Discuss Acts 9 Page 7

  • Nelsin Iriarte on Acts 9 - 10 years ago
    This chapter is an eye opener for me being a novice to the bible. I 've read it time and time again to remind myself that Jesus Christ forgives everyone regardless of his her sins. He wants us to repent and turn to him in faith. I believe that he forgave me of my sins when I got baptized a couple of weeks ago. Now all I have to do is have faith, trust him, and do everything that is good in his sight and he will guide me. Having a relationship with Jesus Christ is an exciting part of my new life.
  • Martha on Acts 9 - 10 years ago
    Oluymi... Romans 3 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God What that tells me is that "no one " is worthy of the Grace of Jesus Christ but because of His great sacrifice our sins are covered. Also only Christ has the authority to judge each of us. No matter who we are or how we are born and died. 2 Corinthians 5 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. 1 Samuel 16 7But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature because I have refused him for the Lord seeth not as man seeth for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
  • Oluyemi on Acts 9 - 10 years ago
    Can someone who has always been doing good and has never sinned? But did not beleive or know Christ go to Heaven. For examples people that were born and die immediately these people did not accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savious. Some were born disabled always doing good. Did not accept Christ as there Lord and Saviour.
  • Abel Subramony on Acts 9 - 10 years ago
    It tells us that GOD has a plan and purpose for everyone.Never mind if you are still a sinner GOD can still can use you in a mighty way.GOD can take a nobody and make him somebody.It tells us that there is hope for everyone of us.We were bought at a price through the sacrifice and shedding of jesus blood.It tells us that our beginning of days are filled with evil deeds but once we receive CHRIST as our Lord and saviour our latter days are filled with good deeds.
  • Casmir Nsabimana (in Bujumbura) on Acts 9 - 10 years ago
    Acts9 verse 3 to 5 As He appeared to Moses in the thick light, likewise he appeared to Saul going to Damascus. Saul had been taught about the Lord our God how He was appearing to different people like Moses for example. That 's why when he saw the light from heaven he immediately noticed the presence of the Lord. Then he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? In verse 5 he asks Who art thou, Lord? The answer is "I am Jesus whom thou persecutest " In others words, this Jesus who appeared to Saul, i the same Jesus who appeared to Moses. God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, God of us all who beleive that we are sons of Abraham by the promise.
  • Cliff on Acts 9:39 - 10 years ago
    hi people of GOD my comment here is as we live this life what type of life are we living because Dorcas was a very good woman that why people was crying for her please child of GOD as we live let us not just live for nothing but to a life of remembrance to the glory of God
  • Salomão on Acts 9:14 - 10 years ago
    Saul had authority from the high priest but Today we have the authority of the living God Jesus Christ!
  • Matthews Bantsijang on Acts 9 - 10 years ago
    Peter raised Dorcas from Joppa from the dead. Peter stays with Simon, a tanner. For a law keeping Jew of that time, it was strictly forbidden to associate with anyone who routinely worked with dead animals. Cornelius, a God serving Roman centurion, is told by an angel to go to Peter. Cornelius goes to Joppa. Peter has a trance, in which a sheet comes down from heaven. The sheet has all kinds of clean and unclean animals on it. The Lord invites him to eat, and Peter refuses, saying he has never touched anything unclean. This happens three times, and the sheet reascends to heaven. After the vision, Peter is called by messengers to Caesarea to meet Cornelius. Cornelius falls down to worship Peter, but Peter says that he is merely a man. Peter keeps company with Cornelius, despite the fact it is forbidden for a Jew to do so. At Cornelius house, Peter preaches the risen Christ, and emphasises that all may be accepted by him. The Holy Spirit descends on the gentiles, who begin speaking in tongues, and are baptised. The Jews present are amazed.
  • D. Gray on Acts 9 - 10 years ago
    D. Gray the book of Act,s is a reminder that the book of the Revelation chapter 8 and 9 will be comeing to pass soon.so every body should watch and pray no money or job,s will be needed.but love joy and peace comes from Jesus Christ if you have this you are blessed I love you all do not forget about our brother STEPHEN IN THE BOOK OF ACTS.LOVE YOU WOMEN STAY TRUE TO CHARST.this ones is for you with love PROVERBS 31 1 31
  • Zonke sengilanga on Acts 9 - 10 years ago
    this chapter tells us that God He is able to do anything bcouse saul known as a person who prosecute Saints but now God made him his versels for goodnews Meaning God doesnt care what did you do inpast but He look on future
  • Grace on Acts 9 - 10 years ago
    Acts 9 shows us how merciful the Lord is to choose Saul and make him Paul and use him so mightily for the glory of HIS name It also encourages us that no matter now bad a person seems to be he is never too far from the grip of the Lord and thus we should continue to pray for anyone who yet does not know the Lord no matter how impossible it seems to us We have to keep believing and praying
  • Anonymous on Acts 9:5 - 10 years ago
    anyone who fights God's people will surely encounter God's wrath I mean God's people I believe Lord Jesus could have dealt with him beyond how he suffer for the same Gospel he oppose but being the merciful Lord he permitted him to change just as he expects you and I to still change our ways or perfect it
  • Mac Donald Kamzati on Acts 9 - 11 years ago
    God loves us all and the blood of Jesus has power to cleans every sin.Paul's story shows Gods love over people who are in sins.
  • Thy word is truth on Acts 2 - 11 years ago
    Don't slide into the sand ( Matt 7:26). Look at the verses sir, in English, the preserved word of God. You don't speak "in aramaic" and your Lexicon has the definitions of a Bible agnostic in it. Let's use one Authority the (KJB)so we can walk in agreement ( Amos 3:3). Peter is "A stone" ( Jn 1:42) not "this rock". Jesus said in ( Jn 2:19) "this temple" and "he spake of the temple of his body" look at verse 21! The Jews missed that like people do today when they read "this rock" in Matt 16:18. Christ is the Rock ( Ps 62:2,1 Cor 10:4, 2 Sam 22.2, etc.) Please don't get the wrong Rock. (Deu 32:31) For their rock is not as our Rock! The Holy Spirit robbed Peter to pay Paul. Read Acts and see the transition and see that Paul had to straighten Peter out ( Gal 2:11) as the Lord will do to all those who follow Peter in the Church instead of Paul ( Acts 9:15, Rom 11:13,etc.) Amen.
  • Mkutano edison on Acts 9:36 - 11 years ago
    the story is very nice to me
  • Thy word is truth on Acts 2 - 11 years ago
    Acts 2:38 has been used by the Devil to send millions to hell. Notice who is being spoken to in this chapter vs 5 "Jews", verse 14 "men of Judea," vs 22 "men of Israel," vs 36 " the house of Israel,". These are Jews who require a sign ( 1 Cor 1:22) and tongues are for a sign ( 1 Cor 14:22) to sign seeking Jews ( Matt 12:39). You do not need tongues to be saved. Paul is the apostle to the Gentiles ( Rom 11:13,15:16, Acts 9:15). We listen to Paul who wrote by the Holy Spirit that salvation is by "grace through faith" ( Eph 2:8-9). Peter was speaking to Jews who require a sign and there were sign seeking Jews in Chapters ( 2, 10, 19). The Gentiles are saved by believing the Gospel found in ( 1 Cor 15:1-4). Hope this will help but I doubt it. ( 1 Cor 14:38)!!!!!
  • Joseph on Acts 9:6 - 11 years ago
    It is very enlightening. Paul was a well learned man from under the tutilage of Gamaliel,but he must now learn God's way through the gospel
  • Ock on Romans 10 - 11 years ago
    @Rosalina (great discussions!!}
    Ithink you are forgetting about the "laying on of hands"needed for authority to preach?
    Deut 34:9, "And Joshua, the son of Nun was full of the Spirit of Wisdom; for Moses had LAID HIS HANDS UPON HIM: and the children of Israel hearkened unto him, and he did as the Lord commanded Moses."
    Acts 6:6, "These they set before the apostles, and after they had prayed they LAID THEIR HANDS UPON THEM".
    Acts 9:17, "...and LAYING HIS HANDS UPON HIM, he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord has sent me"
    Acts 8:17, "Then they LAID THEIR HANDS ON THEM and they received the Holy Spirit."
    Acts 13:3, "Then having fasted and prayed and LAID THEIR HANDS UPON THEM, they let them go."
    2Tim 1:6, "For this reason I admonish thee to stir up the grace of GOD which is in thee, BY THE LAYING ON OF MY HANDS."
    1Ti,m 4:14 "Do not neglect the grace that is in thee, granted to thee by reason of prophecy with the LAYING ON OF HANDS of the presbyterate." [PRIESTS]
    Acts 1:20 For it is written in the book of Psalms: Let their habitation become desolate, and let there be none to dwell therein. And his bishopric let another take.
    This same rite was practiced in the early Church and continues to this day, The Bishop, by the 'LAYING ON OF HANDS', conveys a succession of Priests and Bishops with a commission, giving them the authority to perpetuate the Church which Jesus Christ founded. Apostalic Succession & only one Church can lay claim to it. The Catholic Church
  • Laura on Acts 9:6 - 11 years ago
    the lord is over everything. he came to saul and he told him what to do. just like he tell us what to do by his word's.
  • Rosalinasaysonkotapay on 1 Corinthians 14 - 11 years ago
    If ever men in a church are starting to step down from preaching then God shall choose a man among them to ordain him to preach in that church because it is His will that the fruit in that church should remain ( John 15:16) and with God nothing shall be impossible ( Luke 1:37) just as how Saul was told as His chosen vessel to bear His name ( Acts 9:15).
  • Rosalina on Acts 9 - 11 years ago
    (This is my response to Dom Di Stroia's comment 8/12/2013 at 4:47pm on Acts Chapter 9):

    Our Lord Jesus Christ was saying upon "THIS ROCK" I will build "MY CHURCH" ( Matthew 16:18). That spiritual "ROCK" was "CHRIST" ( 1 Corinthians 10:4). Therefore, HE meant to say upon "MYSELF" I will build "MY CHURCH". That Church which He built is none other but the "HOUSE of GOD", which is the "CHURCH of the LIVING GOD", the "PILLAR and GROUND of the TRUTH" ( 1Timothy 3:15). That "TRUTH" is our "LORD JESUS CHRIST" ( John 14:6). That "TRUTH" is the "WORD" of GOD ( John 17:17). That "WORD" was "MADE FLESH" ( John 1:14). But "BEFORE" the "WORD" was "MADE FLESH" HE "was" "GOD" ( John 1:1). If you understand the greatness of the "MYSTERY" of His "GODLINESS" ( 1Timothy 3:16) therefore there is no doubt that you belong to the "CHURCH" that "JESUS CHRIST" built upon "HIMSELF" because you also believe the "TRUTH". It was written in In Colossians 3:1-2, "If ye then be "RISEN" with "CHRIST", seek those things which are "ABOVE", where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things "ABOVE", not on things on the earth.
  • Rosalina on Acts 9 - 11 years ago
    (This is my response to Archange's comment dated 3/11/2013 at 1:41pm and also to Susan Dalton's comment dated 9/21/2011 at 2:14pm on Acts Chapter 9 about verse 15-16):

    Understand the wisdom about the WATER and the VESSEL.. The VESSEL represents the SOUL.. Our Lord JESUS CHRIST represents the WATER OF LIFE.. Those who believed in Him and be baptized in the "name" of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost were filled with the Holy Ghost.. Since SAUL was a chosen vessel to bear the "name" of the Lord therefore SAUL would also suffer to be persecuted for the sake of the name of the Lord just the same as how the disciples of our Lord were being persecuted. That was what our Lord Jesus Christ meant by saying, "For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake".
  • Dom Di Stroia on Acts 9 - 11 years ago
    @Lyle Short

    If this is where the Christian church began, of what value are the Law of Moses, the Judgement of the Prophets, and the Doctrine of Jesus?
  • Prophet on Acts 9 - 11 years ago
    The Christ uses "a chosen vessel unto me" as the symbolism representing each of us. As HE was chosen so does HE even today chose us to serve HIS purpose. When we are blind HE gives us HIS vision when we are empty vessels HE fills us with the Holy Spirit. In some degree we are all like Saul broken and incomplete-you bring the message of the Christ to everyone, everywhere you go, everyday you wake-'BE the VESSEL' share The Word.
  • Lyle Short on Acts 9 - 11 years ago
    This is where the Christian church began. Paul is the apostle of the Gentiles and the first member of Christ's body. But I know that from reading the rest of the Bible.
  • Archange on Acts 9:16 - 11 years ago
    I want to understand more of this verse, please.
  • PREACHER ISIAH MATTHEWS on Acts 9 - 11 years ago
    The word is telling me when we are up to no good, God still love us. Saul had a troubled mind. He believed in God and not in Jesus, so we see what people can do when they don’t believe in Jesus and only God. They will put God's people in prison, kill God's people thinking that they are doing God's will. So we see and know that Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus knows how to bring us to him and the father in so many ways, because he knows how to catch a fish. We in so many ways know how to catch fish to eat, thank God for saving Saul and Isaiah and all that call on the name of Jesus. Maybe advise Oprah and all those who believe that there are other ways to God that there is no other way to God except through Jesus Christ.
  • Jay on Mark 16 - 12 years ago
    Verses 17-20 - A little lesson on finding scripture truth in the age of grace (church age) when reading and comprehending the gospels:
    1. The apostle Paul is the apostle to the gentiles, church age Christians ( Acts 9:15, Romans 11:13);
    2. We must use Paul as our checks and balance to reach doctrinal truth for Christians in the church age, which means if a person is not sure about a verse knowing who the writer is (Jew) writing to Jews, Gentiles, or both and always what time (age )is the writer referring to;
    3. We must always refer to what the Pauline epistles says about the subject in question;
    4. In these verses, what Paul says aids us to come to the correct truth. "Signs are for the Jews ( 1 Corinthians 1:22);
    5. In Mark 16:15 them=apostles and there are two separate commissions given:
    a. Verse 16, the charge to go out and be a soul winner (great commission);
    b. Verses 17 and 18, this commission is for apostles only (apostolic commission), how do we know this, because of the term signs are only for the Jews and no one else in the gospels ever was given the sign gifts except the Jewish disciples (apostles) and was given by Jesus himself not just the holy spirit.
    6. So if you are a gentile believer and think you can handle deadly serpents and drink deadly things and not die. I can tell you of true accounts where gentile believers did these things and died. Because these gifts are for handpicked Jews by Jesus only and will not be seen again until the tribulation age when God is dealing with the Jews for the second time, to receive Jesus as their messiah. Gentiles seek wisdom=word of God ( 1 Corinthians 1:22), start 2 Timothy 2:15.
  • Samuel Bonaya Buya on Revelation 11 - 12 years ago
    Chapter 11 is a fulfilment of the last half week of Daniel 9:24-27. The Messiah was cut off in the midst of the last week. The Prince to come, Rome destroyed the city , Jerusalem, and the sanctuary, the temple. They failed to recognize the hour of their visitation. Israel fell by the edge of the sword, and were carried captive to all nations ( Luke 21:20-24; 19:41-44), Jerusalem was left desolate (Mathew 23: 37-38). Israel was cut off from its own olive tree and the Gentiles were grafted into the good olive tree ( Romans 11:17-28). Between the ending of the 69th and and 1/2 week to the last half week the gospel turned to the Gentiles. Paul's commission ( Acts 9:11-16; 13:46-47; 22: 14-21; 26:12-18) was a fulfilment of Isaiah 42:6. In Acts 13:47 Paul says: for so hath the Lord commanded us, saying I have set thee to be a light to the Gentiles, that though shouldst be salvation to the ends of the earth; in Isaiah 42:6 it says: -- and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles. Here in Revelation 11 the time of the gentiles is fulfilled ( Luke 21:24). Israel is back in there homeland when these two witnesses begin their ministry. The Gentile church is cut off from the olive tree, spewn out from his mouth for failing to recognize the hour of their visitation( Romans 11:20-22, Rev. 3:16; Malachi 4:5-6). Revelation 11 takes place between the second and third woe, for the 5th, 6th and 7th trumpets are the 1st, 2nd and third woes respectives. These three woes are the three world wars. Between the 2nd and third woe Israel is back in there home land; at the same time the Gentiles receive their last message ( Revelation 10). The Gentiles fail to recognize the hour of their visitation. It is the hour of wrath, God recompenses tribulation to them that trouble the bride ( 1Thessalonians 1:5-8). God opens a fountain of healing for Israel. There will be a fountain fountain open to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem ( Zechariah 13:10, 12:10) . God will pour a spirit of grace and supplication and they shall look upon him whom they have pierced. Revelation 11 opens Israel to recognize the feast of atonement. They will be turned from atonement of bulls and goats to the atonement of the lamb of God. The sixfold purpose of the visit of angel Gabriel to Daniel will be perfect realized to Israel in this chapter ( Daniel 9:24) . By the time of the two witness begin there ministry they will begin the temple worship ( Rev. 11:1-12). The two witnesses are killed in Jerusalem by the beast. The beast represents the gentile kingdom. Jerusalem here in Revelation 11:8 spiritually is called Egypt or Sodom. In Exodus 20:1-2 Egypt is referred to as the house of bondage. In Galatians 4:24-26 Paul likens the Jerusalem that is to the bondswoman Agar and mount sinai in Arabia, which is also in bondage with her children born after the flesh. Jerusalem from above representing the freewoman which gendereth children of the promise, born after the spirit. After the ministry of the two witnesses christ sets up his kingdom upon the earth. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdnm under the whole heaven, shall be given to the saints of the most high, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him ( Daniel 7:27). The Messiah will sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem.
  • Edy Smith on 2 Kings 4:32 - 12 years ago
    This is a wonderful example of the love of the Almighty God and his Son Jesus Christ, the power of the resurrection gives hope. Romans 6:23 states "For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord." Since we are all born in sin due to Adam and Eve's disobedience to God, we all must die, but Jesus tells us there will be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous, a second chance to learn about our Almighty God and His loving Son, Jesus. We have the power of free will a wonderful gift to either be obedient to Gods commands and principles or as Adam and Eve did, continue to be disobedient to God's law and God's new covenant put in place by Jesus Christ. When Christ comes with his mighty angels and defeats Satan and his demons at Armageddon; the wicked will also be destroyed never to rise again and we can all see the prophecy of Psalm 37:9-11; 21-22; 28-29; Psalms 115:16; Isaiah 45:18; Revelation 4:5 will be realized because all the wicked will be destroyed from the face of the earth and His will will have been done on earth as in Heaven. The great crowd of which no man would be able to number of all tribes, nations, peoples and tongues will be living in peace, harmony and unity, throughout paradise earth under Almighty God's theocratic government - His Heavenly Kingdom. Gods name Jehovah will be vindicated; his Son rules as King of Jehovah's Kingdom with his 144,000 co-rulers as mentioned at Rev. 20:6: “Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority, but they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will rule as kings with him for the thousand years.” The scripture at Revelation 20:6 indicates two classes: the rulers, and those ruled. Regardless of the class to which you hope to belong, obedience and faithfulness toward the truth are constant requirements. The prospective members of the royal priesthood need to keep their vision clear and their hope bright, and completely do the will of God. Those hoping for everlasting life on earth in the theocratic new world are eager to learn of the requirements and faithfulness of the royal body of priests that is to rule for the thousand years, and learn to be faithful. Those of the anointed are happy to learn of Jehovah’s purpose to bless and give life to millions of humans. So also those who look forward to living on earth forever will be happy to know about the royal priesthood, to which they will be subject.
    3 Jehovah’s purpose to have a kingdom of priests was expressed to his typical people Israel at Mount Sinai. Moses was inspired to inform them: “Now if you will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant, then you will certainly become my special property out of all other peoples, because the whole earth belongs to me. And you yourselves will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” ( Ex. 19:5, 6, NW) Israel was to be a sacred kingdom under Jehovah, a real theocracy, a royal nation, living under the rules and rites of the Most High. The word “kingdom” as used in this verse has the meaning of royalty, dynasty, sovereignty. It meant that Jehovah purposed a royal, priestly race, a dynasty of priests, each member having the qualifications and attributes of kings and priests. Typically Israel was the kingdom of Jehovah, but they were unfaithful and disobedient. Later, when Jehovah sent his Son, Christ Jesus, the Kingdom heir, to them, they rejected him, the Stone of Zion. This typical house of Israel had lost sight of the purpose of Jehovah, and was building in opposition to God’s will. Jesus said to them: “‘The stone that the builders rejected is the one that has become the chief cornerstone. From Jehovah this has come to pass and it is marvelous in our eyes.’ This is why I say to you, The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits.”— Matt. 21:42, 43. THIS IS GOOD NEWS TO THE NATIONS (GENTILES) Jehovah’s rejection of the nation of Israel and taking the Kingdom from them opened the door for people of the nations (Gentiles) to have the great privilege of becoming a part of the priestly nation. Cornelius of the uncircumcised Gentiles was the first, and Peter said when visiting him: “‘You well know how unlawful it is for a Jew to join himself to or approach a man of another race; and yet God has shown me I should call no man defiled or unclean.’ . . . ‘For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.’” ( Acts 10:28-35) Paul was commissioned to go to the nations, as Jesus said of him: “This man is a chosen vessel to me to bear my name to the nations as well as to kings and the sons of Israel.” Again, to the Jews, “Paul and Barnabas said: ‘It was necessary for the word of God to be spoken first to you. Since you are thrusting it away from you and do not judge yourselves worthy of everlasting life, look! we turn to the nations. In fact, Jehovah has laid commandment upon us in these words, “I have appointed you as a light of nations, for you to be a salvation to the most distant part of the earth.”’”— Acts 9:15; 13:46, 47.

    The TRUTH shall set you FREE.

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