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Ryan, its called humor. Give it a try.
There is so many promises in this Book. Jesus has already prepared a place for us. He done went ahead of us to get it ready. He is actually offering us peace. Not as the world give it to us...but HIS peace. And we all know the world can't give us peace like Jesus can.
He letting us know that He will be leaving us, but The Father will send us another Comforter that He will be with us forever...WOW! We are never alone.
In His Father's house is many mansions, He is going to prepare a place for US. WOW! He is letting us know that this place here one earth is only temporialy (misspelled)...He have a better place waiting for us. If we only believe in Him and His Father.
I love this Book. I could go on and on and on. There is so many promises in the whole Bible. But this is one of my favorite Books.
The problem I have with some of you is that you misrepresent Evolution and twist it to mean something else and then argue against that. It's irrational and if you like to move through life in
ignorance..well to use a phrase "God bless you".
Remember this.. God is the what. Science is the how. Why do you find it so easy to believe something with 0 evidence and so hard to accept science displaying tons of evidence. It's a funny irony.