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I pray that the Queen is at peace. We will miss her tremendously. God bless her heart and her soul we love you Queen Elizabeth II
When a comment is respectful, done with love and in good faith, then it deserves to be valued no less than the other believer's reply. I just hope that as we claim to be children of God, we also practice what we preach. A true believer of Jesus should guard his or her heart and be careful with the heart of a fellow Christian. Just be reminded of the verse Matthew 25:40
Thank you !
God bless us all !
thank you jesus
What principles should guide your group as you seek God by seeking to do those things?
Look for ways you may be seeking a substitute for God rather than seeking the Lord.
How can you more fully seek the Lord in your life.
Why it is easy to remain silent in the midst of injustices around us ?
Why is it difficult to remain silent when we are in the middle of God's discipline?
Christianity at large just simply knows what the surveys show, that the KJV is what they identify as THE Word of God. We should ask ourselves, "Is the Holy God we serve VOID of the power to preserve his Divine Word of truth?" No, of course he is not void of it! By his Divine power he has surmounted human intellect and ORDAINED the continuance of his Divine Word of Truth, and even identified it for us by the God-given enate witness he instilled within us! That witness has been faithfully operating before and since the close of the canon and, at this present time, and for the last 400 years, has been Divinely thrust forward as the King James Bible.
The very day fallen human intellect manages to sideslip total human depravity and become God's advocates of perfect truth, that is the day subtle error tiptoes in to neutralize God's Truth. The whole of humanity, through sin, has fallen into total depravity, and finds it impossible to postulate a condition that supersedes itself. For imperfection to fully decipher itself is an impossibility. God's Word should be read with that truth in mind, for He has ordained that such an arrangement will never happen to His eternal Word of Truth--we will only hurt ourselves in the attempt.
Almost all readership charts show the KJV at 31%. The nearest to it is the NIV at only 13%. All the rest are near non-existent. The NKJV by its own description is not a new translation, but a language correction of the KJV. The KJV and the NKJV combined puts the preferred readership at 38%, far and away humanity's favored translation of the Holy Scriptures.
We call the Bible the Holy Bible, or the Holy Scriptures. The word HOLY means perfect, without blemish, non-erroneous. Whatever declaration it makes, that is the truth of it. It may not direct itself to a specific subject such as science or logic, but whatever it touches, it is the truth of it by definition whether or not humanity agrees with it.
Virtually 100% of fundamental Christian theologians agree that God reveals himself to fallen humanity in three ways: 1. The God-made outer witness of creation (Atheists almost never win debates with Christianity's scientists; in fact, one leading atheist scientist advised her chums to never debate Christianity's scientists because they always win). 2. The God-ordained written witness of God's perfect Word. (The perfect logic of God's omniscience demands Divine perpetuity of God's perfect message to lost humanity). 3. The God-prompted inner witness in mankind's soul and spirit, inspiring an inner hunger for perfect Truth. All three of these work in harmony with one another toward the salvation of fallen humanity.
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May God bless you!
King James Bible Online
I like to read the Bible and to attend a bible study
I always keep it that God has a beautiful plan for me. This is what keeps me moving on.
But Ezekiel 13:20 is interesting .
This is her song for her Birthday! As you read the history on these two special verses you will see there a waiting as to whom this belongs. It is the for The Blessed Virgin Mary. Happy Birthday Our Lady of Victory! Forever a surrendering slave to my Mother! All I have is yours. Father Chris said it best Happy Birthday Mom! so funny !