King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)
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Proverbs 15:1 - A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.
Proverbs 18:21 - Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Proverbs 31:10-31 - Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. (Read More...)
1 Corinthians 7:1-40 - Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. (Read More...)
1 Corinthians 7:13 - And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.
1 Corinthians 7:14 - For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
1 Corinthians 7:15 - But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.
1 Corinthians 11:3 - But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
1 Corinthians 13:1-13 - Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. (Read More...)
Ephesians 5:21 - Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
Ephesians 5:22 - Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
Ephesians 5:28-29 - So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. (Read More...)
Titus 2:3-5 - The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; (Read More...)
Titus 2:5 - To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
1 Peter 3:1-7 - Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; (Read More...)
1 Peter 3:1-6 - Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; (Read More...)
1 Peter 3:1 - Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
1 Peter 3:1-5 - Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; (Read More...)
1 Peter 3:1-22 - Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; (Read More...)
1 Peter 3:7 - Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
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