Discuss 2 Chronicles 22

  • Isaiahj - 1 year ago
    2 Kings 8:26 Ahaziah was 22 years old when he began his reign after his father died.

    2 Chronicles 22:2 Ahaziah was 42 when he began his reign.

    I've heard numerous explanations; I am looking for a consensus viewpoint.

    Was there a mistranslation as it was supposed to say "Sum of Years" as in the 42 years of reign that had passed since the house of Omri. Or was it mistranslated and intended to say 22 years like 2 Kings. Or is there another explanation.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    That is a good observation Avinash, as we on these pages have picked up on this before. This has nothing to do with this KJBO Site's presentation of the King James Bible, as they have given it verbatim from the written Scriptures.

    This discrepancy with King Ahaziah's age as he went to the throne after his father Jehoram, found in these passages in 2 Kings 8:26 & 2 Chronicles 22:2, is what is termed as a 'copyist error'. That is, when the Old Testament Scriptures were being copied (& they were copied many many times over that period), sometimes an error crops up. In this case, as I've read, in the Hebrew language, the written form of the numbers "22 and 42" are very similar & is easy to make an error in copying. Some Bible translations have made the correction to '22', others have not. As we also see in, "His mother's name also was Athaliah the daughter of Omri", where clearly, Athaliah was the grand-daughter of Omri (King of Israel) who married into the Kingdom of Judah.
  • Delilah - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 22 - 2 years ago
    So , Jehoram is Ahaziahs father . 2nd Kings Ch 8 V 16+17 tells us that Jehoram was 32 yrs old when he began his reign and he reigned 8 years , that makes him 40 yrs old when he died . 2nd Chronicles Ch 21 agrees with 2nd Kings on this matter . So if Jehoram was dead by the time he was 40 then he couldn't have a 42yr old son as stated in 2nd Chronicles Ch 21+ Ch 22. Therefore Ahaziah could not have been 42 yrs old when he began his reign as it says in 2nd Chronicles ,he must have been 22 as it says in 2nd Kings . Phew .
  • Cesar on 2 Chronicles 22 - 2 years ago
    I was wondering how we reconcile 2 Kings 8:26 with 2 Chronicles 22:2. Both say Ahaziah's age was different at the time of the beginning of his reign.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 22 - 3 years ago
    2 Timothy 2:15

    Please also read 2 Kings 3, 2 Kings 12, 2 Kings 13, 2 Kings 14:1-3, pay very close attention to the differences because in these accounts it clarifies who the scripture refers to by details not necessarily the "name of the individual" there are very similar names buth differences in Jerusalem, Israel, Syria, differences in parents & even who they fought against. Significant details that should help you break down for truth. Please note also in 2 Kings the reigning of the son clearly seems to overlap as you described. Just like King David when he was still alive & sick, yet they both would retain "title". 2 Kings 13:1,9,

    2 Kings 9:1-9, 2 Kings 9:11-12 King of Israel, Jehu. 2 Kings 9:14-16, Jehu "conspired against Joram. (Hazel king of Syria)

    vrs 16. * Ahaziah king of Judah * 2 Kings 9:21, 2 Kings 9:22-24, 2 Kings 9:27,28 details buried in City of David. 2 Kings 9:29,

    2 Kings 8:7-15 "Hazael king of Syria" same guy? 2 Kings 10:31-32, 2 Kings 34-36,

    2 Kings 8:16-24,

    2 Kings 8:25-29, 22 yrs old Ahaziah over Jerusalem 1 yr,

    * 2 Kings 11:1-4 son of Ahaziah, keep reading 2 Kings 11:5-21, * (Son in biblical terms goes many generations) example: John 8:39

    This may be the account that clarifies the distinction you're looking for.

    1 Kings 22:51-53 details, 2 yrs over Israel Ahaziah,

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • Roger on 2 Chronicles 22 - 3 years ago
    In chapter 21:17 Jehorams last and youngest son is Jehoahaz , but in chapter 22:1 it says his youngest son is Ahaziah? My questions are why are they listing two different people as his youngest son? The other question is if Jehoram was 32 when he became king and he reigned 8 years and died then that should make him 40 at his death. How could he have a 42 year old son that reigned after him? Thanks for any imput. Just for kicks I looked in a living bible and they list Ahaziahs age when he began his reign at 22 yrs old.
  • Cherry Dickerson - 3 years ago
    Biblical Contradictions in the form of a question:

    Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel?

    God did ( 2 Samuel 24: 1)

    Satan did ( I Chronicles 2 1:1)

    In that count how many fighting men were found in Israel?

    Eight hundred thousand ( 2 Samuel 24:9)

    One million, one hundred thousand ( I Chronicles 21:5)

    How many fighting men were found in Judah?

    Five hundred thousand ( 2 Samuel 24:9)

    Four hundred and seventy thousand ( I Chronicles 21:5)

    God sent his prophet to threaten David with how many years of famine?

    Seven ( 2 Samuel 24:13)

    Three ( I Chronicles 21:12)

    How old was Ahaziah when he began to rule over Jerusalem?

    Twenty-two ( 2 Kings 8:26)

    Forty-two ( 2 Chronicles 22:2)

    How old was Jehoiachin when he became king of Jerusalem?

    Eighteen ( 2 Kings 24:8)

    Eight ( 2 Chronicles 36:9)

    How long did he rule over Jerusalem?

    Three months ( 2 Kings 24:8)

    Three months and ten days ( 2 Chronicles 36:9)

    The chief of the mighty men of David lifted up his spear and killed how many men at one time?

    Eight hundred ( 2 Samuel 23:8)

    Three hundred ( I Chronicles 11: 11)

    When did David bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem? Before defeating the Philistines or after?

    After ( 2 Samuel 5 and 6)

    Before ( I Chronicles 13 and 14)

    How many pairs of clean animals did God tell Noah to take into the Ark?

    Two ( Genesis 6:19, 20)

    Seven ( Genesis 7:2). But despite this last instruction only two pairs went into the ark ( Genesis 7:8-9)

    When David defeated the King of Zobah, how many horsemen did he capture?

    One thousand and seven hundred ( 2 Samuel 8:4)

    Seven thousand ( I Chronicles 18:4)

    How many overseers did Solomon appoint for the work of building the temple?

    Three thousand six hundred ( 2 Chronicles 2:2)

    Three thousand three hundred ( I Kings 5:16)

    The list is practically endless.
  • Ryan - 3 years ago

    please help me reconcile this contradicition??? i love the KJV, here it is:

    According to 2 Kings 8:26, Ahaziah was 22 years old when he began to reign, and reigned for one year in Jerusalem.

    2 Chronicles 22:2 gives his age as 42 years when his reign began in Jerusalem.

    which is it?
  • A disciple on 2 Chronicles 22 - 7 years ago
    Ali Omar; Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat was married to Athaliah the daughter of Ahab as a condition of the Peace Agreement between Israel and Judah. This was a terrible blindness and poor judgment in Jehoshaphat that almost destroyed the sacred line of Christ. In fact when we read Jesus' genealogy in Matthew we will notice three generations have been omitted as a result between Joram and Uzziah.
  • Keith Harris on 2 Chronicles 22 - 7 years ago
    Ahaziah was the king that began to reign at age 42 Athaliah was his mother and I didn't see where it said how old she was.
  • Al Cruz on 2 Chronicles 22 - 10 years ago
    how could Ahaziah have died at 40, and had a 42 year old son?
  • Anonymous on 2 Chronicles 22 - 12 years ago
    Why did Jehoram in 2 chron. 21 die in a different way than the Jehoram in 2 kings 9:24?
  • Lillie on 2 Chronicles 22:1 - 12 years ago
    Were Jehoahaz & Ahaziah the same person and how do you know?
  • May on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Joe: If you have read the Bible you surely would have picked the condradiction's up. However if you haven't then I will enlighten you. Let me just say that the references that I'm about to quote may not be in your Bible as there are many Bibles available on the market that are used by different Christian sects each claiming that their Bible is translated as the word of God.The references I will quote comes from the Tyndale Bible.
    Jeremiah 8:8
    "How can you say we are wise because we have the the word of the Lord, when your teaches have twisted it by writing Lies"
    The Condradiction's In the Bible start from;
    In 2 Samuels 8:4 it reads
    "David captured 1700 charioteers and 20,000 foot solders, he crippled all the chariots except enough for 100 chariots".
    Now read
    1 Chronicles 18:4
    "David captured 1000 chariots, 7000 charioteers and 20,000 foot solders. He crippled all the chariots horses except for 100 chariots".
    Other examples are;
    2 Samuels 8:9-10
    1 Chronicles 18:9-10

    2 Kings 8:26
    2 Chronicles 22:2

    2 Samuels 6:23
    2 Samuels 21:8

    Genisis 6:3
    Genisis 9:29

    John 5:37
    John 14:9

    John 5:31
    John 8:14
    You see Jo All doctrines of modern Christianity are made by man. They are definitely not quotes from the bible For example;
    The Trinity, Divine Son ship Of Jesus Christ, Original sin and atonement.
    Jesus as he says in
    John 8:28 "I do nothing of myself"
    John 14:28 "My father is greater than I"
    Mark 12:29 "The Lord is ONE lord"
    Mark 13:32 "No one knows the day or hour when these things will happen not even the angles in heaven or the SON himself, ONLY THE FATHER KNOWS"
    The word Trinity is not Biblical nor is it used in any Bibles or Bible dictionaries. Trinity was never specifically mentioned by Jesus. The formation of the word "Trinity"was presented by Athenasius, an Egyptian Deacon from Alexandria and was accepted by the council of Nicea more than three centuries after Jesus had departed from this earth.
    Other such "Man made" decisions of the council contributed to the declaration of the Roman Sunday as the Christian Sabbath, and the establishment of December 25th as Jesus birthday. This was done in order to have a celebration that occurred on the same day as the birthday of the pagan gods such as Nimrod (Babylon god) Krishna, (Hindus god), Mithra (Greek god) and Dionysius (Bacchus of greece)who is named the only begotten son of Jupiter and was born of the virgin mother Demeter, on the 25th of December. As you can see the celebration of the birth of Jesus is clearly an idea of pagan decent. As clear as we can read in black and white the Bible forbids even the decoration of christmas trees;
    Jeremiah 10:3-4 "Their ways are fertile and foolish. They cut down a tree and a craftsman carves an idol". "They decorate it with gold and silver and than fasten it securely with hammer and nails so it won't fall over".
    The conclusions to my recent research on religion is that we so called true Christians are not even close to abiding by Gods laws, far from it. We are such Hippocrates.
    I hope this helps Jo, May God give you blessings
  • Battyus on 2 Chronicles 22 - 14 years ago
    Jehoahaz mentioned in 2Chronicles 21:17 is the same person whom is called Ahaziah in 2Chronicles 22:1.

    He is also called Azariah in 2Chronicles 22:6.

    To answer your question:
    Both verses are correct, because they are talking about the same person.
  • Ali omar on 2 Chronicles 22 - 14 years ago
    hello, im confused. In the previous chap 21 V16-20 it says jehoahaz was left as far as the kings sons went, but in this chap it says that Ahaziah was made king??? which one is correct
  • Veronica on 2 Kings 8 - 14 years ago
    Anonymous if you would read 2 Chronicles 22:2 it reads: Ahaziah was 22 years oldwhen he became king and reigned in Jerusalem one year. God bless.

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