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God allows man to have choices. The choice of Adam and Eve in the garden was to either do as commanded by God or to do their own will. They choose their own will and sin was produced. Evil exists today for the same reason. We have a choice to do wrong or to be saved and do things the way God intended. God allows evil so man can make a choice and never be able to say going to hell was God's decision.
God wanted people to be in his form and likeness, but Adam chose to eat from the tree of knowledge of good/evil. Thus providing the advent of experience of any of the two according to your choice no longer GOD'S will but people.
When God allowed us free will He allowed us to choose , to choose to love and trust and obey Him and enjoy His love and mercy and blessings or to choose to ignore or deny His existence and do whatever we like , people are natural sensual beings that enjoy satisfying their senses , taste smell touch sight etc , we can either try to be spiritual and set our hearts and minds towards God and Jesus and their love for us and the promises that have been made to us or we can satisfy our flesh any way we feel like , we can be greedy selfish lustful violent cruel etc and make others and ourselves suffer in this life or we can set our hearts on the world to come and try to please God . That's free will and God wants us to choose Him and His love but some would rather go their own sinful ways and harm others as they satisfy their own desires . They make others suffer in this life as they satisfy themselves . We as Christians know better , if we are trying to please God then our actions towards others must be pleasing towards God , we must spread peace and love to others as we deny our own lusts as best we can . We must spread good not evil , evil is the fruit of the atheist and idolators .
There are types of evil! The question would suggest that there is only one evil.
Inevitably, those who trust God's will, will find evil that will bring us unto good. This would be the will of God, toward man.
Genesis 50:20.
Like the atom, there are protons and neutrons, the universe is controlled according to His will. Protons are positively charged, neutrons are uncharged and electrons are negatively charged. All matter is made up of these!
This is His nature and what you see in the creation.
God allows the devil, sin, and evil to exist for now as part of life on earth that is inescapably complicated by sin. God knew Adam would plunge the whole world into sin but there was no other way for God to have humans in fellowship with Him in the way He wanted without giving him free will. God's plan of salvation is not to destroy sin and sinners immediately but to allow sin to exist as He draws sinners to Him for salvation.
What are the solutions? One solution : Genesis 6:7
But, there are those that find favor; maybe a little less wicked, &/or people GOD delights & those that do HIS will: Genesis 4:26, Genesis 6:8,
Exodus 2:24, Psalms 89:20, Acts 13:22, & many more: see Hebrews 11,
Many times those suffer the wickedness of other men & women such as Samson: Judges 16, context Judges 16:6, Jeremiah,
1st Solution : GOD did take one man out of the earth, because he walked with GOD: Genesis 5:24, but Jesus asked that GOD wouldn't take them, HIS elect out of the world but to keep them from evil: John 19, (in context)
Final solution : send a Judge & Savior, John 3:15-16, Malachi 3:5,
To clarify, we, human kind: given dominion, = what do we do with it? Psalms 82:6, 1Corinthians 8:5, John 10:34-36, what does that mean? It means we have power to do good or evil, power to command, subdue, etc.: Mark 11:23, a simple businessperson could order a mountain be flattened. But we're not to be worshipped: Acts 10:25-26
We can change things, Matthew 25:31-46, Exodus 22:22, Isaiah 1:17, Deuteronomy 10:18, Jeremiah 22:3,
We have even more power if we submit to GOD ALMIGHTY, & our Saviour Jesus Christ the Messiah & pray, intercede for others: John 16:23, John 14:14,
Worship GOD alone : John 17:2, Acts 26:18, Exodus 34:14, John 4:23
Knowing this now= will you take your GOD given authority, & use it for good? Luke 10:19, Luke 9:1,
I guess I can ask you this question will you help your fellow woman, child, man? Will you choose good over evil? Will you make things just & fair? Every choice, everything we do or refuse to do has consequences good & evil. Matthew 7:1-5,
Because God loves us enough to give us freewill to choose. We can choose to love or choose to hate. This choice makes it more meaningful and real than if we were robots forced to conform to a preprogrammed script of behavior.
As a parent which is more real and meaningful: if your child was forced to say "I love you" or if your child voluntarily chose to say "I love you"?
People have the freewill to choose hate and choose evil.
The original sin has lead to a difficult life filled with challenges, like death, disease, pains, work difficulty, disabilities, disasters. I believe these obstacles are a test of our character while on Earth. We will all face hardships, some will be persecuted unfairly for their beliefs, for their good deeds. God sees this. Satan is allowed to roam and tempt people into doing evil and evil is rampant. While it may seem like people may 'get away' with things, the reality is no one gets away with anything. All will be judged fairly on judgment day for every little detail we've done. John 2:10. This should scare most people. Luke 12:5. Everything will be exposed.
People's past hardships are no excuse for them to choose to commit evil and create future hardships on others. Some assume its in their nature and 'cant help it', but everyone has a choice. There's always a way out. We will never be tempted beyond what we can bear. 1 Corinthians 10:13
The following is an excerpt from a movie I saw called "Frank vs God":
"Why would a loving God allow these tragedies to happen? Does the Lord want us to suffer?"
"I asked for strength, and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom, and God gave me problems to solve.
I asked for courage, and God gave me dangers to overcome.
I asked for love, and God gave me troubled people to help.
My prayers were answered.
I think that God allows evil in order to enact His pre-ordained plan to manifest His glory ultimately in the redemptive work of His Son.
I think that God ordained that Satan (and his angels) man (every single person) would sin, but not by forcing them to sin, but by their own free choice to do so in order to manifest the fullness of all that His Being entails. Without sin, there would not be manifestation of justice, wrath, mercy, grace. God always seeks His own glory and chooses to manifest it in all of its fullness. I believe that He would not have left any aspect of His perfect nature unexpressed. Thus the purpose of creation, angels, man is for God to exercise all of His attributes for His glory to be displayed in all of His perfections.
Adam and Eve were indeed created sinless, yet able to choose to sin or not sin. And they were placed in a paradise that was perfect. But Satan also was on the earth and able to enter this Garden of Paradise. In redemption, Paradise is perfect and sinless, but Satan will never have access to it. And, all our sinful nature will be removed and we will be made unable to sin ever again. So, the Paradise of the eternity is better than the Paradise of Adam and Eve. And redeemed eternal life is exceedingly better that the life Adam and Eve.
In order for God to execute this ordained plan before He created, it was necessary for Him to allow sin to come into existence in Satan, 1st, and then his angels, and then in mankind.
Thinking on this makes me marvel at His infinite wisdom and perfection. His thoughts and ways are far above ours and Satan and angels. Satan was the highest ranking being God made. God knew He would sin and His plan for mankind's redemption from sin is a revelation to Satan and his angels that even though Satan was the next closest being to God, he was still far below God in wisdom, power, sovereignty. God is vindicated by His plan from before the beginning of creation. Satan loses and becomes the lowest of all.
i personally think god allows evil in this world to those who disobey him and those who sin against him me being a new Christian and getting into the bible and also trying to understand the true words of god and how Jesus died for the people which is us I believe that is we just share the word of god others who are lost and need gods saving then a lot of soul wont be lost in this world.
[46]Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
[47]The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.
If Adam didn't sin against God how was the plan of salvation going to come through?
In other words ( Genesis 1:
[2]And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters) representing sin, Genesis 1:5
[5]And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
John 1:5
[5]And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
God allowed Sin so that his sovereignty is manifest in all things.
God keeps everything in order. Everything in this world is kept in place and in balance by God so that people are able to live a life that consist of choices towards and away from God. If evil was not allowed to prosper, everyone would not be honest in choosing God as He would be the only way to survive. The more people are thinking that they do not need God, the more pure are those that do choose God.
As the "tree of Life of knowledge of Good and Evil" as in the garden of Eden - for Adam and Eve to refrain from - they ate and thus allowed evil to be known now and not only for it to exist.
God empowers our decisions. So if we choose badly He will empower that and thus evil will grow and be prosperous. This is not God's will, but it is His choice. He is Law and thus apply the principals thereof.
So God did not create evil as an opposition to Him, He allows for it to exist as a definition of Whom He is and what He will allow to ensure that pureness and holiness prevail.
Related discussions: 1
Inevitably, those who trust God's will, will find evil that will bring us unto good. This would be the will of God, toward man.
Genesis 50:20.
Like the atom, there are protons and neutrons, the universe is controlled according to His will. Protons are positively charged, neutrons are uncharged and electrons are negatively charged. All matter is made up of these!
This is His nature and what you see in the creation.
Genesis 6:5,11,
Genesis 6:6,
What are the solutions? One solution : Genesis 6:7
But, there are those that find favor; maybe a little less wicked, &/or people GOD delights & those that do HIS will: Genesis 4:26, Genesis 6:8,
Exodus 2:24, Psalms 89:20, Acts 13:22, & many more: see Hebrews 11,
Many times those suffer the wickedness of other men & women such as Samson: Judges 16, context Judges 16:6, Jeremiah,
1st Solution : GOD did take one man out of the earth, because he walked with GOD: Genesis 5:24, but Jesus asked that GOD wouldn't take them, HIS elect out of the world but to keep them from evil: John 19, (in context)
Final solution : send a Judge & Savior, John 3:15-16, Malachi 3:5,
To clarify, we, human kind: given dominion, = what do we do with it? Psalms 82:6, 1Corinthians 8:5, John 10:34-36, what does that mean? It means we have power to do good or evil, power to command, subdue, etc.: Mark 11:23, a simple businessperson could order a mountain be flattened. But we're not to be worshipped: Acts 10:25-26
We can change things, Matthew 25:31-46, Exodus 22:22, Isaiah 1:17, Deuteronomy 10:18, Jeremiah 22:3,
We have even more power if we submit to GOD ALMIGHTY, & our Saviour Jesus Christ the Messiah & pray, intercede for others: John 16:23, John 14:14,
Worship GOD alone : John 17:2, Acts 26:18, Exodus 34:14, John 4:23
Knowing this now= will you take your GOD given authority, & use it for good? Luke 10:19, Luke 9:1,
I guess I can ask you this question will you help your fellow woman, child, man? Will you choose good over evil? Will you make things just & fair? Every choice, everything we do or refuse to do has consequences good & evil. Matthew 7:1-5,
Hopefully these are helpful
As a parent which is more real and meaningful: if your child was forced to say "I love you" or if your child voluntarily chose to say "I love you"?
People have the freewill to choose hate and choose evil.
The original sin has lead to a difficult life filled with challenges, like death, disease, pains, work difficulty, disabilities, disasters. I believe these obstacles are a test of our character while on Earth. We will all face hardships, some will be persecuted unfairly for their beliefs, for their good deeds. God sees this. Satan is allowed to roam and tempt people into doing evil and evil is rampant. While it may seem like people may 'get away' with things, the reality is no one gets away with anything. All will be judged fairly on judgment day for every little detail we've done. John 2:10. This should scare most people. Luke 12:5. Everything will be exposed.
People's past hardships are no excuse for them to choose to commit evil and create future hardships on others. Some assume its in their nature and 'cant help it', but everyone has a choice. There's always a way out. We will never be tempted beyond what we can bear. 1 Corinthians 10:13
The following is an excerpt from a movie I saw called "Frank vs God":
"Why would a loving God allow these tragedies to happen? Does the Lord want us to suffer?"
"I asked for strength, and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom, and God gave me problems to solve.
I asked for courage, and God gave me dangers to overcome.
I asked for love, and God gave me troubled people to help.
My prayers were answered.
I think that God ordained that Satan (and his angels) man (every single person) would sin, but not by forcing them to sin, but by their own free choice to do so in order to manifest the fullness of all that His Being entails. Without sin, there would not be manifestation of justice, wrath, mercy, grace. God always seeks His own glory and chooses to manifest it in all of its fullness. I believe that He would not have left any aspect of His perfect nature unexpressed. Thus the purpose of creation, angels, man is for God to exercise all of His attributes for His glory to be displayed in all of His perfections.
Adam and Eve were indeed created sinless, yet able to choose to sin or not sin. And they were placed in a paradise that was perfect. But Satan also was on the earth and able to enter this Garden of Paradise. In redemption, Paradise is perfect and sinless, but Satan will never have access to it. And, all our sinful nature will be removed and we will be made unable to sin ever again. So, the Paradise of the eternity is better than the Paradise of Adam and Eve. And redeemed eternal life is exceedingly better that the life Adam and Eve.
In order for God to execute this ordained plan before He created, it was necessary for Him to allow sin to come into existence in Satan, 1st, and then his angels, and then in mankind.
Thinking on this makes me marvel at His infinite wisdom and perfection. His thoughts and ways are far above ours and Satan and angels. Satan was the highest ranking being God made. God knew He would sin and His plan for mankind's redemption from sin is a revelation to Satan and his angels that even though Satan was the next closest being to God, he was still far below God in wisdom, power, sovereignty. God is vindicated by His plan from before the beginning of creation. Satan loses and becomes the lowest of all.
[46]Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
[47]The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.
If Adam didn't sin against God how was the plan of salvation going to come through?
In other words ( Genesis 1:
[2]And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters) representing sin, Genesis 1:5
[5]And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
John 1:5
[5]And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
God allowed Sin so that his sovereignty is manifest in all things.
God keeps everything in order. Everything in this world is kept in place and in balance by God so that people are able to live a life that consist of choices towards and away from God. If evil was not allowed to prosper, everyone would not be honest in choosing God as He would be the only way to survive. The more people are thinking that they do not need God, the more pure are those that do choose God.
As the "tree of Life of knowledge of Good and Evil" as in the garden of Eden - for Adam and Eve to refrain from - they ate and thus allowed evil to be known now and not only for it to exist.
God empowers our decisions. So if we choose badly He will empower that and thus evil will grow and be prosperous. This is not God's will, but it is His choice. He is Law and thus apply the principals thereof.
So God did not create evil as an opposition to Him, He allows for it to exist as a definition of Whom He is and what He will allow to ensure that pureness and holiness prevail.
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