If Paul said that he suffers not for women to teach then he obviously never imagined my mother, or sister, or daughter. They are all much smarter than me and they have all taught me a great deal.
Mishael I dont think that you were preaching I think that you are a great Christian and that you have a strong faith and I look up to people like you. And dont apologize because you have done nothing wrong. Thank you for help out and I will be looking at those verses. So thank you so much. :)
what i wrote yesterday did not have anything to do with Ephesians.and you know it.the truth;the truth of GOD will set you free.It was on whether a Believer has to tithe ,in the new testament.Seperate law from grace.In the book of Malachi it says bring your tithes,not tithe.so wouldn,t that be more than 10%?Plus;wasn,t it once a year rather than every SundayOr three years?but not every week.We can,t keep the the law(which was a curse),and live in grace at the same time.What was first the promise or the law?The promise was given to Abraham(faith),the law came by Moses;but grace came through Jesus Christ.By faith Abraham believed GOD and it was accredited him righteousness.By the Law was no one saved,but by faith in GOD!!!And by the righteousness of Jesus christ our LORD,we will be with Him in Heaven.Thank you JESUS.
I think I was preaching. I apologize. I agree that creation is a false teaching that has deceived many people; generations even. These scriptures may be useful:
2 Corinthians 3:14, 4:4-6
1 John 3:8
1 John all of chapter 2
Some day soon I'll give a condensed testimony. I was born again on Yom Kippur 1985.
We can't find apes, monkey, anywhere in the Bible. It's so obvious that satan blinds people's minds. He's a liar, destroyer, murderer, deceiver and more. People never consider they are throwing a door wide open for DEMONS (plural) to come into your home and bring along Fear and Torment (it's name); all kinds of names.
I pray to God you don't have something big & invisible walk into your bedroom and Lift the bed a foot off the floor, put a hand over your mouth so you can't speak the Word Of God! Good news...God hears the cry of your heart.
Satan wants us to feel worthless, depressed, suicidal, empty, hollow...Then he has you. Proclaim Gods victory in your life and receive Jesus as Savior, Lord, Redeemer, Protector, Healer and more. Learn of Him. Use your own brain to become a seeker of Truth.
(From previous comment): Evolution, promoted vigorously by Charles Darwin, is essentially man's search for his beginnings without the need for belief in & requirement for a Creator God. The only way for them to cast God out of the picture, was to say that humans came into being via a close resembling animal (the ape). It doesn't take into account that you & I have a spirit given by God so we can know God, know good & evil, can do right or wrong & repent of sin & be saved.
You're right DaLanie, that the Bible says that our first parents (God's Creation) were Adam & Eve. We stand by this fact, as it is written in God's Word, & the Truths of Creation, the worldwide Flood, etc., have been passed down to us today from previous generations. So we do have the authority of Scriptures that man & woman are God's creation, & we are not descended from apes. Evolution says that from another strain of the primate lineage, humanoids developed & this progression (evolution) continued until the appearance of modern man. (see further note).
Testimony: when my son came home he asked me if we came from monkeys & apes (which is what public school teaches; also that we crawled out of goo, grew legs etc). I prayed before answering. I asked him: do you see them living in nice condos with full refrigerators, air conditioning, tv and cable, PlayStation and pizza delivery?? He thought upon it and he said definitely NO. I asked: did God say He made creation, people and all the things we enjoy? He said yes. Then his expression turned to troubled. I inquired. He said I have to take a test tomorrow on what we studied about evolution. I considered that, and then I told him he had my permission to not take the test. I told him that we will do a project together to get extra points, then he was happy. He learned that he did not have to bow down to an evil world system. Christians should not allow their kids to learn damnable heresies. They are being taught about homosexuality and human procreation in first grade!
To Charles & Jesse: I've been following this thread with much interest & am not wanting to intrude into what has already been shared. I think, for the most part, you both are of the same mind, so I have nothing of useful substance to offer. My writing is to simply share a link that I have found, & from only a cursory read of the article (as it is very long), it gives a splendid overview of the role of women throughout (biblical) history: how the Jews regarded them, their position in Christ's view, into the early Church & the modern Church. It is a long article, maybe tedious to read, but gives a very full & balanced examination of the woman's position, mixed with many Scriptures & references to other writings, as further support. Please go to: letusreason.org , then type in /pent45.htm (I cannot post the full link here).
That is a great question. We have to decide for ourselves whether we believe the account of creation in the bible or the evolution theory. We came from somewhere. The bible tells us that God created everything, people and animals. The evolutionists want you to believe we came from monkeys and apes. Most of the people that teach the evolution theory do not believe in creation, that we were created by God.
Something you might want to think about though: if we are ancestors of monkeys and apes, or we evolved from monkey and apes, why are there still monkeys and apes today? I believe that we were created by God, and that the God who created us also created all the animals, including monkeys and apes.
Matthew 24 is a good start as is Mark 13 they record what Christ said of the end times.
Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences (diseases), and earthquakes, in divers places.
Ok, so I am 15 years old and I have a question. So there is evidence that people are ancestors of monkeys, and apes, and stuff like that, but in the bible, it says that we are ancestors from Adam and Eve. So what exactly are we descended from? I am really confused.
Charles, I'm not sure what more I can say to you. You obviously are not understanding me. Can you not see that I have agreed with you for the most part. Women are not allowed to pastor a church where men will be in attendance. They are not allowed to teach the men. I've already said that. What else are you looking for? You are way off if you believe you understand my logic. Street preachers? Come on!
I agree with you that you have quoted scripture as it is written. You quoted it perfectly, you just misapplied it! You probably feel that I've done the same, so where does that leave us? It's not what I say that is truth, and it's not what you say that is truth, and it is possible that we can both be wrong. God's word is truth, and if one of us is incorrect in our understanding, He will deal with that. Would you at least agree on that?
Also, do you see how the person who began this post could not have been the one teaching? We may never find out since the post was sent 4 years ago.
I am wanting to know which verses in the New Testament speak of Pandemics & also the things God will take away because people aren't living or worshipping right?
I never called you a liar. Infomation speaking for it self. When ya make a scripture say something other than exactly what it says as written, you are changing God's Word and ya know what He says about that in Revelations. So using your logic, as long as a woman isn't inside of a"church" building, you're good with them being street preachers? I'm very happy to admit when I am wrong, but in this thread, I have only quoted the Scripture as it is written and you are making your own decisions. I don't name call, I only speak what I see in the Word.
God's Word tells us to edify those that are erring, in hopes that they will learn what His Word says and will turn from their own will to His. I have not been harsh whatsoever. If you are offended by God's Word, you have to take that up with Him , not me. Where do you see this verse(s) that tells Chritians to build up those that err?
It doesn't say she was teaching, does it? Is it possible that she was receiving the teaching? That would make more sense to me, because if it were her doing the teaching, why after years go by would she be perplexed by seeming contradictions? Do you honestly believe that she was doing the teaching and becoming perplexed at her own contradictions? I think not! She says at age 37, her spiritual eyes were opened when she put her life into God's Hands." Praise the Lord for that! It sounds to me that she was the recipient of the teaching, not the teacher herself, and had enough of the contradicting messages that she was being taught. How about that for a twist!
Before you come back and attack me, I hope you can please see what you are doing. It's definitely not edification.
The bible does not tell us everything about the early church. There are things we can't find in scripture. It doesn't cover all of early church history. Have you ever gone outside the bible to look something up?
Lastly, since I have a knack for "twisting," here's a twist for you. Did you give much thought to Patricia's post before you went on the attack and accused her of teaching in the church? Apparently not, for it is easy to see that she was not the teacher, but the pupil. Her opening statement would tell me that she couldn't have been the one doing the teaching. I never accused her of teaching, you did!
Look at what she said in her opening remarks and think about it. She says "Years of teaching Sunday morning and afternoon and evening had me perplexed by seeming contradictions. At age 37 my spiritual eyes were opened when I put my life into God's Hands."
You throw out the word feminism a lot, and I can't help but envision in my mind the entry door to your church having a sign posted saying "Women, keep your traps shut beyond this point."
Am I still "twisting" something here? If so, please point it out to me. Since you're that guy who's been through the bible "MANY" times as you say, you probably would be the most qualified to explain it. Edify me, don't tear me down!
You ask me where in the Bible does it say that in the early church men sat on one side and women on the other? You are right, it doesn't say that. I guess it wouldn't be twisting scripture if I read it elsewhere, so I'm safe there. And if you want an answer to that question, you can research it yourself. A man of your knowledge probably doesn't need my help finding the answer. Not everything we say has to be proven from the bible, unless of course it is the doctrine contained within.
Charles, you went from calling me a liar to telling me I'm twisting scripture to make it say what I want? First of all, I'll be the first to admit that I can be wrong. My strongest point as a believer is to confess my spiritual stupidity before God and confess to Him that I don't know. My confession to Christ is that I'm just a dumb sheep in constant need of a shepherd. So, can I be wrong, yup!
You sir on the other hand would probably be pained to admit that you could be wrong. You speak about edification, but how is it edifying to anyone when your words seem so harsh. How does that build someone up?
I know what Paul said. I've read it. Women are not to pastor in the church, pretty simple! Being silent does not mean they can't speak at all. They just can't teach the men or be put in a position of authority over the men in the church.
Jesse, please don't twist the Scripture to make it say what ya want it to say. Paul told Christian that he suffers not a woman to teach, but to be in silence. It is against God's law/order for a woman to speak in church. There is no other scripture changing that truth. So where in the Bible does it say that in the early church men sat on one side and women on the other? It doesn't and you have absolutely zero proof that it happened that way. That is a feministic view to twist the Word to make it say what they want it to say.
Bob, Yes sir, sure did. Deborah was used by the Lord when there were no stand up men left in Israel. An exception to God's Law order. But there are PLENTY of God fearing MEN left in the world today. But there are thousands of wicked women disobeying God preaching and teaching, when they ought not (if these women are saved at all).
Timothy learned as a child from his mother and grandmother AT HOME, just like I did, At HOME.
I've read the Bible thru MANY times. Just finished the book of Deuteronomy and now in the book of Joshua. How many one parent homes are women with their children collecting goverment subsidies and child support, that failed to do her God given duties and the man couldn't handle her feminism any more and left her? Feminists are taking over. God does NOT like feminism at all. You keep coming up with all kinds of Comments, but not a single verse of scripture to back up tou point. I have every time
Sir, she did not say she was pastoring a church. Had she of said that, then my position would be different. I don't believe that women teaching children in Sunday school is wrong, unless of course men are mixed in with the children, then we have a problem.
1 Cor. 14:34-35, Let your women keep silence in the churches, and if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
The word woman in scripture is also the word for wife, which meets the criteria for here. Let your women, or wives, keep silence in the churches:
Paul is talking about women being disruptive. It has nothing to do with teaching. In the early church, they had men on one side and the women on the other. Men could not be with women, and women could not be with men.
Somebody is up there teaching, and somebody's wife is over on the other side going "Hey Fred, do you agree with that? What do you think?" They are talking across the room, being disruptive!
Ever hear of Deborah the prophetess and judge? Judges 4:4 And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time. I suppose when the Lord can not find a man worthy for the job, he will send a woman. I would rather learn from a Godly woman, than a heretic man, which the church world is full of today. Yes I know what Paul writes.
Who taught Timothy? 2 Timothy Chapter 1:3 I thank God, whom I serve from [my] forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day;
4 Greatly desiring to see thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I may be filled with joy;
5 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.
There is a huge amount of scripture in Deuteronomy about teaching children. It's a blessing of obedience. I realize Deuteronomy is tedious to read but God meant for the teachings to be carried through the future. He could see our reality now for kids: youtube silliness and videos how to undo parental controls, Netflix and worse. Even if you put your kid in a private Christian school, they're going to do what their parents and peers do.
I did not say women are to be priests in the home. Her role is in proverbs 31. I said in the absence of a husband who behaves as priest in the home... she will have to do it. If you know to do right and don't do it, the family suffers. How many of our children are living in a one parent home? Research that! You need to slow down and read what someone is commenting on before you come out with guns blazing.
Facts remain. Teach the kids to love God and obey Gods will for their lives. Not just Deuteronomy but all of Proverbs too.
You sound very angry with feminism. Like its got the world upside down.
I am guessing in the most part we have single mothers because the men got their kicks then ran away? And the women stayed.
How does that qualify men to be more able to teach??
May be men being in charge is upside down?
What do you think?
How did Paul get it so wrong?
2 Corinthians 3:14, 4:4-6
1 John 3:8
1 John all of chapter 2
Some day soon I'll give a condensed testimony. I was born again on Yom Kippur 1985.
I pray to God you don't have something big & invisible walk into your bedroom and Lift the bed a foot off the floor, put a hand over your mouth so you can't speak the Word Of God! Good news...God hears the cry of your heart.
Satan wants us to feel worthless, depressed, suicidal, empty, hollow...Then he has you. Proclaim Gods victory in your life and receive Jesus as Savior, Lord, Redeemer, Protector, Healer and more. Learn of Him. Use your own brain to become a seeker of Truth.
Renounce satan forever! Receive Jesus.
It's a real war. Stop sitting on the fence.
That is a great question. We have to decide for ourselves whether we believe the account of creation in the bible or the evolution theory. We came from somewhere. The bible tells us that God created everything, people and animals. The evolutionists want you to believe we came from monkeys and apes. Most of the people that teach the evolution theory do not believe in creation, that we were created by God.
Something you might want to think about though: if we are ancestors of monkeys and apes, or we evolved from monkey and apes, why are there still monkeys and apes today? I believe that we were created by God, and that the God who created us also created all the animals, including monkeys and apes.
Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences (diseases), and earthquakes, in divers places.
Deuteronomy Chapter 11 is another
I agree with you that you have quoted scripture as it is written. You quoted it perfectly, you just misapplied it! You probably feel that I've done the same, so where does that leave us? It's not what I say that is truth, and it's not what you say that is truth, and it is possible that we can both be wrong. God's word is truth, and if one of us is incorrect in our understanding, He will deal with that. Would you at least agree on that?
Also, do you see how the person who began this post could not have been the one teaching? We may never find out since the post was sent 4 years ago.
God's Word tells us to edify those that are erring, in hopes that they will learn what His Word says and will turn from their own will to His. I have not been harsh whatsoever. If you are offended by God's Word, you have to take that up with Him , not me. Where do you see this verse(s) that tells Chritians to build up those that err?
It doesn't say she was teaching, does it? Is it possible that she was receiving the teaching? That would make more sense to me, because if it were her doing the teaching, why after years go by would she be perplexed by seeming contradictions? Do you honestly believe that she was doing the teaching and becoming perplexed at her own contradictions? I think not! She says at age 37, her spiritual eyes were opened when she put her life into God's Hands." Praise the Lord for that! It sounds to me that she was the recipient of the teaching, not the teacher herself, and had enough of the contradicting messages that she was being taught. How about that for a twist!
Before you come back and attack me, I hope you can please see what you are doing. It's definitely not edification.
The bible does not tell us everything about the early church. There are things we can't find in scripture. It doesn't cover all of early church history. Have you ever gone outside the bible to look something up?
Lastly, since I have a knack for "twisting," here's a twist for you. Did you give much thought to Patricia's post before you went on the attack and accused her of teaching in the church? Apparently not, for it is easy to see that she was not the teacher, but the pupil. Her opening statement would tell me that she couldn't have been the one doing the teaching. I never accused her of teaching, you did!
Look at what she said in her opening remarks and think about it. She says "Years of teaching Sunday morning and afternoon and evening had me perplexed by seeming contradictions. At age 37 my spiritual eyes were opened when I put my life into God's Hands."
One more to follow.
You throw out the word feminism a lot, and I can't help but envision in my mind the entry door to your church having a sign posted saying "Women, keep your traps shut beyond this point."
Am I still "twisting" something here? If so, please point it out to me. Since you're that guy who's been through the bible "MANY" times as you say, you probably would be the most qualified to explain it. Edify me, don't tear me down!
You ask me where in the Bible does it say that in the early church men sat on one side and women on the other? You are right, it doesn't say that. I guess it wouldn't be twisting scripture if I read it elsewhere, so I'm safe there. And if you want an answer to that question, you can research it yourself. A man of your knowledge probably doesn't need my help finding the answer. Not everything we say has to be proven from the bible, unless of course it is the doctrine contained within.
More to follow.
You sir on the other hand would probably be pained to admit that you could be wrong. You speak about edification, but how is it edifying to anyone when your words seem so harsh. How does that build someone up?
I know what Paul said. I've read it. Women are not to pastor in the church, pretty simple! Being silent does not mean they can't speak at all. They just can't teach the men or be put in a position of authority over the men in the church.
More to follow.
Timothy learned as a child from his mother and grandmother AT HOME, just like I did, At HOME.
1 Cor. 14:34-35, Let your women keep silence in the churches, and if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
The word woman in scripture is also the word for wife, which meets the criteria for here. Let your women, or wives, keep silence in the churches:
Paul is talking about women being disruptive. It has nothing to do with teaching. In the early church, they had men on one side and the women on the other. Men could not be with women, and women could not be with men.
Somebody is up there teaching, and somebody's wife is over on the other side going "Hey Fred, do you agree with that? What do you think?" They are talking across the room, being disruptive!
Who taught Timothy? 2 Timothy Chapter 1:3 I thank God, whom I serve from [my] forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day;
4 Greatly desiring to see thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I may be filled with joy;
5 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.
I did not say women are to be priests in the home. Her role is in proverbs 31. I said in the absence of a husband who behaves as priest in the home... she will have to do it. If you know to do right and don't do it, the family suffers. How many of our children are living in a one parent home? Research that! You need to slow down and read what someone is commenting on before you come out with guns blazing.
Facts remain. Teach the kids to love God and obey Gods will for their lives. Not just Deuteronomy but all of Proverbs too.