Discuss 2 Kings 6

  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Sister Jema:

    There is no end of the world.

    Ephesians 3:21 .... world without end ...

    We get mixed up all the time, because our old mind hasn't totally BEEN RENEWED to the mind of Christ.

    The end of the world is one example.

    The end of the world (age) (in the fullness of time) came when Christ was resurrected, he said: Behold, I make all things new.

    Probably a more accurate translation would be the end of the AGE, or the fullness of time.

    The 1000 year reign with Christ is NOW, running parallel, with this age, but we are not of this age, because in the fullness of time we became a new creation.

    Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this age, be be ye TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING (all things have become new) of your mind.

    He give us the parable of the seed, Christ, being the SEED.

    The corn plant was the example.

    If you plant a corn SEED in the ground, that SEED will DIE, and a green plant will emerge, that looks nothing like the SEED that was planted.

    That plant grows and as it matures it slowly begins to naturally die, then the SEED is harvested by the farmer, and the good SEED is put in the barn.

    It's put in the barn to be used as FOOD and for REPLANTING.

    This is exactly what happen to the new new creation.

    Christ the SEED, DIED, and was raised up, the green plant raised up with Christ (you and I), looks nothing like the SEED, but when we become mature (by the words of God), God sends the angels and they harvest us, our body that brought the SEED to maturity, is no longer needed, it goes back to the ground it came from, and the SEED goes back to the barn to be used as FOOD and REPLANTING SEED.

    The OLD saints, now chariots of fire, and all that have been harvested in the last 2000 years, have become SEED for eating and replanting, they are workers in God's vineyard, all called at different hours of the day, they are causing you to mature and become a SEED.

    Matthew 20:1-10

    Isaiah 59:21

    Isaiah 66:15

    2 Kings 6:17

    God Bless YOU!
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Sister Jema:

    Nothing is happening today than has not been happening now for 2000 years.

    At Christ resurrection, HE OPENED the seven seals of Revelation.

    For 2000 years wars, pestilence, and famine has PREVAILED on earth.

    Christ has divorceded OLD ISRAEL, they were never THE PROMISED SEED of Isaac, Christ was the promised Isaac, the true ISRAEL, from the house of Judah.

    The OLD temple is no more, THE NEW TEMPLE was raised THREE DAYS after Christ died on his cross.

    Old Israel along with all the other DEAD will be RAISED back to live when the JUDGES of the earth have been gather.

    Those judges have to first be harvested,

    When harvest, they become the IMAGE OF CHRIST.

    This mortal shall PUT ON IMMORTALITY, Christ ONLY hath IMMORTALITY ..... 1 Timothy 6:16

    All those already harvested; are already the image of Christ, they have been in the 1000 year: ONE DAY, reign with Christ NOW, some for 2000 years. the parable of the workers in God's vineyard, is representative of this, all CALLED at different hours of the DAY.

    All these at present are ministering Spirits, angels of fire. At some point, Christ will resurrect all back to there bodies of flesh and blood, and God will say to the JUDGES; APPEAR, and all the world will see Christ appearing in the CLOUDS OF HEAVEN, his judges, his IMAGE.

    2 Kings 6:17 ..... open their eyes, that they may see, And the Lord opened the eyes of the young men, and they SAW, and, behold, the mountain was FULL of horses and chariots of FIRE (our God is a consuming fire) round about......

    Everyone, is going to see, some NOW, some LATER.

    Don't try to predict TIMES, only God knows, but we can know that it is all just ONE DAY, TODAY the day of salvation.

    God BLESS YOU!

    Until Christ has ASSEMBLED all the JUDGES of the EARTH, thing will continue as they are.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I have asked God for wisdom here on this subject. 2 Kings 6:16-19 shows how Elisha in the spiritual realm had more fighting for his side than in the visible human spectrum.

    First; in regard to Saul. He had already committed an egregious sin in attempting to do a sacrifice which is only something a Priest to do. He had because of his jealousy of David attempted 21 times to kill him even though it should have been clear that he was the chosen one to someday be King of Israel. At the end he consulted a witch; something which was worthy of death in the O.T. law to enquire about an upcoming battle; and even in the end he was more concerned about his reputation when he asked to die with his serious injuries. It is because of his unrepentant jealousy of David and murderous spirit that demons were tormenting him. He was also ungracious because David repeatedly showed him mercy when he could have wiped him out.

    We can also examine someone like Samson who; because he sacrificed himself was able to destroy multitudes of Baal worshippers; again his own sins got him into that position in the first place.

    Clearly; the enemy of our souls tries to plant suicide in our minds. We only need to look at Christ's temptations throughout scripture; particularly when Satan told him to cast himself off the temple using scripture to back it up; and Christ retorted that we are not to test God. I cannot say that suicide is the unforgiveable sin; but at the very least eternal rewards will be lost for anyone who doesn't continue until the end of this earthly existence to walk in faith. As to my previous point; it would appear from the Book of Revelation that the accuser of our souls may not be cast down to earth until the midpoint of the Tribulation. It is certainly possible that those who are living in heaven are accused then; because afterwards the Antichrist or Beast curses those who LIVE IN HEAVEN. In either case He sustains us and has won the war despite current battles
  • Duncan - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Purely it is a gift from God right and he gives it to whoever right so you cant teach to anyone how to have a gift which only God give freely now lets us look at this event when the prophet prayed that his servants eyes my be open and there ware Gods angles and Saturn angles involved.

    - 2 Kings 6:17-20

    17 And Elisha prayed, "Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see." Then the Lord opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

    (As only the servant of God was able to see but Prayed)

    so lets look at

    - 1 Timothy 4:1

    Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; , now as we can see The church leaders are

    (However, the leadership seems to push "speaking in tongues" over the basics of Christianity) This is not what Jesus said, he said preach not enforce and as you have mention speaking in tongues is the gift which comes by the grace of God not by men telling you to speak or now is the time to speak.

    This leadership is purely emphasizing their own lie which is not scriptural and the fact that is written in the latter days they will be such teaching which indicates they have departed from the faith or to put more basic they don't teach the word of God

    Which we know faith camas by hearing and by hearing the word the word of God

    (So they are giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils)

    and lastly

    Acts 2:4

    4.The ware filled with the Holy Spirit and started speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave them Utterance

    note the Two Things here Filled and then they ware given utterance

    as the writer has pointed out the church leaders are forcing this on people its not from God

    so there are only two things either with God or Saturn

    2 Kings 6:16

    And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.

    we see the two kingdom brought out to the
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Richard The word of knowledge is the operation of the God given ability via the spirit to information he gives

    you concerning a specific situation that you cannot know by the five senses. Example 2 KINGS 13-16 VERSE 16

    you will embrace a son. another example in 2 KINGS 7:1 was stated at the time when there was a famine so great

    that there was cannibalism 2 Kings 6:26-29 and the king blamed the man of GOD. iN 7:1 basically Elisha says

    thus sayeth the lord revealed knowledge or word of knowledge in 24 hours there will be great abundance in the city

    and of course the ones he talked to thought he was nuts! This also operates correctly with scripture and must

    Glorify the true God and bless the body of CHRIST. Last in Ephesians 3:1-4 Paul was given in the church epistles

    all knowledge concerning the Body of CHRIST no other man was given the abundance of the revelations that Paul

    was given that's why the adversary wanted him dead. Everywhere he went and taught the freedom in Christ Jesus

    there were unbelievers right behind him trying to talk people out of the walk via the spirit. Things haven't changed

    there is nothing new under the sun.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply on Deuteronomy 28 - 3 years ago
    It has definitely happened. Instances where it happened include:

    The northern kingdom of Israel suffered it during the latter end of its existence.

    2 Kings 6:24-30

    The southern kingdom of Judah suffered it during the Babylonian conquests that kept increasing the number of those being led into captivity. Ezekiel was a captivity prophet.

    Ezekiel 5:10

    Extra biblically, the Donner party is a famous case of famine driven canabalism.

    Revelation includes famine and death by hunger as two of the 4 horsemen. Revelation 6:5-8. It is likely horrors like canabalism will occur.
  • Jillian - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I am praying for you. God's plan ( Jer 29:11) for your life may seem like a puzzle but it will come together beautifully. Remember, you are NEVER alone. The heavenly angels with you are always more than the enemy ( 2 Kings 6:16). The kingdom of God is inside you and the Holy Spirit dwells in you. May God send your divine destiny helpers to encourage you in person. God bless you.
  • Edna L' herault on 2 Kings 6 - 3 years ago
    Jesus does not do evil things
  • Dianne - In Reply on 2 Kings 6 - 3 years ago
    Hi Cheryl This is a part of scripture where God is showing how absolutely dire a situation was. A famine and unbelieving army surrounded the city so in verse 28+29 give you how bad it was. Then in verse 30 when a person in the middle east puts on sack clothe and ashes it is an indication of dire distress I.E. what can I do. What's worse is the next verse where he blames Elisha the man of God for what took place. Look what God Tells Elisha by his spirit from verse 6:32 to 7:1 Especially verse 1 Hear the word of the Lord Thus saith the Lord I.E. pay attention! Tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria. Of course they thought he was nuts because by the five senses the situation looked {impossible], now we read how God made a way where there wasn't one. It started with FOUR LEPROUS MEN in verse 3 and the details carry until the end of the chapter. Another example of How our God makes a way where there is no way. God is always willing to help if we have our spiritual ears on so to speak.
  • Cheryl on 2 Kings 6 - 3 years ago
    explain verses 28, 29 & 30 thanks
  • The Ministry of Angels to believers - 3 years ago
    Psalms 104:4

    Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:

    Luke 4:10

    For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee:

    Matthew 26:53

    Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?

    Hebrews 13:2

    Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

    Luke 4:10

    For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee:

    Psalms 91:11

    For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

    Job 34:16

    If now thou hast understanding, hear this: hearken to the voice of my words.

    Acts 27:23 - For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, Psalms 91:1-16 - He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. (Read More...)

    2 Kings 6:17

    And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.

    Mishael=they were angels.

    If you need assistance, healing or protection; pray directly to God, in Jesus name, and ask God for angelic help through the trial. We cannot order the angels ourselves, nor can we worship them ever.

    *they hearken to the spoken word of God; they enjoy praise and worship music and singing to the Lord.

    If your home is dark with spiritual warfare? this is how to shine in the light of Gods love.

    Has anyone else had experience with the ministry of angels in the believers life?

    I had one save my life actually more than once.

    Praise God!
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 Kings 6:15 - 4 years ago
    His name was Gehazi, Elisha's servant. You can see his name come up several times in 2 Kings chapters 4, 5 & 8.
  • Larry Harris on 2 Kings 6:15 - 4 years ago
    Who was the servant that said, alas master how shall we do? in chaper 6 verse 15?
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 2 Kings 6 - 4 years ago
    Revelation 1:8
  • Jessie Jones on 2 Kings 6 - 4 years ago
    Who is God!!!
  • Solomon - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Hey Daphne
    I just wanted to say that I hope you are truly saved by the grace of God and that you know and profess the name of Jesus Christ the LORD, if not I pray that he would draw you to repentance that ye be converted. Firstly, the word 'shall' in old English is a way of saying 'will' or 'would' which means there is an intention to do something. This passage of scripture is the proclamation of curses that God would place on the people that would not follow his commandments,(verse 1 and 15)and is meant to be taken literal. The prophesy that a woman would eat her own child(verse 57)is later seen in 2 kings 6: 24 - 30 from the famine and siege of Samaria due to Israel's disobedience to God.
  • Gary Olsen - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Read the story of Elisha how he put an army of Syrian soldiers into a stupor and led them into the midst of Samaria before he opened their eyes and allowed them to see that they were in the midst of their enemies - 2 Kings 6:20. Elisha was a prophet. Jesus is the son of GOD. He had powers that he never displayed when he walked among us but he will when he returns.
  • Ann on Genesis 4 - 7 years ago
    Murderer is mentioned 20 times in the KJV Bible. Numbers 35:16- 35:17- 35:18- 35:19-35:21- 35:30- 35:31 2 Kings 6:32- Job 24:14- Hosea 9:13- John 8:44- Acts 3:14- Acts 28:4 - 1 Peter 4:15- and 1 John 3:15 says, Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.
  • Peter A. Okebukola on 2 Kings 6 - 7 years ago
    God is working wonders through Elisha. He truly has double portion of his master's (Elijah) spirit.
  • Skha on 2 Kings 6 - 8 years ago
    This is a powerful chapter that reveals God as our present help in times of need and ever present in our journey of life. David says the Lord sets a table for him before his enemies. This chapter illustrates victory for those who call upon the Lord against their enemies. Powerful chapter and how so perfect the bible goes in harmony from Genesis to Revelation.
  • Etim Okon Akadu on 2 Kings 6 - 9 years ago
    2-KINGS CHAPTER 6 remains an extraordinary passage of the manifestation of Omnipresence in our faith .And that devine presence envelopes the entire universe at any given point in time and space .
  • Brother Stephens on 2 Kings 6 - 9 years ago
    That was agreat wonderful chapter on the power of Faith, trust,holy spirit in all Trusting in the LORD.
  • Stephen on 2 Kings 6 - 9 years ago
    When Satan was kicked out of Heaven ( Isaiah 14:12-14), he took a third of the angels with him ( Job 38:7; Revelation 12:4). This means that there are twice as many of God's angels as there are of Satan's, not to mention that God Himself is with us ( Psalm 46:7). Truly, there be more with us than there are with them.
  • Prophet John on 2 Kings 6:27 - 9 years ago
    Without divine breaking point from the Lord God, there is no breakthrough..... Genesis 38:28
  • P.stephen on 2 Kings 6 - 9 years ago
    i wanna preach about 6:16 verse can u suggest bible verses which r support to my selected verse
  • Sylvester Waller on 2 Kings 6 - 9 years ago
    Were they angels around elisha and his servants on the mountain.
  • Billy on 2 Kings 6:17 - 9 years ago
    God created many dimensions and Heavenly and Demonic beings exist in those dimensions, in the air above your head.
  • DeeDee on 2 Kings 6 - 10 years ago
    Our Lord 's love and compassion sometimes astonishes me when he hears and quickly responding to what, in the scheme of things, must be an insignificant appeal.
  • Jane Onyenwe on 2 Kings 6 - 10 years ago
    2 kings 6 18 23 the Lord shall deliver my enemies into my hands...amen.
  • Cyrus muchangi on 2 Kings 6:6 - 10 years ago
    This tells us that we should focus everything to the lord our God.

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