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In the first half of 2020 five kings will have no kingdom any longer, The king from northern Europe will be in rule in that day and the Antichrist will be the King that shall come and take the kingdom by flatteries consuming the entire earth in his day but he shall be broken by Him who shall break the nations with a rod of iron. then shall the Kingdoms of this world become the Kingdoms of the Lamb (Jesus the Christ)
And in the latter time of their kingdom (is the end times) when the transgressors (Lucifer and his minions) are come to the full (a full cup of wrath) a king of fierce countenance, (a very powerful, fast and destructive King) and understanding dark sentences (speaks the demonic tongue of demagoguery) This is the Antichrist from Romania the new Rome
It was to be outlived by the Greek Roman East until 1453. The areas which survived the disappearance of the western part of the Empire included the heavily christianized Hellenistic regions in the east, as well as the lands of classical Hellenism in western Asia Minor, Cyprus, the Greek peninsula and Southern Italy and Sicily. This is the area, aptly described by George Ostrogorsky, as defined by Greek culture, Christian faith, and Roman state structures. Today the eastern part of the Roman Empire is known and studied under the name of Byzantine Empire, a name deriving from Byzantium, the old name of its capital Constantinople. To its contemporaries it was Romania, and themselves were Romans.
People spend so much time debating words and religion that you miss God's purpose and the reason Christ died for everyone...Relationship and Reconciliation. God loves you the same regardless of what sin you choose and he wants you free from everything that displeases him and causes separation between you and HIM. Many "Christians" get lost in this debate and never reach anyone because you argue words and religion without love and totally disregard principal. For the record there is a difference in sin Paul made it clear that there is sin that is unto death (Willfull, habitual, unrepentant sin) and sin that is not unto death. God loves everyone he created, rather a drunkard or a nun, God loves you and wants what is best for you like any good father. Oh and we nolonger stone people for sin, just we don't sacrifice animals for forgiveness of sin or forbid tge eating of meat for the sake of religion, grace made us free from these rudiments of religious law because no man could fulfill the without the grace of God, but now because of Christ's sacrifice we can also be free from sin through the love and grace of God!
Thank you Lord.
Iam in Itatl
stay bless
23. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
People do you see just how important it is to choose to Love rather than to hate; Forgive rather than to hold a grudge; You can see from Matthew 7:22-23 that even the church, who actually have the power & gifts of God will be cast into Hell, and this chapter shows why. So we see that you can be anointed and still be in danger off hell fire, or rather still not have a relationship with God because your heart never learned how to truly Love. So I say to everyone; match this chapter up to you. Your salvation depends on it. For the Saints: this chapter shows us that we only have part of God, and Matthew 7:22-23 shows us that part of God is not good enough.