Daniel Chapter 11 Discussion Page 2

  • Word on Daniel 11 - 8 years ago
    Bryan this book is for the end times. Written about, told about, sealed up for the end. The history might be but it is speaking to prepare us for what is coming.
  • Word on Daniel 11 - 9 years ago
    The ships of chitin are the bruisers which are the elect that stand when delivered up and the Holy Spirit speaks the truth against antichrist when he comes and claims to be God. Satan takes over in peace as messiah but is a fake and brings a fake peace to the world as he claims to be Jesus.
  • Gabriel Chukwunonyerem on Daniel 11 - 9 years ago
    I don't really know much about calculating times of middle east history but what I know about is that christians should get themselves ready for the soon coming King. The events in the world today, the fallen back of Britain and America from the gospel is a clear evidence of fulfilment of prophecy. Christians seek ye not repose... Watch and pray. Let Him come, Amen. I love you christians. Let your hearts not fail you in this time of trials. Jesus is with us. I also want to strenghten christians in middle east, Nigeria and USA. Be firm in the lord for he who promised is faithful.
  • Word on Daniel 11 - 9 years ago
    Verse 21 the vile one spoken of here is the antichrist and as you see he comes in peace. In Revelation 6 the first seal is Satan coming with a crown an bow that look real but are fake just like he is a fake messiah. Antichrist translated is instead of Christ. In the Revelation you see Satan coming with power looking like the Lamb.
  • Meler on Daniel 11:40 - 9 years ago
    The Anti Christ is Turkey, The king of the North mentioned is Russia which is a Christian nation. The King of the South is Egypt.
  • Miguel on Daniel 11:32 - 9 years ago
    The blind follow the blind but the wise understand the times.
  • Kenneth Shako on Daniel 11:40 - 9 years ago
    The beginning of the end is here with us. I tend to think that the king of the south has emerged as the ISIL, or ISIS. It is seriously pushing at the King of the North, the European and US Countries, who are now engaged in battle. In the coming days, this war will intensify, with the EU nations getting involved mightily.
  • Reginald Gist on Daniel 11:41 - 9 years ago
    Note: This verse is a prediction of the final fall of protestantism primarily in America as it completely abandons God 's word and His law in exchange for the implementation and practice of the foreign principles, spurious doctrines, traditions, and teachings of the Mother church, which invade this country to it 's "demise. " The ones who escape are those who receive the truth for this time and are not deceived into receiving the "MARK OF THE BEAST " which is "forced " Sunday worship.
  • Kanisuru on Daniel 11:32 - 9 years ago
    Knowing God entails two things,His goodness and severity. You cant know God and disown Him cos it carries grievious circumstances you cant be with Him and in Him without absolute confidence.
  • Word on Daniel 11 - 9 years ago
    Doc notice how the vile one which is Satan as antichrist takes over in peace and the arm is his power and the flood is a flood of lies. So his power is lies. Antichrist means instead of Christ and we know he comes looking like the Lamb as Revelation tells us but is the dragon. Makes one think and wonder when listening to preachers who 's side they are on with there lies of the end times. Satan doesn 't come in war but to steal people 's souls with deception of false peace and love.
  • Doc on Daniel 11:20 - 9 years ago
    Part of Dan 11:20 will be fulfilled on the night of Jan 20, 2015 State of Union.
  • Johannes justice on Daniel 11:32 - 9 years ago
    It pay to have knowledge about God and definitely you will do well in every area of your life from health,marriage,career, finances or in business.
  • Geofrey on Daniel 11:32 - 9 years ago
    Knowledge Is Power,Means People Who Know Their God,They Will Have Power In Prayer, Financial Governance, Family Etc. Daniel Was Aman Of Courage Strong.
  • Rob on Daniel 11:40 - 10 years ago
    Not of this age. Horseman and carriages seems like it needs to be modernized. Many ships? If it 's not the U.S. There the only country with many ships. If not the world will continue on for 20 to 50 more years because these ships will have to be built
  • Larry Busdriver on Daniel 11:35 - 10 years ago
    "...even to the time of the end " This means us too. Don 't give up if you fall, and God will use it the buffeting "for our faults " to lead us, like a true Father, toward perfection. Anyone who has experienced this will understand even more the One who baptizes us with the Holy Ghost and with fire!
  • Faithfull on Daniel 11:31 - 10 years ago
    Daniel 11 31 Viewing the King James Version Click to switch to 1611 King James Version of Daniel 11 31 And arms shall stand on his part and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength and shall take away the daily sacrifice and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate military personal not of his own shall aid the antichrist the false messiah The sanctuary of strength having then been resurrected as the rebuilt temple of King David the daily sacrifice is perpetual reverence unto God daily devotion pray The desolation here is a feeling of hopelessness a spiritual desolation by Abomination Just the presence of the evil of this man is abomination anywhere he is Let us just call him Mr Roman The kind of guy you do not want to talk to without being with Jesus at that time Understand his arms are mercenary s all in a day for a dollar
  • Eleh on Daniel 11:35 - 10 years ago
    This verse is in consonant with 1Peter 2:19, 21. Long Suffering is a fruit of the holy spirit. Apostle Paul burned With the zeal to suffer for the sake of the Gospel. Every christian ought to do same. Faith is a measure of how much you are willing to suffer unjustly in this sinful world. The just God is the only witness. It is unfortunate that our contemporary christianity neglect this. Be a true Christian
  • Uche on Daniel 11 - 11 years ago
    Verses 42-43 Does this mean Africa will be the first continent to succumb to this king? Or has it already succumbed?
  • Curry curry on Daniel 11:4 - 11 years ago
    I believe that the US is the nation that is divided toward the 4 winds, and that one of our Presidents will be the King.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Daniel 11:37 - 11 years ago
    This passage is about the Anti-Christ or the king of fierce continents he will not desire women. Either he will be a homosexual or transvestite. He will not regard Jehovah God, and will try to magnify himself above all God’s. He will be an apostate, and he will come to power with flattery. We are very close, but the Holy Spirit is holding him back, until the Bride of Christ is taken out of the world. We don't know where or what nation he will come out of, but in the 70 weeks of Daniel's prophecy we will know. Jesus comes at the end of the 70th week to destroy him, and usher in the Kingdom of God, Revelation 19:11.
  • Kenneth Boland on Daniel 11:37 - 11 years ago
    In scripture, does “fathers” refers to Abraham’s Descendants, Isaac and Ishmael who have the same father. Which descendants have already denied the God of their fathers?
  • Garyloyd on Daniel 11 - 12 years ago
    Ships of Chittim. The Elect. Verse 30
  • Steve on Daniel 11:42 - 12 years ago
    I noticed that in strongs concordance that the word escape at the end of the phrase "and the land of Egypt shall not escape" has two different words used to define escape. Why is this?
  • Bill on Daniel 11 - 13 years ago
    The Middle East in Prophecy—What History Reveals!

    May 2, 2011 ... Daniel 11 is the single longest unbroken prophecy in the Bible. We will learn
    how God has brought to pass many specific events He foretold ...
    The restored church of God

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