Daniel Chapter 6 Discussion Page 3

  • Bill Jennings Jr on Daniel 6 - 10 years ago
    This Story like Shadrach, Meshack and Abed Nego teaches us that as long as us Christians trust and do Gods will he will protect us from any harm that may come upon us!
  • Judy T. Weathers on Daniel 6:28 - 10 years ago
    No matter what a situation presents, if we can just trust God, even though we are afraid just trust. I know Daniel was not afraid to die, however the thought of being torn to shreds by lions is no pretty thought. BUT GOD!!!!!!!!
  • Michael Usim on Daniel 6 - 10 years ago
    The Almighty God is forever Faith to His faithful and obedient children! Daniel trusted in the Lord and he was never put to shame! The story of Daniel teaches us that if we, as believers, abide in God, He also will abide in us, hence He will continually fight for us, and we shall hold our Peace always. Shalom!
  • Gift on Daniel 6 - 10 years ago
    This man of God demonstrate high standard of faith
  • Dorothy evans on Daniel 6 - 10 years ago
    I think Daniel is a lot like me yet will I trust him .I thank god for the bible
  • TANIMOWO IDOWU DANIEL on Daniel 6 - 10 years ago
  • Mildred yates on Daniel 6 - 10 years ago
    i once was in a lion den like danail hopefulness lost thinking know one care for me until one iwas looking for my father on the internet and coulded not fine my birth father but talk to a nice lady long the way serching then something hit me as i was sad when u was going through a voice came and said iam your father i never lelf u or forsaking u i away be there for u
  • Samkele James (Aka Sipho) on Daniel 6 - 10 years ago
    Daniel's story teaches us that, if we trust in god wholeheartedly, he will protect us against all those that are against us.
  • Peter kigozi on Daniel 6 - 10 years ago
    Before any promotion there must be a test. This is very true for Christians as well.however Daniel didn't work for a promotion they where faithful to there God in dipensation of their duties and God promoted. They never fasted or sought it but God in his great mercy and grace favoured them and put them above the rest.
  • Toni on Daniel 6 - 11 years ago
    Every since I was a litle kid, I use to love hearing and reading about Daniel and the lions den. There was something about hearing how God delivered His faithful servant from the mouth of hungry lions. It just shows that it pays not to touch the child of God and to do his prophets no harm. Here, we find that the princes and presidents were envious and jealous of Daniel, and plotted to destroy him. Today, we, as children of God, are going through many battles, with folks at work, in our family or even at our church. They may be attempting to dig a ditch or put you in a lion's den of sorts. But just as God delivered His faithful servant Daniel out of the mouth of the lion. If we stay faithful and trust in the true and living God, He will deliver us too. We have a just and faithful God. We just have to believe in His Son Jesus and call on Him and trust that He will bring us out with a mighty hand. And that ditch people dig for us or that lions den they try to have us put in, sooner or later, they will be the ones who end up in it.
  • Tsebiso on Daniel 6 - 11 years ago
    God is with us even when the devil is tempting us to not praising him, i'm reminding you this: that the one that knows us, knows us more better than the one that is tempting us. God will fight for us in every battle that the devil is against his will. Brothers and sisters let us trust in the LORD, and he will renew us and we shall mount like the Eagles. Amen.
  • Daniel on Daniel 6 - 11 years ago
    i wanna be just like him,i think god has used him in such a way to teach us a lesson.
  • Luther fletcher on Daniel 6 - 11 years ago
    A very nice story.
  • JP Fidelis on Daniel 6 - 11 years ago
    What makes Daniel outstanding is because he served God continually and is a man of prayer.
  • Vivian williams on Daniel 6:16 - 11 years ago
    He makes it clear that nothing will separate him from fearing God. He shows stand power, no matter what circumstances the answer is with our God.
  • Devbanda on Daniel 6 - 11 years ago
    I’m so inspired by the speech of the King Darius in chapter 6:26-27. He made a decree that every one under his administration including his household, presidents, governors, princes and all should tremble and fear the God of Daniel, JEHOVAH. His reason was because he delivers and rescues. He proceeds to say He works signs and wonders in heaven (thunders, lightning, whirlwind, hailstones, rainfall, winter, summer, spring, autumn, etc) and He works wonders also on earth (delivering, healing, rescuing, promoting, saving, etc). His conclusion deep down his heart was, JEHOVAH'S dominion on earth and in heaven shall be forever and ever!!! I love this chapter because all this was happening in Iran. And their King (Iranian King) said God (of Israel) is true God.
  • Michael.Od. on Daniel 6 - 12 years ago
    Daniel was seeking The real true God of the jews,the president and the princes were very anxious with Daniel not knowing that they were fighting what was in Daniel not Daniel,Brethren what you carry inside you matters alot before the Lord,Daniel's faith was great so to us we should have such faith.
  • Donna on Daniel 6 - 12 years ago
    I am reading the book of Daniel for the first time and as I read it , my faith grows stronger! All glory to God. I love him with all my heart and soul.
  • Loyalty on Daniel 6 - 12 years ago
    Matthew Henry avoids the comment that the Princes(satraps) made concerning Daniel. They said, we can not find any fault in him concerning the law of the Medes, nor is there any contempt for the civil authority of the kingdom.They could not find anything, so they conspired to see if they could find fault in Daniel in keeping the law of his God. Daniel remained loyal to God. Daniel did not bow the knee to the image of Nebuchanezzar and certainly not to Darius, king of Babylon. Daniel would have broken the first commandment of Gods law, which says, thou shalt have any other gods before me. thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images of any likeness of any kind that is in the heaven above or that is in the heavens under the earth. thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them. Because of Daniels loyalty,God protected him and sent an angel to shut the lions mouth.
  • LOYALTY on Daniel 6 - 12 years ago
    Daniel was loyal to the law of the Meads and Persians as well as to the Ten Commandment Law of his God. What a testimony and witness before the then known world of his day. when jesus was born, you do recall the Maggi. they were of the region of the Chaldeans if im not mistaken. Daniel shared with them the coming of Jesus as it was made known to him by the Holy Spirit.
  • Patricia davis on Daniel 6 - 13 years ago
    daniel's faith was so strong in God that the way we sould be. Having trust and faith in God and his word.
  • Debbie Gill on Daniel 6 - 13 years ago
    How important it is to open ourselves up and allow ourselves to be used by God for His purpose. The more open we are, the bigger the missions... ;)

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