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(1) And he said: "Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death."
(2) Jesus says:
(1) "The one who seeks should not cease seeking until he finds.
(2) And when he finds, he will be dismayed.
(3) And when he is dismayed, he will be astonished.
(4) And he will be king over the All."
(3) Jesus says:
(1) "If those who lead you say to you: 'Look, the kingdom is in the sky!' then the birds of the sky will precede you.
(2) If they say to you: 'It is in the sea,' then the fishes will precede you.
(3) Rather, the kingdom is inside of you and outside of you."
(4) "When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will realize that you are the children of the living Father.
(5) But if you do not come to know yourselves, then you exist in poverty, and you are poverty."
As you can see they do not make a great deal of sense presumably because they are out of context?
Any ideas as to where I can find more understandable direct quotations will be welcome.
Thank you
In prayer; specifically we need to trust in God. One example recently from a gentleman in church who confided to me about his long term estrangement from his wife meant that I had to pray "in my closet" initially. Now that another has brought up the subject I am able to pray with them on that subject. I also got to see how God is answering the prayer; namely with the kids she has in an "Awana" youth group who begged their mom to go and hence she got to attend the event with her kids once or twice as a result of that. She apparently is hostile enough to have thrown out pamphlets before from this event so that gives further insight. Finally; after giving a general appeal without specifics for the man to my pastor as to his personal issues; I found out that he may indeed not be truly saved due to some doctrinal issues; despite his obvious loving stance toward his 2 youngest kids.
Another interesting example comes from not just my current church but a former one that I attended in Pittsburgh. The similar factor was the extensive campaign to pass out literature advertising the church. These seemed disastrous in terms of boosting attendance; but website information was surprisingly consistent in almost weekly additions to new attendees which I am starting to see here but to a lesser magnitude as yet. A big part of the lesson here is that God draws those He sees fit to; and is more often than not those already believers or those searching for truth. Consistant evangelism is something which eventually produces results; although I had seen that more in small groups in the past who would meet at home studies and that was among my friends who came from several different fellowships who reguarly did street witnessing; and in some cases prison fellowship. As to my point; God has brought more people in the door; but perhaps by a different method than expected.
Thus; longsuffering and perseverance brings results in many cases; and especially in prayer.
It's okay to be angry
What is angry?
Don't let angry grow just let it go
How do you let it go
We must forgive and love one another
God is with us at all times
Seek opportunity to show love
Speak to the sprite not the person
Jesus is the answer, as Christian we must show love at all times
Can we love like Christ? Can you do the same?
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
There are people twisting the truth about God's will and how he perceives us as all sinners. We are actually afraid to speak our minds, run our businesses, be able to shun them for their lusts, refuse to allow them to be a part of us for fear of man's law, to be in the spot light of their judgement. Verse 24 explains how God gave them up and how He felt about their lifestyle.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;.
The final verse should resonate with all of us because I'm having difficulty seeing how allowing it to surround me in public, with use of the the rainbow (which is suppose to be a symbol of God's promise), in our schools with God's children, and in the title of holy matrimony that somehow I am forced to accept it or have any pleasure in that acceptance. Does it not imply in verse 32 all that take any pleasure in them that commit such things are worthy of death?
32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
does this statement mean that people who say they believe, experiencing Gods power in their life, can also be destroyed for unbelief?
We see further parallels with verse 10 and the passage in Revelation 6:10 on "how long"? Verse 11 seems to indicate the prisoners being released as some other prophetic verses state such as Isaiah 51:14. And verse 12 shows with the "sevenfold" rendering as similar to the sevenfold series of judgments in Revelation; references in Deuteronomy and other scriptures about sevenfold judgments.
Finally; the last verse shows how the "sheep of thy pasture" will give thanks forever and to all generations. That could certainly be a Millennial reference.
There are many prophecies which make Asaph in that catagory. We see that he led song and apparently lived a long life. We do well to look at the song of Miriam in Exodus 15:20-21 to see how powerful worship and song is related to many victories of God.
Looking through the eyes of this body, is kind of the same thing. Our soul is covered in a costume, waiting to come off when the time comes. And yet we hear Paul say, "this corruption must put on incorruption". Keeping this in mind, we can come to a better understanding of baptism into a born again Christ life.
Coming to the cross, putting your arms around the Savior, we experiance the glory many may never know, The experiance of literally dyeing with Jesus. The beginning of a new birth, unlike the one we experianced when we came into this world.
Our spirit must die with Christ and this can only happen when we literally take hold of Him.
Then and only can we know what Baptism is. When we are literally baptized into His death.
This is important to understand. Acknowledging what is happening is the literal miracle !
Now that we are dead and alive in Him, we still have these holes in the costume we must look through, not only this our flesh (the costume) we are still wearing, but the sin that goes along with it.
Satan knows only the costume, He cannot see the regenerated soul under the costume. This is the signigance of the cross, when Christ nailed our sins one time forever! The power given to forgive sin inherited with the costume! Soon this corruption shall put on incorruption, wait and see as the holes you are looking through will soon see the glory of Heaven itself, given for you and me!
As has been brought out by my pastor and is clear from my earlier postings; a society can't last too long in the moral morass we have experienced the last few decades. Whether assessing the political left or the attitude of youth these days we see something foreign to its original concept. That is the lack of a work ethic. "If we don't work we don't eat" ( 2 Thess. 3:10). Our enemies surely must have met if not exceeded their goals in rendering our society too lazy to prevent their own self destruction if by overeating; drug addiction; suicide or other vices at their disposal. There are many other verses supporting the Apostle Paul as a tentmaker earning what he could and not being a burden even to his own detriment in some cases. Would we want someone planting churches over whole regions of the world having to concern himself with finding secular employment today? Not in this country; anyway.
Spiritual wisdom dictates that we also prepare for things to come as wise are commended for it ( Prov. 22:3). The fools of course do the opposite and calamity overcomes them. IF we are Babylon then I expect all calamities to come at one time eventually to this country; and even if not it seems much is overdue. If it weren't for the waste in this country as such a huge consumer of energy we wouldn't have such a need for things. As it is; instead of utilizing resources available and in a complete manner such as the Indians did with the buffalo in the past we are too comfortable with instant measures to provide our needs from the government or food in supermarkets rather than learing survival instincts. What I am saying is that humanism as any idealistic mindset blinds us to obvious contradictions and we of course see this with a general lack of outrage in this country as opposed some others to the plans for world government to take over.
As Christians our focus should be preaching the Word while it is yet day. ( John 9:4).
If you have experienced them, what are they and how do they influence you? If in fact the Spirit is one ,does it effect us all the same, or can it be free to express itself in a time of uncertainty, unto each one of us differently?
Does it influence us unto goodness? Does it reveal sin in the world, and if so how do we know it is true? How can the Holy Spirit work in a "woke world", and bring peace ,while revealing itself to the same?
Is the Holy Spirit the "new conspiracy". A conspiracy of revelation ? Or are these the falsehoods spoken of in the scripture that would happen before the return of Christ!
Our church has once again brought in another interpretation of scripture, this one the worse of all! The Holy Spirit speaks , and yet I hesitate to speak out because of retribution. Are these things from the Holy Spirit, or am I conniving another conspiracy theory!
The jab, is it the fetus that I hate that is within it, or the idea that they can do what they wish! Another conspiracy theory?
Beloved I pray that this site has not been compromised, Again is this spirit from above, or from beneath.
Or as I am as the one crying in the wilderness prepare Ye the way of the Lord, or this another theory?
Please help me is this p.t.s., or are the revelations I am having are true! Or am I made enough to bind on a leather girdle eating locust and wild honey! I would love to hear from you all! In Christ, Fred
Many ppl argue. Yet there is scripture. Maybe they are not sons of God yet. They can be but maybe not just yet.
How do you know you are filled w the Holy Ghost? How do you know you have Christ dwelling in you? You do not receive the Holy Ghost when u believe. Even the devil believes. The book of Acts is where the church began. P!ease read it all. It's still happening today. Oh boy there's a lot of people that don't have the love of the truth. They are in their flesh and it will be the downfall of man.