When Jesus said "paradise" while he was on the cross, he was not referring to heaven. Remember, 3 days later, he told Mary not to touch him because he had not yet ascended to his father. You see, death or Hades would be paradise to a person being tortured! I sure hope no one is getting lost in the details I don’t think God would wants us incapacitated like Daniel, but with this being said in response is Jesus. Daniel I have a theory, maybe after death we are no longer singular but one like Christ, GOD, and the holy spirit. Love, LOVE.
Compare v17 and 19 when daniel calls Michael lord. To psalms 110 v1. David is calling someone lord.it is Michael. Jehovah god says to Michael sit at my right hand. Michael is Jesus. Read read read please people
Doesn't this chapter along with 11 & 12 seem like it should be part of the Apocrypha, or is it just me. These three chapters read differently than the entire rest of the Bible. They look like they were written at the end of the Machabeean period.
I dont think this was christ, in v13 it sais "But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia" this was probibly a demon trying to stop this angel from getting to Daniel. Was either Gabriel or another messenger angel.
In verse 21 he made it plain to Daniel that michael was Daniels prince.
This was a demon trying to stop Gabriel or one of the other messanger angels to get to Daniel.
Micheal is one of the Chief angels.
This was Gabriel or another messenger angel.