King James Version (KJV)

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Let no man put on what pertains to woman is different from let no man put on what a woman has worn BEFORE...(don't get it twisted)
Aron putting on skirt is the usual dressing of old and its general to all....even now we see men plat hair, will u still tell me the attachment he used has not been used by a woman before and so its not a sin?
Pls bretheren,lets apply wisdom here and those who knows the truth,stick by the truth and dont let the world sweep u away.
I believe there are still somethings to come and has been recorded in the bible which will show up in coming generations, will they also say the bible is an old thing? and does not refer to them?
Donmoen sand a song (Ancient word, ever true,changing me and changing it changing you at all?)
sandals, shoes etc where not existing when God created man, I just want us all to read { 2nd timothy 3:16} "That all scripture is given by the inspiration of GOD, profitable for doctrine, correction, and instruction in righteousness." Let us not mislead ourselves The BIBLE is The BIBLE.
Since the verse allows both possible interpretation, and knowing only one is totally correct, find another scriptural reference that will confirm which is meant by Deut 22:5.
I have one in mind right now and it is found in Psalm 133:1-3(emphasis on verse 2). AARON THE HIGH PRIEST WORE SKIRTS!
So we need to re-evaluate our stand on that verse with this method of study known as 'The principle of double reference'
We need to have these discussions, because there are people like me, that have grown up thinking, what I wore is what would determine whether I make it into heaven. Please be patient as God uses people like you and these discussions to persuade me to trust Him.
You're proving Jacque’s point. It's not necessarily WHAT we wear, but the attitude behind it. Women began to wear pants to show that "what a man can do, a woman can do even better!" Some aren't satisfied to just wear pants, but want to be sexy to attract attention. I know all scripture is profitable, but I'm in the process of reading the words that came out of Jesus' mouth (red letters) I want to know what was important enough for Jesus to speak. I know all scripture is profitable.
“ Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? ( Matthew 6:30)”
“If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith ( Luke 12:28)?”
Isaiah tells us how God clothed the heavens, and continues to do so. In the Matthew and Luke passages, we see that God still has the same nature for grasses that existed thousands of years ago.
Before I can start anything, let me ask does God ever change or is he the same yesterday, today and forever? Or does he ever change his Word, Will, Laws?
You can’t tell me your heart is clean and you commit abomination. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. So, you can only show out what's inside you.
Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Jesus came not to abolish the law.
Spirit and in truth and not in wears. Be wise.