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This is a great discussion about which two people in history will be the two witnesses in Jerusalem. Will they be " Elijah and Enoch" or Moses and Elijah? Both have valid responses, so how does this discussion end? And who is the correct? Could there be three possibly?
After completing all of these offerings, Aaron turned, raised his hands and spoke a blessing over the people, (most likely the Aaronic blessing Num. (6:23-27) and then came down from the place of offering the sacrifices. Moses and Aaron went into the tent of meeting together and came out and blessed the people again.
Then the glory of YHWH appeared to all of the people (they all saw and experienced it together) and fire came out from YHWH to the altar and completely consumed all of the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. This showed that He accepted the sacrifices and also brought to the people what these sacrifices signified. The people shouted fell on their faces.
We are not told what the glory of the LORD was like, nor what they shouted.
This was one continuous ceremony from start to finish. It must have taken all day for it to be finished. And then Aaron would be beginning the evening sacrifice at sundown that day. Verse 1 said that it was on the 8th day. (of which month?)
In regards of the foreshadowing of Christ in this lengthy ceremony that initiates the priestly morning and evening sacrifices day in and day out. Perhaps it foreshadowed the length of time Jesus was on the cross. But it may be showing that before we can thank God for saving us and having communion with him, Jesus needed to be the sin and burnt offering on the cross first. He not only had our sins taken upon himself on the cross, but he also was the only perfect burnt offering, wholly giving himself to the Father' will until the preordained purpose for and work of the cross was completed. When it was finished, then we can bring a thank offering and celebrate a peace offering.
I have been thinking these past few days about what Jesus meant when He told the disciples to take up their cross and follow Him ( Matt 10:38). It is very clear that none of us are have a cross like Jesus'. The "cross" He had was one of suffering and death for the sins of the world. In Gethsemane when forseeing the cross lived out, He was sorrowful unto death. His cross was always to do the will of the Father, and the Father's will was for Jesus to sacrifice His life as a sin offering to expiate our sins and propitiate the wrath of God on sin. This is not a cross we have. So, I was thinking, what is our cross then?
My thoughts are that, like Jesus, our cross is to do the will of the Father in our lives, even unto death. This does not mean that we seek martyrdom, but that persecution and martyrdom may be ahead for some of us. Also, the cross is symbol of death, so today's verse seems to fit in with what Jesus said. As, Paul spoke, it is a dying to self and self-will and living for God and His will.
Then I consider this in light of what Jesus had said about casting all of our burdens upon Him because His yoke is easy and HIs burden is light. Matt 11:29830. So He calls us to take up His yoke upon us and learn from Him. He says that He will give rest to our souls. So I am wondering how this factors into His words about taking up cross and following Him.
I would appreciate reading what others think about this as it has been on my mind this past week and, now, today, the verse speaks of being crucified with Christ.
Do you think the last day is here now?
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. I'm sure that I've shared that many times in this platform; but who can honestly say that there are more than a handful of the major players in Christian media today or big ministries that demonstrate this in their personal lives? We can tout all day how loving God is; but if we don't accurately preach the scriptures and cherry pick what we want to hear than we are at best showing a shallow view of the God of Israel; at worst creating one of our own imaginations. Christ is Lord; the same yesterday today and forever. He will honor no rivals. The fate of the earth itself along with every soul that He created is exactly what He states in the Word. But with today's view of the Bible being a self help book; or suitable for motivational speaking rather than a literal view of the Prophetic future with a literal hell; heaven and new earth we are warping it's meaning to fit our agenda. Judgement begins with the House of God ( 1 Peter 4:17). We are called to be separated from the world; salt and light. Yes we are "all things to all people" ( 1 Cor. 9:22) but that doesn't mean we have to join in with approval of cussing; drinking; toking and other activities that ingratiate us with that crowd. That is a little different than concerning ourselves with eating an "unclean" food set that may have been set aside for idols; for instance. I won't argue the point of God vomiting out the Laodicean church and if that refers to the Tribulation; but at the very least we can lose our rewards ( Rev. 3:11); or not truly be saved if not hearing the Spirit and what it says to the churches. We also do well to wisely heed verses warning us how to avoid some of the calamities of the wicked; wisely planning supplies and food for multiple disasters that may be ahead. If He tarries it isn't hard to see things could get a lot worse. We also will face growing resistance as one world religion develops. ( Matt. 10:22)
I would like to know what others think about this topic of the faith we must have to be "in Christ".
Paul needed to correct many of them at times. There are many scriptures on water baptism. Yes, it very much is needed & Jesus spoke it in red letter words in John 3:3-5. Bible says to know God & obey the gospel. Not just know the gospel but we all must obey the gospel. When the people in the book of Acts obeyed Acts 2:38, they obeyed the gospel. Then in Acts 2:39, "It is the promise to you & to your children and to those that are afar off even as many as the Lord our shall call". Obey the gospel & therefore go forward into the epistles to learn & grow in the Lord. I spoke to the Lord these words: "Lord, everyone says they have the Holy Ghost (Spirit) but they dont. How will they know"? He spoke back & his words were, "will you tell them"? Now also, In Acts 19:2, "Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be a Holy Ghost ".
he created the heaven and earth.created!!!
Any thoughts?
humas sacrifice was it permissible prior to Leviticus 20?
How does the stroy of Abraham and Isacc relate to Liviticus 20?