King James Bible
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The Flock is not ,nor will they ever be what they think they are. They are a lot of Good, devoted People who love God. But they don't realize for the most part, they will never come close to the Annointing, Power, Dedication The Man of God carries, the burden he bears. The weight,struggles, or battles He fights Daily. Quite honestly, they are in the dark, blind.
Paul said Ye which are Spiritual, closed the gap, when you see a Brother or Sister overtaken in a Fault, sin ,struggle. Help restore that person, because they cannot do it. I'm not condoning sin, making a excuse for sin .
But I have seen, and I know you do not fit this bill or mold. But most People in Ministerial Positions do not have the patience or temperance for it. They are angry ,judgemental, confrontational, demanding, try to be a tyrant, control freak over others.
These folks are going to fall over and over, flat on their face, going to make a upside down cake , a total mess out of situations, trials, decisions. And this is where we come in, we pick them up, dust them off, pray another prayer, even if it's the 100th time. And tell them " You can do it, You can make it,,, let's go ,,, You're going to turn it around this time. Because Just one touch from Jesus ,,,changes everything.
All we can do is Preach, every man,woman is going to do what's in their Heart. Do that,,go home, rest, relax, eat, . You have done Your Part, it's up to them now.
Mikey Out. Ooooooh Yeah!!!!!
thank you and God Bless you
i pray and seek for healing and salvation in my life.
i seek through thee for open doors and blessings.
all glory be to GOD, he is the imirimiorse.
I have a question to ask. What is your opinion about the following statement?
"Early Christians used to take the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ (the Holly Communion) EVERY Sunday"
If your agree to this, then should we do the same nowadays?
God Bless You All.