Discuss Daniel 1 Page 5

  • Robert Hartley on Daniel 1 - 10 years ago
    Daniel was a faithful servant.and God never abandon His people
  • Nicola on Daniel 1 - 10 years ago
    Daniel and his friend stood for God although they were taken away captives they still held firm to their trust and confidence in God God in return also distinguish them from all the others, granting them uncommon wisdom and favour in their captivity
  • Revelation Chic on Daniel 1 - 10 years ago
    Stand firm in GOD.
  • Harry Collins on Daniel 1 - 10 years ago
    Daniel and his friends proved that it is better to please God than to enjoy the pleasures in the king s palace.
  • JamesDaniel on Daniel 1 - 10 years ago
    As The Disciples wondered at The Living Christ defacto , in Matthew Chapter 24, they asked of HIM , about what specific things would mark the second coming...Sharpen Up..details are found in Chapters 9 through Chapter12 . The son of perdition reveals himself..IIThessalonians Chapter 2.
  • Rodger williamson on Daniel 1 - 10 years ago
    the book reflects how God never abandons those who stand firm in their relationship to,with and for Him
  • Mary on Daniel 1 - 10 years ago
  • Hariet on Daniel 1 - 10 years ago
    He should b every teens mentor
  • Josephine on Daniel 1 - 11 years ago
    In my understanding Daniel was very committed to prayer. His actions and even his very thoughts he wanted to be pleasing to God. Also Daniel was born to a Royal Family.
  • Onu Mary on Daniel 1:10 - 11 years ago
    Daniel chapter 1 :10 brings to light kind of authority a king wades during Daniel's era, hence the eunuch's fears. The entire chapter reveals the awesomeness God to make impossible situation possible
  • Guy on Daniel 1:10 - 11 years ago
    I do not fully understand the entire subject. God please give me better understanding toward your holy word!!
  • Netty gentles on Daniel 1:8 - 11 years ago
    David was a man of Gods own heart He dedicated himself to God in a very special way .He prays to God that he would deliver him he was delivered by God through the power of the Holy Spirit thanks be to God.All this can happen to us also if we do the same God always there to answer all our problems.
  • Joan mathews on Daniel 1:8 - 11 years ago
    'dare to be a daniel' should be told again and again to the youths in today's generation. Dare to standout and live a life worthy of God's pleasing
  • Minister Jones on Daniel 1 - 11 years ago
    Daniel was a man after gods own heart,
  • Rev. Eze Sunday Obioma on Daniel 1 - 11 years ago
    Daniel had this understanding, that saying yes to God meant saying no to devil and his associates. He stood his ground and rejected the king's meat. This wise decision attracted God's favor upon his life and his friend's.
  • Mduduzi on Daniel 1 - 11 years ago
    Be decisive, stand your ground and who you are and what you want. Daniel and his friends never douted God. They knew a will of God. They were not tempted to do or eat whatever is not in their line of belief. I think we in Christ should stand firm and word of God as a lamp to our path
  • Weda Brenda on Daniel 1 - 11 years ago
    Daniel was such a strong character,he stood firm even amidist temptations.
  • Abrahampraise on Daniel 1:8 - 11 years ago
    This book of daniel shd be a mst read to our politician to tel them dt even as a politician, u cn decide nt to defile urself jst d way daniel did as a politician in hs own time.....
  • Felipe R. Bustillo on Daniel 1 - 11 years ago
    In Daniel chapter 1 Daniel has a right stand in the word of God in his heart that anything can defile his faith and even his soul he will tend not to compromise with it. As christian we must have a good foundation from the word of God by studying your Bible.
  • Kathleen on Daniel 1:9 - 11 years ago
    he was tender and belove in the bosom of Jesus Christ the prince of the eunuchs. he never needed
    a woman. He is, was, and will always be God Almighty. repent and prepare yourself to make yourself ready for his return, one day soon.
  • Abimbola fowodu on Daniel 1 - 11 years ago
    Daniel and his friends knew God before they were brought to Babylon.They were taught the precept of the Word of God and they had the Word in their heart not their heads, no wonder when they got to the strange land, faraway from their homes and prying eyes of their parents and teachers they still held to their faith in God.They were not moved away because of the grandeur of the palace.Their God did not fail them.Parents should teach their children in the ways of the Lord, when they grow old they will not depart from it.
  • Valentina on Daniel 1 - 11 years ago
    Good thoughts Dave. I think a dcenet rule of thumb is to do a 4-6 week book series followed by a 4-6 week topical series. Of course, we can create a hybrid like Marriage and Family from an Ephesian Perspective. I probably would leave the Ephesian part off of the series title but maybe not. We have four kinds of listeners in the congregation, those who listen primarily with their heart, mind, soul, or strength (or for inspiration, information, reflection, or application respectively). While every sermon perhaps should aim to develop content that hits all of these listener preferences, it may be easier to focus an entire series on one of these every four months or to preach a four week series with a different primary target (ie, heart, mind, etc) each week.
  • DAVID O. JACOB on Daniel 1:8 - 11 years ago
  • Marvin Gikaru on Daniel 1 - 11 years ago
    the lord will surely elevate those who follow his teachings ...Even though the salvation journey is hard
  • David Russell on Daniel 1:8 - 11 years ago
    There was a reason why God favored these four men. They took a stand for God. The verse in the Bible which says 'Man shall not live by bread alone' was being practiced here. These men held God higher than anything else and thus God lifted them up higher than anyone in that land.
  • Temitope on Daniel 1 - 11 years ago
    The Kings palace then can be likened to our contemporary worldly universities where a lot of attrocities happen, where youths live carefreelives as if there is no God watching every actions of theirs, but daniel choose to remain faithful to God in that strange land. he refused to join the bad wagon of those days. This brings me to the conclusion that a righteous man is a man that has many ample opportunities to sin but permits God's grace to say no.
  • Toni on Daniel 1:8 - 11 years ago
    Daniel "purposed in his heart"... this is where it begins - in the heart. He made a conscious decision that he would not go as the world went and sin. It didn't matter that he was in a foreign place, Daniel made the choice to stand for the Lord God Almighty and keep the ways that pleased the Lord by not partaking of the idoloters' ways. We too have to come to that place and have that same determination, that we can't walk in the way of the world or partake in the sinful things that so many others partake in. It starts in our hearts. Each person who seeks God's grace and mercy, must have a heart to love Him and to please Him by seeking His Son Jesus - the way the truth and the life. Jesus is the Son of the living God and by Him we are saved.
  • Ifeoma Obilor on Daniel 1:8 - 11 years ago
    This was an opportunity for God to prove Himself to the world through His chosen four. Daniel had a strong enough faith even as a child to put God to the test. Do You??
  • Roger on Daniel 1 - 11 years ago
    After reading the entire book of Daniel, it seems to me that the first chapter is only an inrtoduction to what commitment, dedication and devotion required to endure to the end. As in the book of rev. "...He that endures to the end the same shall be saved." The question then becomes.Who should endure what and why? We should pay close attention to what JESUS SAID TO PILOT "MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD" Pilot had ask,"Are you a King?" But Pilot didn't get it. His concerns were only about the things of this world. Hense he did not know nor did he understand the things of the Spirit. If you know who you are in Christ Jesus then you will realize you will suffer rejection and persicution from the world. The history given by Danial of the wars from Medo-Persian Empires through the Greco, and Roman Empires all the way through to the end times are the events of the things of the world. Danial 7:27 says "And the Kingdom and dominion,and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven,shallbe given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him." Christ left no question about the distinction of His kingdom and the kingdom of the world. A Brother And Beleiver.Roger.
  • Robert Mathews on Daniel 1 - 11 years ago
    Daniel was one of the most faithful, integrity keepers in the Old Testament. I love the book of Daniel, because here is where the coming, and the preservation of God's Kingdom is precisely foretold besides the book of Isaih and Zechariah.

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