I was reading in the New Testament, and i did a word study that led me to the Apocrypha. I study James & Hebrew a lot, but I can't find the verse that led me to the Apocrypha, can you Help me ?
I Believe the Books from Apocrypha Is Given to us to see Who would walk by Faith not by Sight..By The Lord God seeing who would reject or accept This Hidden scripture that they don't know where exactly who wrote it or where it came from. Because if you walk by Faith not by sight you would accept This scripture As The Lord God Hidden message in the scripture meant for all who are willing to walk by Faith not by sight.
Baruch 1 to 5 has a good history, it sounds solid and aligns with the Bible, would not hurt to add. Baruch seems to be more enlightening than the other apocrypha books that were removed. Did not see any new deep spiritual and esoteric insight than the regular Bible (KJV) but does make some references especial. Baruch.
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