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Bible Questions Page 86

  • Gaynell Smith on 1 Corinthians 14 - 2 years ago
    I would like to know if woman pastors are living in sin
  • Robert on Ecclesiastes 2 - 2 years ago
    Where will I find reference to usury
  • S Spencer - 2 years ago
    S Spencer

    Is the Gospel necessary? Absolutely!

    However some that feast with us don't think so.

    Passages in Romans 10 shows great importance in preaching it.

    vs 8) But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, WHICH WE PREACH;

    vs 14) How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and HOW SHALL THEY HEAR WITHOUT A PREACHER?


    Jesus said Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15.

    This same group false theology suggests there's no hell or Satan and everyone goes to heaven so even the word salvation is pointless because there is nothing to be saved from. So the death of Christ doesn't display the love of God.

    John 3:16 would have to be an error!

    The wide gate in Matthew 7:13 doesn't exist.

    There's no consequences to sin, no reward for righteous living by the Spirit.

    Those who denied Christ, Hate God, murderer ect... And those who love God will sit down with judas, Paul, Peter, Putin, Hitler and sit down at the marriage supper. So our preaching is in vain.

    So why do they earnestly stand in our way? They pretend to be beside you when talking about the trinity but when you mention Faith, Believe, ect.. in regards to salvation they come unglued! Why do they bother if whether you believe or not according to them it doesn't matter? That they won't answer.

    They stand in the way when it shouldn't matter to them unless the spirit in them is to deceive!

    And This doctrine "Salvation by works is by that same Spirit. As seen in Galatians 3:1 and many other verses.
  • Darryl Phillips on Exodus 20 - 2 years ago
    Please explain verses 25 and 26
  • Selasi - 2 years ago
    what does spiritual death mean
  • Diego Garcia on Numbers 5 - 2 years ago
    Does Numbers 5:27 support abotion?
  • Pat bridges - 2 years ago
    In the old testament I see "Son" of man, and "son" of man. Particularly in the book of Ezekiel. Often together in the same verse. What does it mean, or to whom is God speaking?
  • Jesse - 2 years ago
    (Part 3)

    Is Jesus Christ God?

    Matthew 1:23 is the fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14 which reads, "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, (God with us). How can that be if Jesus is not God? Matthew is presenting to us the fact that the birth of Christ fulfilled prophecy, which is Isaiah 7:14.

    A virgin was conceived by the Holy Spirit. That's what Joseph came to understand. And when Joseph made that last final procedure of adopting Jesus by giving Him His name Jesus, Jesus Christ became the legal heir to the throne of David. That's when it became official. So it didn't come from Joseph. Even some Jews were expecting Messiah to come from a virgin. Very interesting!
  • Jesse - 2 years ago
    (Part 2)

    Is Jesus Christ God?

    In Verse 2, it says Abraham begat Isaac. The word 'begat' means to generate or to produce. Abraham begat Isaac, and Isaac begat Jacob, and that's the cadence that goes through a Jewish genealogy. It's always through the man, not through the woman. So the men don't give birth to other people, they produce. Abraham produced Isaac, Isaac produced Jacob, and so on.

    But down in Verse 16, it says, "And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called the Christ." Do you see the term "of whom", and "of whom was born?" The Greek text says "Out of whom," and the word whom is feminine, not masculine. So the Jewish person is probably going to say okay, we're going Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, okay we got that, and then you see "of whom" and you would think it was Joseph right?

    No, because the Messiah is not from Joseph. The Messiah is from Mary. So that opens up a question for the Jews which requires an explanation, and we have the explanation in Verses 18 through 25 which is the ancestry of the Christ explained. Notice in Verse 18 it says, now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise, or more literally "in this way," because he is explaining that little presentation in Verse 16 "from whom" or "of whom" and it is feminine.

    So the birth of Jesus Christ was in this way, and by the way, the word birth in Verse 18 is the same Greek word genesis which means origin. The origin of Jesus Christ was in this way. Matthew is still not calling it a birth. He is calling it an origin.

    And then we have Matthew 1:21. This is something that the Jews expected the Messiah to do. They expected Him to be the Savior-Messiah. This is the same thing they expected God to be, the Savior-Messiah. And this is who Jesus was.
  • Jesse - 2 years ago
    (Part 1)

    Is Jesus Christ God?

    After reading through a post discussing who Jesus is and seeing that some believe He is a created being by God, some believe He is God, and some just say He is God's Son so He cannot be God Himself, I would just like to share my understanding on who Jesus is. First of all, a lot of the discussion has been centered on John Chapter 1 which I agree shows not only the deity of Jesus, but also shows that He is God manifested in the flesh. But what I would like to use instead is Matthew Chapter 1.

    Matthew Chapter 1 can be broken into two sections, Verses 1 through 17 prove that Jesus Christ literally and legally fulfills the Abrahamic and Davidic covenant for the Jews. And then the second section, Matthew 1:18-25 gives us the ancestry of the Christ. The entire ancestry table is found in Matthew 1:1-17. The second section gives us the ancestry of the Christ explained. In simpler terms, these two sections would be called "The birth of Christ," and "The birth of Christ explained."

    Matthew 1:1 would be the caption or title. It is entitled the ancestry, not the genealogy. The word for genealogy is not used in Verse 1. And there is a reason for that. The word for genealogy in the Greek text is GENEALOGIA. But the word used in Verse 1 is GENESIS, pronounced Gen-ay-sees, with the "G" sound as in Girl. The word "generation" in Verse 1 is the Greek word GENESIS. It is not the word for birth.

    Matthew is purposely avoiding the word for birth. What Matthew is saying here is that this is the scroll of the origin of the Christ. Why is this important? Well, what Matthew is presenting here fits perfectly to what John said in John 1:14 that "The word became flesh and dwelt among us." You see, Jesus was not born. He became flesh. He has always been in existence. This is why Matthew avoids using the word for birth. He is presenting to us the origin of the Christ.
  • Cheryl on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    When the rapture comes women will no longer give birth because we are now in our immortal body so children will no longer born ?
  • Dave on John 10:36 - 2 years ago
    Do you believe in Predestination? That "we've already been chosen"? I find it hard to follow this path of thought. I mean what if I'm not? This is from John 10:29 NKJV "My father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; and no man is able to snatch them out of my Father's hand."

    However, if you read the KJV you can maybe interpret this differently. "My Father, which gave THEM ME, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand."
  • Brenda J Christian - 2 years ago
    What do you say to someone that states, They have a relationship with Jesus, they do not need to go to church to worship Him? I hear this a lot when talking to my family. I would like verses to be able to discuss this with them.
  • MaryAnn - 2 years ago
    What does the Bible say about interracial marriages
  • Richard cain - 2 years ago
    consider the fig tree where was it; in the beginning it was in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve believe the lie that Satan told them and they saw that they were NECKED (didn't have a covering far there sins) so they tried to cover there sins with fig leaves. but the fig leaves could not cover there sins. that being said then the fig tree means the people will try to hide their sins. because now is the time for the fig trees to began to blossom...DEACON RICHARD CAIN...i have spoken..believe this? peace...
  • Bruce Malouf - 2 years ago
    "Twenty seven years passed and they forgot their wickedness to Joseph because God gave him dreams with Spiritual signifiance"

    Irene Allen states this in her response 2 years ago to 'Stephen on Genesis 41:26' seven years ago in the comments.

    I made a comment 5 years ago, in which I point to 41 minus 14, which also is 27.

    I then point out that 27 is the same as 3 x 3 x 3.

    If the 'crisis' in the dream which Joseph interprets, can be deemed to reappear, in another form, in the Third Month of the Third Decade of the Third Millenium, then there may well be some truth in what I said 5 years ago, prediciting the 'crisis' of March 2020 well beorehand in 2017 by just looking at the numbers in Gen. Ch 41.

    In fact it could be said now that the whole decade from 2020 - 2029 is unfortunatelly the COVID decade, pherhaps Gen. Ch 2020?
  • TREVOR SMITH - 2 years ago
    Resurrection in the old testaament
  • Cheryl on Revelation 1 - 2 years ago
    Verse 5 Wasn't Lazarus the first to be raise from the dead before Jesus ?
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Covenants part 2

    The results of our actions as His covenant people; therefore still would (from the way I see it) involve blessings or cursings for us individually; and perhaps as a society at large much as it did with ancient Israel. There are; of course territorial promises that are different for us today as Americans; for instance. What isn't different is the same demons which are running amuck that were around for millennia. We are; ultimately in league with Christ or with the darkness. When we look at those such as Ananias and Sapphira we see how in an extreme example God can deal with those who are in the confessing church. It can't be said for certain if they truly knew the Lord; but it shows in God's house and His presence we had better take our responsibilities seriously.

    He has called us as a peculiar people to be called out from the rest of the world. The Corinthian church was warned that those who took communion unworthily were either sick or had died ( 1 Cor. 11:29). He does chastise all those He loves; and for the tares; often they are seemingly naive of anything they are doing against God or the results that are sometimes obvious to others. A striking example of the hypocrisy of some prosperity mega churches is when the preacher himself who is declaring healings of others themselves gets sick. It is possible; I suppose for that to happen; but how come no one is praying for them?

    No one seems to indicate that perhaps because of greed they are reaping what they sow. It isn't always sin that causes sickness; but for those obviously in sinful lifestyles it shouldn't be too surprising if it happens. Of course those preaching the health and wealth gospel will never (seemingly) indite THEMSELVES as the culprit even after accusing others of not being blessed by "sowing seed" financially.

    As far as blessings are concerned; those families that stick it out with marriages are often not seen as having the blessings of God in their lives.
  • Tonisha Manning - 2 years ago
    Is Fear an abomination unto the Lord?
  • Cheryl on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    When the rapture comes will children no longer be born since we are all changed to immortal

  • Kevin on Acts 9 - 2 years ago
    Did I miss something? In verse 39 the woman's name is Dorcas. Then in verse 40 her name is Tabitha. Is this the same woman?
  • Selasi - 2 years ago
    Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?"

    And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.'"

    from this verse can one say God lied that they would die?

    or were we created to never die in the beginning?
  • Laird on Revelation 5 - 2 years ago
    I was always taught that we are not robots but that we have free will. That God doesn't just push a button and we respond. Well, in chapter 5 it says that when the Lamb takes the book out of the hand of the Father all heaven AND earth give praise at that time. Well, if one is here upon earth at that time, and not being all robots, what will motivate that response? I believe that the same trumpet sound that John the Revelator heard, and the thunder and lightning that followed when that very scene was revealed to him will be heard and seen by those here on earth at that time. The trumpet sound will bring all safely to a halt and then that scene will be revealed in real time and those on earth will witness Jesus taking the book out of the hand of the Father and opening the first seal and thus motivated to respond with the praise mentioned. Thus, there will be if you will an official beginning of the Tribulation. Those on earth will KNOW it has started.
  • Carolyn dunn - 2 years ago
    Who's the healing angel
  • Saroj Bishwa(Ghimire) on Ecclesiasticus 1 - 2 years ago
    I need some defences on the Holy Bible is Sctipture
  • Mark - 2 years ago
    Are you already predetermined to go to heaven or hell when you are born?
  • Shelia Angton - 2 years ago
    What does feed my sheep mean?
  • Saydee Dockery on John 1 - 2 years ago
    I want my online Bible to read to me. Can you make it read to me?
  • Walter Mintz on Revelation 7 - 2 years ago
    I have a question. Are the 144,000 raptured during the Great Tribulation, or are they killed?

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