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Christian Life Page 157

  • Hope brown on Genesis 14 - 9 years ago
    No one should be paying tithes, and paying tithes has nothing to do with belief, but rather a lack of Bible knowledge. Abram gave Melchizedek ten percent of the goods he took in battle as he went out to rescue Lot. The goods or spoil was not Abram s possession, he also refused to take any of it. He said: I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich. Those who are preaching tithes are doing so for their own gain and have become the fat "cows" of the churches. Whoever gives, should do so freely. Many christians are burdened due to lack of Bible knowledge. They are struggling to get by while supporting the extravagant lifestyle of greedy Pastors. The problem with many christians is that they tend to pick out Bible verses to sustain their own opinion instead of reading the entire chapter to understand what is said. If we read further we read: 12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. Jesus does not require ten percent of anything from us, otherwise we should be giving him ten percent of our heart, and money is of no use to him. In Proverbs 23,26 we read My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.
  • Mildred. Perkins on Matthew 24:3 - 9 years ago
    I just love reading bible
  • Word on Genesis 1 - 9 years ago
    Jaume if you read Job 38vs 7 all the stars and sons of God are there and we are those stars and God was teaching Job Who really created earth and everything. Also go to Proverbs 8 vs 22 to 30 or 31 and you will see us shouting for joy again at the beautiful earth, home God created us. Isaiah 45 vs 18 will tell you God created a beautiful earth and check ou the word WAS in Gen. 1 vs 2 and you find out it translates BECAME without form and void. In Jer. 4 vs 22 to 29 tell us God got mad and flooded the whole earth. Then in Gen. We find God after He pulled us back up and then He replenished the earth with us in flesh bodies. What happen Rev. 12 and look in Matt 13 vs 36 to 44 . Read Ezekiel 28 and 31 and you find out Satan was a bad boy talking to Gods children and a third followed Satan. Now what do you do? When the first Christ comes and they say he is in the desert or they say come with us he is in the chambers! DON'T GO! When instead of Christ or Translated Antichrist is got the whole world worshipping him as Christ don't follow them stay on the house top and stay in the field doing Gods work am No that will be WAITING for the true Christ. Time was cut down to 5 months and Satan will be deceiving people 2 and 1 2 months so just pay your bills and store food and when the elect are delivered up and the Holy Spirit speaks through them you will understand why I tell you not to go with the crowd.
  • Kris on Hebrews 4:13 - 9 years ago
    If you don't want anyone to see or know what you're doing or have done then chances are its wrong....so don't do it, or don't ever do it again....once you do, then you'll have to explain it to God why
  • Jeke on Proverbs 20:1 - 9 years ago
    wine make us mocker,if my bible say it is not good ill do what my bible says.god bless.
  • Christopher H jenkins on Genesis 49:9 - 9 years ago
    I am going too enjoy this
  • Rebekah on Amos 8:12 - 9 years ago
    The word of the Lotd is carried by people of God. Truth and true doctrine: The Bible says that gross darkness will cover the people in the end times. It also says that people will go after seducing doctrines of Devils and many will be deceived. In other words, a bloodless message finds a place of Rest in people's hearts instead of the Holy Spirit finding a place of rest. Itching ears: False doctrine allows them to feel safe in religion without giving up the sin that so easily besets. There are few prophets preaching as Paul did! In the latter times, true prophets preaching the " Cross" will b hard to find. Prophets that will preach under the unction of the fresh word dropped in their spirits by the Holy Spirit right from the word of God that can break the chains and destroy the yoke so people can be saved will be rare.
  • Henry Mtende on 1 Samuel 16:11 - 9 years ago
    God qualifies the called. True qualification does stop God from using people it is his calling that matter.
  • Joshua on Jeremiah 17:9 - 9 years ago
    DESPERATE, a. L. To despair. 1. Without hope. I am desperate of obtaining her. 2. Without care of safety rash fearless of danger as a desperate man. Hence, 3. Furious, as a man in despair. 4. Hopeless despaired of lost beyond hope of recovery irretrievable irrecoverable forlorn. We speak of a desperate case of disease, desperate fortunes, a desperate situation or condition. 5. In a popular sense, great in the extreme as a desperate sot or fool. What then? ... The "heart" centre emotions gives rise to... LONELINESS : "Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me: for I am DESOLATE and afflicted." - Ps. 25:16 If the "heart" begets emotions, e.g. loneliness, And if the heart is "desperately wicked" hopeless incurable, Then--- This... this explains my loneliness this plain explanation---a mere 14 words in the KJV---how unexcelled in wisdom! Thy word is truth! "Alas, alas!" saith my heart. "Amen, amen."
  • Prince Eric Russaw Davis Collier David JB Collin on Romans 1 - 9 years ago
    To the national counselors organizations of US Counselors of government congregation of the church as I have read roman chapter 1 it's gives true as we see the day of abominations world which have evolved from time the provincial is bring the commdamnation are upon the generation of evil est but him who has all power of heaven and earth is the only thing that will help us through this as we have witness of this life of people then and now you can see it and it's happening now.
  • Bible fan on 2 Samuel 19 - 9 years ago
    reconciliation is the theme here. Not to be seen in a Kim Jong Un.
  • Enoch Motsamai on Exodus 31 - 9 years ago
    Saints let's not be protective of what we believe but let's believe what the Bible says. In Mark 1:14 15, Jesus said repent and believe the Gospel, not what your church teaches.Sabbath should be observed and was Saturday in the law of Moses true. Jesus said i came to fulfill the law. God works in seasons Hebrews 1: 1-4. We are now born of the Spirit of God, remember Galatians 5: 23 24 against such there is no law, Sabbath is everyday in essence according to the gospel. How we used to honour sabbath in the past the Bible says was the shadow of things to come.AMEN.
  • Aliaha on 1 Corinthians 1:10 - 9 years ago
    God's people can't interpret what Jesus, God or the bible, because the world will change.But the word of Christ, and our God never will be changed.. So no man will never be able to change the world, because the only perfect man was Jesus the son of God....
  • Lorenza on Genesis 1 - 9 years ago
    I find some things that are conflicting. I am still trying to understand some verses.
  • Rose on Isaiah 9 - 9 years ago
    I believe that Christ Jesus is a god, a mighty god, but I do not believe that he is the Almighty God, the creator. I believe that he is the son of the Almighty God.
  • BSP on 1 Timothy 4:8 - 9 years ago
    Being physically fit has benefit but what is more important is being spiritually fit. We have to focus on making sure we are in shape spiritually because the consequences of not being spiritually fit are for grander than the consequences of not being physically fit.
  • Tristan on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    It's happening.. Wow.
  • Rose White on Acts 3 - 9 years ago
    I like Acts 3 because it states loud and clear that Jesus is God's Son and not God!
  • ALEX on 1 John 2:4 - 9 years ago
    The commandments also include the 4th commandment: Remember the sabbath day. The sabbath is not sunday. There is not one line in scripture authorizing the observance of Sunday as the Lords day. The Catholic church alone changed the solemity of the Sabbath to Sunday not the Church of God.
  • Warren on John 10:30 - 9 years ago
    Why is that a Bible 1611 KJV I've had for more sixty years does not contain chapter 10:30 thank you
  • Lambert Daunemighan on Psalms 86 - 9 years ago
  • Buck on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 9 years ago
    the rapture is not the second coming this is when the saints leave earth they are caught up in air to be with the Lord. second coming is when the Lord set foot on the mount of olives and it splits into.
  • Tiara on Proverbs 10 - 9 years ago
    Calculate knowledge, put it in order so that we no what steps to take in order to gain wisdom within ourselves
  • Rachel on Genesis 14 - 9 years ago
    Search of the New Testament using your tool shows no connection to Melchizedek of Genesis 14. Yeth he is spoken of by name in the N.T. Why is your search wrong?
  • David Gunneson on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    The book of Psalms is a book of songs, simply put. It has no chapters, just as a songbook has none. So please correct your website by removing the word "chapter " from the book of Psalms.
  • Rev. Paul E. Uade on Psalms 110:3 - 9 years ago
    This talk of the christians in today's world coming together as a force taking their responsibility as children of God.
  • LaSandra on Jeremiah 2:11 - 9 years ago
    The glory means the God who created and sustains us, giving the provisions needed for life. Yes, man has traded the glory of God for fleshly and temporal fulfillment, which ends up in eternal death. It is clear that man wants nothing to do with the righteousness of God by how he has pushed Him out of everything. But the day will come when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord!
  • OMUNYIN JOSEPH on Psalms 23 - 9 years ago
    I have loved the king James version as my loved bible to read and the clarity in it. So easy to under stand the cortex written in this bible so I love it so much. May the almighty lord be praised all the time now and forever more Amen.
  • Pastoramos kyei manu on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    Please i went to be your best friend in CHRIST thanks GOd bless you!!!
  • Rob on 2 Corinthians 5:7 - 9 years ago
    Faith. Today I signed a lease to a rent a house, the first thing that the owner does is email me Romans 8:28. The same verse I was saying in prayer when asking the Lord about renting a house. Can I prove to you that it was the Lord? No, but I know that He had a hand in it all. Faith. Even in the everyday little things our God is good.

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