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Christian Life Page 30

  • Jeff Mooneyhan on John 12 - 2 years ago
    Is there a verse or verses that talks about Satan being the ruler of the world besides

    John 12:31?

  • Jesse Carter on Ecclesiasticus 1 - 2 years ago
    When I read the bible I can't help but hear things being misconstrued. One person says one thing then another book says something totally contradictory to the other. But I'm supposed to believe they all posses the same knowledge from the same thing. Sounds like more than one author... I'm just looking for answers to the questions we all have. I believe but sometimes hard to keep faith when man changes the words. Languages change the meaning and so forth. Wondering if you see what I see,... They say the faith of a mustard seed. Well I have a hell of a mountain to move. Pray for me.
  • Eaganstjohn - 2 years ago
    It looks as though we don't believe in the same Jesus. All those verses you presented are either talking about those who were never saved, or who profess to be saved. Nothing shows that they lost their salvation. You've been getting the wrong interpretation.

    I'll hopefully end it with this: 1 John 1:9, if we confess our sins he is just to forgive us our sins, and to clean us from all unrighteousness.

    We are all sinners, saved or unsaved, we all fall into sin in one way or another. It's are nature to sin, we were born with it.

    If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us: that's in (verse 10).

    We all sinned and come short of the glory of God. None of us deserve salvation, it is a gift from God to those that confess their sins and believe, from the heart the name of the Lord, thou shalt be saved.

    Once you are saved God, the Holy Spirit, comes down and lives inside us, we become the temple of God.

    His spirit is strong, but our flesh is weak, and remains weak. You can lock yourself up away from the outside world and still fall into sin. It's everywhere we go. Once saved our whole life becomes a spiritual battle, that's why prayer is important. Asking God to help us fight off that battle.

    Believing that you can lose your salvation must bring a lot of anxiety to those that believe that. Constantly backsliding and giving up with worry because sin just seems to come in, no matter how hard they try. Constantly putting them in worry.

    Hebrews 9:27: As it is appointed unto men "once" to die. Just as Jesus only had to die "once," after this the judgement. I'm sorry but if you want to go through life fighting a never ending battle for a sinless life then have at it. I can assure you, Once saved always saved. That's one of the things you must believe to be saved. I hope this helps you. God bless.
  • Alex1939 - 2 years ago
    Alex1939...When ya read Psalms 8 KJV...Remember Jesus wants to make his enemy his footstool...which is our carnal minds...And thats y we must be bornagain of an incorruptible seed...That we might birth a new innerman the H.G. That Child of Promise the H.G... Psalms 8 :1..David is saying how excellent is thy name in all the earth outa of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou has perfected Praise...This is the result of the woman giving birth to the Children...The babes and sucklings...This is the coming of the Kingdom... Rev 12 :10..The manchild is gona rule all nations...He is gonna be born in everybody that hears the words of that book that Jesus wrote with his own blood...That New Covenant...David neva used any babes and sucklings in warfare...Its just prophetic that Christ wants that all men might birth a baby Christ..a baby God to whom the word came it made them Gods...And the scripture cannot be broken...The H.G. is the multiplication of very God... the regeneration of Christ Jesus via his seed his Words...When he breathe on his disciples they were impregnated by his precious seed, his living words....And he said b/c i have spoken these words ( his seeds ) sorrows have filled your hearts.. A woman when she is in travail has sorrows but after the Child comes her sorrows are turned unto joy.. John 16:21...Their Child was the H.G. thats y Jesus said that which is born of the spirit is spirit...Our new innerman our new heart and new spirit has to be born in us via his seed the word....When the manchild which is the H.G.will be born in everyman's hearts as David said ( the babes and sucklings ) Then Gods name will be great in all the world as David is saying...Then there will be no more curse (satans seed the Tares ) our carnal minds Gods enemy, As Rev 22:16 is saying...I am the root and the offspring of David...the bright and the morning star....I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven...The babes and sucklings ....ok lemme go
  • Jack Bering on Psalms 143 - 2 years ago
    Is the word saint used anywhere in the old testament, thank you
  • Verleen innis on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Where dose God not reside? Give scriptural references. Is it true that no one has seen God? give Scriptural references. nex ? How can one Know that God exists if no one has seen Him?can you give a scriptural. thank you so much for helping me to understand; and grow.
  • One eighty - 2 years ago
    page 2

    is something I will always cherish. Yet there was no healing. Everyone thought I was ok; NOT so. The horrible effects from the past were still there, and worsening. I was ashamed, angry and hateful of myself, feeling most unworthy of God's Love and healing; to the point where I found myself very bitter, angry, and extremely disappointed in God. Genuinely, yet in vain, I had wanted to please God and experience this "peace that passed understanding" that I had read AND taught from the Bible; my conclusion being that I must be unworthy of His Love, a heathen with no hope, condemned to eternal hell, shown no mercy, deserving of punishment, being an object of His wrath and vengeance, set as an example for the deserving special ones whom God loved separate from myself.

    Eventually, after fifty plus years, I gave up on church, as it seemed obvious I was not healing in any way. I had very little hope left in my life, arriving at the point in time where ending it all seemed to be the only way out. I was planning it out; the depression that filled my life since a child had become nearly unbearable. God though was still on my mind, and I would've pulled the trigger while still considering God!

    In what I was convinced would be my last few days on Earth, suddenly, and what I consider a miracle, thoughts fell into the "lap" of my mind in which I'd never heard, which thankfully halted my intentions of calling it quits. Over the past few months, I've shared some of those thoughts here. I've poured my heart out to God, and doing so with you to a certain degree.

    So here I stand now, truly believing God loves me, never to forsake me; desiring to express to those who have ears, that nothing can snatch me or you or anyone from His Hand. NOTHING. For fifteen years now a Voice has very gently and patiently assured this. Yet, I still hear voices speaking to me, who are ...

    see p. 3
  • Shepherdsheep - 2 years ago
    Praying for every one in this world opportunity to enjoy a relationship with our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior.



    you are welcome in this place

  • Nantip on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Your Comment... THank u lord 4 creations
  • Rugged Christian - 2 years ago
    2 Timothy 2:15: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

    This powerful verse proves two things; dispensationalism and the need to continue to prove ourselves to God. Many believe that once they are saved, that's all and they can just go back to what they were doing before. Nay! Yes, by being saved we are guaranteed Heaven but we must also keep striving to do good works so that they may be written. Continuing to study and learn as well as obey His commandments and good works are all bonus points for us.
  • Hookah Blondie - 2 years ago
    I'm so tired of the governmental puppets show? I hope for talk about the lack of action ever done for DARPA, our govt lack of concern for direct democracy and the dictators who pay to run our military industrial complex (an $890 billion industry)
  • Sammi - 2 years ago
    So , assuming that we all agree that in the New Testament , when it mentions Elias it's referring to Elijah and likening him to John the Baptist ? If this is correct , can anyone tell me what is meant in Mark chapter 9 verse 13 . It seems to imply that it's written somewhere in the Old Testament , the fate of John the Baptist ( beheaded by Herod ) , or do we just think that it means that as Elijah passed his ministry on to Elisha , then like wise did John the Baptist pass his ministry on to Jesus ? All answers appreciated thanks .
  • Ruthmay - 2 years ago
    I would be grateful for your prays. I am undergoing investigations at hospital 'if' I have cancer. As a lump had come up on my neck. I have been told by christian friend to stay positive. I do pray but still feel such fear, also anger why it should be.

    Thank you
  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Psalms 70:4
  • Samlight on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
  • Ruthmay - 2 years ago
    Can anyone let me know if Mishael is still on site? I have just returned to site and Mishael had kindly answered my request for prays whilst I care for my mother

    I would like to thank him during that very special time - it was particularly difficult and sad part of my life.

  • Michael homan on Psalms 114 - 2 years ago
    This goes in the 'Fear of the Lord' category
  • David T. on Acts 6 - 2 years ago
    I am reminded that even within the local body of saints there is much work to be done. Let us all be willingly and able to help in any part of the ministry to glorify GOD, and promote the gospel of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

    Praying, giving, visiting, encouraging are big things needed. GOD to shine HIS face on all on this forum. Wisdom upon our elected leaders in DC, and local, regional positions. GOD bless all on this platform, and especially the brethren in CHRIST JESUS.

    January 7, 2023
  • Quavious on Ecclesiasticus 4 - 2 years ago
    This was really fun to read.
  • EthanDuff - 2 years ago
    How do you know that one church is the right church
  • Joe CoWhick on Psalms 103 - 2 years ago
    Has anyone in your community commented on the possibility of RESTORING the correct Hebrew name of the Almighty, Eternal Creator of heaven and earth and His son's name, Israel's Messiah, as well?
  • Auna-Leigh Peterson on Genesis 2 - 2 years ago
    I am doing this for sunday school
  • Julia97 on Psalms 23 - 2 years ago
    God delivered me
  • Anony Part 5 (Clarification) - 2 years ago
    Sorry, I wanted to clarify that I do NOT look at pornography-did sometimes as a kid, until a friend--wise beyond her years, was used by GOD to speak, the warning which caused me to STOP & to THINK (if I am remembering correctly)!

    Then, was tempted, but wouldn't go near it! Ironically, thanks to the same evil spirit, of the same bad family member, that brought me here to pray today! I bought my 1st and only nudity magazine, I think to look edgy, or just out of curiosity-nothing to do with lust-I don't know why I bought it, but I was quite different in my views back then (due to ignorance, though I had read Holy Bible scripture at GOD's will, because it was never a thing, coming up in my immediate household, but thankfully, Bibles existed there, hence, how I found them to read)!

    Anyway, lastly, the next time I would see pornography, was having it shock/surprise me, b/c there was no indication, but that served as all the Devil needed for an invitation to then..later on.. INTENTIONALLY go back again, later, and SEEK IT!

    Shame & disgusting actions, that I remember, that I MYSELF rendered, and disgusts me, 2THIS DAY, when I recollect! Also, I remember other dangers that that [thankfully] TEMPORARY foray into evil exchange brought about. GOD still made lemonade, I think, out of those lemons, not sure, but anyway, then I went back to being ME-and just NOT looking stuff up, Until..not sure what year, but it WAS RECENT, relatively speaking, and those images--they remain burned in the brain!

    GOD DEFINITELY made lemonade, out of that final foray.

    MENTALLY-I would, over the years-mentally be DISGUSTING in my imagination, at times. And GOD would put me to fear, and so, He KNEW I'd need HIS help with that early on, due to the evil that adults put me, on. My own mother, for the pornography.

    I have no idea, other than, it appears some witches do this DELIBERATELY to their VERY YOUNG kids..Lastly, only way2overcome porn, is to STAY AWAY from it! Sadly, othersMAYforceU2c it!
  • Anony Part 4 (The End) - 2 years ago
    ALL eschewers of RIGHT-ness, illumed with the brightness, of darkness & tricks, in eternity, won't get..a chance to experience EVER, pleasure AGAIN!

    Christ died for ALL Men! Not devils or Satan!

    The Devil KNOWS how terrible Hell IS! But to his OWN "girls" & "boys," such #facts, he omits!

    I go about this, perhaps the wrong way! I just would to plead with 2 parties: the Hell-directed and the saved!

    To the aforementioned brethren: for the former, PRAY!

    That GOD remove the deception, & all controlling mechanisms & spirits causing possession (as if these,

    Weren't humans beings, but objects, or toys--non-autonomous--but mereTHINGS!)

    Naivete, or the dreams of a King! I may not have a staff, DEFINITELY nowhere NEAR a PhD, but the mountain-top is what I envision,

    A better world, an GOoDly inheritance for today's children!

    Don't have a staff, or a ephod to speak to Christ's Dad & tell me HIS vision,

    So in the meantime, my prayer is THAT,

    Those in I AM's, Son's, clan,

    Will work in the individual,

    To bring the GOoD covenant BACK!

    That Spoken of in Daniel & before him, by Moses AND, The LORD GOD--Him, concerning what He WANTED us to do in the Promised Land!

    Milk & honey? Now, now? An inorganic, gmo'd non-health bringing, relic of the pre-degenerate past!

    Not that there's any new thing under His hands, but the days are evil! And there is much needed healing of GOD's land! And my people fail to see! But I was despondent, so I stared-aggrieved, out my former windows, into things.

    And saw my heroes...HUMANEly! But GOD-He zeroed, in on ME & He warned , but I could NOT SEE! I "corrected" The Holy Spirit(?) IGNORANTLY! But my hope, is that,

    As with our Father David (speaking now..to The Fam'),

    GOD will bring forth a GREAT WISDOM, as unto a once GREAT KING (spoken afore, in this prayer, previously (scroll back up, perhaps to Part 3!))

    And make lemonade from all of our lemons! Don't know GOD's will, but let us PRAY! MayB GOD's will..th@ some heros..He will save!
  • Darpa - 2 years ago
    DARPA is experimenting on Citizens of the United States including veterans and any citizen

    They did it in the 1950s-1970s and they are doing it right now

    As a US Citizen, You are a Test Subject for any "product" they are developing

    These products are not products you or I would buy viruses, bacteria, drug testing, mustard gas style weapons

    They are unregulated govt bodies acting as dictators. Please send help holy one
  • Anony Part 3 - 2 years ago
    GOD's law is for the sleek, impressive-performance of a highly-lauded, highly-respected, highly-, successful athlete.

    Satan's ways-though his children are often heads & tails above me in success, achievement, talent & beauty-IRONICALLY produce a hidden man: repulsive, disgusting, gross & revolting! Fetid & morally, unhygienic! Quite different from the outer man! I go by ASSUMPTIONS, not sure what all is true. But based on what is displayed--in ads & in entertainment & in "science" these days, I assume these are they with light that os within them, that is darkness. With knowledge, but of the doctrines of devils, that continue to make the world smell as a sewer, instead of the "sweet odour" of our Creator's moral prescription, for the human and his soul's condition!

    I speak NOT to insult, but to illustrate. I used examples--some of my own, some of others, whose testimonies I'd heard--Christian and other. Barers of witness of the most depraved Satan renders. He is a sin, drug-dealer! He gives you what NEVER fills you, but tastes pleasurable, but is quietly, killing you! He is a bearer of candy, and thereby diabetes, and the pain-inducing cavity!

    He (allegedly) enLIGHTens, but why must his instruction be carried out in the darkness? The DEEDS, I mean! Why? Because the make the hands UNCLEAN! They make the Man (that carries them) to STINK! Not just before GOD, but if ever unearthed: PUBLICLY!

    What manner of love causes shame and disgrace? What teachings must be hidden--the vacant eyes, and souless face? GOD created my enemies & me, after His OWN image: Supreme in likeness, SPIRITUALLY!

    So the original Hater-I speak of Satan-was jealous of GOD & I think, his OWN children, because why, if he would them to be "enlightened," doesn't he reveal to them the TRUTH? 'Cause they'd be RIGHTFULLY FRIGHTENED: ALL eschewers of RIGHT-ness, illumed with the brightness, of darkness & tricks, in eternity, won't get..a chance to experience the pleasures and joys
  • John ray - 2 years ago
    Matthew West a song do something listen to it my brothers and sisters
  • Donniedrakeford - 2 years ago
    Good morning, I would like to discuss the topic of once saved always saved, and how others who say they were saved have departed the faith of the Lord Jesus. Do you think that these people maybe were never saved at all to begin with? Or does this mean they're still saved but just straying away?

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