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Deuteronomy Chapter 5 Discussion

Deuteronomy Chapter 5 Discussion

  • GiGi on Deuteronomy 5 - 1 year ago
    Pt. 3

    In vs. 29 Moses reveals to the Israelites God's heart, "O that there was such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all of my commandments always, that it may go well with them, and with their children forever! God so desired that this nation would truly be people after His own heart, even though He knew that they would not be so.

    God instructs Moses to tell the people to back into their tents, but Moses was to stay beside God and hear all that He wanted Moses to speak to the people before they enter the land of promise and possess it so that they will do all that God says to do in the land.

    God speaks through Moses "Ye shall observe to do therefore as the LORD your God hath commanded you: ye shall not turn aside to the right or to the left. ye shall walk in all the ways which the LORD your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you, and that ye may prolong your days in the land that ye shall possess."

    Moses knew that he would not be entering this land. But he was faithful to tell to the people ALL that God instructed him to say and do. Moses was such a good example of selfless servanthood. He wasn't in it for himself, but for the benefit of this people God had chosen to fulfill His promises in and through. These people had already repeatedly turned away from God in the 40 years since they had traveled from Egypt and around the desert wilderness. Moses saw this happen again and again. It grieved his heart as it grieved the LORD's heart.

    Now we have the Holy Spirit within us to make us know that God is with us and in us. He is the only true God and He is near, though transcendent in nature, He is near us in Presence.
  • GiGi on Deuteronomy 5 - 1 year ago
    pt. 2

    I love how God had Moses speak of God's greatness, power, and mercy in these verses that re-state the commandments. He did not just give out a set of commandments, but He wanted them to remember how He worked among them to deliver them from Egypt, doing miracles and showing great power and to know that He is a merciful God, who cares about them. He is not aloof, nor is He just an inanimate force-He is a Person with attributes that tell us what He is like in His Person and in His relation to the Israelites. He is the same today. He is a Personal God-God With Us-involved in our day to day lives and working in and through us to accomplish His will and pleasure in which He brings glory to Himself in all of His ways.

    Moses reminds the Israelites how God spoke at Sinai. He used His voice. He demonstrated His Presence using things He created-fire, thunder, lightning, smoke, darkness, pillar of fire and of cloud, His glory was seen in the tabernacle. But these are His" coverings", His manifestations to show His Presence to the people. It is that we cannot perceive Him unless He reveals Himself to us in some way that is compatible with our human make-up. We SEE the visual manifestations. We HEAR His Presence. We experience His power and miracles. He wrote the commandments on the tablets of stone for all to see and read.

    Vs. 24 speaks of their physical experience with God's Presence and, it says, they saw that God does talk with men and that He LIVETH. He is not an inanimate force or idol that can not do these things. They were terrified that if they continued to hear God's voice they would die. They were truly afraid that this experience of God would kill them, so they beseeched Moses to draw near to God on the mountain and hear what God says. Then he would come to them and speak what God said to him. They promised to hear Moses and to do what God commanded. God knew all that they had said to Moses and each other. He knew all of their thoughts and emotions.

    pt. 3
  • GiGi on Deuteronomy 5 - 1 year ago
    Getting back to Deuteronomy.

    This Chapter starts out with Moses reminding the nation of the covenant God made with them and reminds them that this covenant was not made with their forefathers, but particularly with them who were living at that time, who came out of Egypt. they made with God at Sinai.

    Moses speaks of how He stood between the people and God to bring to them God's word for them.

    He re-states the Decalogue in Verses 6-21. God thought it very important for His people to hear these commandments at this juncture before they enter the land of promise. God did not want to go into the land, get comfortable and prosper and then forget God, neglect Him, or turn to idols. He had Moses re-state the 10 commandments a this time when they were still dependent on God for provision of their daily needs and protection.

    They had the ornate tabernacle to meet with God through Moses. But they are told to worship only Him without ever making any thing that would be a representation of Him from their imaginations of what He would look like, as the pagans do with their idol figures. They needed to be reminded not to worship the tabernacle and to remember that God is Spirit and therefore, does not possess a permanent form as we would view it. He cannot be accurately represented by anything we could create. He is the creator of all things in the universe, seen or unseen, physical or spiritual. And there is nothing in all of creation that is a physical representation of Him in His essential divine nature.

    Of course, Jesus is the perfect and complete image of God. His divine nature was always in Jesus and since incarnating and taking on a human nature, he continues to exist as both God and man. In heaven, we will see God when we look upon Jesus. We will worship Him as the angels do. There is no need for any representation of God in eternity because we will see God in Christ Jesus.

    Colossians chapter 1 is a very powerful example of the divine nature of Jesus...cont.
  • Victor - In Reply on Deuteronomy 5 - 3 years ago
    Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
  • Victor on Deuteronomy 5 - 3 years ago
    Deuteronomy 5: 9 for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,

    Deuteronomy 5: 10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.

    how to understand "third and fourth generation" and "thousands of them"?

    does "them" imply generations, children, or something else?
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Deuteronomy 5 - 4 years ago
    I believe its the reason why men would what to wear womens clothes or why women would wear mens clothes. Being gay is one reason which is wrong. My mother wore overalls working on the farm. Dresses would not work, working in the fields. .
  • Chris - In Reply on Deuteronomy 5 - 4 years ago
    Deuteronomy 22:5 was a command about this given to the children of Israel: "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God."

    However, this Scripture does not give a warrant for us these days, as 'pants' are made for both genders & their acceptability in society. In those early days, this matter about clothing would have been more meaningful as they were not only gender-specific but more likely, amongst the heathen, the exchange of clothing in temple worship was common in honour of their god or goddess. So, Israel was not to imitate the heathen in this practise.
  • Janie garcia on Deuteronomy 5 - 4 years ago
    Where the scripture on a woman wearing pants
  • Ronita Lewis - In Reply on Deuteronomy 5 - 4 years ago
    No, I didn't mean that.
  • Duane Martin - In Reply on Deuteronomy 5 - 4 years ago
    Its hard not to Love Father with all you heart mind n soul, its hard to keep from murdering, its hard to keep from stealing? if things like this is hard for a person, they better rethink their position when it comes to Father and his words!

    Jesus said to Love God with all your heart mind n soul and to love your neighbor as you love yourselves, Then he said if you do those two things you have done EVERYTHING that's asked of a man by God and the Prophets!
  • Ronita Lewis on Deuteronomy 5 - 4 years ago
    Keep the commandments. Sometimes it is very hard to do so. The devil walks about trying to tempt us. Resist, repent and be saved.
  • Chris - In Reply on Deuteronomy 5 - 4 years ago
    That was a funny up to date rendering of Deut 9:10. Now, don't go revising Scripture by writing yet another version of the Bible - it won't work with most of us.
  • Suzanne on Deuteronomy 5 - 4 years ago
    Moses was the first guy with a tablet downloading information from the cloud!
  • Ifejika Emmanuel - In Reply on Deuteronomy 5 - 5 years ago
    No they are not crazy. They were instructed to preach the gospel to the world in mark 16:15
  • Ifejika Emmanuel - In Reply on Deuteronomy 5 - 5 years ago
    No it not just for them. It just that after the splitting of the world into different languages, it was the Israelite that continued the worship of the most high.
    That's why in mark 16:15 Christ told his disciples to spend the news to the world
  • Walter - In Reply on Deuteronomy 5 - 5 years ago
    So Paul and all the other apostles were just crazy then? Because they took the gospel outside of Israel.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Deuteronomy 5 - 5 years ago
    God has harden the Jews heart unto this day. They are still waiting for the messiah unto this day. Not knowing that he has already come and they hung him on a cross and killed him. Paul said that since the Jews would not hear him that he would go to the gentiles. Thank God But in the later days some Jews will hear Him and be saved.
  • Joel on Deuteronomy 5 - 5 years ago
    Honour thy father and thy mother deuteronomy 5:16
  • ALEX on Deuteronomy 5 - 6 years ago
    YAHWEH'S CHILD, Salvation is for EVERYBODY as God so loved the WORLD that he gave his only son THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM MIGHT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE The Gentiles come under Abraham an uncircumcised Syrian but the father of Israel.DOUBLESS thou art father tho Abraham be IGNORANT of us and Israel Acknowleded us not, truly thou art our FATHER OUR REDEEMER THY NAME IS FROM EVERLASTING, TH GENTILES
  • Bruce on Deuteronomy 5 - 6 years ago
    Yahweh's? Salvation is for: All that are Called( John 6:44) Called Not Only Jews But Gentiles Also---I Will Call Them My People( Romans 9:24-33, 10: 1-21) Being of The Blood line Does not Guarantee Salvation( Romans 2:28-29) Through their Fall Salvation is Come Unto The Gentiles to Provoke Them to Jealousy( Romans 11:11) All Nations, Kindreds, People and Tongues, Stood Before The Throne( Revelation 7:9
  • Yahweh's child on Deuteronomy 5 - 6 years ago
    The covenant was only given to the Israelites. No one else. Moses said hear ol Israel not everybody. The whole Bible is for the Israelites only the seed of Jacob which his name was changed to Israel. It's very clear. Salvation is only for Israelites. No one else period
  • Ian Haynes on Deuteronomy 5 - 6 years ago
    In response to Irene123, I would say this: God is indeed a single being, namely, God the Father. As the Divine Father, he has an only begotten Son. I too have a son. Is my son less than human because he is my son? Of course not! Moreover, my son, a finite being like me, had a beginning. Likewise, God's Son, being infinite, as God his Father is infinite, had no beginning.
  • BSP on Deuteronomy 5 - 6 years ago
    Verse 1~Jehovah God wants his people to learn his commandments, keep them in mind, and observe them by obeying this commandments.
  • Mike on Deuteronomy 5 - 7 years ago
    Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

    - Deut. 5:7
  • I bby on Deuteronomy 5 - 7 years ago
    If you love me keep my commandments. We are to keep the Lord's commandments even if we don't fully understand, that's what's makes him God, when we try to reason the enemy steps in and leads us astray, that's where faith steps in.To obey is better than sacrifice.
  • April on Deuteronomy 5 - 7 years ago
    When bread is broken,crumbs fall and within these crumbs are clues to enlightenment,God gave very specific instructions,I'd say both before and during the commandments,we could look at him saying NOT to eat from the tree of Life in the Garden of Eden was a commandment,it just wasn't written on stone,it came straight from his mouth,Eve exsistd because Adam was alone,so God gave him what he asked...
  • Brianna Vs. 29 on Deuteronomy 5 - 7 years ago
    Those who ignore God's standards have to through life with bumps and bruises. They are denying themselves the ability o have the best life possible in this wicked world. Jehovah God pleads with us to follow his laws. He created life so he knows what we need to be happy. If we obey, he promises thing will go well for us personally
  • Irene123 on Deuteronomy 5 - 7 years ago
    Fundamental Monotheism - Christianity, having emerged from Judaism, is a monotheistic religion. Never in the N.T. Testament does the Trinitarian concept become a "trithism" nor even 2. God is ONE and that God is a single being is strongly declared in the Bible: The Shema - Deut.6:4; 5:7; Isa. 44:6; Mk.12:29. unquote. Only Deut. 6:4 is called the 'Shema'.
  • Peter A. Okebukola on Deuteronomy 5 - 7 years ago
    The 12 Commandments are rendered here for our admonition, adherence and guidance. Not to be found blameworthy in the Judgement Seat of Christ, we need to seek and earnestly pray for God's Grace and His salvation in order to abide by the dictates of the Commandments. Flesh alone will fail us. Amazing Grace will ensure we resist the devil so it will flee from us.
  • Larry Ashmore on Deuteronomy 5 - 8 years ago
    The main thing i understand from the Lord God is he wants us to do his commanments and keep the sabbath holy which i see today that most people don,t, love the Love with all your heart and soul and worship no other God,s or idols, fore our true God is a jealous God, fore those who disobey the wrath of God is severe.

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