaning bed linens? I do not know. But it sounds to me that it means a man shouldn't lie down in any woman's bed unless it is the bed he shares with his wife. Since the other verses are about incest, it could also mean for a man not to lie in a woman's bed who is a close relative.
What I don't approve of is giving false Biblical accounts from what actually happened, and then defending that ill position with more non-applicable scripture. Just throwing it out there, seeing what sticks. This is a competition for truth and understanding. You could spend all day correcting fundamental errors, but who will listen, clinging on to false pre-conceptions? You can make mistakes, correct yourself, and if you are serious, you better know the subject matter, not what someone has falsely imparted to you.
You missed the meaning of God's message to man; He's saying "know your place". That is my message to those putting weight on a false doctrine. There is no such thing as a "rapture", only a structured, 2 part resurrection.
Isaiah 45:9
9 Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?
15 And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered.
16 Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that THOUGHT upon his name.
17 And they shall be MINE, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
18 Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.
***If you have never belonged to anyone, here is your chance to be cherished, protected. In Song of Solomon, there are 3 scriptures that say:
I, am my Beloved's. My Beloved is Mine!
There is no reason to feel alone, cut off, abandoned, betrayed, isolated with our regrets;
Unloved, unwanted by anybody, not good enough, an ugly gray duckling.
When you get to the end of your SELF, reach out and TAKE HOLD of Jesus. He loves you unwaveringly forever. He came to earth just for you! He took the sins of the whole world...why?
For God so LOVED the world.
You are the object of His Affection, and Sacrifice.
When I understood this, I was smitten forever.
I have Someone who is never going away. I will never break this relationship. This is the kind of Love that Heals us.
Understand, there is no male, female in this Love. It's all God, and all me. We can't really love others until we experience this God kind of love. Agape.
Happiness shows on your face. Look into your eyes, and you will see LOVE looking back at you. You're Loved. You belong to Someone stronger than all your pain that you carried. The weight over your heart, disappears. Your bad memories belong to Him NOW.
Be released. Lean in and be loved. Let the fire of your love rest on your Beloved.
We may now see what the sting is, the jab?
and --
Knowing then, the ones, becoming spike protein factories, causingCovaids, will have no natural immune system to fight the next wild virus that comes along.
The blood clotting is another issue, strokes and heart problems etc.
The prions issue, is yet another concern.
Could the possibility of contracting dementia, or ALS, or Parkinson's disease, be why the CDC has warned about the zombie apocalypse for years now? Not kidding -look it up!
An agonizing death may come about, whereas people may wish for their death.
Toss DNA and CERNbringing giants back? Is that too bizarre, when Congress just voted, that it's OK to put a human embryo into an animal?
Play with genetics and find out