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This makes the reality of Gods wrath clear to Isaiah. He sees a battle and knows for fact it is real. He fears that he and his people are sinful and not good enough to escape this destruction.
Verse 6 is interesting, I think a pilot landed near Isaiah. Isaiah was taken into the cockpit. The "live coal" from the altar(dash) of the plane is the communication device pilots use to talk with each other. The pilot puts it to Isaiahs mouth and ears. In this way God shows Isaiah that he is worthy to communicate Gods word, is forgiven of sins and is a chosen prophet of God. Verse 8, Isaiah volunteers to tell people the truth of what he has just seen.
People will read the Bible and not understand its meaning unless they are willing to
"see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed."
It is difficult to grasp the reality of WW3 seen through the eyes and heard from the ears of a man that lived in the 8th-century BC. It is easier for people today who can look at fighter jet photos and listen to the actual news that is leading up to WW3. Isaiah is telling the truth.
Verse 12 "And the LORD have removed men far away"
could mean different things. Perhaps a rapture event or it could be men are captured and taken as "slaves" to foreign soil or it could be that men in distant countries have been killed in battle. Possibly it means people are scattered into distant lands to flee battle areas.
It is absolutely clear in Mat. 28:1, Mk.16:2, Lk.24:1, Jh. 20:1 that our savior 's tomb was found empty on the "first[day] of the week". However in all honesty there is no mention of HIS resurrection in these vs. it has to be assumed.
As for Rev. 1:10 this is the only place you can find the phrase "Lord's Day" in GOD'S word and there is no indication of what day of the week this is. This also has to be assumed.
Based on the fact that GOD'S days are from sunset till sunset this could only have been a havdalah meeting on Saturday evening.
Sunset on Sunday starts GOD'S second day of the week.
GOD Bless,
To “be unequally yoked together with unbelievers” does not limit to marriage relationship; in fact it’s a misinterpretation of this scripture. It simply means don’t walk in the way of the wicked ones, because the wicked ones feel comfortable with those ways, while we as believers will very very uncomfortable with such ways. Believers will unprotected and unsafe walking in those ways, while unbelievers may walk in them out of duty ( Isaiah 29:20). So that is the unbalance the apostle Paul is speaking of.
As to marrying a person who is from another religion, I believe the key is love and how you agree to live as a married couple. You may succeed to convert your spouse to Christianity, likewise your spouse may convert you to his/her religion. So, all depends on how strong and spiritual you are. And as believer, I understand you don’t engage in a relationship by chance, but you seek first God’s direction and guidance ( Proverbs 18:22). Please remember that some of the unbelievers are Christians, but as the devil has blinded their minds, they just chose to walk in darkness, of those too, the Apostle Paul says we must “turn away” ( 2 Timothy 3:5).
God bless you.
What plant is it about? Because some suggest it is Hemp.
A few comments... first of all not everyone in Islam believes Muhammad was not a prophet from childhood....some believe he that is void...all 3 of them were prophets from childhood...Muhammad was told to start preaching in his adulthood...similarly Moses also....he didn’t preach from infancy.... Jesus had his own book...the Bible...and Moses had his own book Tawra...Muhammad also had his own book Quran.. In Quran, there is mention of Tawra and Bible + the prophets too... Muhammad wasn’t of the pagans, he was of a religious family..he belonged to the family of Abraham from Ismail’s lineage... Muhammad also has a lot of miracles... Muhammad also communicated directly...and through Gabriel also... Muhammad is also among the promised... so Moses and Muhammad preached from childhood while Jesus didn’t.. (even thought they were prophets...) both Moses and Mohammad had to leave his country and migrate and come back and their own land .... both Moses and Muhammad created their respective government...Jesus didn’t... Moses and Muhammad married and only had A DAUGHTER...Jesus didn’t marry.. Moses and Muhammad both had their cousins(uncles son) by their side and succeeded them..... both Moses and Muhammad daughter married their cousin... Aaron had 2 sons namely Shabbar and Shabbir...Ali had 2 sons namely Hassan and Husain...Shabbar and Shabbir when translated into Arabic is Hassan and Husain... Moses had 12 successors...Muhammad also had 12 .. We believe Jesus didn’t die instead he went into occultation.. Jesus was the 12th successor of Moses and went into occultation...Mohammad’s 12th successor also went into occultation... no offence to anyone....