Christian Life Page 174

  • Lilian on 1 Samuel 12 - 10 years ago
    Jesus is the perfect obedience to the Father therefore we need to follow Jesus by obeying his commandments. He who loves him has to keep his commandments. We need to walk with Faith and not by sight. Jesus himself is the word of God the heavenly manna. Jesus is the good Shepherd he who obey and follow Jesus the Sheep knows his voice and the sheep is us who serve the Lord. Jesus loves us all the time
  • RNM 1-4 on Galatians 1 - 10 years ago
    GAL 1-4...If you go back to Acts chapter 8 you can read about a certain character, who the writer of Acts the Apostle Luke was inspired by the Holy Spirit to strategically insert, 15 verses of a Samarian sorcerer who was revered as a God who had practically the whole of Samaria bewitched as the word calls it. Met up with Philip the Apostle and followed with him beholding the miracles that were performed through Philip, and this Simon said he believed also and was baptized, later he attempted to buy the power of the Holy Spirit from Peter and John and was sternly rebuked, but Historians of the time, tracked the movement of this Simon the Sorcerer and it seems as though he migrated into Rome where he laid the foundation to the Roman Catholic Church, his mark is all over the church of Rome. But his most distinguishing mark come from his belief and worshipping of Mithraism a Mystery Babylonian religion which was the worship of the SUN, this is why the Catholic Church changed God 's Holy 7th day Sabbath to Sunday the 1st day, this was all the doings of Satan diverting the children of God from the truth, and he succeeded! now that you know what you are up against you can research it yourselves to find the truth of GOD 'S Sabbath and come out of the fog of deception you 've been in. The Sabbath may not seem important to the World, but to God it is a different story! God 's people perish for lack of knowledge. Don 't let that be you. AMEN!!
  • Lucy on 2 Timothy 1 - 10 years ago
    Today my faith and testimony was put to the test , past hurt friend approached me in a violent and very hostile manner . I did not defend my self in a verbal nor physical manner . While her and her daughter bashed me verbally . I stood silent , told her after a while God was present and she miss understood the situation and satan was the reason for the misunderstanding . She continued cussing me out while I stood there with no hostility towards her , I prayed in my mind for Gods protection and finally I said to her I can tell you have not been to church in a long time , it made me sad to see her like this . I feel she realized I was not going to respond in the same manner and God was on my side and she left with her daughter. I 'm praying God will continue to mold me and speak to me and defend me as He has : But most of all I pray for this woman 's soul and her daughter , I would love to see them calm and of sound mind .I want to see them heaven bound and not hold on to anger and allow such a small matter steal their joy
  • Gregory on Proverbs 12:10 - 10 years ago
    It seems to say that good men and women love animals, especially pets. Which begs the question: is there a difference between an animal say a herd of sheep and a pet personal dog, cat, hampster, etc. ? I 've had more than 10 pets in my life, but six stand out. three dogs and three cats . With each of them, especially my male Norwegian Elkhound, I felt a definite, deep connection. There was an inexplicable bond in my soul with these six animals pets. Heaven will be lacking for me if I don 't find them there when I arrive.
  • Jacob on Acts 1 - 10 years ago
    Watch out in that passage in Ephesians. 1 Cor 8:5 says, For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, as there be gods many, and lords many, You know there are many false faiths, and many false spirits gone out into the world. In the same way there are many different baptisms. Look at them 1Cor 10:1-2, John 1:31, Matt 20:22-23, Acts 2:38, Acts 10:48, 1 Cor 12:13, Matt 3:11. You are right, much prayer is needed. Acts 2:38 is used today, it 's just not the correct way to baptize for us today.
  • Patricia on Psalms 127:8 - 10 years ago
    Will tell me exactly what does psalms 143:8 means.
  • Froilan salud on Wisdom of Solomon 2:2 - 10 years ago
    i think this wisdom of solomon had not been removed to the original
  • Ray on Acts 13 - 10 years ago
    I love to read the bible every day
  • Linda Cook on 2 Corinthians 6:14 - 10 years ago
    My question is i am protestant and i am falling for a catholic, is this wrong in the sight of God, or as long as they believe in God the trinty?
  • Insight 777 on Zechariah 6 - 10 years ago
    Verse 1, there is a war going on because mountains of brass represent war. Brass is a term used for high ranking officers and also spent shell casings usually made of brass are the part of the cartridge left over after the bullets have been fired. A mountain of these represents a huge battle-war.
  • Insight 777 on Zechariah 5 - 10 years ago
    Verse 11, Shinar is another word for Babylonia. I think Babylon symbolically is the nuclear industry that produces nuclear holocaust. Nuclear warheads are encased in lead, verse 7, and attached to missiles. A talent is 75 pounds. Perhaps the women represent harlots of Babylon, nuclear missiles or bombs. The long winged plane is carrying 2 nuclear bombs, perhaps like the white Russian TU 160 strategic supersonic bomber. That plane resembles a white stork in flight. The flight distance is 11,000 miles with the normal load of 9 but if only 2 were attached then the range would be probably be longer.
  • Insight 777 on Zechariah 5 - 10 years ago
    Verse 2, the flying roll could be a missile. 20 cubits is 33 feet. There are solid fueled ballistic missiles that are 33 feet long with a range of 1,330 miles.
  • Bob on Galatians 3 - 10 years ago
    April, God 's promises do not disappear. I am unsure the precise events that will unfold , but, He will save the remnant of the Jewish people he has preserved. It is a dangerous thing to privately interpret the scriptures and "Satanize " God 's people or anyone.
  • Noho Jenkins on Deuteronomy 29:26 - 10 years ago
    Pride, arrogance, over eating, drunkenness, violence, abuse defiance, biblically immoral lifestyle, personality disorders, confusion, suicide and many other variations are just some of the identifying characteristics of chasing the wrong God. In Jesus name may God have mercy on us all - Amen
  • Katrina dlamini on Genesis 11:8 - 10 years ago
    I llike to read the biblem because it the key of my life
  • Sabinus on Jeremiah 35 - 10 years ago
    Always know the history and foundation of your problem and pray that the helper of your life to connect you and your life will change automatic.
  • Linda-marie on Joshua 1:9 - 10 years ago
    It is awesome. God is a deliverer And He will deliver the areas that keep you bound. KJV
  • Christopher on Genesis 1:2 - 10 years ago
    The earth was filled with wickedness and total absence of light and the ruler of the universe judged the wickedness with destruction.
  • James on 1 Maccabees 3 - 10 years ago
    I believe it has been a great satanic conspiracy,The books have been hidden and taken away so we would not be able to understand the endtimes.
  • John Menezes on Isaiah 65:24 - 10 years ago
    Not only Isaiah 65 24 but reading bible everyday gets you more closer to God and understand God more and more with immense healing on you and more benefits in life. Jesus name Amen. Alleluia.
  • Samuel Butu on Isaiah 54:17 - 10 years ago
    Heavenly Father I come to you seeking guidance and help for our belobed country of Kenya. Lead our leaders, bless them and restore peace back to our nation. We honour and glorify you Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray and believe. Amen
  • America is Arsareth on 2 Esdras 13 - 10 years ago
    Read Christopher Columbus own Memoirs in which he uses this very chapter in establishing that there was more land then previously thought. In the movie 1492 Conquest of Paradise in the first 9 minutes of the film this chapter is mentioned. Various other information of scholars such as Lord Kingsborough in his 7 volume book called Antiquities of Mexico specifically observes the customs and broken Hebrew language among many other familiarity from the Mexicans and collaborated what others like him observed from other Indigenous of the Americas that are hundreds of miles apart such as James Adair 's History of the American Indians all coming to the same conclusion. The Indigenous of the Arsareth renamed to America are the 10 tribes of Israel. The average follower of Christ most likely have no idea about the Apocrypha nor prophecies such as this chapter. By the collusion that the Apocrypha is through deceit or ignorance that it is not inspired. Showing arrogance on claiming to be of any authority from on High unable to discern the spirit of God. There 's many information in regards to where the 10 tribes went. However, many of them are misleading and attempt of replacement theology to hide the real 12 tribes of Israel are. This is accordance with the prophecy of Psalms 83:1-8 in which the heathens are said to make a evil plan and carry it out through collusion.
  • Ike williams on 1 Corinthians 13:11 - 10 years ago
    at the age of twelve JESUS was teaching in the temple physically and naturally he was a child but spiritually he was GROWN AND GROWED.
  • Phyllis Mitchell on Acts 19 - 10 years ago
    my question is this: 1Cor 13:10 is that referring to the completion of the bible or what??
  • Joni G on Romans 2 - 10 years ago
    The thing we need to be focused on most of all in our Christian walk is a much deeper prayer life. Most Christians are not praying long enough. A perfunctory 30 second prayer hastily said before one flies out the door to make a living is not enough. We need to pray without ceasing, of course but our daily routines need to involve longer prayers. Not longer for the sense of saying lots of words but heartfelt, giving glory and praise to God. Thanking Him for unnoticed blessings. I was at a Christian women 's luncheon and our guest speaker was Saeed Abedini who said American Christians study their Bibles much but don 't pray long enough. He is in prison in Iran right now. He had permission to set up an orphanage. I remember seeing my devoted grandmother pray for a half hour each day alone in her room. When our prayers are longer, not only can we hear from God but the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
  • Austine on Psalms 30 - 10 years ago
    Thank you LORD JESUS for your love upon my family and friends, today I was thinking a lot because my sister is sick , after spoken with her on the phone . I was trubled in my heart : then my spirit start telling me to use the word of GOD that all our problems will be fine start reading the psalms from my phone glory to GOD that I feel better now: and Iam praying for total healing for my sister I trust GOD to heal her: pleases I need your prayers amen.
  • P on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    Wow, people sure lived a long time in those days. When Seth was 856 years old, did anyone ask him how old he was and then say "you don 't look a day over 700 " !
  • Anonymous on Romans 11 - 10 years ago
    WoW these people really believe the Khazars that converted to Judiasm in 700 ad that dont believe in Christ and dont even uphold the torah let alone the new testament are the descendants of the Hebrews. Those people that went into Israel in 1948 are not the people we need to be praying for! Do your research stop listening to Jesuit seminary school doctrine.
  • George on Isaiah 19:25 - 10 years ago
    This may sound strange but this passage suggests that the Lord Yahweh is an Egyptian who created the Assyrian nation and inherited the people of Israel.This is not the regular understanding of this passage but that could be it 's real meaning.
  • Michael oduor on Luke 24 - 10 years ago
    I am so glad to read the bilble in my phone thru you thank you and God bless you

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