Discuss Daniel 1 Page 3

  • Félix on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    Daniel had the faith to Go and was determine to serve the true God in Babylon
  • Lila on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    The best
  • Drbra on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    He was a very strong man of God
  • BSP on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    Verse 3 talks about the sons that were of royal descent being taken to Babylon. At 2 Kings 20:16 and 18 he was told that some of his sons would be taken to Babylon. This is one way in which we see that prophecy was fulfilled.
  • Bruce on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    Guillermo: Just vegetables and maybe a little Fruit.
  • Murien on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    In my opinion Daniel and the others have a real good relationship with their God. To deny them selves from the King's meat and to have pulse and water prove that All things are possible with God and all praise and glory belongs to His name. My prayer is that every believer would seek to honor the Lord in everything we do and we would follow the true examples of Daniel and the other.
  • A disciple on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    BSP; I appreciate your notes, and how you put simply and straight forward the way we can apply the Word to ourselves. To your point about Daniel's determined consecration to God; considering his circumstances, and how he was so firmly resolved in his faith and his integrity of heart toward God; we get a better idea why God so loved Daniel and counted him as the rarest kind of men among His saints.
  • BSP on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    Verse 8: Daniel had already determined before he faced trials and tests that he would not defile himself. Likewise, we need to prepare our hearts and minds before we face trials.
  • Zoe on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    And so it says “So he consented to them in this matter, and proved them ten days.” I like it. It proves that they really did say that they put shadrach,meshach,and abendigo went to the fires den.
  • A disciple on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    Haley; meat doesn't always necessarily refer to flesh: in the old English it was often used for food in general. For the Hebrews to eat food and drink wine from the Gentiles; which was not sanctified by the priest to be kosher; was prohibited because of the sign of the law and the covenant to be separated and holy unto the LORD. The dietary laws were for teaching the coming new things in Christ.
  • Haley on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    In verse 5, it says that king Nebuchadnezzar gave the Israelites his meat to eat and his wine to drink. I understand why the meat was a big deal but I do not understand why the wine was. If someone could explain that to me I would greatly appreciate it.
  • A disciple on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    Edna; the story of Daniel the Prophet is amazing and wonderful! Did you realize, that Daniel and Ezekiel were both carried away with the captivity? When we read how great things God gave to them to do and to write; (while under subjection to the heathen!); it should give us all strength in understanding our own times, and how we can serve the Lord powerfully despite humiliating life circumstances.
  • Edna on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    I praise God Daniel was stand fast in his faith.While in the camp of unbelivers he depend on the Lord. Greater his the Lord that is in us then he that is in the world Daniel was not one to give over to gentiles way of life .God gave him wisdom and Knowledge in his life and he was accounted worhty
  • Ray321 on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    God inspired Holy men of God to wrote the Bible. I believe almost all the men that wrote it was a Jew. So the Bible is written by Jewish people. Does that mean God chosen Jews to be his people. I say yes. Through out the Bible, Genesis through Malachi, the Gentiles were not part of that group, they were not chosen of God. But, after the Jews stone Stephen in Acts, all things changed. Glory Glory
  • Word on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    Irene123 just go to Ezekiel 13. It speaks of preachers who dream up their own divine salvation and cover Gods outreached arms and hide His way of salvation. If you are meant to see the truth you'll see it. Seek the truth and don't believe the lie to fly because there is only one salvation and that's Gods way.
  • Bud on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    Irene 123: It does not say I hate that teach the fly away to save souls. READ EZEKIEL 13: 20
  • Irene123 on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    To Word - I am just, simply very curious - no judgment; where do you read, "God says he hates those that teach the fly away to save souls". I would like to see it.
  • Word on Daniel 1 - 7 years ago
    Irene123 yes 2 out of all of Those in the desert makes you think. all these lazy people who never read the bible who go to church singing we all going to fly away and leave these saints, the elect, to go through the test but the lazy get to fly away while the elect who have already shown God they are loyal and been chosen to stand? God says He hates those who teach the fly away to save souls.
  • Katrina on Daniel 1 - 8 years ago
    Daniel held steadfast to what he knew that's why they didn't want to have no part in what they were partaking in .there food or wine that is why they receive Favor from God he gave them wisdom,knowledge,and understanding.
  • Francine on Daniel 1 - 8 years ago
    Some one wanted to know what does it mean by the abomination of desolation stand in the Holy Place. It means that when you see signs such as the antichrist making a peace treaty with Israel and him seated in the Temple as god. Which will be in Jeruzalem. Also speaking against the most high know that it will be a time for God to come for his people. This could be for the tribulation saints
  • TOORACH JOEL on Daniel 1 - 8 years ago
    Comment*Daniel chapter 1 is very important to christians because it reminds us to to understand what we need and those that we don't, what is helpful and those that are not to make our move in christ successful
  • BSP on Daniel 1 - 8 years ago
    In verse 8 Daniel had determined beforehand that he was not going to defile himself. We should imitate Daniel and make sure that we prepare for possible temptations and trials beforehand so that we can remain firm in our resolve.
  • Irene123 on Daniel 1 - 8 years ago
    Joshua, Caleb - only 2 out of the THOUSANDS that left Egypt. These 2 are the 'type' of remnant for today that will be saved at the rapture. Out of billions - only a Joshua/Caleb remnant.
  • Irene123 on Daniel 1 - 8 years ago
    Since the day God br't Israel from Egypt, they have been rebellious. But - there was always a 'remnant', albeit only at one time only Joshua 'n Caleb. The church today is the same way. There are people attending faithfully, but - they are lifted up with pride - over their tithing, how long they've been in the church, the offc. they hold, whatever. God has to open their eyes thru the preaching.
  • Elder Hill on Daniel 1 - 8 years ago
    vegetative food source.
  • Bropittman on Daniel 1 - 8 years ago
    It had nothing to do with what they ate.but what they didn't eat
  • Lilian on Daniel 1 - 8 years ago
    God imparted his faith to Daniel to stand still and know that He is God. Daniel received the gift of Faith as He knows that God has appointed time to eat the meat and drink wine that comes from God and not from a man. Man does not live by bread alone but by every word of God. Thank you Jesus for giving us the living water so that we all must have life in abundance. Amen
  • Dorothy Tillis on Daniel 1 - 8 years ago
    The reference to pulse: are fruits, vegetables, grain, that which is grown or harvested of the ground., no meat is involved.
  • Linda Newton on Daniel 1 - 8 years ago
    What is this 'pulse' which Daniel says to eat?
  • Word on Daniel 1 - 8 years ago
    J.l.Gilone 2 Thess 2 the abomination is Satan coming as the Lamb but it's the dragon as instead of Christ or antichrist. 1st seal rider on a white horse looks just like Jesus with a crown and bow but check they are a fake crown

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