<< | THE FIFTH BOOKE OF Moses, called Deuteronomie. Chapter 24(Original 1611 KJV Book of Deuteronomy) |
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Viewing the 1611 King James Version of Deuteronomie (Deuteronomy) Chapter 24, also known as: THE FIFTH BOOKE OF Moses, called Deuteronomie. , Deuteronomy, Deut, Dt, Det,.
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1 Of diuorce. 5 A new maried man goeth not to warre. 6. 10 Of pledges. 7 Of manstealers. 8 Of leprosie. 14 The hire is to be giuen. 16 Of Iustice. 19 Of Charitie.
1When a man hath taken a wife and married her, and it come to passe that shee find no fauour in his eyes, because hee hath found some vncleannesse in her: then let him write her a bill of diuorcement, and giue it in her hand, and send her out of his house.1
2And when shee is departed out of his house, she may goe and be another mans wife.
5¶ When a man hath taken a new wife, he shal not goe out to warre, neither shall hee be charged with any businesse: but hee shall be free at home one yeere, and shall cheere vp his wife which he hath taken.5
8¶ Take heede, in the plague of leprosie, that thou obserue diligently, and doe according to all that the Priests the Leuites shall teach you: as I commanded them, so ye shall obserue to doe.8
9Remember what the Lord thy God did vnto Miriam by the way, after that yee were come forth out of Egypt.9
10¶ When thou doest lend thy brother any thing, thou shalt not goe into his house to fetch his pledge.10
12And if the man be poore, thou shalt not sleepe with his pledge:
15At his day thou shalt giue him his hire, neither shall the Sun goe downe vpon it, for he is poore, and setteth his heart vpon it, lest hee crie against thee vnto the Lord, and it bee sinne vnto thee.15
16The fathers shall not bee put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: euery man shall be put to death for his owne sinne.16
19¶ When thou cuttest downe thine haruest in thy field, and hast forgot a sheafe in the field, thou shalt not go againe to fetch it: it shalbe for the stranger, for the fatherlesse, and for the widow: that the Lord thy God may blesse thee in all the worke of thine hands.19
20When thou beatest thine oliue tree thou shalt not goe ouer the boughes againe: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherlesse, and for the widow.20
21When thou gatherest the grapes of thy vineyard, thou shalt not gleane it afterward, it shalbe for the stranger, for the fatherlesse, and for the widow.21
Original 1611 KJV Sidenote References for Deuteronomy Chapter 24
1 Matt.5. 31. and 19. 7. mar.10.4. , Hebr. matter of nakednesse. , Hebr. cutting off.
5 Chap.20. 7. , Hebr. not any thing shall passe vpon him.
8 Leuit.13. 2.
9 Num. 12. 10.
10 Heb. lend the loane of any thing to &c.
15 Leuit.19. 13. tob.4. 14. , Heb. hee lifteth his soule vnto it.
16 2. Kings 14.6. 2.chr. 25.4. ier. 31.29.30. ezek.18.20
19 Leuit.19. 9. & 23.22.
20 Heb. thou shalt not bough it after thee.
21 Heb. after thee.
* Some content courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania
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