Discuss 2 Samuel 2

  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    To add to discussion I just recently replied but felt led to add to my post. Just recently in Daniel I believe GOD revealed to me Daniel & his friends may have been, as captives of war made Eunuchs by Nebuchadnezzar- Daniel 1:1-3, Daniel 1:7-9, Daniel 1:10-11, each time it states those who were put over Daniel & his companions that title was given them 'over the Eunuchs' . There is no account of them having children that I've found. Futhermore when Nebuchadnezzar threatened people in his brutal way= Daniel 2:5, Daniel 2:12-13, Daniel 3:28-29, it was probably a very viable threat & intensely reality. Which now not only puts new light on Nebuchadnezzar's threats but his way of thinking.

    Recently GOD's been showing me more in these scriptures. Daniel also is the only one that I've found where an angel says was greatly beloved, Daniel 10:11, Daniel 10:19, there seems to be a distinction in this address. GOD knows us & everything thing we have suffered, everything taken from us, even wrongful sterilization. He loves us! Hopefully this is also encouraging in a deep way as it has been to me. Yes I believe GOD addresses people personally & callings differ. Moses, Hosea, Ezekiel are few examples Daniel another. Sometimes HE calls us to do things others have not been called to nor had precedence for. Like Noah. In my life I've been reminded of this scripture more than once [1 Kigs 13:8-10,15,16,17,18,21,22,*24,] 1 Kings 13:1-32, we must obey GOD ALMIGHTY in what HE calls us to do personally.

    When I say a distinction the wording is a little Different than Isaiah 48:14, 2 Samuel 2:24, 1 Kings 10:9, Revelations 1:5, Revelations 3:9, John 14:20, Mark 10:21, & even Matthew 3:17 because CHRIST is the SON, THE WAY TRUTH & LIGHT, LIFE. If I had my Exhaustive Concordance at hand, I would study it more fully.
  • Marcus Brazil on Proverbs 26:4 - 3 years ago
    in 2 Samuel 2:12-16 What was the reason for this mutual slaughter of 24 men????
  • Marcus Brazil - In Reply on 2 Samuel 2 - 4 years ago
    Chris, thank you so much for your time and all you have said I think has validity. Of course my feelings about this matter are bordering on what seemingly is the lack of value of earthly lives back then. Of course this all points to that fallen angel Satan. He likes causing unbelief and doubt where he can. That's what he is doing to me. He has NOT got me to disbelieve any of God's word or weakened my faith I talked to my pastor about this and he did not have an answer for me but told me he would be trying to find a reasonable explanation for the games . If the games did in fact lessen the severity of upcoming battles then that sounds like it was worthwhile.
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 Samuel 2 - 4 years ago
    I hope you can receive other views here Marcus, or else find further explanation & expansion of this biblical account elsewhere. It may well be that this "game" was actually a part of a greater battle that could have been pursued or prevented depending on the outcome of these 24 engaged in sword play. Not having the full story before us, leaves one speculating, so any opinion may be worthy of consideration.

    I did find the following by renowned commentator, Charles Ellicott: on verse 14: "To avoid unnecessary bloodshed between the tribes of a common parentage, and also, perhaps, to prevent the weakening of the nation in the face of their common Philistine foe, Abner proposes that the struggle should be decided by a combat between a few champions chosen on either side, and Joab immediately accepts the proposal. Hervey (Speaker's Commentary) aptly compares this combat to that of the Horatii and Curiatii, under strikingly similar circumstances and with similar results, as described by Livy (I., 100 10:25)."

    And to verse 17: "The combat of the twelve on each side having decided nothing, the two hosts joined battle. Abner and the Israelites were worsted (sic). The numbers engaged were probably not large, as the whole number of the slain was nineteen on David's side, and 360 on that of Israel ( 2Samuel 2:30-31). It was, however, a turning-point in the struggle."

    These comments still don't answer your question, but I can only assume that with the lower sanctity of life of those days, particularly in times of warfare or when clear or assumed disobedience to the Law was evidenced, that the lives that could have been used in full-blown battle could also be used in any prelude to it. The question that actually came to my mind was how was it not possible that at least a couple of men could have survived this 24 man encounter, even with suffering severe injuries, but that all suffered the same fate. I guess some things we will never know.
  • Marcus Brazil - In Reply on 2 Samuel 2 - 4 years ago
    Thanks so much for the reply Chris but it is not sufficient enough to relieve my feelings regarding this matter. What you say seems to be about the way I understand it. What I am saying is that this all seems like a total misuse of soldiers in battle. Each of these men that lost their lives in a "game" perhaps could have taken many lives of their enemies if allowed to fight with their weapons (swords) the way intended instead of confining them to sure death along with their adversary as I see the "rules" of the game to lead them. Is this not a silly thing to do? Were these men volunteers or was there a reason for those particular 24 being there under those circumstances? What, I ask you is ENTERTAINING about watching 12 struggles of this nature in a cesspool of death anyway? No, what I would ask some of you historians is an explanation of this mayhem. The ONLY possible reason for this is because both sides wanted to be able to provide 12 men with enough courage to meet their death this way since the other side was able to provide 12 to do so. Can anyone help me?
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 Samuel 2 - 4 years ago
    This portion of Scripture isn't about "mutual suicide". We have the servants (no doubt, warriors) of Ishbosheth (pertaining to Israel) & those of David (pertaining to Judah) facing each other by the pool. The suggestion by Abner (of Israel) for their men to have some 'sword play' & had their larger bodies of warriors as spectators. Apparently, those 24 men all killed each other in this small battle & the ensuing (larger) battle that followed by the remaining armies, saw Israel losing altogether to David's army.

    So I see that the intent of these armies facing each other was to do battle, but that little insert of the 24 men sparring with each other was just the 'taster' to start the battle going & not to commit suicide.
  • Marcus Brazil on 2 Samuel 2 - 4 years ago
    2 Samuel 2:16 While reading the scriptures I have questions about this seemingly 12 acts of mutual suicide. Could their lives not have been better used in battle???
  • RAYMOND DUARTE on 2 Samuel 2 - 4 years ago
    I am a believer since I was 14 years old have been like the prodigal son in some of my walk with him. In it all he has always been merciful and awesome. We are loved by him more than we can ever comprehend. We were made by him, for him and should live through him. He is the beginning and the end. Anything we learn or go through is but a glimpse of what he intended for us to go through. Remember no other name is given than the name of Jesus Christ for salvation is only found in him. He is love beyond measure, he has forgiven us, he did the hard work by dying for us in the cross and resurrecting on the 3rd day. He left to prepare a place for us. All the law and prophets are surmised in these two commandments. Love God with all your heart, soul, and strength. Then love your neighbor as yourself. By their fruits he shall know them. Let his light shine through us in this dark world. We are to show his glory to the world, so they can come to him. Love you guys keep on keeping on. The end is near let us watch and have our lamps full of oil.
  • Sylvia on 2 Samuel 2 - 4 years ago
    I put in a request for the meaning of 561 but have had no reply
  • LaWanna Arnold on 2 Samuel 2 - 4 years ago
    While reading SAINT LUKE chapter1 I wanted to encourage someone today that God is still God Of The Impossible no matter what our situation is keep trusting, and believe in his word !!!
  • Edwin L Muir - In Reply on 2 Samuel 2 - 4 years ago
    ALLELUIA AMEN, thanks Holy *FATHER* for the dear-ones testimony. Grant a Prayerful tender heart where Isaiah 49:24,25 KJV will help bring forth much fruit. The *LORD JESUS* be magnified, and Jude 20 the often refuge and rest.
  • Emeka on 2 Samuel 2 - 4 years ago
    i thank god 4 d life he gave me 2day, may his name be highly praise
  • Angie on 2 Samuel 2 - 6 years ago
    Winnie, I was raise in the catholic church. Over there people listen and behave like statues. When I became protestant, I felt in my heart like you do and I too thought that people would look and maybe laugh about me. When I told this to a lady, she told me "close your eyes and let the Lord be your only audience" I now follow my heart only and I am happy. We should only please the Lord.
  • God has my heart on 2 Samuel 2 - 7 years ago
    David did according to god will when God spoke to David.As we all should in stead we all do our own will that y this world is so mess up to day if we would learn by David and the word of God.And walk the right path.We mite not be were we are to day.May be we need God to return and rebuke us to bring us repentance
  • April on 2 Samuel 2 - 7 years ago
    In church,I didn't do the Amen and what have you,I personally was young and was on a different spiritual maturity level,I heard others do so,but at the same time some just did it because it was habbit or something,some people cry or experience emotions,it might not have been shout at the top of your lungs to display to everyone,but it impacted people differently,GOD knows your heart,Spoken or not.
  • Giovanni Camingawan on 2 Samuel 2 - 8 years ago
    Some people are simply not very vocal, they don't even respond to Spiritually filling messages but deep down inside they are affected and also, The Lord deals differently with people, some messages are spiritually filling to other people while to othey people they aren't.
  • Jeanne on 2 Samuel 2 - 8 years ago
    Winnie, I often wonder how people in church and not express any emotion to the point of not saying "amen" or hallelujah during a good Spirit filled message. Would they sit like pillars of stone at a sporting event?

  • Dewey J on 2 Samuel 2 - 9 years ago
    Brenda, it's true that David 's first son by Bathsheba died. This just magnify the grace and mercy of God because David's second son by Bathsheba was the great King Solomon. It is also true that Abner killed Asheal in battle after he warned him several times to fight a young soldier therefore that was not murder. What Joab did to Abner was a surprise to Abner and therefore murder. Glory be to God
  • Tiff on 2 Samuel 2 - 10 years ago
    Winnie maybe you should try an Apostolic church People get down and praise the Lord there
  • Winnie on 2 Samuel 2 - 10 years ago
    I feel we r very reticent about showing our feelings in Church I would love to shout hallelujah but I think some people might faint with shock
  • Robert on 2 Samuel 4 - 12 years ago
    Asahel was killed by Abner by a spear under the fifth rib 2 Samuel 2:23. Abner was killed by Joab Abishai the same way because it was the way Abner killed their brother Asahel 2 Samuel 2:27, 30. Ishbosheth was killed the same way because under the fifth rib is the heart. A well known way to kill someone so as to be sure they would die.
  • Taiwo Jacob on 2 Samuel 2 - 12 years ago
    In 2 Samuel 2:1 Though David knew he has been anointed by God to be king over Israel, and now Saul was dead, with his military power he would have went ahead to imposed himself on the people of Israel, but he would not do that, so he still enquired from God whether to go into the land of Judah or not. We should learn not to run ahead of God in fulfilling His will in our life.

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