Having an Ecclesiastes 7:10 moment is something I have asked myself; being born in the "baby boomer" era in the 60's. I was; admittedly well protected from knowing about the Vietnam war fought overseas or anyone involved in it with my parents raising me. It was high school before a friend of mine whose older brother was affected from being there where I got my first exposure to the effects of that conflict. I was in an affluent upper middle class neighborhood; an only child who got all the attention at Christmas with material goods; enough to eat; enough sleep and whose world was not much more than what was in my neighborhood where my schools were; and a couple local shopping centers. Time seemed to go real slow; and I always enjoyed going to the shore on summer vacations. Basically; I didn't have too many cares in life.
Things would mar that utopia for me; first my dad's mentally abusive behavior; then bullies who would beat me up; steal from me and otherwise mistreat me from about 3rd grade up through high school. I thank God that I had the opportunity after 2 individuals witnessed to me to come to Christ in Senior High.
It is easy to be selective only remembering good times in the past. I certainly had less responsibilities before taking on steady work and marrying shortly after college.
Today; with all the structures of society tearing apart I have found it easy to succumb to constant fear. Knowing the horror of the Tribulation to come it is worse if I don't warn others but also it is necessary to remember that my life is hidden in Christ. ( Colossians 3:3). Fear of death is something that some have their whole lives ( Heb. 2:15). 1 Cor. 15:66 states that the sting of sin is death. Knowing we must pass through the Tribulation before He comes back to rule and reign even if I'm raptured and not here still is grievous thinking of others in it. These things must come to pass in His plans.
Matthew 24:21 For then shall be GREAT TRIBULATION such as was not since the beginning of the world to THIS TIME (of the great tribulation), no, nor shall ever be (but this one time).
Matthew 24:22 And except those days (of the great tribulation) BE SHORTENED; there should no flesh be SAVED; but for the elects sake those days (of the great tribulation) SHALL BE SHORTENED.
According to God's word NO FLESH can BE SAVED until after the GREAT TRIBULATION.
Are you saved NOW?
Yes, you were saved by the RESURRECTION.
Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ ....
Romans 6:6 Knowing this, our old man is crucified with him .....
Romans 6:5 ...we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection.....
Colossians 3:1 If ye be then risen with Christ .......
Luke 20:36 ...being the children of the resurrection .....
The wrath of God; that GREAT TRIBULATION, was poured out on Christ, the Great tribulation was SHORTENED to 3 days, for the elects sake.
Psalm 91 Verse 11 of this Psalm was quoted in Matthew 4:6; which is indicative of the promises which the Son of God no doubt had being part of the eternal Godhead with the angels He created for eternal worship in heavenly places.
Looking at the preceding verses; we see promises for those who are God's children to be hidden (compare with Colossians 3:3); and we shouldn't ignore the following statement in verse 2 about those who TRUST God. We also see promises which apply in general to God's covenant people such as Deuteronomy 7:15; and fulfilled by Christ in verses such as Isaiah 53:5. Ultimately; however these promises will be fulfilled in the Millennial Kingdom as may be indicated in verse 7; and in the Tribulation for those dweiling in heaven as indicated from verse 9.
Luke 10:19 shows how Christ fulfills certain promises in freedom from Satan's grip which is similar to what it states in Psalm 91:13.
The remainder of the Psalm could indicate Christ's reward as well as our own during the Millennial period as well. There will also be natural life expectancies (see Isaiah 65:22) that are vastly extended at that time.
As we look at things today; of course we still live with all of creation groaning as it were; such as indicated in Romans 8:22. Satan himself will get his due reward; ending once and for all his usurper role as a pseudo ruler; who ultimately fulfills God's prophetic plan; as it did when he entered Judas Iscariot so that all things could be fulfilled and Christ would die for our atonement ( Heb. 9:28; also read Isaiah 53 in its entirety). We are all in perishable bodies for a brief time; but we certainly can find ways to shorten our lives due to sin adding to our miseries. For now; pestilences and other things can be held back or mitigated; but that will not be helpful during the Tribulation. At that time the 144,000 will be supernaturally protected before God brings judgments upon the earth. May we live soberly in the fear of God
Colossians 3:2 "Set your affections on things above, not on things of the earth."
This verse reminds us that our lives are as it were ..."seated in heavenly places.".. ( Eph. 2:6). That considers who is our advocate "ever interceding for us" ( Heb. 7:25). As I have pointed out in previous posts; the sheer magnitude of the physical splendor of heaven as great as it is is dwarfed by its Creator. Surely Satan would want to covet all of heaven's grandeur for himself; as indicated in descriptions of his exalted place as worship leader in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. As great as the pattern in heaven that God Himself mandated to be followed in the earthly temple or representation of the heavenly tabernacle; it is His presence which is always preeminent. This is why although Jesus Himself was God in the flesh He was not possessing beauty in the way man would desire Him ( Isaiah 4:2). This is why such a bloody sacrifice could be something that actually pleased the Father ( Isaiah 53:10). So we need to both die to our old ways and all the things that attract the five senses above our desire to glorify God.
Much of the Kingdom of God has to do with obedience out of love ( John 14:15). Learning to love the ways of another is much like a woman who was betrothed and prepares for the marriage as scriptural parables as well as in some ways the Song of Solomon may indicate at a deeper level. We don't learn to love someone by cheating (such as illicit relations before marriage); or by focusing on vain actions that promote our own agenda. Service now certainly is a good way to get to know God's ways as well as prepare for heaven. This is utterly devoid of meaning to the unregenerate. Dying to ourselves is complete once we pass from this life; it is up to us to conform to His image or cling on to our old ways; the former brings great reward and is proclaimed and known by others; the latter brings great loss for us and eternal rewards as well. Let us do it now!
Mark 13:20 'elect', I believe applies to the elect among Israel, in its context of the chapter. But of course, after the Gospel is brought to the Gentiles, we too join the elect of God ( Colossians 3:12; Titus 1:1; 1 Peter 1:2), but Jesus directed His message to the Jews of His day.
Revelation 13:7,8: are these saints the ones living at the time of revelation of the beast on Earth, or are they the 'new believers' who have turned to Christ, rejecting the beast? And the Lamb's Book of Life, does it record all believers now & into the future, or only adds to the record those who are being saved by the Blood of the Lamb? Moot questions for sure.
Revelation 20:4-6: "This is the first resurrection". The Rapture of the Church (i.e. which includes the resurrection of the dead in Christ) & the resurrection of the tribulation saints are not the same. The Rapture is not a part of the First Resurrection (some have included them together, referring to it as two phases of the one). The Rapture is the catching away of believers to be with the Lord in Glory. The First Resurrection is for the tribulation saints who have died for Christ & will reign with Him through the Millennium. The scenarios are different hence cannot be the same. So, should not the Rapture then be called the First Resurrection? Apparently not, as that is the secret coming of Jesus to take away His Church from the Wrath to come. Blessings.
These scriptures can trip you up when we use them for doctrine when talking about NATIONAL ISRAEL.
Some day God will open the eyes of Israel to show them that all their services was pointing them through the same door that the Gentiles goes through to get to the father. "CHRIST".
There will be two folds that will come together under one shepherd. There's no advantage to either fold. That's what Colossians 3:11-12 and Galatians 3:27-39 is saying. Angels, People, The Church and Israel is called elect in the Bible.
Israel and the Church has different origins and has a different path and destiny.
( Don't mistake that for having a different path for salvation.)
They have a separate purpose. When Jesus speaks of Israel as his elect in Matthew 24. he speaks of Israel as a nation. National Israel.
The Church isn't National Israel or "The new Israel. Is the Church Jacob also?
They're both are Chosen or elected by God to do the will of God for different purposes.
The bible makes references to both National Israel and the remnant.
Paul makes that distinction in Romans when he says all Israel is not Israel and when he mentions Kinsman of the flesh. Paul hammers away at this in Romans chapters 9,10 and 11.
Daniel 12:1 Speaks of National Israel.
"And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the ( CHILDREN OF THY PEOPLE ): and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time (THY PEOPLE) shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
A biblical concept of worship involves praising God and giving Him glory with our lips and our lives, with our words and our deeds, with our physical bodies and our spiritual hearts. Worship that pleases God is authentic, offered with clean hands and a pure heart ( Psalm 24:3-4; Isaiah 66:2).
King David danced "before the Lord with all his might" ( 2 Samuel 6:14)
Revelation 5:8-11
twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they *sang a new song, saying, " Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals
Psalms 149:3 - Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. Psalms 150:1 - 127:6 - Praise ye the LORD
Luke 2:13-14
And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased
Colossians 3:14-17
And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Frank, I'm praying for you today. Work as unto the Lord. Your boss/company will be so blessed. And you can love the Lord as if it were Him you were working for.
Colossians 3:22-24
I pray that the Lord will lift you up and energize you in the Holy Spirit today and every day. In Jesus name amen
Ephesians 5:25-33, Colossians 3:19, 1Peter 3:7-22, 1Corinthians 7:3-17, these are part of the scripture in context because you've only asked the Husband's duty.
Interestingly, after studying scripture I've noticed, GOD gave mankind dominion, on Earth. Genesis 1:26,27,28, GOD didn't take that dominion away, people have misused their powers. They/we will all give account: Revelation 1:5-8, Romans 14:12, Daniel 4:3,34, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 18,
Jesus was here to show us how to bring His Kingdom the Kingdom of GOD on Earth, with Love, John 3:16-21, John 13:34, Romans 12:10, 1John 4:7,12, 1Peter 3:8, John 15:17, James 2:13-17, Luke 13:34,
one day all dominion will go to Christ: 1Corinthians 15:20-28, Romans 16:20,
Galatians 4:1-8, Colossians 3:21,
Matthew 20:25-28, Ephesians 1, (whole chapters) 1Peter 4, Jude 1,
Jesus gave all that believe in him, authority under heaven: from GOD ALMIGHTY: Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 6, Luke 11, Mark 3:15, Acts 4:30,31, Luke 9:2,
We all have power in the natural if even just to comfort someone else, & as we grow in faith, supernatural power in prayer, through GOD & Christ Jesus our Savior.
Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 19:1-12, Ephesians 4:5,
I think the main point is the outward living life, dead to the flesh ( selfishness, bad actions, etc. ) resurrection in the last days, is the goal. Mark 10:38, Luke 12:50, Colossians 2:12-14, 1Peter 3:18-22,
* Romans 6:3,4, please read all of Romans 6, chapter, Colossians 3:1-17,
John 12:23-36, Romans 8:13, Luke 14:27-33,
Hopefully these are helpful
If you have trouble understanding pray for wisdom: James 1:5
The battle for self identity isn't too profitable when we understand that as sinners; we are in a helpless; hopeless state with the wrath of God abiding on us. ( John 3:36). Once our lives are under the authority of Christ rather than the prince of the power of the air ( Eph. 6:12); but now we have the King of Glory as Lord; Savior and yes; Master. Or; alternatively; as the popular Sting song lyric states our servant has become our master if we remain in our sinful state. God promises that although unworthy servants we are called "friends" and His yoke is easy; and burden is light ( Matt. 11:28). Satan is a brutal taskmaster; coming to "steal; kill and destroy." ( John 10:10). Such basically is the state of youth in America today; and sadly many of those who give testimony of their children dying of drug (usually Fentinal) overdoses see nothing getting better in the near term.
So the question comes up; what is a more profitable state; our old self or our identity in Christ? We are still; in some sense uniquely "us" but with our spirit testifying with His Spirit ( Romans 8:16) that we indeed are "God's children." Somehow; we naturally tend to hold onto our old nature as long as we live; we are still subject; of course to the effects of the fall with the flesh eventually passing away but the new man growing (see 1 Cor. 4:16). We literally are crucified to the flesh in Christ and already in the new life in the spirit ( Colossians 3:3). In reality then; our old selves are redeemed to be all they would have been if they had never been corrupted by th effect of sin; and in fact are in much better glory. (See 1 Cor. 15). What we DON'T realize before salvation is that we are never autonomous and able to go beyond the set limits God has; and we are held accountable for our actions. With faith we can begin to comprehend that we are "seated in heavenly places" ( Eph. 2:4-6).
And; "to live is Christ; to die gain" ( Phil. 1:21).
Fact Two (continued). The emphasis of prayer related to the edification of the Body should be fairly obvious with the overwhelming emphasis on such in the Epistles. Other than the Book of James we should note that there is not ANY instruction about right vs. wrong types of prayer in scripture. When we consider the nature of Paul's sufferings often associated with imprisonment; we see that his concern was for the state of the churches; with only a passing request for his own needs. It should go without saying that we should put the needs of others above our own (Phillippians 2:3-4). We are asked to remember those with "like temptations" ( 1 Peter 5:9). Although this doesn't directly address prayer; it does discuss the Devil prowling about; certainly in spritual warfare prayer is tied in (see Ephesians 6:18-20). The preceding verses in this chapter explain about the full armor of God which probably is a separate fact for praying with authority.
Fact Three: Personal application. When we have a proper perspective on lifting His name up in praise and considering the saints above ourselves; we then get to our personal devotions and prayers. I think it should be said that we should do as much work as we can with the opportunities available to be the "hands and feet" of Christ in service. For our own needs; we pursue possibilities; and seek "in and out of season" ( 2 Tim. 4:2) to perform our jobs and live our personal lives working "heartily unto the Lord." ( Colossians 3:23-24). This is not to puff ourselves up; but to ensure that our own laziness; or any other vices may not interfere with God answering prayers; or unnecessarily turn people off when opportunities arise. To trust God for blessings based on His promises rather than seeking self gain may only be something God Himself can judge in each individual case. Gaining access to "more of the Holy Spirit" certainly is a win/win situation ( Luke 11:13).
Colossians 3:2 is where we find this. But it starts with Verse 1. It starts out by saying, if you then be risen with Christ,
The word "if" used here is a first class condition assumed to be true. It is literally translated since.
Since you then are risen with Christ, seek those things (There's your command) which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God.
The verb tense is continually seek the things above, the things of heaven, and not the things on the earth.
So we have to ask the question, what am I seeking? Every morning when I get up, I'm seeking something. Most of the time it's in the human. We're told that we are citizens of the kingdom of heaven, and we're to seek the things of Christ, not the things of the earth.
In Matthew Chapter 6, Jesus said be not anxious for your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, or what you shall put on. And He explained that man cannot serve two masters.
And in that verse, He explains that God has created every human being to only have the capacity to serve one thing, God or mammon, one or the other. You can't serve both.
And so He says in Matthew 6:33, seek first the kingdom of God, and all these other things that you need will be added to you. You don't have to seek them. In other words, if you don't have it, you don't need it. You might want it, but you don't need it.
So the command under motivation is seek those things which are above. The place is heaven and the person is Christ!
Verse 2 says, "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
Again, continually set your affection. And the word affection has to do with the frame of mind. This is the disposition of the mind, the attitude, the approach to life. Have a frame of mind that is set on things above and not things on the earth.
We have much to rejoice in the LORD. For the LORD has given us a look at what is before our own country at this time. This being October 10, 2022. We have gone our own way and expect GOD'S blessings. We have allowed "strange" children in our midst because of our tolerance and desire to "live together." The framers of our country would say to us - we need to get back to our foundational roots that gave us our nation in GOD in the first place.
The framers and especially the Word of GOD told us that "the people perish because of lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6; Proverbs 29:18
Our children have been out of school too long; and if they are in school, they are being taught ungodly things. We must seek the LORD diligently and faithfully. As Hosea writes and admonishes us to seek the LORD quickly while HE may yet be found.
Let us pray for the leadership of our nation for they have changed our boundaries, not the physical landmarks but the spiritual lines given by our GOD and Savior. Changing the boundaries between right and wrong; between true and false religion. Too many of the up coming generation are strangers to the LORD'S truth and HIS ways.
Let us call on the LORD as HIS word tells too. 2 Chronicles 7:14, 15; 1 Timothy 2:1-5; Colossians 3: 1-10
GOD to shine HIS face on our Nation and give us grace and HIS wisdom. Vote on November, 2022
Please Lord help Marc and his mother in this time of uncertainly dealing with their rent and cost of living. Please allow doors of opportunity for support and access to programs to meet their needs. Please Holy Spirit guide them in scriptures of comfort and encouragement I pray in the name of Jesus Christ!!
Please consider reflecting on: Psalms 23:3-4, I Chronicles 4:9-10, Colossians 3:23-25, Matthew 6:33-34.
Please God intervene on Nit's behalf and help through this crisis that he will be a testimony for Your Glory. You alone are the true Lord Jesus overall. Please forgive us Lord Jesus for court system being corrupted. Please Holy Spirit enrich Nit with Your spiritual gift continually I pray in Jesus Christ name!!
Please consider reflecting on: Psalms 23, Philippians 4:12-13, Colossians 3:23-24.
There are various themes and messages specific to a given Psalm. We have; for instance a general comparison of the righteous to the wicked in Psalm 1; and a prophetic Psalm associated with the Lords' return in Psalm 2. We hae other Psalms related to the future such as Psalm 48 and Psalm 68; Psalms associated with the history of the Exodus as a repeated theme ( Psalm 105; 106) and the so called "imprecatory" Psalms where destruction of enemies is requested by David starting with Psalm 7. We also see Psalms such as Psalm 22 that have clear implications to Christ and His sufferings; but would also have application to David himself.
David is most commonly associated with Psalms; although others such as the sons of Korah (starting with Psalm 42); the sons of Asaph ( Psalm 50 and a couple others) and those ascribed to some other individuals. As to the order of the Psalms it appears not to be strictly chronological; and the themes appear to have repeated patterns that are not easy to define. Some are virtually identical (such as Psalm 14 and 53). We have the longest Psalm (119) which has more verses than any other scripture; also the shortest ( Psalm 117) with only two verses.
In addition there are may "acrostic" patterns where each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is sequentially starting a stanza (also seen in Psalm 119). Other patterns may not be readily identifiable but are seen in the original language.
Psalms were to originally be set to music; which up until now as far as I am aware has never been found for any of this text. We can only guess how the instruments back then which were commanded to be used (timbrel; lyre) in places such as Psalm 33 and how it would sound. Some would try to restrict Psalms as to the only music played; but Colossians 3:16 mentions spiritual songs in general. Whatever the case singing from the scriptures is certainly better than the vast amount of so called Christian music peddled today.
1 Corinthians 4:5 speaks volume to us since saints understand the mysteries revealed to the faithful and Romans 1:6 & Romans 8:28. For saints know Isaiah 5:20. We are where we are today. God is so great to allow us to do things in life in our own free will where in the end The Glory belongs to God. God allowed me to have worked with great scientists in America with great heart. I do not need to understand and question everything at the spare of the moment. I just know the paths God lead me in was not to question authorities in the land. God has the heavenly plans and those are what I am and every saint must be very excited about. When you walk in the Spirit of God, you are like in a trance. Next thing you know someone tells you on earth job well done. Not to boast but again and again to Glorify God because He helped you to do job well done. I can control only me and hopefully have a strong influence with my family and friends and anybody that touches my life to follow God as I walk the walk and talk the talk. Even 1 Timothy 5:4 saints take it to heart. All is good with God James 1:17 and all are Your's 1 Corinthians 3:21-23. I know It is easy said and done here on earth. We all have afflictions and to some unbearable 2 Corinthians 6:4. I thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ for that power is in everyone who put his trust, faith and believe in that He will never leaves you. Psalms 91 memorize!
The Spirit speaks to you 1 Peter 3:13, 3 John 1:11. Be in Spirit so you can 1 Thessalonians 5:21 and 1 Thessalonians 5:15. Philippians 2:13 and Ephesians 1:9. Saints, Ephesians 4:29
There are more heavenly things I can share but I like to inspire you with this testimony Colossians 1:27. Let us all grow in true Charity 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, the bond of perfectness Colossians 3:14. In conclusion 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Happy Sunday with the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace and peace to ALL.
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty ( Rev. 4:8). This aspect of the Lord which should characterize our daily praise was a topic a friend of mine from out of town who I'm visiting next week brought up. He; as I am is highly supportive of the "grace gospel" (i.e. God's sovereign plan of election giving no credit toward man for any of his own righteousness in being saved). It is true; however that many of our houses of worship are more caught up in an academic exercise when it comes to the "institutes of Calvin" than spending a time worshipping a Holy God who condescended to save any worms like me. ( Job 25:6). He; who is the creator of all things is above all; so that even the stars are impure in His sight ( Job 25:5).
There are truly heavenly joys that we cannot comprehend now. ( Psalm 16:11). Everyone; from Daniel and Isaiah and Ezekiel in the O.T. and John in Revelation fall in awe and wonder at His presence. It is a true statement that God is love ( 1 John 4:8); but we need to view this in light of 1 Cor. 13:4-8. We must; therefore also see His grace along with His judgments in light of His righteousness; and eternal omnipotence as the King of Kings; Lord of Lords. God does not change; and if we remain in Him we shall never be moved (see Proverbs 10:30). Heaven and earth will perish before one "jot and tittle" of the law perish ( Matthew 5:18). Since this is New Testament; surely this refers to the true meaning of the law and the motives of our hearts.
May we; although flawed be characterized by a unique reverence for God so we can be known as just men ( Matthew 1:19). To be salt and light; we must be distinct from the world and through the fear of the Lord comes the beginning of understanding ( Prov. 1:7; 9:10; etal). If we put to death the deeds of the flesh through the Spirit ( Colossians 3:5; Romans 8:13) then we can let His Spirit transform us ( Romans 12:2). Let us begin each day with praise. Agape; Rich P
1 Thessalonians 3:10. I prayed and re-read the Bible. 2 Timothy 2:15. Matthew 24:4-5. If you are guided by the Holy Spirit of God, Colossians 2:2-3. Grow in grace and Charity 2 Peter 3:18; 1 Corinthians 13:4-9. Colossians 3:14. Many of you 2 Timothy 3:10. Galatians 6:6. Galatians 6:10. All scriptures tie out-Old Testament and New Testament. God directed my paths to be a very honest Corporate Auditor on earth to testify that the Bible is true and indeed cannot lie. Men lie. Every word in KJV Bible you can follow stories upon stories for us to know and learn what to do. There is no man can pervert the word of God, except you are lost. I pray that all be saved. Read the Bible and be guided by the Holy Spirit; Cover to cover are blessed and believe 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. All scriptures directed in the end to The blood of Jesus Christ for the world salvation. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
Revelation 3:2. Thank you for the opportunities to communicate through written comments to some of you. Thank you for the website Agape.
You are probably aware of the verse about us being as the "angels of heaven" ( Mark 12:25). This of course refers to the Resurrection body. There is the question of those who may be pregnant at the time of the rapture. We are all "changed" so there is no real way of knowing whether a pregnancy would continue within the womb or somehow outside of it; in either case it seems scriptural that at least children of believers would go with them to heaven although it can't be proven. That also would have the infant changed into an immortal body if he or she ends up in heaven. It does seem certain from David's comment on the child he lost after sinning with Bathsheeba along with other scriptures that the souls of all unborn will end up in heaven and someday be Resurrected. People want to say all kids will be raptured; I can't see that proven scripturally; just that the souls of all unborn kids will make it to heaven if they die before a certain age.
Anyway; of course there will be the few that survive through the Tribulation who have kids; many of whom will live until the end of the Millennium; hence being those who ARE in the Book of Life at the Great White Throne Judgment IF they are not killed due to some sort of sin beforehand ( Isaiah 65:20). After the Millenium; it would appear that all mortals also enter immortality; once the new heaven and new earth are created.
These issues shouldn't of course be a distraction to plans now; having children and getting married. It is good; however to put our mind on things above ( Colossians 3:1-10). God can give us contentedness now; and surely we will rejoice in heaven and not miss our earthly existence. There is always a tendency to concern ourselves with all the things of this world; rather than casting our cares on Him; especially today. Of course it is always best to have a healthy church community which seems to be found more often in the Reformed churches. May He give you wisdom in these trying times.
Having an Ecclesiastes 7:10 moment is something I have asked myself; being born in the "baby boomer" era in the 60's. I was; admittedly well protected from knowing about the Vietnam war fought overseas or anyone involved in it with my parents raising me. It was high school before a friend of mine whose older brother was affected from being there where I got my first exposure to the effects of that conflict. I was in an affluent upper middle class neighborhood; an only child who got all the attention at Christmas with material goods; enough to eat; enough sleep and whose world was not much more than what was in my neighborhood where my schools were; and a couple local shopping centers. Time seemed to go real slow; and I always enjoyed going to the shore on summer vacations. Basically; I didn't have too many cares in life.
Things would mar that utopia for me; first my dad's mentally abusive behavior; then bullies who would beat me up; steal from me and otherwise mistreat me from about 3rd grade up through high school. I thank God that I had the opportunity after 2 individuals witnessed to me to come to Christ in Senior High.
It is easy to be selective only remembering good times in the past. I certainly had less responsibilities before taking on steady work and marrying shortly after college.
Today; with all the structures of society tearing apart I have found it easy to succumb to constant fear. Knowing the horror of the Tribulation to come it is worse if I don't warn others but also it is necessary to remember that my life is hidden in Christ. ( Colossians 3:3). Fear of death is something that some have their whole lives ( Heb. 2:15). 1 Cor. 15:66 states that the sting of sin is death. Knowing we must pass through the Tribulation before He comes back to rule and reign even if I'm raptured and not here still is grievous thinking of others in it. These things must come to pass in His plans.
What is it?
When is it?
Matthew 24:21 For then shall be GREAT TRIBULATION such as was not since the beginning of the world to THIS TIME (of the great tribulation), no, nor shall ever be (but this one time).
Matthew 24:22 And except those days (of the great tribulation) BE SHORTENED; there should no flesh be SAVED; but for the elects sake those days (of the great tribulation) SHALL BE SHORTENED.
According to God's word NO FLESH can BE SAVED until after the GREAT TRIBULATION.
Are you saved NOW?
Yes, you were saved by the RESURRECTION.
Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ ....
Romans 6:6 Knowing this, our old man is crucified with him .....
Romans 6:5 ...we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection.....
Colossians 3:1 If ye be then risen with Christ .......
Luke 20:36 ...being the children of the resurrection .....
The wrath of God; that GREAT TRIBULATION, was poured out on Christ, the Great tribulation was SHORTENED to 3 days, for the elects sake.
God bless you.
Looking at the preceding verses; we see promises for those who are God's children to be hidden (compare with Colossians 3:3); and we shouldn't ignore the following statement in verse 2 about those who TRUST God. We also see promises which apply in general to God's covenant people such as Deuteronomy 7:15; and fulfilled by Christ in verses such as Isaiah 53:5. Ultimately; however these promises will be fulfilled in the Millennial Kingdom as may be indicated in verse 7; and in the Tribulation for those dweiling in heaven as indicated from verse 9.
Luke 10:19 shows how Christ fulfills certain promises in freedom from Satan's grip which is similar to what it states in Psalm 91:13.
The remainder of the Psalm could indicate Christ's reward as well as our own during the Millennial period as well. There will also be natural life expectancies (see Isaiah 65:22) that are vastly extended at that time.
As we look at things today; of course we still live with all of creation groaning as it were; such as indicated in Romans 8:22. Satan himself will get his due reward; ending once and for all his usurper role as a pseudo ruler; who ultimately fulfills God's prophetic plan; as it did when he entered Judas Iscariot so that all things could be fulfilled and Christ would die for our atonement ( Heb. 9:28; also read Isaiah 53 in its entirety). We are all in perishable bodies for a brief time; but we certainly can find ways to shorten our lives due to sin adding to our miseries. For now; pestilences and other things can be held back or mitigated; but that will not be helpful during the Tribulation. At that time the 144,000 will be supernaturally protected before God brings judgments upon the earth. May we live soberly in the fear of God
This verse reminds us that our lives are as it were ..."seated in heavenly places.".. ( Eph. 2:6). That considers who is our advocate "ever interceding for us" ( Heb. 7:25). As I have pointed out in previous posts; the sheer magnitude of the physical splendor of heaven as great as it is is dwarfed by its Creator. Surely Satan would want to covet all of heaven's grandeur for himself; as indicated in descriptions of his exalted place as worship leader in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. As great as the pattern in heaven that God Himself mandated to be followed in the earthly temple or representation of the heavenly tabernacle; it is His presence which is always preeminent. This is why although Jesus Himself was God in the flesh He was not possessing beauty in the way man would desire Him ( Isaiah 4:2). This is why such a bloody sacrifice could be something that actually pleased the Father ( Isaiah 53:10). So we need to both die to our old ways and all the things that attract the five senses above our desire to glorify God.
Much of the Kingdom of God has to do with obedience out of love ( John 14:15). Learning to love the ways of another is much like a woman who was betrothed and prepares for the marriage as scriptural parables as well as in some ways the Song of Solomon may indicate at a deeper level. We don't learn to love someone by cheating (such as illicit relations before marriage); or by focusing on vain actions that promote our own agenda. Service now certainly is a good way to get to know God's ways as well as prepare for heaven. This is utterly devoid of meaning to the unregenerate. Dying to ourselves is complete once we pass from this life; it is up to us to conform to His image or cling on to our old ways; the former brings great reward and is proclaimed and known by others; the latter brings great loss for us and eternal rewards as well. Let us do it now!
Mark 13:20 'elect', I believe applies to the elect among Israel, in its context of the chapter. But of course, after the Gospel is brought to the Gentiles, we too join the elect of God ( Colossians 3:12; Titus 1:1; 1 Peter 1:2), but Jesus directed His message to the Jews of His day.
Revelation 13:7,8: are these saints the ones living at the time of revelation of the beast on Earth, or are they the 'new believers' who have turned to Christ, rejecting the beast? And the Lamb's Book of Life, does it record all believers now & into the future, or only adds to the record those who are being saved by the Blood of the Lamb? Moot questions for sure.
Revelation 20:4-6: "This is the first resurrection". The Rapture of the Church (i.e. which includes the resurrection of the dead in Christ) & the resurrection of the tribulation saints are not the same. The Rapture is not a part of the First Resurrection (some have included them together, referring to it as two phases of the one). The Rapture is the catching away of believers to be with the Lord in Glory. The First Resurrection is for the tribulation saints who have died for Christ & will reign with Him through the Millennium. The scenarios are different hence cannot be the same. So, should not the Rapture then be called the First Resurrection? Apparently not, as that is the secret coming of Jesus to take away His Church from the Wrath to come. Blessings.
Isaiah 45:4.
Part 1.
Romans 2:25-29.
Colossians 3:11-12
and Galatians 3:27-39
These scriptures can trip you up when we use them for doctrine when talking about NATIONAL ISRAEL.
Some day God will open the eyes of Israel to show them that all their services was pointing them through the same door that the Gentiles goes through to get to the father. "CHRIST".
There will be two folds that will come together under one shepherd. There's no advantage to either fold. That's what Colossians 3:11-12 and Galatians 3:27-39 is saying. Angels, People, The Church and Israel is called elect in the Bible.
Israel and the Church has different origins and has a different path and destiny.
( Don't mistake that for having a different path for salvation.)
They have a separate purpose. When Jesus speaks of Israel as his elect in Matthew 24. he speaks of Israel as a nation. National Israel.
The Church isn't National Israel or "The new Israel. Is the Church Jacob also?
They're both are Chosen or elected by God to do the will of God for different purposes.
The bible makes references to both National Israel and the remnant.
Paul makes that distinction in Romans when he says all Israel is not Israel and when he mentions Kinsman of the flesh. Paul hammers away at this in Romans chapters 9,10 and 11.
Daniel 12:1 Speaks of National Israel.
"And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the ( CHILDREN OF THY PEOPLE ): and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time (THY PEOPLE) shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
"Daniels people is not the Church"
See key verses Daniel 9:24-27 in
Part 2.
A biblical concept of worship involves praising God and giving Him glory with our lips and our lives, with our words and our deeds, with our physical bodies and our spiritual hearts. Worship that pleases God is authentic, offered with clean hands and a pure heart ( Psalm 24:3-4; Isaiah 66:2).
King David danced "before the Lord with all his might" ( 2 Samuel 6:14)
Revelation 5:8-11
twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they *sang a new song, saying, " Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals
Psalms 149:3 - Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. Psalms 150:1 - 127:6 - Praise ye the LORD
Luke 2:13-14
And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased
Colossians 3:14-17
And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:22-24
I pray that the Lord will lift you up and energize you in the Holy Spirit today and every day. In Jesus name amen
God is so good
Hopefully these are helpful
Interestingly, after studying scripture I've noticed, GOD gave mankind dominion, on Earth. Genesis 1:26,27,28, GOD didn't take that dominion away, people have misused their powers. They/we will all give account: Revelation 1:5-8, Romans 14:12, Daniel 4:3,34, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 18,
Jesus was here to show us how to bring His Kingdom the Kingdom of GOD on Earth, with Love, John 3:16-21, John 13:34, Romans 12:10, 1John 4:7,12, 1Peter 3:8, John 15:17, James 2:13-17, Luke 13:34,
one day all dominion will go to Christ: 1Corinthians 15:20-28, Romans 16:20,
Galatians 4:1-8, Colossians 3:21,
Matthew 20:25-28, Ephesians 1, (whole chapters) 1Peter 4, Jude 1,
Jesus gave all that believe in him, authority under heaven: from GOD ALMIGHTY: Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 6, Luke 11, Mark 3:15, Acts 4:30,31, Luke 9:2,
We all have power in the natural if even just to comfort someone else, & as we grow in faith, supernatural power in prayer, through GOD & Christ Jesus our Savior.
Hopefully these are helpful
Colossians 3:21, Colossians 3:8,
Psalms 37, Ecclesiastes 7:9, Psalms 37:8, Proverbs 15:18,
Ephesians 4:26,
Psalms 103:8,9, Psalms 145:8,
If you look up fear in search option on site it pulls up 13 pages,
Hopefully helpful
Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 19:1-12, Ephesians 4:5,
I think the main point is the outward living life, dead to the flesh ( selfishness, bad actions, etc. ) resurrection in the last days, is the goal. Mark 10:38, Luke 12:50, Colossians 2:12-14, 1Peter 3:18-22,
* Romans 6:3,4, please read all of Romans 6, chapter, Colossians 3:1-17,
John 12:23-36, Romans 8:13, Luke 14:27-33,
Hopefully these are helpful
If you have trouble understanding pray for wisdom: James 1:5
The battle for self identity isn't too profitable when we understand that as sinners; we are in a helpless; hopeless state with the wrath of God abiding on us. ( John 3:36). Once our lives are under the authority of Christ rather than the prince of the power of the air ( Eph. 6:12); but now we have the King of Glory as Lord; Savior and yes; Master. Or; alternatively; as the popular Sting song lyric states our servant has become our master if we remain in our sinful state. God promises that although unworthy servants we are called "friends" and His yoke is easy; and burden is light ( Matt. 11:28). Satan is a brutal taskmaster; coming to "steal; kill and destroy." ( John 10:10). Such basically is the state of youth in America today; and sadly many of those who give testimony of their children dying of drug (usually Fentinal) overdoses see nothing getting better in the near term.
So the question comes up; what is a more profitable state; our old self or our identity in Christ? We are still; in some sense uniquely "us" but with our spirit testifying with His Spirit ( Romans 8:16) that we indeed are "God's children." Somehow; we naturally tend to hold onto our old nature as long as we live; we are still subject; of course to the effects of the fall with the flesh eventually passing away but the new man growing (see 1 Cor. 4:16). We literally are crucified to the flesh in Christ and already in the new life in the spirit ( Colossians 3:3). In reality then; our old selves are redeemed to be all they would have been if they had never been corrupted by th effect of sin; and in fact are in much better glory. (See 1 Cor. 15). What we DON'T realize before salvation is that we are never autonomous and able to go beyond the set limits God has; and we are held accountable for our actions. With faith we can begin to comprehend that we are "seated in heavenly places" ( Eph. 2:4-6).
And; "to live is Christ; to die gain" ( Phil. 1:21).
Acts 1:11"...this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven."
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all on this platform.
The LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD make HIS face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
Though it may seem bleak and overpowering, the LORD promised us peace in and through the name of HIS SON, the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Romans 10: 9-12; 2 Peter 3:9; 1 Timothy 2:1-3; Colossians 3: 1-2
December 27, 2022
Fact Two (continued). The emphasis of prayer related to the edification of the Body should be fairly obvious with the overwhelming emphasis on such in the Epistles. Other than the Book of James we should note that there is not ANY instruction about right vs. wrong types of prayer in scripture. When we consider the nature of Paul's sufferings often associated with imprisonment; we see that his concern was for the state of the churches; with only a passing request for his own needs. It should go without saying that we should put the needs of others above our own (Phillippians 2:3-4). We are asked to remember those with "like temptations" ( 1 Peter 5:9). Although this doesn't directly address prayer; it does discuss the Devil prowling about; certainly in spritual warfare prayer is tied in (see Ephesians 6:18-20). The preceding verses in this chapter explain about the full armor of God which probably is a separate fact for praying with authority.
Fact Three: Personal application. When we have a proper perspective on lifting His name up in praise and considering the saints above ourselves; we then get to our personal devotions and prayers. I think it should be said that we should do as much work as we can with the opportunities available to be the "hands and feet" of Christ in service. For our own needs; we pursue possibilities; and seek "in and out of season" ( 2 Tim. 4:2) to perform our jobs and live our personal lives working "heartily unto the Lord." ( Colossians 3:23-24). This is not to puff ourselves up; but to ensure that our own laziness; or any other vices may not interfere with God answering prayers; or unnecessarily turn people off when opportunities arise. To trust God for blessings based on His promises rather than seeking self gain may only be something God Himself can judge in each individual case. Gaining access to "more of the Holy Spirit" certainly is a win/win situation ( Luke 11:13).
Colossians 3:2 is where we find this. But it starts with Verse 1. It starts out by saying, if you then be risen with Christ,
The word "if" used here is a first class condition assumed to be true. It is literally translated since.
Since you then are risen with Christ, seek those things (There's your command) which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God.
The verb tense is continually seek the things above, the things of heaven, and not the things on the earth.
So we have to ask the question, what am I seeking? Every morning when I get up, I'm seeking something. Most of the time it's in the human. We're told that we are citizens of the kingdom of heaven, and we're to seek the things of Christ, not the things of the earth.
In Matthew Chapter 6, Jesus said be not anxious for your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, or what you shall put on. And He explained that man cannot serve two masters.
And in that verse, He explains that God has created every human being to only have the capacity to serve one thing, God or mammon, one or the other. You can't serve both.
And so He says in Matthew 6:33, seek first the kingdom of God, and all these other things that you need will be added to you. You don't have to seek them. In other words, if you don't have it, you don't need it. You might want it, but you don't need it.
So the command under motivation is seek those things which are above. The place is heaven and the person is Christ!
Verse 2 says, "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
Again, continually set your affection. And the word affection has to do with the frame of mind. This is the disposition of the mind, the attitude, the approach to life. Have a frame of mind that is set on things above and not things on the earth.
Hope this helps!
The framers and especially the Word of GOD told us that "the people perish because of lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6; Proverbs 29:18
Our children have been out of school too long; and if they are in school, they are being taught ungodly things. We must seek the LORD diligently and faithfully. As Hosea writes and admonishes us to seek the LORD quickly while HE may yet be found.
Let us pray for the leadership of our nation for they have changed our boundaries, not the physical landmarks but the spiritual lines given by our GOD and Savior. Changing the boundaries between right and wrong; between true and false religion. Too many of the up coming generation are strangers to the LORD'S truth and HIS ways.
Let us call on the LORD as HIS word tells too. 2 Chronicles 7:14, 15; 1 Timothy 2:1-5; Colossians 3: 1-10
GOD to shine HIS face on our Nation and give us grace and HIS wisdom. Vote on November, 2022
Please consider reflecting on: Psalms 23:3-4, I Chronicles 4:9-10, Colossians 3:23-25, Matthew 6:33-34.
Relevant today : Ezekiel 13:22,23
Acts 5:1-10 in context Acts 4:32-37, continued into Acts 5,
Wisdom about : Proverbs 14:5-25, Proverbs 29:12, John 8:42-44 in context John 8,
Psalms 40:4, Isaiah 63:8, Zephaniah 3:13,
Please consider reflecting on: Psalms 23, Philippians 4:12-13, Colossians 3:23-24.
There are various themes and messages specific to a given Psalm. We have; for instance a general comparison of the righteous to the wicked in Psalm 1; and a prophetic Psalm associated with the Lords' return in Psalm 2. We hae other Psalms related to the future such as Psalm 48 and Psalm 68; Psalms associated with the history of the Exodus as a repeated theme ( Psalm 105; 106) and the so called "imprecatory" Psalms where destruction of enemies is requested by David starting with Psalm 7. We also see Psalms such as Psalm 22 that have clear implications to Christ and His sufferings; but would also have application to David himself.
David is most commonly associated with Psalms; although others such as the sons of Korah (starting with Psalm 42); the sons of Asaph ( Psalm 50 and a couple others) and those ascribed to some other individuals. As to the order of the Psalms it appears not to be strictly chronological; and the themes appear to have repeated patterns that are not easy to define. Some are virtually identical (such as Psalm 14 and 53). We have the longest Psalm (119) which has more verses than any other scripture; also the shortest ( Psalm 117) with only two verses.
In addition there are may "acrostic" patterns where each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is sequentially starting a stanza (also seen in Psalm 119). Other patterns may not be readily identifiable but are seen in the original language.
Psalms were to originally be set to music; which up until now as far as I am aware has never been found for any of this text. We can only guess how the instruments back then which were commanded to be used (timbrel; lyre) in places such as Psalm 33 and how it would sound. Some would try to restrict Psalms as to the only music played; but Colossians 3:16 mentions spiritual songs in general. Whatever the case singing from the scriptures is certainly better than the vast amount of so called Christian music peddled today.
1 Corinthians 4:5 speaks volume to us since saints understand the mysteries revealed to the faithful and Romans 1:6 & Romans 8:28. For saints know Isaiah 5:20. We are where we are today. God is so great to allow us to do things in life in our own free will where in the end The Glory belongs to God. God allowed me to have worked with great scientists in America with great heart. I do not need to understand and question everything at the spare of the moment. I just know the paths God lead me in was not to question authorities in the land. God has the heavenly plans and those are what I am and every saint must be very excited about. When you walk in the Spirit of God, you are like in a trance. Next thing you know someone tells you on earth job well done. Not to boast but again and again to Glorify God because He helped you to do job well done. I can control only me and hopefully have a strong influence with my family and friends and anybody that touches my life to follow God as I walk the walk and talk the talk. Even 1 Timothy 5:4 saints take it to heart. All is good with God James 1:17 and all are Your's 1 Corinthians 3:21-23. I know It is easy said and done here on earth. We all have afflictions and to some unbearable 2 Corinthians 6:4. I thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ for that power is in everyone who put his trust, faith and believe in that He will never leaves you. Psalms 91 memorize!
The Spirit speaks to you 1 Peter 3:13, 3 John 1:11. Be in Spirit so you can 1 Thessalonians 5:21 and 1 Thessalonians 5:15. Philippians 2:13 and Ephesians 1:9. Saints, Ephesians 4:29
There are more heavenly things I can share but I like to inspire you with this testimony Colossians 1:27. Let us all grow in true Charity 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, the bond of perfectness Colossians 3:14. In conclusion 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Happy Sunday with the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace and peace to ALL.
Malachi 2:13-17, Matthew 25:31-46, 1Corinthians 7,
Hopefully these are all helpful
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty ( Rev. 4:8). This aspect of the Lord which should characterize our daily praise was a topic a friend of mine from out of town who I'm visiting next week brought up. He; as I am is highly supportive of the "grace gospel" (i.e. God's sovereign plan of election giving no credit toward man for any of his own righteousness in being saved). It is true; however that many of our houses of worship are more caught up in an academic exercise when it comes to the "institutes of Calvin" than spending a time worshipping a Holy God who condescended to save any worms like me. ( Job 25:6). He; who is the creator of all things is above all; so that even the stars are impure in His sight ( Job 25:5).
There are truly heavenly joys that we cannot comprehend now. ( Psalm 16:11). Everyone; from Daniel and Isaiah and Ezekiel in the O.T. and John in Revelation fall in awe and wonder at His presence. It is a true statement that God is love ( 1 John 4:8); but we need to view this in light of 1 Cor. 13:4-8. We must; therefore also see His grace along with His judgments in light of His righteousness; and eternal omnipotence as the King of Kings; Lord of Lords. God does not change; and if we remain in Him we shall never be moved (see Proverbs 10:30). Heaven and earth will perish before one "jot and tittle" of the law perish ( Matthew 5:18). Since this is New Testament; surely this refers to the true meaning of the law and the motives of our hearts.
May we; although flawed be characterized by a unique reverence for God so we can be known as just men ( Matthew 1:19). To be salt and light; we must be distinct from the world and through the fear of the Lord comes the beginning of understanding ( Prov. 1:7; 9:10; etal). If we put to death the deeds of the flesh through the Spirit ( Colossians 3:5; Romans 8:13) then we can let His Spirit transform us ( Romans 12:2). Let us begin each day with praise. Agape; Rich P
Revelation 3:2. Thank you for the opportunities to communicate through written comments to some of you. Thank you for the website Agape.
Anyway; of course there will be the few that survive through the Tribulation who have kids; many of whom will live until the end of the Millennium; hence being those who ARE in the Book of Life at the Great White Throne Judgment IF they are not killed due to some sort of sin beforehand ( Isaiah 65:20). After the Millenium; it would appear that all mortals also enter immortality; once the new heaven and new earth are created.
These issues shouldn't of course be a distraction to plans now; having children and getting married. It is good; however to put our mind on things above ( Colossians 3:1-10). God can give us contentedness now; and surely we will rejoice in heaven and not miss our earthly existence. There is always a tendency to concern ourselves with all the things of this world; rather than casting our cares on Him; especially today. Of course it is always best to have a healthy church community which seems to be found more often in the Reformed churches. May He give you wisdom in these trying times.