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Christian Life Page 163

  • Moses grant on Ephesians 1 - 9 years ago
    the lord jesus Christ want use to walk as he walk, and also to do things that will please him for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret,
  • Wilson behera on Acts 16 - 9 years ago
    it is very hard to acceapt through this scripture but is not hard to read this scripture because david says o test see that the LORD is GOOD.
  • Rev. Earp on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    Keep in mind that many Hebrew words have multiple meanings. And Adam is one of those words.The word Adam in the Hebrew can mean 1 man. 2 red clay. and 3 red man. The Word says that GOD formed man from the dust of the ground. Also, keep in mind that the genealogy list is to show us the direct line leading all the way from Adam to David, and then from David down to The Lord Jesus Christ. Those who are not mentioned are simply not mentioned because they were not direct descendants leading down to Christ. It 's like when we do our family tree. We start with our parents, go back to the grand parents, to the great grandparents and on and on as far as we 're are able to go back. I pray that this information can be useful in your BIble study. God bless each of you.
  • Masabata on John 15:7 - 9 years ago
    Heavenly father, i 'm asking for your righteousness right hand to open thee door for Refilwe seabela to get the permanent Job. i know by faith that every to you is possible. im asking all of this in Jesus Christ
  • Lois E. Lanier on Isaiah 37 - 9 years ago
    There is One God. He answers Moses "I Am ". Singular,fulfilling all needs to all,allof the time. From everlasting to everlasting. For me that is a complete answer as i diligently seek God in Prayer.
  • TYRONE BOWERS on Ezekiel 1:17 - 9 years ago
    I believe that god 's foreseen his kid 's going astray and he would like for us to become more obedient and become more like his obedient angels because we are create little lower than the angle 's. but we have the power of choice that when we become obedient we have surrender our will to god and we will go straightful like he will put us on eagle wings.
  • Pastor Alex on Isaiah 6 - 9 years ago
    Thank you for your website,it has blessed my heart since there is the truth for today and every christian should stop and look at it if they desire to grow spiritually. Please bro can you come and help us grow spiritually and share with us this truth. We lend a hand of fellowship to brothers in Christ .Hoping to hear from you soon Pastor Alex Kenya
  • Blessed on 2 Corinthians 3 - 9 years ago
    In Jesus and Jesus in us is the glory of GOD
  • Reuben.M on John 5:37 - 9 years ago
    One Time... I Just Wanted To Die End The Pain Shame.. But I Seeked God Day Night, Crying Bitterly... I Just Knew In My Heart There Has To Be a God who Can Relate with My Pain... After Endless Prayers In The Heart I Just Didn 't have Will Power To Live. But Then It Happened... a Mighty Rushing Wind Burst The Locked Door Open filled My dads house, at about 12 pm at Night while Everyone was Sleeping... I Tried To Cryout to dad but I had No Energy To... The Wind was All Over the house, But Then It Formed an Image of Someone Like a Man in Long Robe With Something in His hand... When I Realised Who It Was, I Thought To Myself as Isaiah "I am Undone, For Now My eyes have Seen the Lord " Without Hesitation I Bowed Face Down, Trembling as to Acknowledge Him that Stood Before, I could not Look at His Face, I Was Too Unrighteous Convicted of My Sins. I Prayed The Lords Prayer... Then The Wind Subsided, even The Image of Jesus. As I Stood Up, I Knew at That Moment. we 'll Id Just Saw with Mine Eyes So I Guess I Wont Say I Belived in Jesus. Bottom Line is I AM a Witness of God I Saw His Form, The Form of His Son that is, The Form was That of The Wind... The Son Looked Like Father, I Would have Not Known If I Didn 't Read The Bible... The Son Looked Like Father in Glory, and His Form Was That of a Wind... a "spirit " Therefore as Scripture Declares "God is One " The Father, The Son The Holy Spirit.
  • M on Genesis 1 - 9 years ago
    verse 30 say and every green thing for meat, i am wondering if we were to go back to the beginning and plant our own vegetables and not use any chemicals and eat only green vegetables that we would be healthier people , the saying goes what we eat is what we are ,well when GOD made man HE said that it was good, I believe what GOD says.sin and and the poison that is sprayed on our food and the hormones that they give the animals is whats bad for us and kills us.
  • Tim on 1 Chronicles 16:18 - 9 years ago
    Does anybody comment on this site?
  • Larry bolinao on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    Huge war should have should have taken place. But somehow cooler heads probably take over. Somehow they manage to avoid a major war. Because Russia threatened nuclear strike, if us destroy Syria or Iran. Let 's watch what will happen next. But I hope the earthquake would be delayed too. And let 's pray that it is not the same in rev.6 . But it probably is. And I hope we are among that will receive the seal of gods servants. Let 's hope that we will be among the multitudes that God will save.
  • Alice Englin on 2 Chronicles 20 - 9 years ago
    I agree because the bible says to obey those who have the rule over you and watch for your soul. If they prophesy that God said this or that and it come to pass then it was a word from God.
  • Bill Wright on Psalms 91:11 - 9 years ago
    Then, why did all those people get killed while in prayer meeting?
  • Mike D on Psalms 119:53 - 9 years ago
    Isaiah penned the words that picture a people in a place as David was speaking, when he wrote Isa. 5:20, Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. These people have lost their moral compass because the are willing ignorant to God 's commands in scripture. Our horror comes in seeing the ungodly acts done so boldly and knowing the horrific judgments that awaits them along with the heart pains of our Holy God being so dishonored. There is not hope for them outside the turning of repentance to a Holy God and His Word.
  • Andre Pierce on Revelation 1 - 9 years ago
    It finish with me it ends with me
  • CMack on Luke 16 - 9 years ago
    Did anyone consider who made the accusation or who was the rich man. Who is the steward and the debitors . How about the children of light? Who are these people
  • MockingBird on Psalms 19:14 - 9 years ago
    As I meditate in and on God 's word then the words I speak will be words of what God would say of any situation. This is an every day thing : to train myself to say and act as My Lord would and it is an on going repeating act all the days of my life. To be acceptable to God is to be pleasing to my God and my Lord Jesus. I press toward the mark of the high calling that is in Christ Jesus.
  • Brianna on 2 Samuel 22:21 - 9 years ago
    Interesting thought that Jehovah repays according to our own measure. If we have reaped many good things then Jehovah will repay us with his blessings accordingly. Likewise if we failed to have stored up treasures in heaven , then we are not giving God very much to work with and to bless.
  • Brianna on Matthew 6:16 - 9 years ago
    I did some research on the phrase " disfigure their faces " , and I picked out a very interesting point. Another translate showed that it was a lack of grooming or keeping up appearance. So the bible does not encourage us to be extremely ascetic. We don 't need to practice extreme self denial to appear to be holy, that was something the Pharisees did. the bible says Jehovah is the happy God, and that there is an appointed time for everything. Very interesting point!
  • Pst. Arthur Duncan on Isaiah 60:11 - 9 years ago
    Gates speak of obstacles but, When gates are open another realm of favor is open for entrence. When gates are close everything around u closes. The gentles speaks of helpers.
  • Mike on Matthew 15:24 - 9 years ago
    Where is The House of Israel. One example is the tribe of Dann, the tribe of Dann established a country called DANMARK Denmark . They also settled in what is now Wales, evidenced by the Red Dragon which is a symbol of Dann and now adorns the Welsh flag. The tribe of Judah is another example. These people eventually settled and founded Jutland and later migrated over to Britain with the Angles and Saxons. The Lion of Judah symbol is now in the Crest of England. The tribe of Isaachar became the Saxons Isaac 's Sons--Saacsons who also later co founded England with the Angles and Jutes. I could go on and on. The proof has been revealed in these last days. Jacob Israel which went on to found the MANY NATIONS of Europe.
  • Miguel on Revelation 1 - 9 years ago
    In the final bok of Revelation It speaks of 'The Sea giving up it 's Secrets Mysteries ' .....I guess this will be a good day for Treasure Trove as many shipwrecks lost over the centuries will be revealed along with their artefacts and treasure......Go get a metal detector and 'bucket spade. ' It also states ....There will be NO MORE SEA. HOWEVER IT STOPS SHORT OF STATING THERE WILL BE NO MORE WATER........SO ONE MAY DEDUCE FROM THIS....THAT THERE WILL BE 'FRESH WATER ' IN THE FORM OF RIVERS LAKES AND STREAMS. THE SALT WATER MAY WELL BE IN DECLINE. ANYONE ANY THOUGHTS ON THIS VERY TANGIBLE PIECE OF DOCTRINE.
  • Word on Matthew 24 - 9 years ago
    Patrick Appleton your right about leaving Jerusalem where instead of Christ claims to be God. Daniel says he comes in peace and flatteries and rises to power. To have Child is spiritually speaking because they whored after the wrong Christ they went with antichrist which translates instead of Christ and they give suck meaning they worked his one world system so they got caught buying and selling during the 2 and a half months of that five month period when Satan and his locust are here on earth written in Rev. 9 where God shorten the time for the elect sake. Then at the 7th trump we will all be changed in spiritual bodies and the true Christ will return our true Husband. Those that chased after Satan and said they are not a widow any longer because they were deceived. When God says don 't go just stay on the house top and be a good watchman. Don 't believe the preacher 's who twist the word and say they want to be the first one taken that 's not what our Father says.
  • Mike D on Psalms 119:53 - 9 years ago
    Isaiah penned the words that picture a people in a place as David was speaking, when he wrote Isa. 5:20, Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. These people have lost their moral compass because the are willing ignorant to God 's commands in scripture. Our horror comes in seeing the ungodly acts done so boldly and knowing the horrific judgments that awaits them along with the heart pains of our Holy God being so dishonored. There is not hope for them outside the turning of repentance to a Holy God and His Word. It is a fearful thought when you read verses like Proverbs 1:24-30 or Romans 1: 18-32 where there seems to be a finality to God 's patience. These become walking dead men looking for a place to die.
  • Tina clay on Matthew 15 - 9 years ago
    Looking for a way to stop a man from teaching others its OK to drink smoke meriwana and cuse .he takes the word of God and twist it.I do not have a home to give shelter to my kids where they go to college and work. They are out in the world .
  • Delroy on Deuteronomy 28 - 9 years ago
    Deuteronomy 28 is very powerful and straight forward. God tells us exactly what will happen to us the Jews if we do not follow his commandment. As it states in the chapter we shall be taken with ships into Egypt we shall serve a new master sold new language etc. The time will come again when God will take us out of bondage Egypt back to the holy land.
  • Terry on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    I have never received a notification of any responses to any comments made on Bible On Line.
  • VIRGINIA R GARCIA GOMEZ on Proverbs 1 - 9 years ago
    How do I pay rent?
  • Jackson Mugisa on Ezekiel 22:30 - 9 years ago
    We Need To Stand As Christians In The Gap Of The Wars In Africa.

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