Discuss Acts 2 Page 62

  • Jesrai on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost
  • Carlton Le Grand on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    @ Anonymous: In the bible there are verses that support the baptism of water for remission of sins, for example: Mark 1:4: "John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the BAPTISM of repentance for the remission of sins". But this does not mean that you were headed to the kingdom of God; there is a little bit more to that. You asked what is the procedure to enter the Kingdom of God:
    1: Acts 19:4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the BAPTISM of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.
    2: Romans 6:4 Therefore we are buried with him by BAPTISM into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
    3: Colossians 2:12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with [him] through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

    And summing it all up for us to understand clearly: John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

    So Baptism of water is needed for remission of our sins and the baptism of spirit is needed for the faith in the operation of God. In other words your sins has to be "washed" away and professed publicly (baptism of water) and the baptism of spirit has to change your lifestyle into one of Faith in God (Baptism of spirit).

    I hope herewith to have answered your question as to the meaning and function of baptism in water and what the procedure is to get into the kingdom of heaven.
  • Nene Baxter on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    Thank you Tee for your commments, God has given me the knowledge from above and searching for more of his wisdon because I know nothing without him. May God's blessing be upon your life.
  • Tee on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    1 Peter 3:20..which sometime were disobedient when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah,while the ark was a preparing,wherein few,that is eight souls were saved by water. 3:21..The like figure where unto baptism does also now save us(not the putting away of the filth of the flesh,but the answer of a good conscience toward God,)by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Acts 2:38 key to enter into the kingdom of heaven!!!
  • Tee on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    NENE BAX......words of wisdom!
  • Nene Baxter on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    Acts 2:38-47 is the only key to heaven, It's God plan not man's theology.
  • Nene Baxter on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    Im sorry I cannot help you, I pray that God will send someone who can. God Bless You.
  • Anonymous on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    Maybe my words is sharp in you, because my barometer of understanding towards the words of God is not the same of what you have. I think you have not receive the Spirit of Jesus Christ because about the salvation of our owned Soul to enter into the kingdom of heaven you are blank. Also baptism of water is for the forgiveness of sin is not the writings of the Apostles of our Lord. No verses in the bible to support water baptism is for the remission of our sins.
  • Nene Baxter on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    Here is some of the mystery of God 1Tim 3:16 helps you to understand Jesus gave a great commission to the world, In the begining God lead his people out of the wilderness thru his servant Moses. But now in the end of the world he came into the world by the sacrifice of himself Hebrews 9:1-28 talking about himself coming as the second veil (meaning flesh)to put away sin Hebrews 10:5 where he talks about a body he prepaired himself so that he could shed blood for the sins of the world, because the bible says that wiithout the shedding of blood there was no remission for sins Hebrews 2:14,9:7,12-14,18-22. Being the great God that he is, he placed himself in a virgin woman called Mary (womb) to be born as a son in the flesh and as he was born the angel had already spoke to her and said his name shall be called Jesus which is the name above every name( Luke 1:27-35)The Holy Ghost is the spirit of the Lord, so he became flesh ( John 1:1-14). Jesus gave Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and on the day of pentecost Peter answered the question of how to be saved when the people ask (men and brethen what shall we do ?) Please read carefully with an open heart to God's word. Whosoever obey shall be saved (Acts:1 and 2). God's Blessings!!
  • Nene Baxter on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    There is only one way to get to heaven, Jesus said that except you are born again of water and the spirit we cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. Being born of the water is cleansing your sins to give you a new start, receiving the Holy Ghost is God's in-filling spirit in your temple which is your body to take you out of the way and he become the driver of your life other than yourself. If you get hungry for God enough and read the word daily he will open any one eyes to see the mystery of his word.
  • Anonymous on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    Thank you for your acceptance that your answered is not the way/process a Man Soul can enter into the kingdom heaven. Reading all the verses you gave to my second questioned specifically that water baptism through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ our sins will be forgiven. All the verses of your answered was not talk about water literally cleansed our sins. One of your verses you quote is in John 3:1-7, Reading these verses you cannot read the word Baptism, maybe you interpret this that there is a water baptism here literally. But, Actually the word used is Born again. The word born again is not synonym to the word baptism even if we look in the Webster Dictionary. Baptism means there's someone who performs the work while born again means you are the one's performing the work.
  • Nene Bax on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    To answer the anonymous person, I'm sorry I did not answer your question. Here is some scriptures that maybe helpful to you. Matt 3:7,20:33-23,21:25. Mark 10:38-39, 11:13. Luke 3:3, John 3:1-7, Romans 6:4, Eph 4:5, Colossians 2:12, 1peter 3:21 Jesus gave commission and we must obey, alot of scriptures are very easily to understand if you pray and ask God to give you knowledge from above as I ask he gives me the word with knowledge. God Bless!!
  • Anonymous on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    My questioned is the process or way our Soul can enter into the kingdom of heaven. In Mat. 16-18 to 20, nothing to understand that our Soul was included in these verses or tells us this is the way to enter into heaven. These verses is easily to understand the church of Jesus Christ built by Him without a proper name and those who are a member in this church are surely can enter into the kingdom of heaven. Also in Acts 2:38 you cannot read your Soul can enter into heaven. This verses also does not tells us that it is the process your soul can enter into heaven. Give me a verse that through baptism of water in the name of Jesus Christ our Sin will be forgiven. Sorry of your answer was not fitted to my questioned./
  • Nene Baxter on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    To answer the question from 7-24-11 anonymous. Every word of God is true, In Matt: 16:18-20 Jesus spoke to Peter and gave him the keys to the kingdom of heaven, so our salvation came on the day pentecost when Peter first answered the question that was asked of him, of the people in Acts 2:37, Then Peter replied to them the plan to be saved is Acts 2:38 which is the key that Jesus gave to him for salvation. 1.Repentance is the form of dying out and asking God to forgive you for all of your sins 2.Baptism in Jesus name is a cleansing and washing away all your sins and never remembered by God any more. 3.Holy-Ghost is the spirit of the Lord that in-dwells us when we let him fill our temple, which gives you power to over come the wickedness in this world and live a different life style than the world lives. That's why the bible says the just shall live by faith meaning the people that has already made themselves ready to meet the Lord the unjust is the world, that has not obeyed the plan of salvation that Jesus left with us. There is a great difference. I do not know about anyone else but I wanna follow the keys to the kingdom of God. Blessing!!
  • Keith on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    I believe that acts 2:38 is the key that Jesus give Peter,to share the plan of salvation on the day of pentecost when the Holy ghost was given. I should say the keys to the kingdom of Heaven is what Im refering to...
  • Anonymous on Hebrews 10 - 13 years ago
    The doctrines/teachings Faith Alone = Salvation is a half truth doctrine. Because, even one verses in the bible you cannot read that through Faith our Soul can enter into the kingdom of heaven. Many verses in the bible that to enter into the kingdom of heaven is in your own works/individual works to follow the words of Jesus Christ. Old test. prophesy is in verses: Exeq. 14:14, 14:20, & Exeq. 18:27. New test. verses; James 1:21& 22, Acts 2:40, Fil. 2:12. In Mat. 7:21, faith alone cannot ride this verse because to enter into the kingdom of heaven is the one's who doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Faith and Good Works = Salvation to enter into heaven. Our heavenly Father will not judge to our faith to him. But our heavenly Father will judge to our works whether good or bad. Supporting verses: 2 Cor. 5:10, John 12:48 & Eccl. 12:14
  • Anonymous on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    To Nene Baxter my question is ?. What is the process of a Man's Soul can enter into Kingdom of Heaven basing the word of God.
  • Syr on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    I thank GOD for the Holy Ghost.and for that day when i was baptized in HIS name. whith out the Holy Ghost we can not be saved it puts a joy in me when i read ACTS 2:38 when they were filled with the Holy Ghost.
  • Harilina Poe on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    Amazing how when everyone came into one mind and one accord in unison, the power of the Lord will show up and fill the whole place where they were and changed the atmosphere, a life changing experience took place of not only those individuals but their entire nations and generations to come. I believe it was the birthing of the new christian church, and today that same holy ghost encounter that took place then is still happening, existing today as we speak. God wants us to know more and have a closer encounter with him daily so our lives maybe filled continuously so his works maybe shown and done thru us.
  • Dusty on Acts 2:38 - 13 years ago
    Acts 2:38 is the only way to make it with out his spirit in us he can not quicken are body john 3:5 says you must be born of the water and the spirit to enter into the kingdom of heaven
  • Nene Baxter on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    Acts 2:38 is the plan, you will find no other about salvation in the bible, try it for yourself.
    You will not regret it. God Bless!!
  • Nene Baxter on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    I would like to answer the question: The Bible says in Romans 8:9 that if we have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his, That's why we must be born again in John 3:3-7 of the water and the spirit. Jesus told peter that, in Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

    And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. The Bible is true and very well spoken and we must obey. On the day of pentecost peter used that key and he told the people how to be saved in Acts 2:38-47 and the Lord added to the CHURCH daily such as should be saved, the word CHURCH stand out because it was the key to salvation from the plan Jesus spoke to peter about. Please feel free to ask any questions.
  • Josie on Acts 2:38 - 13 years ago
    this is wonderful, God made a way for us to live a christan life and to have God in our hearts and with us all the time.Without the Holy Ghost I wonder if we would make it o heaven.
  • Nene Baxter on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    Praise the Lord, It's good to know truth in a revelation of God.
    1. Father -- Spirit
    2. Son -- The Flesh
    3. Holy Ghost -- Spirit that indwells your body from God himself.
    God look down from heaven and saw none doing good ,not one, read that in ( Psalms 14:1-7) So God being full of his love and mercy to us he made himself a body ( Hebrews 10:5), Hebrews 9:26-28 which is called Son because he came as man, and what can a woman birth? son or daughter correct? God knew that there had to be blood shed for remission of sins so he sacrificed himself by being born of a woman. Please read about the mystery of God. 1Timothy 3:16 God Bless
  • Nene Baxter on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    To reply to these comments on the Holy Ghost, God loves everyone reguardless of your state and condition. We as human has to be very careful of every word comes from our lips, Mark 3:29 do not speak against this or you will lose your soul. Please read the word and study it for youself and ask God for an understanding 1Peter 3:21 believe it, here it and be a doer for the sake of your soul. Read Matthew 16:18-19 where Jesus gave peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven, Acts 2:1 on the day of pentecost when the door was to be open, Acts 2:37-47 where the people gladly received the word and from that day forward they continued in the doctrine that was told them from Peter which has the keys to the kingdom of heaven strictly spoken to him by Jesus in Matthew 16:18-19. We as a people of God has to obey the scriptures and it is not so much as the name of your church, you have to obey truth. First there is faith then repentance,baptism in Jesus Name and receive the Holy Ghost, There is no other name under heaven given amoung men whereby we must be saved Acts 4:12 but in the name of Jesus. There is alot more I would love to share if you would like to know I'll be glad to answer if I can help you. God Bless You All!!
  • Chastity on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    Ok i need to make a few comments an a few of these comments. First off... there is only one God not three. If u have read ur bible u will find that Jesus is not in the Godhead but that the fullness of the Godhead is all in him. Just as my dad is a father, he also is a son and of course he is a spirit but yet he is only one man. And being baptised is a vert vital part of salvation. If it wasnt Jesus would not of told nicodemous that he must be borned of the water and of the spirit to enter in the kingdom. Read matthew. And u right about the name of the church and denomination it doesnt really matter whats in the sign. But u better know that the church stands for truth, upholds a high and holy standerd. oooo one more thing.... the man on the cross next to Jesus was not baptized correc but wasnt he living under the law? Jesus was that sacrifice for his sins. When he cried it is finished his sins were forgiving, but if it had been after the crucifuction he would have had to of had them washed away by baptism.
  • FrenzGutierrezCasillan on 2 Timothy 3 - 13 years ago
    Additional understanding to the Word of God. And i want to share my own iterpretation to this. Some say that the bible is only made by man, made by intellect people, like making a book, a magazine, a newspaper & others, but the truth is YES you are right it is made of man,but aaccording to ( 2 Tim 3:16)ll All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. This is meaning of the bible, the answer is already in this verse and you will not loss,if you analyze this. And we know that it is the Word of God ( John 1:1-14) And if we defend our faith in the bible we will not have a mistake, but instead we will have eternal life, and the bible speaks of eternal life to those who will seek the Truth, ( John 8:32) John 5:39-Search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they that testifies of me. Meaning we will have eternal life through the scriptures of thru the bible itself. Scriptures means word of God, in other words Scriptures it is the Old testament and New Testament. We cannot receive eternal life in other things. And if we don't have eternal life we cannot be save. And the scriptures is telling us that it is God who testifies for all of these. Nobody can testifies who Jesus Christ is, it is the scriptures, and nobody can prove that we will receive eternal life thru our good works, we can only base our salvation to the word of God or to the scriptures. There are some people who made man made books with their intellects but never explain how we can receive eternal life, God is a Spirit its a fact we cannot twist the word of God 1+1= 11 Its a fact we cannot remove this, when God said I am spirit, without body, without shape meaning God is invisible. That is why thru the scripture we inherit eternal life but there must be something to do and everything is written in this book to have eternal life and it begins first to have faith in God, and trust God in order to receive eternal life this is my explanation about this scripture. We must not worship God just to attend churches but we don't know what we are worshipping so there is a compusion for the word of God, we must find where is the church that teaches that God is a Spirit thru this we will know that we are in the Truth. Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and baptized of the Holy Spirit of God ( Acts 2:38) ( John 3:3-7)
    God bless you all...Jesus loves you.
  • Ann johnson on Revelation 18 - 13 years ago
    Greetings everyone in the Name of Jesus Christ! In Matthew 28:19 our Lord gave the command to the disciples to go baptize in the Name (of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost). To find out how this commandment was carried out, we must search the book of Acts. On the day of Pentcost, Acts 2:37 Baptism was in the Name Of JESUS. This was preached by the Apostle Peter. Acts 8:12-17 the Church at Samaria was established and they were baptised in the Name of Jesus by Philip, another of Christ's diciples. The Church at Caesarea, Acts 10:44-48, baptism was also preformed by Peter in the Name of the Lord, which is Jesus. The Church of Philippi, Acts l6:14,15,also verses 25-34; as also the Church of the Ephesians were baptized by Paul in the Name of Jesus. Acts 18:1-11, Acts 19:1-7 Romans 6:3, Acts 22:16 are also examples. Even those that were baptized by John the Baptist, after they received instruction by Apostle Paul were RE-baptized in the Name of Jesus. Now I ask you to answer this question-- Did the Apostles and Disciples of Jesus defy His command to be baptized IN THE NAME of the father,son,and Holy Ghost or were they carrying out His instructions knowing there is only ONE NAME given under heaven whereby ye must be saved? Allow Jesus to take the blinder off your mind and receive this wonderful truth: Jesus is the Name of God (father,son, Holy Ghost) He is the Word made flesh. No more than you can separate your word from who you are, Neither can the ONE GOD separate Himself into three separate Gods. It is One God in three offices---Father, Son, Holy Ghost...OH PRAISE THAT SAVING NAME WHICH REVEALED BY THE ANGEL !!! Read Isaiah 9:6--The prophecy of His Name. GOD CAME WRAPPED IN A NAME IN BETHLEHEM. May the Lord reveal His Truth to you.
  • Lee on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    Shirlely, if you say you believe the whole Bible then you need to believe in the progressive revelation of scripture and where the Holy Spirit tells you in 1st Cor 13, "Where there are tongues, they will cease"
  • Melinda on Acts 14 - 13 years ago
    I love it. It holds the plan of salvation. Jesus taught the apostles and they held true doctrine. Acts 2:38 is a real experience. I received the holy ghost at age 15.I'm 55 now! Been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ! Hallalujah!

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