Discuss 2 Chronicles 8

  • Gizzmoo - In Reply on Mark 16 - 2 years ago
    2 Chronicles 8:14, 23:18-19
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 8:1 - 2 years ago
    I'm glad you asked!

    Exodus 25, is where/when the Bible 1st describes the Ark of The Covenant / Testament. Exodus 26 is the detailed description of it's strict rules of being set within the holy place and the most holy, sanctified, behind the veil Exodus 26:33, then Exodus 30, Exodus 31, Exodus 35, Exodus 37, Exodus 39, Exodus 40,

    Leviticus 16:2, is where the LORD warns, there are/were strict rules, even risk of life going before the Ark of The Covenant / testament,

    Numbers 3 & Numbers 4, explains the care of the Ark & all things regarding the Temple; had dedicated people, & their children, that specifically looked after covering for items, even carrying them. Example: Numbers 4:5-15 note again threat of death in Numbers 4:15, & Numbers 4:16-20,

    Note Numbers 7:89, Deuteronomy 10:5,8, Deuteronomy 31:26, Joshua 3:13-17,

    1Samuel 5, 1Samuel 6, 1Samuel 6:19, remember the rules, GOD specifically said. 2Samuel 6:3-7, 1Chronicles 13:10, 1Chronicles 15:2-3, 1Chronicles 15:12-15, there are more examples._..if you would like more, let me know.

    Significant that during the crucifixion of JESUS Christ our Savior that holy veil was torn: Mark 15:37-39, Luke 23:42-47, Matthew 27:50-51,

    * Hebrews 10, Hebrews 9,

    Please read Hebrews 10 whole chapter

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Nick on 2 Chronicles 8:1 - 2 years ago
    Can anyone be in the presence of the Arc of the Covenant
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Alex, dear Alex. You just can't pull out a Scripture & build a teaching from it. You must look at all instances where these feasts are mentioned. You quoted Isaiah 1:10-16 where the Lord abhored these sacrifices & feasts because they came with evil in their hearts (v15), not because the new moon & feast observances were wrong.

    Then if you look at 2 Chronicles 8:12-16, again there were similar offerings & remembrances made by Solomon, to which the Lord did not condemn. If the Lord is going to condemn something He has introduced or permitted, then He must condemn it in all instances of their performance. The difference was that in Isaiah, the condemnation was because of the filthiness of their hearts, likened to the people of Sodom & Gomorrah (v10).

    Once we get the understanding of the Scriptures straight, then we can appreciate the rest of Scripture, or else, we can just make up things as we go along & go further & further from the Truth. It's true, Israel, in their history, probably disappointed the Lord more than they worshipped Him with clean hearts & pure motives, but all Scriptures pertaining to them must be looked at & correctly & judged as given - one cannot throw out the baby with the bath water.
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Kings 12:9 - 4 years ago
    What you're reading in 1 Kings 12:3-5,9, refers to mainly the high taxes that Solomon imposed upon the people. Even though we read in 2 Chronicles 8:7,8, that harsh taxes were imposed on those not of Israel that lived amongst them, we see that all of Israel suffered because of the taxes.

    Solomon extracted taxes, goods & services from the people in various ways & these were done primarily for the building of the Temple (though, King David actually had already procured most of the materials for them), but also for the other buildings to house his many wives & concubines. He established twelve districts to sustain the king & his household each month through taxation ( 1 Kings 4:7); he conscripted labour from Israel ( 1 Kings 5:13-18); taxed merchants & trade ( 1 Kings 10:15); and received tribute from other nations ( 1 Kings 4:21).

    And particularly for the common man, such high taxation became a heavy burden to bear, where some did their normal work during the day, then had to contribute their time after work in Solomon's building projects. So the people protested such burdens & appealed to Solomon's successor, Rehoboam to have pity on them. Rather, he raised the taxes even further causing Jeroboam to lead the people in revolt, hence the divisions of the Kingdoms (Judah & Israel): 1 Kings 12:16-27.

    It's noteworthy, that Samuel much earlier prophesied about the inevitability of taxation & other demands ( 1 Sam 8:11-22) as the people demanded a king as the other nations had.
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 8:1 - 4 years ago
    Priscilla, God was speaking to King Solomon, appearing to him at night. As you have probably read in that Book, Solomon built a Temple to God & it was a huge affair, not only with the building, but also the celebrations which followed. God accepted this work & their joy in building it, but God also gave this caveat: "when I send Israel drought, locusts or pestilence upon you, remember that it's because your sin has come before Me. But if you should humble yourselves, & pray, & seek My face, and turn from your wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, & will forgive your sin, and will heal your land". However, records show us that Israel very often fell into sin & idolatry & God did have to deal with them harshly.
  • Priscilla on 2 Chronicles 8:1 - 4 years ago
    who was god talkihg to 11 chronicle 7;14

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