Discuss Daniel 3 Page 3

  • Bishop Mack on Daniel 3 - 6 years ago
    The Lord God reveals Himself to both (sinners and believers alike). He does not always use the same methods.
  • Timothy giles on Daniel 3 - 6 years ago
    when God reveals himself through an angel or something else ( burning bush) you will know him ,you have to be fervent in your prayers and know it is God you are talking too !
  • Marcus brazil on Daniel 3 - 6 years ago
    To Mike regarding Daniel 3:25. I know that most all the newer versions of the bible say the fourth man looks like the son of god. THAT is exactly ONE of the reasons for my question. The KJV, which is the most accurate reporting of God's word says the Son of God, which is obviously Jesus Christ which explains the capital S and G. The other versions do not identify the figure as accurately.
  • Bruce on Daniel 3 - 6 years ago
    Mike:The king said,The Fourth man looks like the son of god's(New American bible) That doesn't sound like an Angel.Verse 24 - 90 were added, It's the prayer of azariah. NAB stops at Verse 23 in The Book of Daniel, Adds the prayer, then Picks Back-up Again, at Verse 24 Which is now Verse 91. King James Bible did not Omit, The NAB Added 66 Verses
  • Marcus brazil on Daniel 3 - 6 years ago
    Daniel 3:25 tells us that the fourth figure in the furnace looked to be like Jesus. How did the king know what Jesus looked like??
  • Mike on Daniel 3 - 7 years ago
    The fourth man was The Angel of the Lord. The New American Bible makes this clear, but you can't tell from the KJV because a large section has been edited out.
  • Donna on Daniel 3 - 7 years ago
    Through all the mistakes King Neb did the Lord Thy YHWH still loved him. He gave him a heart of a beast and claws on his hands and feet and the dew from Heaven made his hair like eagles feathers and he ate grass for 7 years until King Neb confessed with his heart, mind that YHWH is the most High God over all. The Lord restored Him and have Him back his place and Kingdom what a lovely God we serve.
  • JOSH on Daniel 3 - 7 years ago
    I love how God used this opportunity to show how great and powerful he is ! king neb had gathered all kinds of people to bow down to his great statue and they did except the 3 Hebrew but ...all that were there witnessed the men not being burnt up imagine the curiosity it must have stirred in the hearts and minds of the non believers there. Talk about seizing the moment!
  • Carey on Daniel 3 - 7 years ago
    When you serve God and believe on his words
    No weapon form against you can hurst you. God have promise to protect his children and he came through . The great king saw for himself
    That indeed there is a God for all even for him .
  • Ann on Daniel 3 - 7 years ago
    The three Hebrew men were bold for the Lord. They did not allow the enemy to distract them from worshiping the true and living God.They refused to bow down and worship the idol god. The Lord said, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Nebuchadnezzar was convinced that God was real and powerful.The Lord will change the heart of the enemy.
  • Edna on Daniel 3 - 7 years ago
    Psalm 2 Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine vain thing.The kings of the earth setthemselves and rulers take counsel together againt The Lord and againt his anointed say lets break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.HE THAT SITTED IN HEAVENS SHALL LAUGH. THE SHALL HAVE THEM IN DERISION Daniel just show us what to take place soon Thank You LORD GOD ALMIGHT
  • Sylvia on Daniel 3 - 7 years ago
    Michael J. Larkin, The son of God was with God from the beginning of creation. Read Genesis chapter 1:26, LET US make man in our image.
  • Charley on Daniel 3 - 7 years ago
    exodus 20-2 thou shall not make unto thee any graven image
    thou shalt not bow to them nor serve them. 1cor 6-9 no idolatars
    will enter the kingdom of GOD.america is a idolatrous nation and
    so are many churches.repent and come to the real jesus christ
    for salvation. heaven to gain hell to shun
  • Claude Brown on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    God is God, they were prepared because of the trials and tribulations that they had coming up out of Jerusalem and their faith was in the only true God
  • Peter A. Okebukola on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    As he showed His power to king Nebuchadnezzar, our Great God of Heaven continues to manifest His greatness to this day. This is a signal to all people of the world that worship Jesus they must as not doing so qualifies them for the fiery furnace of hell.
  • Paula Everett on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    Daniel Chp. 3rd chapter: Gives us a God that honors obedience. These three now adults grew up in Babylon.They demonstrated Faithfulness from the beginning of their residency to a foreign land and foreign gods. They knew serving the one True God has always caused God to move on their behalf. They feared the God that is above all gods. They were witnesses of being in right with God never fails.
  • Ethel on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    Faith in GOD is the only cure. Everything else just mask it and then create other problems. anything
  • Ann on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    This is cool.
  • Dilip Hughonse on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    Have complete faith in the Lord and miracles happen.
    Our doubts block the flow of blessings from the Lord Jesus, the living God.
    Lack of complete faith in the Lord causes confusion and difficulties in our lives.
    The Lord is the healer and those who trust in His power get healed from mental and physical ailments.
  • Dilip Hughonse on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    Have complete faith in the Lord and miracles happen.
    Our doubts block the flow of blessings from the Lord Jesus, the living God.
    Lack of complete faith in the Lord causes confusion and difficulties in our lives.
    The Lord is the healer and those who trust in His power get healed from mental and physical ailments.
  • Michael J Larkin on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    In Daniel 4-25.
    How could the King say," The fourth look like the Son of God." If the Son of God hasn't come yet.
  • Rev -Wood on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    Some people are using Daniel chapter 3 as a cure all scripture. The whole lesson in Daniel Chapter 3 simply summed up is that if we would only trust and believe in God and truly understand that know good thing would he withhold from them that diligently seek Him. The problem is that few are seeking Him. I often say that we treat God like a spare tire!
  • BSP on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    In verses 16 through 18 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were not going to serve the king's God. They had strong faith and loyalty in their God and they were not going to compromise even when facing death.
  • Bud Whisler on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    Why is Daniel's Chapter 3 being advertised as a cure for diabetes and other diseases
  • Brian on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    I think that daniel know his God and no one could see that and that he kept on worshiping his LORD GOD in faith that nothing will happen to him
  • Devon on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    they walked up and down in the midst, supported and encouraged by the presence of the Son of God. How could Nebuchadnezzer identify the Son of God, when this was before Jesus's time?
  • Sabbath keeper and Wife on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    There are a lot of descriptive verses also describing people, all of them getting used to suddenly worshipping when music starts. Not from prayer, or the reading of Scripture. In this newer age type of worship, do you see any parallels? The ecumenical movement calls for all religions to come together any way they see fit, not through Jesus, like the Bible says, and all have music in common.
  • Irene123 on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    To Barbara on Dan. ch. 3 - AMEN! nor have a lot of us 'gone thru' anything - yet.
  • Barbara on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    NO matter how heavy your trial may be, if you keep your faith in GOD , HE WILL deliver you.
  • Esau Banda on Daniel 3 - 8 years ago
    I like verse 17 and 18. In summary of everything, my comment is: SERVING GOD PAYS!!!

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