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There was a reason why God favored these four men. They took a stand for God. The verse in the Bible which says 'Man shall not live by bread alone' was being practiced here. These men held God higher than anything else and thus God lifted them up higher than anyone in that land.
The Kings palace then can be likened to our contemporary worldly universities where a lot of attrocities happen, where youths live carefreelives as if there is no God watching every actions of theirs, but daniel choose to remain faithful to God in that strange land. he refused to join the bad wagon of those days. This brings me to the conclusion that a righteous man is a man that has many ample opportunities to sin but permits God's grace to say no.
Daniel "purposed in his heart"... this is where it begins - in the heart. He made a conscious decision that he would not go as the world went and sin. It didn't matter that he was in a foreign place, Daniel made the choice to stand for the Lord God Almighty and keep the ways that pleased the Lord by not partaking of the idoloters' ways. We too have to come to that place and have that same determination, that we can't walk in the way of the world or partake in the sinful things that so many others partake in. It starts in our hearts. Each person who seeks God's grace and mercy, must have a heart to love Him and to please Him by seeking His Son Jesus - the way the truth and the life. Jesus is the Son of the living God and by Him we are saved.
This was an opportunity for God to prove Himself to the world through His chosen four. Daniel had a strong enough faith even as a child to put God to the test. Do You??
After reading the entire book of Daniel, it seems to me that the first chapter is only an inrtoduction to what commitment, dedication and devotion required to endure to the end. As in the book of rev. "...He that endures to the end the same shall be saved." The question then becomes.Who should endure what and why? We should pay close attention to what JESUS SAID TO PILOT "MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD" Pilot had ask,"Are you a King?" But Pilot didn't get it. His concerns were only about the things of this world. Hense he did not know nor did he understand the things of the Spirit. If you know who you are in Christ Jesus then you will realize you will suffer rejection and persicution from the world. The history given by Danial of the wars from Medo-Persian Empires through the Greco, and Roman Empires all the way through to the end times are the events of the things of the world. Danial 7:27 says "And the Kingdom and dominion,and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven,shallbe given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him." Christ left no question about the distinction of His kingdom and the kingdom of the world. A Brother And Beleiver.Roger.
Daniel was one of the most faithful, integrity keepers in the Old Testament. I love the book of Daniel, because here is where the coming, and the preservation of God's Kingdom is precisely foretold besides the book of Isaih and Zechariah.
DANIEL loved and worshiped the ALMIGHTY GOD; HE also understood that GOD loved him. When he was captured, he maintained his close relationship. He knew is GOD would take care of his people. DANIEL has demonstrated to us that GOD will use situations to prepare you for a task; and once you remain his servant, you are always going to be okay. DANIEL displayed confidence in GOD to equip him for whatever comes; bound his action as to demonstrate to us the assurance, protection, DELIVERANCE GOD always has for His people. DANIEL’s action demonstrates that assurance...
It is my honour to appreciate you all for taking your time to enrich us with the word of God; especially about the book of Daniel. The Bible tells us God's people perish because of lack of knowledge. I won’t perish I have the word with me. God bless you abundantly.
The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, which also means character comes first before charisma. This is the qualification for promotion in GOD'S kingdom, so let's not put the cart before the wheel.
There are many today who live their lives based on the platform that Christ has laid and that is He Himself, the Christ of God, being the Chief Corner stone; for there are no other foundations that can be laid except that which is laid through Jesus Christ. Hence, as somehow difficult to an extent as the book of Daniel is, and that is with regards to some of the prophecies therein, one cannot but be encouraged through it. It must be said however, that, there are those who do not demonstrate even that live style of Daniel but in fact above it simply because of the dispensation of grace we have been brought into. Hence, as Christians, Believers, or Saints in the LORD, we are into a covenant with God through Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, and no matter what the challenges are, or the level of persecution, Jesus Christ in our lives, the hope of glory is more than enough. Also we must never forget that as Christians, born again, we’ve been anointed through the power of the Holy Spirit, hence that saintly element is inherent in it. However, in spite of that, we should not and must not get ourselves into self afflicted problems, that some have got themselves into, and think that we’re doing God some favours. And that is why no matter what we may learn from what Daniel and his friends did, in the days when they were in captivities, we must embrace and practice the counsel of the Holy Writ, and that is that we make sure that we permit the dictates of God’s Word, to work it’s workings, in and through our lives, and that is to the glory and honour of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In other words, we must never ignore to truly and purposefully walk in love, as the Scriptures says- and when that is fully in place, and we continue therein, there is no weapon that is formed against us that shall prosper. Also, we should not forget that Christ Jesus did not come to judge but to save, deliver and rescue the lost- and he that does not believe is already condemned, hence there is no need to double condemn anybody. It is also interesting that when it says Daniel did not defile himself, it spiritually means that, in the new creature realities, we must pay attention to the Word God, invest consecrated time on it and then practice whatever the LORD reveals to us. This of a necessity demands humility and high level of commitment. Others would talk negatively about you, in fact some that never met you may say all manner of things about you, based on half truths or, error, but please don’t worry, simply remain committed and let the Word of God, do what it is meant to accomplish in your life. It says Daniel and his colleagues stayed, put and did well more than their fellows and that is one of the things that we should learn from, particularly in the things of the Gospel- and yet we can’t really compare ourselves with one another. For you can only compare likes with likes. The truth is that based on the principles of the Holy Spirit, we must never forget that Jesus Christ is the standard and hence we should only compare ourselves with the goal and task that has been given to us and that is, in line with the faithfulness and grace of the Triune God. When we give ourselves to the task that God has put in our hands, the honour that God gives will locate us with accuracy, no matter where we are; for we are ‘God’s agents’ on this planet earth- and the honour that we give Him is what He will pour on our lives to the degree of our dependency on His love and righteousness.
GOD selected Daniel, and nurtured him, he prepared him, with thoughts and knowledge. Daniel FOUND grace in the king presence, and used it to benefit his friends also, his humble choice of food became the order of the day; and eventually brought changes.
This book shows us how the people of Judah and king Nebuchadnezzar knew what these people had and used it to build his kingdom, mostly children that can stand in the king's presence just to encourage someone out there to stand whatsoever and be ready to learn the knowledge. Just read the book of Daniel if you want a library to study.
A Daniel fast consisting of beans, peas and vegetables, while abstaining from the consumption of meats and fermented beverages for a period of ten days will enhance your spirit, mind, body, and soul!
Sorry, the place where it is explained to Daniel, in his vision, that the evil folk will "wear out" the saints in chapter 7 verses 23 through 26, specifically verse 25. Sorry, I looked it up just now, but I was responding to the positive and uplifting comments posted on this chapter's comments, they blessed me. Much love to you all, your sister in Christ, Jen.
I am thankful for the comments that I read. It was encouraging for me, because sometimes it gets overwhelming seeing how people who are very popular and well-liked and idolized, and followed intentionally lead regular folk away from God's word. It is tearing up many lives from the consequences of following after evil ways. Those consequences extend to innocent children and offspring of people who disobeyed God's word. It gets very overwhelming to see the things that are worst for people are the things that are promoted, and God's word is demoted. Even though it was explained to Daniel that evil folk will "wear out" the saints, and this is how it's going to be until Christ reigns on Earth, it is more comforting to me to get to "hear" believers like you, my brothers and sisters in Christ. I KNEW I was not alone--God says how people of every nation, every language, etc, will be God's saints, and that is encouraging when I can experience it in real time like this as well. Please pray for me to be obedient and perfect through Christ to our Father, God, my brothers and sisters. Love, Jen.
I believe that verse 10 proves to Christians that if they ever compromise God's laws/principles in any way (whether you eat or drink, do it for the glory of the Lord), otherwise, they would then be used to against their fellow bothers/sisters as to substantiate a temptation.
i learned from this scripture that even in the mist of set backs we need to look upon the lord,feed ourselves with his food which is the word .And more so our God is able to remove us from difficult situation .Hence obeying God and following his commands is the ultimate in life.
This scripture tellls us the integrity that Daniel had. It shows us that wr can't compromise even when the world thinks its the best, we have to stick to what God knows is best for us.
Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself with the Kings meat, wine, or women. God blessed Daniel, and his three friends because they lived a holy life, despite being in an unholy land full of idolatry. The Word of God tells us to keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. God uses these Hebrew boys to teach us how we as Christians are to conduct ourselves in the world. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and we are not to defile the temple by what we eat, drink or by committing sexual immorality. How this message needs to be taught to young people today. Flee sexual sin for no sin effects the body as this one. Marriage is honorable in all and the bed holy.
Also living a life of celibacy has great reward, and God gives each man his gift. Some have the gift of celibacy, and other are to be married. All are to remain in the state that
God has called them.
why do so many pepole try to interpet these words. Why not let your soul lead you to the truth.It will set you free. Just how many pepole are mesled to miss interpetation of the book! It says not to leave out or to change, this means you!!!!!!
I believe Daniel 1:16 shows that the food we eat can defile our body, especially animal fat, some christain's need to abstain from animal fat completely and live on herbs or vegetables, grains & fruits to keep their body fit.
Daniel is one of the super examples that are there for everybody to see that when you choose to let God do the work in you, it never fails God will always be there for you no matter what...We are indeed in the last days of this earth and the more we get closer to God and let Him do the work in us the more we will shine for His glory and not ours... Daniel and his friends had made a decision way before they were presented to the king and trusted in God and the plan He had for them. Faith
So the 4 looked good. They ate good healthy food and we know they absorbed God word. We see 10 days. If we absorbe and consume Gods word with truth and understanding we will be ready for our 10 days and God will be with us in the end times when we are turned over to the antichrist churches. The Holy Spirit will take us and take care of us, as it is written. Don't miss the part where God did all this for these 4 men.god gave the skill,learning,wisdom. Verse 18 is 3 years of time,Gods number. In 19 the king spoke to them with his chaldean language and the 4 were exceptional at it, yea, because of God.VS.20 better than there religious types in all his community. Daniels 69 years old now. Speaking here of Cyrus, God name this Gentile 100 plus years before he was born. Chapter two and O` Neb is finding his dreams up setting to him.( warning,always check on anything I write cause I'm just a man)
Daniel, God is my JUDGE. About 500 BC. Things to know. Chapter 7 was written at the time of chap. 5 about 3 years before chapter 6. Chapter 4 was written by Nebuchadnezzar(he who is over,provides learning, ) the king of Babylon who was a type of antichrist but many feel was saved in the end. More than we might say, but can't because we can't judge but jehoiakim ( evil ) king of Judah. King Neb took Jerusalem but the truth is in Jeremiah 27:6 God gave it to him. Carried to Shinar( two Rivers) meaning Babylon. Ashpenaz( horse face) funny name for the head Eunuch took certain Isreals princes( nobles) knowledgeable children with ann ability to learn. Chaldeans had five different dialecks of languages. Need to know book of Leviticus chapter 11 Gods food laws, to realize Daniels feelings. Now with Daniel is Hananiah,God`s gift,Mishael,whom is like El(God ) Azariah,help of Ya. (GOD Being Yahaveh) the meat in 8 is scavengers, as pork and stuff and these 4 won't eat unclean animals so Father brought favor, compassion and put daniel in controll. If you ever have a loved one who is in hard time talk to Father God. God`s compassion can do wonders. Head Eunuchs sweats fact the boys may get thin so daniel spoke to Melzar( buttler) who was set over him and said give him and others 10 days and they could prove pulse, vegtables,fruits. And think Amos 8 God spiritual food is the word. Just to know, What is the Famine in the end times, for the Word. Talk later.
Also living a life of celibacy has great reward, and God gives each man his gift. Some have the gift of celibacy, and other are to be married. All are to remain in the state that
God has called them.