Bible Trivia Questions

5 questions | Start over


1.  What did the crowd at the Feast of Tabernacles say was wrong with Jesus?

He was drunk
He was a false prophet
He was sick
He was demon-possessed
He was insane

2.  What sinful act did the woman who was brought before Jesus at the Mount of Olives commit?

False prophesying

3.  In the Book of John, where did Jesus tell the blind man to go wash the mud from his eyes?

Pool of Siloam
Cove of the Sower
Sea of Tiberias
Sea of Galilee
Dead Sea

4.  For what reason did the Jews try to stone Jesus at the Feast of Dedication?

Performing miracles on the Sabbath
False prophesying
Resisting arrest

5.  How long had Lazarus been in his tomb by the time Jesus reached Bethany?

One day
Three days
Four days
One week
Seven hours

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