Discuss 1 Corinthians 10

  • Richard H Priday - 5 months ago
    Conclusion of primary applications and themes of scripture

    1 Corinthians 10:11 says: Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

    This verse helps to tie in the examples; both good and bad from various characters and narratives in the Bible so that we can understand the temporal and eternal consequences of our actions; and hopefully learn the fear of the Lord as a result. The moral principles of the Lord never change; even if we study the lives of those under the authority of the Old Covenant vs. the New Covenant. The souls of all men are mine ( Ezekiel 18:4) states God. Therefore; it is just as true that not one "jot or tittle" of His word will fail ( Matthew 5:18); the spiritual laws in scripture of conduct are as certain as the natural laws that every man lives subject to.

    One more point I want to cover before wading into the waters of the subject of secondary themes and applications is that although it usually involves large swaths of scripture and repeated concepts throughout with many cross references most of the time; there are a few key concepts that are rather limited. One which jumps to mind is Christ actually stating that He is the "I am". John 8:58 from what I know is the only place it is explicit; there are other places clearly where it is either implied or meant with the original language; certainly the Pharisees knew this or they wouldn't have tried to kill Jesus 10 times or so before they finally succeeded. More often seen is the unique claims of Christ as being the only way to the Father (I am the way the truth and the life may perhaps means the same thing as my last reference). He also showed this with offering forgiveness of sins which is only something God can do. We see in this what is implied if CORRECTLY interpreted shows much of the primary themes; we could cite the Parables as a good example of this.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 5 months ago

    Part 3.

    Evangelism pleases the Lord. The Christian life must never be lived according to "shoulds." Yet we hear that word often in relation to Bible reading, prayer, church attendance, and other Christian practices. "I should do that, but . . ." The but is a bigger problem than we want to admit. God's children will naturally want to please their Heavenly Father; it is their greatest delight. So our compass is set with God at true north. In everything we do, we feel the magnetic pull toward pleasing God. Even mundane tasks can be completed with joy because we are doing what God has given us to do ( 1 Corinthians 10:31; 2 Corinthians 5:9). Teaching other people how to have a relationship with Jesus is one way to please Him. And in pleasing Him we are most fulfilled ( Galatians 2:20).


    When we are unequally yoked, they cannot perform the task set before us. Instead of working together, we are at odds with one another.

    Paul's admonition in 2 Corinthians 6:14 is part of a larger discourse to the church at Corinth on the Christian life. He discouraged them from being in an unequal partnership with unbelievers because believers and unbelievers are opposites, just as light and darkness are opposites. They simply have nothing in common,

    just as Christ has nothing in common with "Belial,

    The "unequal yoke" is often applied to business relationships, Marriage ect..

    We are to love everyone as Christ do and share the Gospel but we must understand that unbelievers have opposite worldviews and morals, and decisions made daily will reflect the worldview of one partner or the other.

    In this world we are to be as Daniel in Babylon. He inspired Nebuchadnezzar. See Daniel 4

    God bless.
  • Chris - In Reply - 7 months ago
    Page 1.

    Hi Mike. I was touched by you sharing experiences in your life & all you have had to put up with through these many years. In some ways, I can identify with you, though I have been spared depression & poverty; nonetheless, when failures, broken dreams or unanswered prayers are our lot, then this can become a breeding ground for a state of hopelessness, doubt, lethargy, and even entertaining questions of our faith & of a loving caring God.

    I'm assuming that you truly know the Lord Jesus & that salvation is your very real experience & possession, yet because of circumstances, you've become despondent, doubting, & fearful. Not knowing your 'full story', it seems that you have allowed these unfortunate experiences to have had sway over your heart & mind, being overcome by them, & not dealt with them by continuing to hold onto the Lord & His Word. Yet you might say to this, 'But I have held on - as long as I could, before doubt crept in & over-ruled'. But the Word of God states in 1 Corinthians 10:13, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it".

    Maybe you feel that God has allowed you to suffer or be tempted above your ability to bear them, but have you been able to see a way (His way) as your escape route from them? A lot of our problems stem from an idle mind & lifestyle. And Satan loves to work in such environments. Can you be involved in a Bible-believing Church Fellowship, in voluntary/charitable work, even with groups that meet for occasional get-togethers & outings? And if these are Christian groups/ministries, there will surely be folk that can help/guide you in friendship & counsel. Onto Page 2.
  • Adam - In Reply - 8 months ago
    The world socially bullies others to publicly affirm and validate another's' sin, or face consequences such as cancelling and public shaming. Since when are rights contingent on someone else's opinion of you?

    Is it more important to appease men, or more important to please God? To the church, it should be obvious what the priority is, but I think some cave to public pressure and fear they may lose funding or social status by not siding with the bullies. Some try to appease the world instead of God.

    What's this bullying really about and why the huge push in recent years? They claim its their identity, they're born that way, and don't have a choice. But has anyone challenged this assumption?

    What are other examples of someone born with such a high proclivity to sin that they absolutely "have no choice"? I'm not aware of any, in fact, the Bible says we always have a choice- a way out of sin. 1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV

    We all have different obstacles in life; some, like Paul, had a thorn in the flesh. 2 Corinthians 12:7

    I reject the assumption that some people are more "equal" than others. Equal means equal, not special protected classes and treatment. I've learned that the woke movement is now racially separating people just like they did 100 years ago, whether for hiring, or DEI classes, and who knows what else. Amazing full circle. They totally ignored everything MLK stood for.

    "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28 KJV

    The culture is ignoring this verse that we're equal.

    There's no evidence anyone's identity is tied to sin so much they can't help but do that. No baby desires such things. It's learned and when opportunities present themselves. Now pedos use same arguments to excuse their horrific abuse of kids. The culture will use clever words to defend it. There's no end to the evil progression. It's a choice.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 8 months ago
    Justification. Sanctification and Glorification.

    Part 9. J Vernon Mcgee. God's Test - Genesis 22 continuing.

    We should pause here to consider a deep truth for God's children today. Do you know, friends, that for the Christian the greatest testings do not necessarily come at the beginning of our life as a believer? Sometimes God waits until we have had many years along the path, and then He brings a testing into our life so that He might develop us - a testing that we would never have been given at the beginning of our walk with Him. Often these testings cause Christians to say, "Well, I do not see why God has allowed this to happen to me!" My friend, it is evidence of the fact that you are in favor with God. You have come to the place where He can test you. And remember that He will not test you beyond what you are able to bear (see 1 Corinthians 10:13).

    Notice that this test did not come at the first part of Abraham's life. I am very frank to say that I do not believe that Abraham could have stood this test when God first called him out. At the beginning of his life of faith, he never would have gone this far with God. It was only after several times of lesser testings, then backsliding, but always returning to his relationship with God that he was put to this ultimate test.

    Part 10

    The Supreme Sacrifice next.

    God bless for now.
  • Tunney on Ezekiel 35 - 9 months ago
    FATHER, help us to draw close to YOU that the devil flee from us. May we seek YOUR kingdom first, and pray faithfully with enlightened eyes and mind to glorify YOU. Bless Jerusalem with the peace of GOD through CHRIST JESUS' gospel.

    In everything that we say or do, may we exalt and extol YOU. 1 Corinthians 10: 31-33.

    The LORD to shine HIS face on all the brethren and gloriously bless you.

    January 7, 2024
  • Adam - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Dear Father God, please bless and release Bafana from this addiction. Provide a clear way to follow as it says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 until a successful deliverance is achieved. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
  • Tunney on 1 Timothy 2 - 10 months ago
    The joy of the LORD is my strength! Many times I have to remind myself of the persecutions I will go through and have gone through because of my faith in CHRIST JESUS.

    I thank the brethren on this forum for their faithfulness and love for the word and the fellow saints. Stand and be encouraged for as GOD reminds us, this too will pass. These verses have helped me... Hebrews 10:25; 1 Corinthians 10:13; probably one of the hardest for me - Romans 8:28. And many more- I'm sure veteran saints on this forum can add others too.

    It is difficult, but we are called to be a blessing to as many as possible without expecting any type of return - horizontally. Our blessing will come vertically, from above,

    James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

    Sorry Brethren! didn't mean to be preachy.

    GOD to shine HIS blessed face on you and your family during this wonderful time of praising of our SAVIOR.

    Merry Christmas and have a prosperous New Year!

    December 20, 2023
  • Momsage - In Reply - 10 months ago
    I disagree that there are no instructions in the scripture warning against this idolatry because that's exactly what it is and people need to understand that. This isn't some minor, little thing that doesn't matter. Do you trust God alone or do you believe He needs their help? They may not have graven images of their departed loved one but acknowledging them in any way that belongs to God is idolatry. Catholics say they don't worship statues and that is true, they worship the dead person the statue represents. The devil has lulled those who don't accept the doctrine of the Catholic Church of worshiping idols to do it in a more subtle way. They may not have graven images of their departed loved one but acknowledging them in any way that belongs to God is idolatry. Exodus 20: 1-4 and Dueteronomy 5:6-9, clearly command us to not worship anyone or anything but God. When a person is trusting their departed loved ones to help them or comfort them or protect them in some way, isnt that idolatry? Isn't that looking to a false God? Isn't that loving (worshiping) them more by wanting their help rather then God's help? It is diminishing their faith in God by asking a dead person for whatever instead of God. This is a serious mistake and, I believe, should be taught against. We need to witness to them with a gentle spirit to help them see how this is damaging their soul. If you dont agree this is idolatry, or is a serious soul matter, then please explain what it is and why it doesn't matter. Also see 1 Corinthians 10:14, Exodus 23:13, Isaiah 42:8a, Exodus 34:14. God Bless :)
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    Formal church attendance: Vows and covenants

    1 Corinthians 10:4 talks about everyone drinking from the same spiritual rock and the Rock was Christ. God made a covenant with His chosen people and delivered them after 400 years of bondage in Egypt; passing them through the Red Sea. Not all Israel is Israel however. ( Romans 9:6-7). Some argue this represents Baptism; holding those under the covenant parents make on behalf of their children at infancy. Whatever the case; when we become church members; we make a vow or covenant as to our service toward other believers. In fact when we first come to Christ; it should be looked at as a Covenant. Christ has fulfilled everything in the finished work on the cross on our behalf; but is only EFFECTIVE if we are truly saved. God makes us willing ( Psalm 110:3) and He gives the gift of repentance. ( 2 Timothy 2:25 and several other references). If we truly are saved we will love God and of course keep His commandments ( John 14:15). This involves obedience toward Christ and Him being Lord Savior AND Master of our lives.

    When we make a church vow as members we affirm our faith in Christ; and our commitment to the body of Christ (prayer and fellowship). In Pittsburgh one of the things my pastor did annually was print out our vow as a reminder which I think is a good thing. This naturally encompasses the discipline of rebuking a brother and going through necessary disciplinary measures if personal resolution cannot be accomplished. If leadership is guilty and the congregation doesn't corroborate clearly evident apostasy or sin then we must disfellowship. I went through a specific issue that I won't elaborate on now with an elder after discussion with the Pastor in a previous church; eventually I left; so I've been there. This as with a marriage involves the same principal; we always seek reconciliation but separation may be needed at times. We are all part of covenant fellowship with all true Christians.
  • Duncan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Part 2

    it is written in Proverbs 20:28

    28.Mercy and truth preserve the king:

    And his throne is upholden by mercy.

    -What I am pointing out to you is this

    The soul can make one Love or Live right before men, while before God the Living God who made the heavens we are sinning thinking we are right with Him.

    Remember even the thief who steals and murder says he is a good person who is able to love and live well, moreover during burial no one stands and says this dead person was a sinner but you will hear he is a good person.

    -For all are in the soulish and not in the spirit

    Bear this in mind as it is written in John 4:23-24

    23.But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

    24.God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

    And if one has repented of his sins at the cross in Jesus Christ the Son of the living God, Instead of doing everything to please himself. he lives to glorify God whether he eat or drink all he does is in the glory of God.

    as it is written in 1 Corinthians 10:31

    31.Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

    Therefore Worship God in Spirit and Let God lead you He knows how, He will teach you if you ask by prayer God is faithful.


    it is written in romans 8:14

    14.For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

    - Let us hear the conclusion of this matter

    Yes we see people love in the soulish in fact people marry for long years but the marriages are either very shaky and majority end up in divorce

    we see father loving their kids and mothers loving their kids and the kids likewise love their parents and at the end there is not true compassion and the love is a love of gain.

    read part 3
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    There are eight Simons in the New Testament. This Simon is designated in the New Testament as Simon Peter.

    Peter's father was named Jonas. In Matthew 16:17, Jesus called Peter "Simon Bar-Jona, or Jonas. Bar means "son" in Aramaic and Jonas is Aramaic for John. So, Peter's original name is "Simon son of John."

    Peter had a brother named Andrew. Andrew was the first to meet Jesus and come to know Him as Messiah as recorded in John 1:35-40.

    Andrew introduces his brother Simon Peter to Jesus in John 1:41-42

    At this time, that is, when Peter came to Jesus, Jesus tells Simon Peter that in the future he will be called Cephas, which is Peter in Aramaic. Both Cephas, and PETROS for Peter mean the same thing.

    During the Lord's ministry when He was traveling in the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus applies the name Peter to Simon as recorded in Matthew 16:18. Jesus said, "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

    The name for Peter, when He says thou art Peter, the Greek word is PETROS. The Greek word for "rock," upon this rock, is PETRA. These are two different Greek words.

    PETROS means "rock" or pebble. And PETRA means "foundation stone." They are two different things. One is a large foundation stone, and PETROS for Peter is a small stone or a pebble.

    The word PETRA also is used for Jesus Christ in the New Testament. 1 Corinthians 10:4 is an example about the rock that followed the Jews in the wilderness, and this rock was Christ. And the word rock is PETRA.

    Peter calls the Messiah PETRA in I Peter 2:7.
  • Bro dan - 1 year ago
    Hi Chris,

    Regarding the subject: "Our Addiction to Sin"

    You state: "Do you really think that you will reach that perfection in this life? " Chris, I have faith in God that He would not tell us to do something that we can't do. John 5:14 John 8:11 Nothing is impossible for God! He can change us in the twinkling of an eye! If this is our goal he can help us accomplish it, but it requires Faith and never giving up!

    You state: "And what happens in the meantime, when what he believes is possible, actually is impossible - sin ever revealing itself without abating? " I would answer by saying that if you think that it's impossible, and you CAN'T do it, then it will probably never happen for you, until you exchange Can't do - for Can do. Also speaking for myself, for me to say it can't happen is to call God a liar, because he tells us we can James 4:7-10 So, it must be something we are doing, or not doing.

    You state: "You may have a different take on this, but I see that as with Paul, so also with us, the struggle with sin will never cease." I agree that Paul struggled against sin during his life, as all of us do, and Paul also states Romans 6:6-7 God tells us he will give us no temptation/sin that we can't overcome 1 Corinthians 10:13

    A ever increasing thought: One major obstacle in our lives that may be keeping us from achieving the perfect relationship with God is our death grip hold to this worldly life we enjoy.

    See page 2
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello John. I respond to your question here bearing in mind the details of your other request. I can think of a couple of Scriptures that could speak a little on this. The first one is in Mark 9:17-27 (the account of the man who had a son with an evil spirit & the man's helplessness before Jesus). In verses 23 & 24 ("Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief"). Here we see a father who seems to have tried everything to help his son & was desperate for Jesus' Help. And Jesus said, 'just have faith - just trust Me'. In great anguish, the father said he believed but that Jesus help him if he fell short of sufficient faith. Jesus doesn't give him extra faith - why? The father displayed faith in Jesus to do the healing - not in a doctor or another helper/disciple who might have previously failed him, but in this One called the Son of God Who had the Power to bring deliverance to his son. Jesus was not only this man's last hope, but his only hope & he trusted Him fully for complete healing.

    The other passage is in 1 Corinthians 10:13: "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." There were many temptations, trials, & sufferings that the Corinthian Christians faced, not only because they were Christians, but that they lived in a very pagan corrupt society. The apostle here is assuring them that their trials & temptations in life were not uncommon, but to His children, God will give them 'a way of escape'. It's true that God can remove the temptation or point us in a different direction to escape, but God's Spirit also gives us power to endure & bear up. Here too, we must exercise implicit faith for God to do as He Wills.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jema.

    That's a great question.

    Eschatology is shaped around this topic. Also Dispensationalism and covenant theology is tested by this in a sense.

    This is something I've been wanting to get to for some time now but I've been to busy.

    Thanks for bringing this up.

    Some say God is done with Israel and the unfulfilled old testament promises was fulfilled in the Church.

    And there's others weren't comfortable with that and say those promises was made to the church not " The Nation Israel."

    I would direct both of these groups to Isaiah 41:8-9.

    "But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.

    Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away. ( Seed in this verse is not used in the way it's used in Genesis 22:18.) The seed in Genesis 22:18 relates to a promise of Christ.

    Seed in Isaiah 41:8 relates to a nation whom that promised seed would come.

    You will see the interpretation of these verses moved around to shape or hold on to a certain espoused eschatology.

    When it comes to identifying a people there's three groups as seen in 1 Corinthians 10:32. ( Jews, Gentiles and the Church. )

    The rolls and promises to these groups are distinct. Understanding that is important. .

    Taking Gods promises literally is also important.

    More on this later.

    God bless.
  • Tunney on Joshua 7 - 1 year ago
    Many times we miss the fact that Achan and his family weren't the only ones killed because of his sin of taking the "accursed things."

    36 men also lost their lives because of Achan's sin. People believe their actions do not affect others.

    1 Corinthians 10: 11, 12

    Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

    The leadership was also at fault for not praying and asking for directions before going to the city of AI. Instead, they were puffed up with their victory over a bigger and larger city of Jericho. Joshua sent spies to the city of AI. They returned and reported v3 "...but let about two or three thousand men go up and smite Ai; and make not all the people to labour thither; for they are but few." Our mind set should be as David when he told Goliath that battle is the LORD'S.

    There are many things we don't have to pray for, such as should I read the Bible and pray every day. Or must I give an offering and confess and repent daily. There are also many things we should always be in prayer for. Lost souls, evil and wicked leadership, ungodly character, lies and untruths in all sectors and levels of society.

    FATHER Help us to draw nigh to the LORD at all times, that we may be right with YOU at all times. GOD'S word tells how to be able to know the difference between good and evil in order to glorify and praise HIM.

    GOD bless us all gloriously and shine HIS face upon all on this forum.

    April 17, 2023
  • Tunney on Joshua 6 - 1 year ago
    1 Corinthians 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

    Praise the LORD for HIS grace and mercies. GOD to shine HIS face on all who believe and trust in HIS name, and bless all on this forum. 2 Chronicles 7: 14, 15;

    1 Timothy 2:1-3; 2 Peter 3:9.

    April 14, 2023
  • Duncan - In Reply - 1 year ago

    it would be highly advisable for one to not expose himself to any form of magic or tricks. Why glory in satans entertainment when its clearly written he who glory let him glory in the Lord. It's also written1 Corinthians 10:31, 31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. each person who is believer in Jesus Christ need to re-evaluate is this glorying God or satan whether is trick or Magic to movies and music check by the scriptures if its glorifying God.

    Love not the world

    Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.
  • Adam - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi SSTeach,

    I'm sorry you are facing such challenges.

    Someone else just asked something similar this morning.

    Have you read the rest of the Romans 2? I'd suggest starting with that.

    I think a common underlying assumption is that we deserve to have good health, comfort and wealth in this life and if God is good then He'll serve me with that. I personally believe its the opposite. That we're not entitled to anything, that we're blessed and fortunate to even be alive at all and given this opportunity to serve Him (not ourselves), and that God created us for His pleasure, not our own. He's not a genie in a lamp existing to serve us. It's not all about us.

    What is the purpose of this life? We will all die very soon. The end may come any day. There are no guarantees of anything. God didn't promise us health and wealth in the Bible. Anyone saying that is lying. All someone has to do is read the Word and you can see that it says the opposite- in this life we'll face many trials. And we as Christians will face persecution. We are being tested. People in the Bible who served the Lord didn't have massive health and wealth. Paul who wrote much of the Bible was chased by Romans who wanted him dead, was imprisoned, probably starved, maybe injured, walked probably thousands of miles in the sun, shipwrecked, and was allowed to have a thorn in his flesh- whatever that means. Job had everything stripped of him, faced enormous hardship. Other Bible people had all kinds of problems too.

    1 Corinthians 10:13 - just as we wont be tempted more than what we can bear I think God won't give us more of anything beyond what we can bear. I think our character is being tested. I don't think God creates hardship directly but allows bad things to happen to us. Why assume that makes God bad? God allowed Himself to be tortured and die to atone for our sinful behavior- a gift if we choose to accept it. God allows evil to happen to us, because He loves us enough to give freewill. God bless.
  • Sam - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Please Lord Jesus Christ intervene in Michael's situation and guide him through this challenge he is facing. Please Holy Spirit comfort him with your spiritual gifts and Bible scriptures that he will be a testimony for others I pray in Jesus name!!!

    Please consider reflecting on Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Matthew 6:33-34, 1 Corinthians 10:13, John 15:5-6.
  • BelieverinChristJesus - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 10 - 1 year ago
    I wasn't even looking for the answer to my earlier question, I just stumbled upon it a few minutes ago.

    1Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 10 - 1 year ago
    Virgil Birkenfeld:


    Ezekiel 36:27 And I will put my spirit WITHIN YOU, and CAUSE YOU to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep MY JUDGEMENTS, and DO THEM.

    You DIED with Christ, YOU WERE RAISED with Christ, this is the POWER OF THE RESURRECTION.

    You are now the BODY of Christ, everything you say, will to do, or do is CAUSED by the spirit of TRUTH and LIFE WITHIN YOU.

    Very FEW BELIEVE God's word.

    Philippians 2:13 For it is God (spirit) which WORKETH IN YOU, both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.

    Colossians 1:27 ....this mystery .....Christ in you .....

    Matthew 7:14 ...narrow is THE WAY .....FEW there be that FIND IT ....

    John 14:6 ....I AM THE WAY .......

    1 Corinthians 12:27 ...Ye are the BODY OF CHRIST .....

    FEW BELIEVE God's word.

    Psalms 82:6 I (God himself) HAVE SAID, ye are gods, the children of the most high.

    Your the dwelling place of GOD, your are doing the very will of God 24/7.

    The question is? Do you believe God's word?

    God Bless YOU, as our Father brings us to TRUTH.
  • Virgil Birkenfeld on 1 Corinthians 10 - 1 year ago
    Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

    My question: What is the will of the Father?
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    There are two possible scenarios that are guaranteed to be the end of sanctification for us; either the natural death of the body and our inner man then being present with the Lord ( 2 Cor. 5:8) or being raised up in glory at the rapture (Phillipians 3:21).

    As I have brought up in earlier messages; it isn't enough to say that Christ is the center of our lives; He IS our life.

    Of course; we have the world; the flesh and the Devil to overcome. ( James 3:15). it is hard; if not impossible to have a clear division or demarcation as to which of these influences is affecting us; no doubt all three need to be dealt with to truly live a Spirit filled life of Holiness. Besetting sins are necessary to overcome; according to the principles of 1 Corinthians 10:13. It is what is behind the sins; the inherent weaknesses in ourselves which tends to be the source we need to examine as well. Some of us have fears; obsessions of various kinds; or personality issues that repeatedly get us into trouble. If we are saved then we need to be mindful that Satan's minions are using the world to draw us in; and sins usually begin in the mind. ( Romans 1:21).

    There is a need for deliverance for those who are oppressed; and that often doesn't happen until someone is ready to be open about sins and the legal access the enemy has to them. If there isn't any transparency there then of course we risk the warning that seven more demons can come into us ( Luke 11:26). I would add that we need to know who we should and should NOT ask to pray in that regard. Those who have besetting sins or lifestyles of sin are people to avoid; lest whatever is attached to them takes a hold on us. I am firmly convinced that ANY Spirit filled believer is capable of a deliverance ministry; and often people are set free when a congregation in general has a healthy fear of the Lord.

    Let us remember as Ephesians 2:6 states we are seated in heavenly places. This world is not our home.

    Agape; RP
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Uncelebrated. As you've read the whole Book of Jude, the emphasis is in v 4, "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." This speaks of those who entered the Church & were teaching & leading people away from the Truths they received, even from the Lord Jesus Christ.

    And Jude gives further examples of those influenced by wickedness & being led away, as those among the angels who departed & of those of Sodom & Gomorrah who gave themselves over to all manner of wickedness (vv 6,7).

    Israel, who received a wonderful liberation from Egyptian bondage, experienced the LORD's Hand upon them in their journeyings to the Promised Land, in spite of their complaints & frustrations. Though these were God's special people, receiving His Favor & Blessings, they were still unregenerate & living in the flesh. They needed the continual teaching & direction of Moses to be kept on the path of trust in God & perseverance, but even Moses despaired of them; as we also read the Apostle's Pauls account of their behavior in 1 Corinthians 10:1-11. All who sinned against the LORD perished in the wilderness - never seeing the Promised Land.

    So the warning in Jude (& 2 Corinthians), is to believers to not follow after those, even those in their midst or congregations, who are divisive & trying to pervert God's Word, leading believers away from the Truth. These people stand condemned by God & will suffer even as those who choose to follow their pernicious ways.

    Yet, for the true believer, not the counterfeits, the Spirit within them will gently correct even chastise the erring ones that they might apprehend the Truth. If they continue to disobey, then the life will be removed so that Jesus' Name will no longer be shamed, even before unbelievers, that the spirit might be saved in that coming day ( 1 Corinthians 5:5).
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Why is Romans 10:9 not a salvation message to the world? Christ, at some point in time, is going to raise all unbelievers back to their flesh.

    Romans 10:9 If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALL BE SAVED.

    There is no time line defined in this verse ,as in this age we are now in, the feast of first fruits, there is still the age of the ingathering, the feast of tabernacles, yet to come.

    No one is saved until they depart this body of mortal flesh, no one is born again until they depart this body of mortal flesh.

    I Timothy 6:16 Who (Christ) ONLY hath IMMORTALITY, dwelling in the LIGHT which no man can approach unto ......

    1 Corinthians 15:53 ....this mortal (at the death of this body) SHALL PUT ON IMMORTALITY ......

    1 Corinthians 15:49 A we bear have borne the image of the earthly (mortal), we shall also SHALL bear the image of the heavenly --- IMMORTALITY --- Christ ONLY hath immortality ----

    But God giveth IT (the new creation, born a second time) a BODY as it has pleased him, and to ever SEED his OWN BODY ----Christ is the BODY of the FATHER ----

    Psalms 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they ARE CREATED (the second birth, upon the death of this mortal body): and thou renewest the face of the earth ---- Revelations 21:5 ....I make all things new .....

    Isaiah 45:23 ....every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess ....

    Romans 14:11 ....every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess ....

    Romans 10:9 That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the grave, THOU SHALL BE SAVE.

    Romans 10:10 ..... and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    1 Timothy 4:10 .....who is SAVIOUR OF ALL MEN, specially those that believe.

    1 Corinthians 10:11 Now all these thing happen FOR ENSAMPLES; and they are written for OUR ADMONITION .....

    God Bless You as we come to TRUTH
  • Louis Logwood on Psalms 88 - 1 year ago
    I believe the psalmist is speaking about when we are going though ,what I call DRY TIMES with God. There will be days we will question our salvation ,our worship,our crying out to the Lord! In these times the Lord sometime wants to see what we are going to do? Our we going to keep studying the word, worship, keep raising our hands to HEAVEN or just give up ? Remember the book of Job, can we be like Job?Well for me ,I have been though a lot of dry times over 42 years. I almost went back . Family, job situations, marriage. But the song writer said "trouble does not going to last always". When hard times come we go on a fast from the TV,from the pleasures of this world . Do God's work all the time, not sometimes. Look at this ,this way. When we our at work, things don't always go our way, we don't always get off on time,that associate that never agrees with you on this day ,worse than ever, that doesn't stop us from going to work! I said that to say this don't give up on Christ, he made the ultimate sacrifice,giving his Life on the Cross. John 10:10 That we may have Life and that more abundantly, In JESUS Remember True Christians don't give up to the world,we give in to JESUS.I believe in " 2 Corinthians 4:8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair ;" 1 Corinthians 10:13

    "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." But we must remember this scripture in " James 1:13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: Now let's remember also that God loved us first. I leave you with this study your Bible showed thyself approved. Don't slack in God's work,also don't be caught with your work undone. Have A Blessed New Year with Jesus on your mind All the Time.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Struggles and our ministry to others.

    In my personal experience I went through a divorce due to my wife's affair with another man. In the process; however there were certain behavioral issues in common with a friend of mine who I counseled today with a woman he is considering marrying.

    I won't get into specifics here. There were also anger issues which I dealt with during my divorce proceedings in 2015 with a deep dive into the Book of James and much prayer. This was useful to me for counselling others going through anger issues the next couple of years.

    2 Timothy 3:16 makes it clear the value of all scripture for instruction in righteousness and teaching; etc. Jesus Himself; of course was the ultimate example for us in a sinful life; and the Book of Hebrews shows us how He suffered in like manner but without sin ( Heb. 4:15). The sufferings of Paul as well serve well along with the Prophets and other Apostles to guide us through our sufferings. 1 Corinthians 10:13 gives us assurance that God will give us the strength to escape any sins and temptations.

    This will perhaps be one of the greatest joys in heaven; when we see all those Resurrected (and hopefully some raptured) saints; we can rejoice that their sufferings are past; and that we can truly bask in the glories of heaven without the struggles of this life. The victory; of course grants us eternal spritual rewards consisting of kings and priests ( Rev. 5:10) as well as corresponding crowns of various types; including for those who are martyred ( Rev. 2:10). Suffering builds character as well as spiritual fruit as God refines us for His purposes in our sufferings (provided of course it isn't because of our sin as 1 Peter 2:20 states).

    Often suffering also drives us to prayer; hopefully it also softens our heart to have compassion on others and to get our mind off our own problems. Once we step in that direction we find the value in helping others; with practice it becomes easier.
  • Benning38 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I totally understand where you are coming from and i respect what you've studied, for sure. I agree that we need that baptism of the holyghost, but may the reader learn and understand our conversation... The water, blood and spirit all agree in one. Peter was given the keys to the kingdom. To bind or loose. Peter was chosen for the Jews, Samaritans and Gentiles to obey the gospel of death, burial, and resurrection. He preached it at Pentecost. Philip preached it to the Samaritans, but Peter had to be there for them for the laying on of hands to receive the spirit. The Gentiles received the spirit of God first while Peter preached to them... He still commanded them to be baptized. Baptism isn't a side piece for declaration of joining the church or professing your faith so others can see. It's a commandment and must be obeyed as, again, the water, blood and spirit all agree in one. The gospel isn't just death. It isn't just burial. It isn't just resurrection. It's all. All three mentioned. You can't do one and disregard the other. Baptism doesn't discard Jesus death on the cross. We die when we repent. We receive remission of sins when we are baptized in Jesus name and being filled with God's spirit? We can't do that. It's a promise if you obey. That's God's business, but... It is a promise nonetheless. Jesus was baptized in water and still commanded it to be so. That's it. It can be argued, but why? Jesus said it, thats it that settles it. The apostles agreed and we who live now should obey it as well. Paul gave a great description of what baptism for remission of sins looks like in 1 Corinthians 10:1-2. The Red Sea crossing was a type and shadow of obedience to going down in the water. Do not disregard baptism in water. It's easily the most proven act throughout the Bible and it is a necessity. Look back at Apollos in Acts. He was fervent in spirit and instructed by God (knowing only the baptism of John) same with the five in Acts 19.
  • Derek - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Ayen, I am grateful to hear from you. Please hang in there. You got a lot of great responses from Christian brothers and sisters wanting to help. Praying these lift you up.

    "And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do." Luke 12:4 KJV

    I think it means we don't have to be afraid of others. They don't control us.

    Philippians 4:10-13 - Paul was in prison, beaten, had all kinds of hardship, people wanted to kill him, was hungry, he probably dealt with guilt from his past, he walked long distances and stayed in random places regularly. But (verse 11) he said he found the secret of being content. This means our external circumstances don't affect our emotional state of joy in the Lord or contentment as much as people commonly assume.

    "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." 1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV

    This means to me that God is aware of our circumstance and won't let us be trapped in a situation of sin. We always have a way out.

    One way to love and be fair to yourself is by challenging any negative ideas to see if they are based on truth or not. Not all thoughts are true and its ok to gently challenge them.

    For example I used to think bad things about myself and the belief crippled me for some years, but I later discovered weren't true. It was liberating and felt free realizing this.

    If you were to start this challenge I would start by re-examining statements you said like "I cannot get anywhere in life" or "GOD will not stop Satan's bchildren from stopping me" and ask for each: is that really true? Is there any evidence for this or what is this idea based on? Is it true for others? What if it isn't true? What is the evidence of it not being true?"

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