Point 2: Conclusion. As with anything else we want to make our requests known to God ( Philippians 4:6). As far as personal requests go; of course God knows our needs before we ask so we can be as specific as needed to attempt to request what is in accordance with His will.
I started going through prayers from the beginning of scripture and got as far as Gideon's prayers. Hopefully I'll continue where I left off if it helpful to others. I should have noted that almost all if not all the prayers I have examined so far are for the benefit of others. Abraham prayed for Lot (at least prayer in terms of speaking with the Lord directly before the angels scouted out Sodom); and Isaac was found a wife and the prayers of Abraham's servant in the process were demonstrated. Later on we see Hannah's prayers for a son which were answered in due course. Later on in Psalms and prayers of David in particular we see personal requests in the anguish of persecution and also due to sin that resulted in collateral damage of misery . I think what we can take away here is that for the blessings and good things of this life it is prudent to focus on needs of others first. It is also helpful when we desire something for ourselves to have a brother or sister be a support so that when two or more pray together we can know the Lord is involved and present ( Matt. 18:20). That is of course important for us when we are struggling with sin as well; although such intercession seems to be foreign in the Old Testament prayers as it seems the Spirit wasn't working in the same capacity in that regard as it does today in the Church era. Perhaps Esther's prayers along with fasting to the king to save her people or Daniel's request to Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:27 was after prayer as mentioning turning from sin could have brought ire upon Daniel for insinuating such a thing to royalty.
Prayer should be as specific as needed; but open to His direction.
The book of Daniel is the key to end time prophesy.
Daniel's vision of four beasts concerning four kingdoms represents "the times of the Gentiles," Chapter 7
Daniel's vision of seventy weeks concerning the nation Israel, Chapter 9
The book of Daniel gives us a Preview of Israel in latter days; Great Tribulation; resurrections; rewards; final word about the end times, Chapter 12
The Book of Daniel. From Chapter 2, verse 4, through Chapter 7, Daniel is in Aramaic, the Gentile and diplomatic language of Daniel's day. (This portion has the Gentiles in focus.)
This section deals exclusively with "the times of the Gentiles." (PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE)
The remainder of the book correlates the nation Israel with this program. The Book of Daniel deals with Gentiles and Jews.
(The church is totally excluded.)
Daniel gives us a mathematical prophecy to the very day of the coming of our Lord in Daniel 9.
Also, Daniel 4 should humble any nation or individual. Daniel 4:34-37. Isn't it amazing how a gentile pagan king/ruler of the world can be humbled and write such a thing.
Nebuchadnezzar was just an instrument God used to judge his People. "Those that walk in pride he is able to abase"
Daniel 4:35 .... and God doeth according to HIS WILL in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and NONE can STAY his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou.
Romans 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the SAME LUMP, to make one vessel unto honour, and one vessel unto dishonour.
The dogs without are the vessels of DISHONOUR.
No man has a CHOICE of what he is, it's all GOD"S WORK.
There, but by the grace of GOD go I, a vessel of dishonour.
To continue. God Being altogether holy, everything about him is perfect and unmatched. All of His ways are perfect, without fault.
There is none alike Him, He is completely absolute in that there is no one Higher than Him in every aspect of his Being. He is the High and Lofty One and non other than Him to rival Him. He is the Most High. No one can rival Him. Lucifer sinned in thinking he could rival and displace God, He had too low of a view of God, which is sinful in itself. Let us have a High view of God. He and He alone is One Who sits enthroned on high ( Ps. 113:5) ( Daniel 4:17 says The Most High is sovereign over all. He is the source of holiness. ( lev. 20:8) His name is Holy Is. 57:15) and we are not to profane His holy name. Lev. 22:32
1 Sam.2:2
Is. 5:18; 6:3 46:9; 47:8
Ps. 77:18; 111:19
Jesus is the Holy One, the Spirit of God is Holy, the Father is Holy. It is their nature. Our God is Holy, let us worship Him in the beauty of His holiness. His holiness is majestic ( Ex. 15:11), splendid ( Ps. 29:2)
Sometimes we fail to address God properly in our sinfulness. But He has bent low for us in Christ to save us. We can also not appreciate his holy pureness by thinking that He is like us when we have weaknesses, when we laugh at things that are not pure, when we peek at what is sinful, when we speak of Him as less than He truly is. So, for me, I desire to keep in mind and heart the greatness of His holiness. appreciate that He will always do right and will excuse sin as simply an error or mistake or accident, and that He will create in me a greater love for what is holy and hatred for what is evil. I desire to love this about Him: He is holy.
God has dominion over all things. He allows things to occur that are sinful, but does not lose control of anything. He determines boundaries of nations, natural things like the sea, and the rise and fall of kingdoms, governments, and peoples. Nothing gets "out of hand" for Him. he can bring glory out of dire circumstances, preservation in trials, blessing where things around are falling apart, and can humble whomever He wishes. Job 26 speaks of His dominion. Ephesians Ch. 1:19-22 tells us that God has dominion over ALL things in Christ, having put all powers under His feet.
Daniel 4:2-3 says:
"I though it good to shew the signs and wonders that the high God hath wrought towards me. How great are His signs! and how mighty are His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation (for all time and eternity).
Also see, Daniel 7:14
God has always existed. He, Himself is the only Self-Existing One (I Am Who I Am) His Essence is Life and Eternal Existence. he does not drive His life nor His existence from outside of Himself and it was never created. He just IS, period. Therefore, he cannot have a beginning nor end, But is, Himself ETERNITY. There is no aspect of eternity that is not God. Our eternal life is given to us by God as we live IN Him. And once we receive His Eternal Life it is Everlasting like He is. The difference in our existence from His is that we have a beginning and our life came from Him. The difference in our eternity is that we cannot have Eternal Life apart from Him. From everlasting to everlasting He is God ( Neh. 9:5; Is. 40:28; Hab Gen. 1:12
God is the Eternal God, Gen. 21:33; Jer. 10:10; Ps.93:2
His ways are eternal-Hab.3:6. See 1 Tim. 1:17. He is the true God and eternal life- 1 Jn. 5:20.
How comforting it is to now that we will never be without God!
I agree! Daniel and many prophets and Apostles were a instrument for the Lord.
They gave God glory, God worked mightily through them.
Israel was and still is an Instrument for the Lord, and their tune is not done playing!
It's going to come a time when the world will see the glory of God through them again instead of despising them. Jeremiah 16:14-15.
Much of the church today is antisemitic because lack of knowledge of the word of God.
Some say the teaching of the Talmud is the primary writings for all of Israel since the Babylonian and it teaches the Israelites to murder kill and hate other people but I don't hold that view and the Bible doesn't teach it.
They also had the writings of Moses as seen in Nehemiah 8:3-18.
The Jews was told to be separated from the world and the world hated them as well as today, including many false Christians.
When Israel left Babylon they had the same writtings that clearly tells them in Leviticus 19:33-34 not to oppress the stranger.
They all didn't do that, But we don't focus on the ethnic group, we focus on the remnant.
Israel history wasn't perfect and neither was the Church!
Today we are not perfect!
Our nation is not perfect! I've seen these same people that criticize Israel but yet by their own mouth, Justify slavery in our Country!
They must consider Matthew 7:1-2."Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
If we read Ezekiel 16:1-63
We will see the sin of Israel. They married/Joined themselves to the Spirit of the World as we have done as well.
So the holocaust and there history of turmoil was them departing the God that Provides.
Daniel gave a great example how to rise in to world powers and not conform to their culture.
Nineveh and Babylon appear to be two nations that had a wholesale turn toward God; initiated in both cases by the rulers at hand.
Sackcloth and ashes were worn by the King in the first example; along with a mandatory fast. In the second case; it appears that
Nebuchadnezzar may have recognized God's power in his declaration of Daniel 3:29; as to not saying anything against God; but his own personal understanding appears to have come later as predicted in Daniel 4:25. In our nation revivals in the 1700s seemed to eclipse even George Washington's noteriety with individuals like Whitfield and similar things happened in Europe with the Wesleyan revival.
In both cases from scripture we see the ruler being warned about sin; with Jonah it was just a general declaration of judgment to come; with Nebuchadnezzar a direct plea from Daniel in Daniel 4:27 to turn from sin was given. I believe the same thing
happened with a challenge to a President in our country in the 1800s; maybe someone has that information here.
Proverbs 14:34 explains how sin is a reproach to any nation; which is contrasted by righteousness exalting a nation in the first part of the verse. Truly a nation is made up of individuals; hance as someone comes to faith it may change the balance to
forestall judgment for a time. As with nations; individuals also can extend their lives ( 2 Kings 20:6); and the wicked as a
principle will not live out half their days ( Psalm 55:23). Nahum shows how judgment was only forestalled and delayed not averted; and we can read the rest of Jeremiah to see how Babylon fared; with an end time parallel in Revelation 18.
As we see from the above examples; righteous leadership can bring benefits to all; even if not all individuals are actually saved.
The same principle applies with the wheat and the tares in churches. Some only secretly desire worldly comforts or prestige who surround themselves around repentant saints.
"you don't know why I would bring up this matter, as it pertains to our discussion. When in Truth, it reaches to the very heart of it.
Going to the letter, in Hebrew or Greek etc; as you quoted & spoke from, comes from the traditions & teaching of man, the wisdom that's from below, earthy, which makes Mark 7:13, which sprang up in the Apostasy. Isa 55:8,9;
Whereas coming to the Spirit, our Teacher; The Word Rom 10:8; that comes Rom 10:17; within us, produces the fruit, the Word intended Isa 55;11; Isa 14:27;
Bringing this part of the conversation to a conclusion, by giving "the cause & effect of the learning from the letter, verses being taught by God Himself.
1Cor 2:10 which is freely & lavishly given unto us in Christ. Col 2:2,3; Proverbs 8:14;
You said; you don't subscribe to this type of application of sanctification ; citing verses with the word meaning; its plain to me that your faith is coming from books, & not our Teacher; who is Hebrews 12:2. Your trying to understand spiritual things by carnal means, Thus this faith you have is 2Timothy 3:7 Meaning; it will never bring one to the experiential knowledge of God; in Spirit & in Truth. Matt 11:27; For God is a Spirit & only by His Spirit is He manifested & known.
Jeremiah 31:33,34; New Covenant, he's prophesying, not that he partook of it, 1Peter 1:10; & yet he was cleansed & holy under the gospel of his dispensation 2 Peter 1:21; as many were Luke 1:5,6;
Again; what God requires of us, is to walk upright in the knowledge that He has given us.
Thank you for your kind apology, no offense taken, just a misunderstanding. Believe me, in this slow progressive work of sanctification, I've have had many misunderstanding & faltering, receiving His reproofs & admonishments, I've learnt Daniel 4:37; I love the way He gets to me. He always "hit the nail on the head" so to speak,& why? Daniel 2:22, Psalms 36:9;
you have experience Him in Spirit, Chris (in the car)
Daniel 4:35 ...and he doeth according to HIS WILL in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, and NONE can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?
Isaiah 55:8 .... your ways are not my ways ......
Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, a TIME to every PURPOSE under heaven .....
We don't know why God does what he does, what we do know is when he has put ALL THINGS under Christ:
Yet, after writing all that, my main point in this refers to the accuracy of the KJB in Daniel 3:25. Disregarding the kings, even their beliefs, how does the LORD permit 'Son of God' to be written, yet allow 'spirit of the gods' in another passage? And we can't appeal to one king being moved by seeing a fourth being in the furnace (also Daniel 4:8,9), & the other king a non-believer speaking in Daniel 5:14. If the Bible is to reflect the Son & Spirit of God in these passages, then the wording must be consistent & not according to people's beliefs.
You wrote, "These were his gods. That explains why Belshazzar said "the spirit of the gods"". Then if this is true here, then it must be true in Daniel 3:25 (i.e. it should read 'son of the gods', since Nebuchadnezzar exclaimed what he knew at the time, that this being appeared to be a son (or angel) of one of his gods). As well, in Daniel 4:8,9, Nebuchadnezzar should not have then appealed to the 'spirit of his gods' if he believed that it was indeed the 'Son of God' in the furnace. Even if he was unsure about these divine manifestations, at least there should have been consistency with the KJB translators (either, 'Son & Spirit', or 'son & spirit). Here then is the inconsistency which hasn't been properly dealt with. Blessings.
Thank you Jimbob. I went through your comment & the Scriptures you provided & found no reason to fault it. Even where the Scripture shows that Nebuchadnezzar praised the God of Heaven, "Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase" ( Daniel 4:37) can indicate that he turned aside completely from his gods to serve the Living God. Therefore, I remarked that one's belief to whether he fully believed in the True God, or just lifted Him up to a higher position in his mind & worship, remains 'one's personal interpretation of that passage'.
We don't get any further explanation or detail to show his disregarding his other gods. And why I bring this to question is that, from my personal knowledge of another similar religion that has a multiplicity of gods, as well as giving greater honor to one (or some) of them, they also don't have any problem in adding another god into that mix. When a Hindu hears of the True God & His Son, maybe even receiving some 'blessing' as a result of a Christian's message or prayers for them, they can often place an image of 'Jesus' alongside other images of their deities in their puja (worship) room in their home. They will definitely give praise & worship to Jesus, probably based on what they've received or hope to further gain, but clearly are far from true knowledge & saving faith & likely never to leave their other gods to serve the True One. You may well be correct that the king truly believed, but that matter in my mind, remains open to where his heart truly was, given his position & power in an idolatrous society; in other words, how long can a regent last who commands that only the God of Heaven be worshiped by all his subjects?
Indeed GiGi. Even though, as I've learned, that in Hebrew, even a plural word doesn't always imply plurality, but the word must also be seen in context of the verse or passage. As in Genesis 1:1: some might maintain that 'Elohim' here must refer to other gods apart from Yahweh - but the context of the whole passage speaks about a single God Who created & spoke into being all things. So 'Elohim' is both a single & plural word of 'God, gods, judges, rulers, etc.'; then we can know who is being spoken about as we connect the word with the rest of the passage. Then in Daniel 3:25, alongwith the other references I gave in that Book, it indicates that in context with the beliefs & understandings of the Babylonians, they can't have normally envisaged a single Almighty God to the rejection of their own gods. But as we go through the Book of Daniel, we do see instances where Nebuchadnezzar relented, as far as acknowledging the greatness & power of Daniel's God against his own gods (e.g. Daniel 2:47; Daniel 3:26,28; Daniel 4:37; etc.).
And I saw your other post, about you leaving on your short holiday to Arizona. Have a safe & lovely time with your friend - I'm sure you would have wanted to have a longer time away. We have friends in Bullhead City, just across from the Nevada border - and we spent some time with them a while ago, before Covid struck, traveling together in that great State. My prayers are with you & your dear husband left on his own. And what a great opportunity you had to minister to that couple who missed their bus - may the Lord take them further in their journey in life, experiencing what great things God can do for them & in them. Blessings.
Hello Jimbob. If I might slip a spanner in the works here in regard to Daniel 3:25: would you consider Daniel 5:14 please? "I have even heard of thee, that the spirit of the gods is in thee, and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in thee." My question to you is: does this verse trouble you some? Should not the LORD God have allowed "the SPIRIT of God" be written here in the KJB? Yet in Hebrew, it is 'ruah elahin' (spirit of (the) gods).
Likewise, in Daniel 3:25, "He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God"; in Hebrew, it is 'bar elahin' (son of (the) gods). And particularly in the Book of Daniel, this is not uncommon where Nebuchadnezzar & the Chaldeans are seen referring to 'gods' (i.e. the deities that he believed had divine manifestations): see Daniel 2:11,47; Daniel 4:8,9,18; Daniel 5:11,14.
Therefore, I submit that what we see here in Daniel, are the beliefs that the king had in respect to deities. Not only to the 'gods' but also to the 'spirit of the gods' & the 'son of the gods'. In these portions, these are not God's Words related to us, but Nebuchadnezzar's & they must reflect his belief & understanding. But when we get to Daniel 3:28, we read that Nebuchadnezzar at last realized that this wasn't a 'son of the gods', in the furnace, but that the One & True God (the God of Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego) had sent His angel to deliver these faithful men.
Now the question: was this angel indeed the pre-incarnate Jesus, or were the translators exercising some liberty to show that it was the Son of God? I believe that the NIV & other translations are correct here as both the Hebrew & the context of Nebuchadnezzar's beliefs & words portray what he saw in the furnace as 'one sent from the deities'. If we then choose to read that Jesus was present there & not an angel, then that belief must be a personal choice.
He doesn't cause everyone to believe at the same time.
Paul didn't believe until God caused him to believe.
Everything has an APPOINTED TIME; it the works of God, his timetable.
He chose Jacob; and not Esau, before they were ever conceived.
Hebrews 11:20 By faith (by the spirit of Christ) Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau, concerning THINGS TO COME.
Jacob; the last, was given dominion over the first.
Genesis 27:37
The first born of flesh is not always the first born of spirit.
Matthew 19:30 ... The first shall be last and the last first ....
After the second resurrection, when Esau stands in his former estate, his flesh, he will be caused to believe and the yoke will be broken from his neck.
Genesis 27:40
All things were maded new by Christ resurrection, but all things have an appoint time to come to TRUTH.
Romans 9:21 Hath not the potter POWER over the clay, of the same lump, to make one a vessel of HONOUR, and the other a vessel of DISHONOUR?
Daniel 4:35 And all the inhabitants of the world are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, and NONE can stay his hand, or say unto him, what doest thou?
Jeremiah 18:4 And the vessel he made of clay was MARRED in the potter's hand, so he MADE it again ....
Psalms 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit (when he chooses to do so), they are CREATED and thou renewest the face of the earth.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
Psalms 123:2 ...so our eyes wait upon the lord, UNTIL he have mercy upon us ....
NOT YET are ALL THINGS put under him; BUT, when they are, God will be ALL IN ALL.
Daniel 4:35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, nor say unto him, What doest thou?
Man is God's INSTRUMENTS, he does all the WORK'S of God through man.
Man just does not have the KNOWLEDGE to believe God is doing EVERYTHING, through man.
Philippians 2:13 For it is God that worketh IN YOU both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.
Jeremiah 51:20 Thou (man) are MY (God's) weapons of WAR ......
Isaiah 10:5 O Assyrian, the rod (weapon) of MY (God) anger, and the staff (weapon) in thy hand is MY (GOD) indignation ...
Isaiah 45:1 ...to Cyrus, whose right hand I (God) have holden, to SUBDUE NATIONS .....
Daniel 4:34 ..... and MY UNDERSTANDING RETURNED .....
Daniel 4:35 ....and he (God) doeth according to HIS (God) WILL ..... among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?
God had a purpose for Aaron, also a purpose for those that perished, Aaron also DIED, just a differennt APPOINTED time.
God knows what he is doing and EVIL always works to GOOD.
Genesis 50:20 ....you thought EVIL against me, but God meant it for GOOD ..... to keep many people ALIVE .....
Judas betrayed Christ; EVIL, the Father meant that betrayal for GOOD: to keep all people ALIVE in Christ Jesus ....
Hosea 4:6 My people perish FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE .....
Interestingly, after studying scripture I've noticed, GOD gave mankind dominion, on Earth. Genesis 1:26,27,28, GOD didn't take that dominion away, people have misused their powers. They/we will all give account: Revelation 1:5-8, Romans 14:12, Daniel 4:3,34, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 18,
Jesus was here to show us how to bring His Kingdom the Kingdom of GOD on Earth, with Love, John 3:16-21, John 13:34, Romans 12:10, 1John 4:7,12, 1Peter 3:8, John 15:17, James 2:13-17, Luke 13:34,
one day all dominion will go to Christ: 1Corinthians 15:20-28, Romans 16:20,
Galatians 4:1-8, Colossians 3:21,
Matthew 20:25-28, Ephesians 1, (whole chapters) 1Peter 4, Jude 1,
Jesus gave all that believe in him, authority under heaven: from GOD ALMIGHTY: Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 6, Luke 11, Mark 3:15, Acts 4:30,31, Luke 9:2,
We all have power in the natural if even just to comfort someone else, & as we grow in faith, supernatural power in prayer, through GOD & Christ Jesus our Savior.
Generation as described biblically: Please read = Genesis 7:1, Ecclesiastes 1:4, Lamentations 5:19, Daniel 4:3, Matthew 1,
In comparison to your example of Noah- Exodus 20:1-5, Exodus 34:7, Numbers 14:18, Deuteronomy 2:14, Judges 2:10, 2Kings 10:30, 2Kings 15:12, Hebrews 3, Luke 1:50, Psalms 102:18, John 17,
Prophetic about Jesus & other generations- Proverbs 30:12,13,14, Isaiah 53:8, Matthew 11,
Acts 6:8 And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.
Acts 7:55 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
As you said Brother Jesse "Under the influence of God's Spirit, it is fascinating how people can function in various situations.
Apart from God's spirit we would be on the other side of the stoning.
Acts 6:8 and throughout ch 7 you see a God's spirit filled vessel emphasized in the power of Stephen.
And in Daniel 4:1-37 you see the humbling record of King Nebuchadnezzar by the Lord.
"Let his heart be changed from man's, and let a beast's heart be given unto him; and let seven times pass over him. Daniel 4:16.
"The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty? Daniel 4:30.
While the word was in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.
And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. Daniel 4:31-32.
"Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase. Daniel 4:37.
The Holyspirit is powerful, mysterious, and always active in diverse ways.
Chris gave a good answer, I'd like to add to the discussion. Please note the verse right before, Jeremiah 29:11, Jeremiah 29:10, sometimes we want GOD to change our situations "right now", sometimes HE does, but I believe this promise, is for GOD's people when we need the encouragement for the troubled times & endurance in longer seasons. Notice in Daniel, he & his companions had went through many difficult moments but GOD in miraculous ways delivered them, protected them & even encouraged them. I believe it was after Daniel was thrown in the lions den that he fasted & humbly prayed about the promise made in Jeremiah 29:10,11, Daniel 9:1,2,3, still waiting on that promise of 70 years,
note Daniel 6:1,2,3, (for why I place the timing, seemingly after lions den) the noted scriptures referring to about Daniel's encouragement, & companions, some say "the greater the trial the greater the miraculous": Daniel 1:8,9,17, Daniel 2:12,13,17,23Daniel 3:12-27, Daniel 4:19,24,25, Daniel 5, Daniel 6:7,10,16,22,28, Daniel 9:23, Daniel 10:11,12,18, Daniel 11:1,
Luke 10:19, there are moments that are painful but when we look at Salvation, the pruning, witness to strengthen the Body of Believers, then we realize it didn't "hurt us".
I hope these scriptures give you strength & hope= 1Peter 4:12,13, 2Corinthians 1:3-7, John 15:1-2, 1Corinthians 4:5, 2Corinthians 3:2, Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:3, 2Timothy 2:10, Psalms 30:5,
Endure even undue trials= 2Timothy 2:3, 2Timothy 4:5, remember Timothy was with Paul in ministry during persecution. 1Peter 2:19, Mark 13:13, James 5:10,11,
Wes gave a wise answer on Christmas. Exodus 23:8, Deuteronomy 16:19, Ecclesiastes 7:7, may The HOLY Spirit teach us. John 14:26
I love to celebrate Christmas, I really enjoy the lights, the focus on our Savior. The generosity in the season. Christmas is a time of year, people remember more their fellow man, needs & wants of others. Christmas time reminds us of the joys of giving & putting smiles on others faces, teaching by love & kindnesses. Surprising a person with anonymous unexpected gifts, giving hope to people in desperation, food, clothing, volunteering, etc. warms their hearts, body & soul & sometimes gives them hope for a better ' tomorrow '. Christmas is the time of year people are more willing to receive from a Christian.....
We as Believers have an open door at Christmas unlike any other time of the year, to show the World who Jesus is, who the Church is.
When we remember those most "forgotten by others" showing them, they are not forgotten by GOD, it's amazing how even those around them are affected.
This Christmas season we really have a moment to help comfort, our nations with love, giving hope through the WORD, to poor in spirit & helping heal wounds. There is much we can give this year, for those in need. I pray GOD lead us even now, to start the giving season early. Romans 6:23, 2Corinthians 1:4, Proverbs 15:23,
The Earth is The LORD's & the fulness thereof! Psalms 24:1, Daniel 7:13-14, Romans 6:9,
Dominion GOD gave to mankind. Genesis 1:26,27,28,
War in Heaven: cast out, Revelation 12:7-17, persecution but not dominion, John 8:42-44, Revelation 20:7-15, Please read all of Chapter for context. Revelation 13, Revelation 20, deceiver like Genesis 3, James 4,
Psalms 145:1-13, Daniel 4:2,3,34, Daniel 6:26, Ephesians 1:17-23, Ephesians 6:11-18,
The Jesuits were not founded until the 1500s, some involve the Jesuits with end-time teaching, with the black Pope, and more, and their past is not filled with a lot of good. The Sabbath is the seventh day, keeping the Sabbath is more than going to a church on that day, Exodus 20:8-11.
Constantine created the earliest Sunday law known to history in 321A.D. The main reason was the conflicts between the Jews and the Christians and since the pagans did their thing on Sunday. Constantine claimed to be Christian, but this law does not read like it.
"On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country, however, persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits: because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain sowing or for vine planting: lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost". Codex Justinianus, lib. 3, tit. 12, 3.
Council of Laodicea -364 AD named Sunday the Lord's Day. One reason was to stop the Sabbath-keeping tendencies in the Eastern Roman Empire. The Council of Laodicea produced sixty rulings, or canons, covering a broad range of topics and punishments.
Many worship on Sunday because the day Jesus resurrected was on the first day of the week and some on Saturday. We are also told not to judge, Colossians 2:16 read all of chapter 2. Every day is a good day to worship in the spirit and truth, John 4:23-24.
Some point to the phrase "four corners of the earth" that appear in the Bible. Isaiah 11:12Revelation 7:1, and Daniel 4:11 is said the earth would have to be flat to see the tree, and more, but even if people in the past believed the earth was flat, in my opinion, the Bible does not teach that.
Make ye mention to the nations; behold, publish against Jerusalem, that watchers come from a far country, and give out their voice against the cities of Judah.
Daniel 4:17
This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
Watcher is a type of biblical angel. Watcher occurs in both plural and singular forms in the Book of Daniel, where reference is made to their holiness.
The APOCRYPHA of Enoch refer to both good and bad Watchers, with a primary focus on the rebellious ones.
"In the Book of Enoch, the watchers are angels dispatched to Earth to watch over the humans. They soon begin to LUST for human women and, at the prodding of their leader Samyaza, defect en masse to illicitly instruct humanity and procreate among them.
They created Human/Angel Hybrids called the Nephilim. Fallen Ones - Watchers. They are real and they were wiped out by the Flood in Noah's time.
They aren't mentioned anymore after the narrative that they created giants after lusting after women.
If you go to the book of Enoch, they are imprisoned.
Daniel 1:1-3, as promised in Jeremiah, & other Old Testament books, if Israel didn't turn from : Exodus 22:22, Jeremiah 7:6, Jeremiah 23:3, Zechariah 7:10-14, Isaiah 1:17, warned & warned & warned by GOD through HIS prophets, Malachi 3:5, 2Kings 20:17-18, promised it would happen. Jeremiah 52:26-34,
Daniel 1:4, the children taken capacity,
Daniel 1:5-16, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, & some of Exodus covers the foods that Jewish children were by GOD's Laws not suppose to eat, it was wisdom
Daniel 1:17-21 stood before the king, seems to say they stood by the king in service & advisers.
Daniel 2,
1st let's look at threat Daniel 2:5, if he had made all the young boys eunuchs & Jeremiah 52, would have caused fear.
Daniel 2:1-13, just like Daniel 1:20, shows that king was seeking every type of teaching but they all fail
Daniel 2:14-24, GOD ALMIGHTY is Awesome & amazing!! Psalms 44:22,
Daniel 2:25-26, sad reminder that Daniel was of the captives of Judah, also the king had changed his name. (significantly there are Babylonian records with that name so it's interesting it's noted in Bible)
Daniel 2:27-30 :to GOD be the Glory
Daniel 2:31-45 the dream of the king & interpretation , with much symbolism
Daniel 2:46,48, different later, Daniel tells that king's son, no: Daniel 5:17,
Daniel 2:47 Glory to GOD
Daniel 2:49, interesting note of favor also seen in chapter 1,
Daniel 3, looks like the king misunderstood or took that "gold" interpretation out of context from symbolic "golden head" from dream Daniel 2:31,32,38,
Daniel 3:6 threats again, & rage Daniel 3:13,19,20,21,22,23
Daniel 3:8,12,16,17,18 just like Daniel 1, didn't want to turn from GOD's Laws
Daniel 3:24-27 GOD's amazing deliverance
Daniel 3:28 to GOD be Glory
Yet threats again of brutal violence Daniel 3:29,
Daniel 3:30 promotion again, through obedience to GOD
Daniel 4, told through that king when GOD humbled him,
If we're just going by what is written in this Biblical translation, it appears the chronological order is Daniel 1 being account of capture & being taught in the ways of the "Chaldeans". I likewise was studying Daniel recently & found interesting how the books are like that.
Daniel 1:1, Daniel 2:1, dates of significant recognition. 2 Kings 24:1-2,
Historical insight 2 Kings 24:3-16, this appears to be the time that brought Daniel & his friends into that place of capacity. Note they left the poor in the land 2 Kings 24:14,17,18 which may explain the historical reference mentioned by other comment. 2 Kings 25:8-12,
Stated 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar._._.
Please note Daniel 4:6-9,18, Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged Daniel as "knowing the spirit of the holy" GOD was in him, therefore it shows Chpt 4 being after the first interpretation. Daniel 4:29, Daniel 4:23,
Daniel 5:11, Daniel 5:20-22, Daniel 5:31, Daniel 6:28,
Please note Daniel 7:1 it goes back to time of Daniel 5. Daniel 4, to Daniel 2, In some ways, not in the same vision but the statement in Daniel 2:47, So consistantly Daniel jumps back into moments within previous Chapters to add additional situations within those time frames
Daniel 1:20, chapter 2, could also explain this statement of why Daniel 1:20, states that.
Brother David, God is SOVERIEGN he does not allow anything HE is the CAUSE of everything.
Daniel 4:35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and GOD DOETH ACCORDING TO HIS WILL in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, and NONE CAN STAY HIS HAND, or say unto him, What doest thou?
Did he allow Satan to be created, or did God create Satan?
Isaiah 54:16 ....I have created the waster to destroy.
Does God allow evil, or is he the cause of evil to be used for HIS PURPOSE?
Jeremiah 23:12 ...and I WILL bring evil upon them.
Brother Robert, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.
Romans 9:17 The scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might show my power unto thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
God is sovereign and RULES over his creation.
Everything happening every moment is HIS work, showing man his power that his name might be declared throughout the earth.
This was the same thing happening when he CAUSED the demons to go into the swine, THAT HIS POWER and HIS NAME might be declared throughout the earth.
The word of God, is speaking to the person, reading the words, we should put OUR NAME in place of the name he is speaking to.
Romans 9:17 The scripture SAITH UNTO ROBERT, even for this same purpose have I raised thee up ROBERT, that I might show my power unto thee ROBERT, and ROBERT that my name might be declared throughout the earth.
Daniel 4:34 And at the end of the days I ROBERT lifted up my eyes into heaven, and ROBERTS understanding returned to ROBERT, and ROBERT blessed the most high, and ROBERT praised and honour him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation.
Daniel 4:35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and GOD DOTH ACCORDING TO HIS WILL in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, and NONE CAN STAY HIS HAND, or say unto him, What doest thou?
Point 2: Conclusion. As with anything else we want to make our requests known to God ( Philippians 4:6). As far as personal requests go; of course God knows our needs before we ask so we can be as specific as needed to attempt to request what is in accordance with His will.
I started going through prayers from the beginning of scripture and got as far as Gideon's prayers. Hopefully I'll continue where I left off if it helpful to others. I should have noted that almost all if not all the prayers I have examined so far are for the benefit of others. Abraham prayed for Lot (at least prayer in terms of speaking with the Lord directly before the angels scouted out Sodom); and Isaac was found a wife and the prayers of Abraham's servant in the process were demonstrated. Later on we see Hannah's prayers for a son which were answered in due course. Later on in Psalms and prayers of David in particular we see personal requests in the anguish of persecution and also due to sin that resulted in collateral damage of misery . I think what we can take away here is that for the blessings and good things of this life it is prudent to focus on needs of others first. It is also helpful when we desire something for ourselves to have a brother or sister be a support so that when two or more pray together we can know the Lord is involved and present ( Matt. 18:20). That is of course important for us when we are struggling with sin as well; although such intercession seems to be foreign in the Old Testament prayers as it seems the Spirit wasn't working in the same capacity in that regard as it does today in the Church era. Perhaps Esther's prayers along with fasting to the king to save her people or Daniel's request to Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:27 was after prayer as mentioning turning from sin could have brought ire upon Daniel for insinuating such a thing to royalty.
Prayer should be as specific as needed; but open to His direction.
The book of Daniel is the key to end time prophesy.
Daniel's vision of four beasts concerning four kingdoms represents "the times of the Gentiles," Chapter 7
Daniel's vision of seventy weeks concerning the nation Israel, Chapter 9
The book of Daniel gives us a Preview of Israel in latter days; Great Tribulation; resurrections; rewards; final word about the end times, Chapter 12
The Book of Daniel. From Chapter 2, verse 4, through Chapter 7, Daniel is in Aramaic, the Gentile and diplomatic language of Daniel's day. (This portion has the Gentiles in focus.)
This section deals exclusively with "the times of the Gentiles." (PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE)
The remainder of the book correlates the nation Israel with this program. The Book of Daniel deals with Gentiles and Jews.
(The church is totally excluded.)
Daniel gives us a mathematical prophecy to the very day of the coming of our Lord in Daniel 9.
Also, Daniel 4 should humble any nation or individual. Daniel 4:34-37. Isn't it amazing how a gentile pagan king/ruler of the world can be humbled and write such a thing.
Nebuchadnezzar was just an instrument God used to judge his People. "Those that walk in pride he is able to abase"
This goes for Indvidual's as well as nations.
God bless.
Daniel 4:35 .... and God doeth according to HIS WILL in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and NONE can STAY his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou.
Romans 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the SAME LUMP, to make one vessel unto honour, and one vessel unto dishonour.
The dogs without are the vessels of DISHONOUR.
No man has a CHOICE of what he is, it's all GOD"S WORK.
There, but by the grace of GOD go I, a vessel of dishonour.
There is none alike Him, He is completely absolute in that there is no one Higher than Him in every aspect of his Being. He is the High and Lofty One and non other than Him to rival Him. He is the Most High. No one can rival Him. Lucifer sinned in thinking he could rival and displace God, He had too low of a view of God, which is sinful in itself. Let us have a High view of God. He and He alone is One Who sits enthroned on high ( Ps. 113:5) ( Daniel 4:17 says The Most High is sovereign over all. He is the source of holiness. ( lev. 20:8) His name is Holy Is. 57:15) and we are not to profane His holy name. Lev. 22:32
1 Sam.2:2
Is. 5:18; 6:3 46:9; 47:8
Ps. 77:18; 111:19
Jesus is the Holy One, the Spirit of God is Holy, the Father is Holy. It is their nature. Our God is Holy, let us worship Him in the beauty of His holiness. His holiness is majestic ( Ex. 15:11), splendid ( Ps. 29:2)
Sometimes we fail to address God properly in our sinfulness. But He has bent low for us in Christ to save us. We can also not appreciate his holy pureness by thinking that He is like us when we have weaknesses, when we laugh at things that are not pure, when we peek at what is sinful, when we speak of Him as less than He truly is. So, for me, I desire to keep in mind and heart the greatness of His holiness. appreciate that He will always do right and will excuse sin as simply an error or mistake or accident, and that He will create in me a greater love for what is holy and hatred for what is evil. I desire to love this about Him: He is holy.
For "D" I think of DOMINION"
God has dominion over all things. He allows things to occur that are sinful, but does not lose control of anything. He determines boundaries of nations, natural things like the sea, and the rise and fall of kingdoms, governments, and peoples. Nothing gets "out of hand" for Him. he can bring glory out of dire circumstances, preservation in trials, blessing where things around are falling apart, and can humble whomever He wishes. Job 26 speaks of His dominion. Ephesians Ch. 1:19-22 tells us that God has dominion over ALL things in Christ, having put all powers under His feet.
Daniel 4:2-3 says:
"I though it good to shew the signs and wonders that the high God hath wrought towards me. How great are His signs! and how mighty are His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation (for all time and eternity).
Also see, Daniel 7:14
God has always existed. He, Himself is the only Self-Existing One (I Am Who I Am) His Essence is Life and Eternal Existence. he does not drive His life nor His existence from outside of Himself and it was never created. He just IS, period. Therefore, he cannot have a beginning nor end, But is, Himself ETERNITY. There is no aspect of eternity that is not God. Our eternal life is given to us by God as we live IN Him. And once we receive His Eternal Life it is Everlasting like He is. The difference in our existence from His is that we have a beginning and our life came from Him. The difference in our eternity is that we cannot have Eternal Life apart from Him. From everlasting to everlasting He is God ( Neh. 9:5; Is. 40:28; Hab Gen. 1:12
God is the Eternal God, Gen. 21:33; Jer. 10:10; Ps.93:2
His ways are eternal-Hab.3:6. See 1 Tim. 1:17. He is the true God and eternal life- 1 Jn. 5:20.
How comforting it is to now that we will never be without God!
I agree! Daniel and many prophets and Apostles were a instrument for the Lord.
They gave God glory, God worked mightily through them.
Israel was and still is an Instrument for the Lord, and their tune is not done playing!
It's going to come a time when the world will see the glory of God through them again instead of despising them. Jeremiah 16:14-15.
Much of the church today is antisemitic because lack of knowledge of the word of God.
Some say the teaching of the Talmud is the primary writings for all of Israel since the Babylonian and it teaches the Israelites to murder kill and hate other people but I don't hold that view and the Bible doesn't teach it.
They also had the writings of Moses as seen in Nehemiah 8:3-18.
The Jews was told to be separated from the world and the world hated them as well as today, including many false Christians.
When Israel left Babylon they had the same writtings that clearly tells them in Leviticus 19:33-34 not to oppress the stranger.
They all didn't do that, But we don't focus on the ethnic group, we focus on the remnant.
Israel history wasn't perfect and neither was the Church!
Today we are not perfect!
Our nation is not perfect! I've seen these same people that criticize Israel but yet by their own mouth, Justify slavery in our Country!
They must consider Matthew 7:1-2."Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
If we read Ezekiel 16:1-63
We will see the sin of Israel. They married/Joined themselves to the Spirit of the World as we have done as well.
So the holocaust and there history of turmoil was them departing the God that Provides.
Daniel gave a great example how to rise in to world powers and not conform to their culture.
They didn't rub off on him,
He rubbed off on them!
Read Daniel 4:1-37.
God bless.
Nineveh and Babylon appear to be two nations that had a wholesale turn toward God; initiated in both cases by the rulers at hand.
Sackcloth and ashes were worn by the King in the first example; along with a mandatory fast. In the second case; it appears that
Nebuchadnezzar may have recognized God's power in his declaration of Daniel 3:29; as to not saying anything against God; but his own personal understanding appears to have come later as predicted in Daniel 4:25. In our nation revivals in the 1700s seemed to eclipse even George Washington's noteriety with individuals like Whitfield and similar things happened in Europe with the Wesleyan revival.
In both cases from scripture we see the ruler being warned about sin; with Jonah it was just a general declaration of judgment to come; with Nebuchadnezzar a direct plea from Daniel in Daniel 4:27 to turn from sin was given. I believe the same thing
happened with a challenge to a President in our country in the 1800s; maybe someone has that information here.
Proverbs 14:34 explains how sin is a reproach to any nation; which is contrasted by righteousness exalting a nation in the first part of the verse. Truly a nation is made up of individuals; hance as someone comes to faith it may change the balance to
forestall judgment for a time. As with nations; individuals also can extend their lives ( 2 Kings 20:6); and the wicked as a
principle will not live out half their days ( Psalm 55:23). Nahum shows how judgment was only forestalled and delayed not averted; and we can read the rest of Jeremiah to see how Babylon fared; with an end time parallel in Revelation 18.
As we see from the above examples; righteous leadership can bring benefits to all; even if not all individuals are actually saved.
The same principle applies with the wheat and the tares in churches. Some only secretly desire worldly comforts or prestige who surround themselves around repentant saints.
"you don't know why I would bring up this matter, as it pertains to our discussion. When in Truth, it reaches to the very heart of it.
Going to the letter, in Hebrew or Greek etc; as you quoted & spoke from, comes from the traditions & teaching of man, the wisdom that's from below, earthy, which makes Mark 7:13, which sprang up in the Apostasy. Isa 55:8,9;
Whereas coming to the Spirit, our Teacher; The Word Rom 10:8; that comes Rom 10:17; within us, produces the fruit, the Word intended Isa 55;11; Isa 14:27;
Bringing this part of the conversation to a conclusion, by giving "the cause & effect of the learning from the letter, verses being taught by God Himself.
1Cor 2:10 which is freely & lavishly given unto us in Christ. Col 2:2,3; Proverbs 8:14;
You said; you don't subscribe to this type of application of sanctification ; citing verses with the word meaning; its plain to me that your faith is coming from books, & not our Teacher; who is Hebrews 12:2. Your trying to understand spiritual things by carnal means, Thus this faith you have is 2Timothy 3:7 Meaning; it will never bring one to the experiential knowledge of God; in Spirit & in Truth. Matt 11:27; For God is a Spirit & only by His Spirit is He manifested & known.
Jeremiah 31:33,34; New Covenant, he's prophesying, not that he partook of it, 1Peter 1:10; & yet he was cleansed & holy under the gospel of his dispensation 2 Peter 1:21; as many were Luke 1:5,6;
Again; what God requires of us, is to walk upright in the knowledge that He has given us.
Thank you for your kind apology, no offense taken, just a misunderstanding. Believe me, in this slow progressive work of sanctification, I've have had many misunderstanding & faltering, receiving His reproofs & admonishments, I've learnt Daniel 4:37; I love the way He gets to me. He always "hit the nail on the head" so to speak,& why? Daniel 2:22, Psalms 36:9;
you have experience Him in Spirit, Chris (in the car)
in Love & Truth
Frankie J
Daniel 4:35 ...and he doeth according to HIS WILL in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, and NONE can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?
Isaiah 55:8 .... your ways are not my ways ......
Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, a TIME to every PURPOSE under heaven .....
We don't know why God does what he does, what we do know is when he has put ALL THINGS under Christ:
God will be ALL in ALL ..... 1 Corinthians 15:28
Yet, after writing all that, my main point in this refers to the accuracy of the KJB in Daniel 3:25. Disregarding the kings, even their beliefs, how does the LORD permit 'Son of God' to be written, yet allow 'spirit of the gods' in another passage? And we can't appeal to one king being moved by seeing a fourth being in the furnace (also Daniel 4:8,9), & the other king a non-believer speaking in Daniel 5:14. If the Bible is to reflect the Son & Spirit of God in these passages, then the wording must be consistent & not according to people's beliefs.
You wrote, "These were his gods. That explains why Belshazzar said "the spirit of the gods"". Then if this is true here, then it must be true in Daniel 3:25 (i.e. it should read 'son of the gods', since Nebuchadnezzar exclaimed what he knew at the time, that this being appeared to be a son (or angel) of one of his gods). As well, in Daniel 4:8,9, Nebuchadnezzar should not have then appealed to the 'spirit of his gods' if he believed that it was indeed the 'Son of God' in the furnace. Even if he was unsure about these divine manifestations, at least there should have been consistency with the KJB translators (either, 'Son & Spirit', or 'son & spirit). Here then is the inconsistency which hasn't been properly dealt with. Blessings.
Thank you Jimbob. I went through your comment & the Scriptures you provided & found no reason to fault it. Even where the Scripture shows that Nebuchadnezzar praised the God of Heaven, "Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase" ( Daniel 4:37) can indicate that he turned aside completely from his gods to serve the Living God. Therefore, I remarked that one's belief to whether he fully believed in the True God, or just lifted Him up to a higher position in his mind & worship, remains 'one's personal interpretation of that passage'.
We don't get any further explanation or detail to show his disregarding his other gods. And why I bring this to question is that, from my personal knowledge of another similar religion that has a multiplicity of gods, as well as giving greater honor to one (or some) of them, they also don't have any problem in adding another god into that mix. When a Hindu hears of the True God & His Son, maybe even receiving some 'blessing' as a result of a Christian's message or prayers for them, they can often place an image of 'Jesus' alongside other images of their deities in their puja (worship) room in their home. They will definitely give praise & worship to Jesus, probably based on what they've received or hope to further gain, but clearly are far from true knowledge & saving faith & likely never to leave their other gods to serve the True One. You may well be correct that the king truly believed, but that matter in my mind, remains open to where his heart truly was, given his position & power in an idolatrous society; in other words, how long can a regent last who commands that only the God of Heaven be worshiped by all his subjects?
And I saw your other post, about you leaving on your short holiday to Arizona. Have a safe & lovely time with your friend - I'm sure you would have wanted to have a longer time away. We have friends in Bullhead City, just across from the Nevada border - and we spent some time with them a while ago, before Covid struck, traveling together in that great State. My prayers are with you & your dear husband left on his own. And what a great opportunity you had to minister to that couple who missed their bus - may the Lord take them further in their journey in life, experiencing what great things God can do for them & in them. Blessings.
Likewise, in Daniel 3:25, "He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God"; in Hebrew, it is 'bar elahin' (son of (the) gods). And particularly in the Book of Daniel, this is not uncommon where Nebuchadnezzar & the Chaldeans are seen referring to 'gods' (i.e. the deities that he believed had divine manifestations): see Daniel 2:11,47; Daniel 4:8,9,18; Daniel 5:11,14.
Therefore, I submit that what we see here in Daniel, are the beliefs that the king had in respect to deities. Not only to the 'gods' but also to the 'spirit of the gods' & the 'son of the gods'. In these portions, these are not God's Words related to us, but Nebuchadnezzar's & they must reflect his belief & understanding. But when we get to Daniel 3:28, we read that Nebuchadnezzar at last realized that this wasn't a 'son of the gods', in the furnace, but that the One & True God (the God of Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego) had sent His angel to deliver these faithful men.
Now the question: was this angel indeed the pre-incarnate Jesus, or were the translators exercising some liberty to show that it was the Son of God? I believe that the NIV & other translations are correct here as both the Hebrew & the context of Nebuchadnezzar's beliefs & words portray what he saw in the furnace as 'one sent from the deities'. If we then choose to read that Jesus was present there & not an angel, then that belief must be a personal choice.
I quoted you scripture.
You believe: because God CAUSES you to believe.
He doesn't cause everyone to believe at the same time.
Paul didn't believe until God caused him to believe.
Everything has an APPOINTED TIME; it the works of God, his timetable.
He chose Jacob; and not Esau, before they were ever conceived.
Hebrews 11:20 By faith (by the spirit of Christ) Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau, concerning THINGS TO COME.
Jacob; the last, was given dominion over the first.
Genesis 27:37
The first born of flesh is not always the first born of spirit.
Matthew 19:30 ... The first shall be last and the last first ....
After the second resurrection, when Esau stands in his former estate, his flesh, he will be caused to believe and the yoke will be broken from his neck.
Genesis 27:40
All things were maded new by Christ resurrection, but all things have an appoint time to come to TRUTH.
Romans 9:21 Hath not the potter POWER over the clay, of the same lump, to make one a vessel of HONOUR, and the other a vessel of DISHONOUR?
Daniel 4:35 And all the inhabitants of the world are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, and NONE can stay his hand, or say unto him, what doest thou?
Jeremiah 18:4 And the vessel he made of clay was MARRED in the potter's hand, so he MADE it again ....
Psalms 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit (when he chooses to do so), they are CREATED and thou renewest the face of the earth.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
Psalms 123:2 ...so our eyes wait upon the lord, UNTIL he have mercy upon us ....
NOT YET are ALL THINGS put under him; BUT, when they are, God will be ALL IN ALL.
God Bless you, my brother in Christ.
Your right, it is what was meant to be.
Daniel 4:35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, nor say unto him, What doest thou?
God bless you.
Man is God's INSTRUMENTS, he does all the WORK'S of God through man.
Man just does not have the KNOWLEDGE to believe God is doing EVERYTHING, through man.
Philippians 2:13 For it is God that worketh IN YOU both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.
Jeremiah 51:20 Thou (man) are MY (God's) weapons of WAR ......
Isaiah 10:5 O Assyrian, the rod (weapon) of MY (God) anger, and the staff (weapon) in thy hand is MY (GOD) indignation ...
Isaiah 45:1 ...to Cyrus, whose right hand I (God) have holden, to SUBDUE NATIONS .....
Daniel 4:34 ..... and MY UNDERSTANDING RETURNED .....
Daniel 4:35 ....and he (God) doeth according to HIS (God) WILL ..... among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?
God had a purpose for Aaron, also a purpose for those that perished, Aaron also DIED, just a differennt APPOINTED time.
God knows what he is doing and EVIL always works to GOOD.
Genesis 50:20 ....you thought EVIL against me, but God meant it for GOOD ..... to keep many people ALIVE .....
Judas betrayed Christ; EVIL, the Father meant that betrayal for GOOD: to keep all people ALIVE in Christ Jesus ....
Hosea 4:6 My people perish FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE .....
God Bless YOU!
Interestingly, after studying scripture I've noticed, GOD gave mankind dominion, on Earth. Genesis 1:26,27,28, GOD didn't take that dominion away, people have misused their powers. They/we will all give account: Revelation 1:5-8, Romans 14:12, Daniel 4:3,34, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 18,
Jesus was here to show us how to bring His Kingdom the Kingdom of GOD on Earth, with Love, John 3:16-21, John 13:34, Romans 12:10, 1John 4:7,12, 1Peter 3:8, John 15:17, James 2:13-17, Luke 13:34,
one day all dominion will go to Christ: 1Corinthians 15:20-28, Romans 16:20,
Galatians 4:1-8, Colossians 3:21,
Matthew 20:25-28, Ephesians 1, (whole chapters) 1Peter 4, Jude 1,
Jesus gave all that believe in him, authority under heaven: from GOD ALMIGHTY: Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 6, Luke 11, Mark 3:15, Acts 4:30,31, Luke 9:2,
We all have power in the natural if even just to comfort someone else, & as we grow in faith, supernatural power in prayer, through GOD & Christ Jesus our Savior.
Hopefully these are helpful
In comparison to your example of Noah- Exodus 20:1-5, Exodus 34:7, Numbers 14:18, Deuteronomy 2:14, Judges 2:10, 2Kings 10:30, 2Kings 15:12, Hebrews 3, Luke 1:50, Psalms 102:18, John 17,
Prophetic about Jesus & other generations- Proverbs 30:12,13,14, Isaiah 53:8, Matthew 11,
Psalms 12:6-7, Psalms 14,
Hopefully these are helpful
Acts 6:8 And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.
Acts 7:55 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
As you said Brother Jesse "Under the influence of God's Spirit, it is fascinating how people can function in various situations.
Apart from God's spirit we would be on the other side of the stoning.
Acts 6:8 and throughout ch 7 you see a God's spirit filled vessel emphasized in the power of Stephen.
And in Daniel 4:1-37 you see the humbling record of King Nebuchadnezzar by the Lord.
"Let his heart be changed from man's, and let a beast's heart be given unto him; and let seven times pass over him. Daniel 4:16.
"The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty? Daniel 4:30.
While the word was in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.
And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. Daniel 4:31-32.
"Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase. Daniel 4:37.
The Holyspirit is powerful, mysterious, and always active in diverse ways.
God bless.
Chris gave a good answer, I'd like to add to the discussion. Please note the verse right before, Jeremiah 29:11, Jeremiah 29:10, sometimes we want GOD to change our situations "right now", sometimes HE does, but I believe this promise, is for GOD's people when we need the encouragement for the troubled times & endurance in longer seasons. Notice in Daniel, he & his companions had went through many difficult moments but GOD in miraculous ways delivered them, protected them & even encouraged them. I believe it was after Daniel was thrown in the lions den that he fasted & humbly prayed about the promise made in Jeremiah 29:10,11, Daniel 9:1,2,3, still waiting on that promise of 70 years,
note Daniel 6:1,2,3, (for why I place the timing, seemingly after lions den) the noted scriptures referring to about Daniel's encouragement, & companions, some say "the greater the trial the greater the miraculous": Daniel 1:8,9,17, Daniel 2:12,13,17,23 Daniel 3:12-27, Daniel 4:19,24,25, Daniel 5, Daniel 6:7,10,16,22,28, Daniel 9:23, Daniel 10:11,12,18, Daniel 11:1,
Luke 10:19, there are moments that are painful but when we look at Salvation, the pruning, witness to strengthen the Body of Believers, then we realize it didn't "hurt us".
I hope these scriptures give you strength & hope= 1Peter 4:12,13, 2Corinthians 1:3-7, John 15:1-2, 1Corinthians 4:5, 2Corinthians 3:2, Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:3, 2Timothy 2:10, Psalms 30:5,
In correction= Isaiah 48:10,11, Malachi 3:2, Proverbs 3:11-35, Hebrews 12:7, 2Thessalonians 1:4,
Endure even undue trials= 2Timothy 2:3, 2Timothy 4:5, remember Timothy was with Paul in ministry during persecution. 1Peter 2:19, Mark 13:13, James 5:10,11,
James 5:13-18, 2Chronicles 7:14,
Hopefully these are helpful & encouraging
I love to celebrate Christmas, I really enjoy the lights, the focus on our Savior. The generosity in the season. Christmas is a time of year, people remember more their fellow man, needs & wants of others. Christmas time reminds us of the joys of giving & putting smiles on others faces, teaching by love & kindnesses. Surprising a person with anonymous unexpected gifts, giving hope to people in desperation, food, clothing, volunteering, etc. warms their hearts, body & soul & sometimes gives them hope for a better ' tomorrow '. Christmas is the time of year people are more willing to receive from a Christian.....
We as Believers have an open door at Christmas unlike any other time of the year, to show the World who Jesus is, who the Church is.
When we remember those most "forgotten by others" showing them, they are not forgotten by GOD, it's amazing how even those around them are affected.
Deuteronomy 15:7, Job 5:16, Proverbs 19:4, Psalms 69:33, Proverbs 14:21, 2Corinthians 9:9, Psalms 68:10, Galatians 2:10, Romans 15:26, Psalms 40:17, Proverbs 22:2, Psalms 41:1, Luke 14:13, Psalms 74:21, Proverbs 29:7, Proverbs 28:27, Psalms 112:9, Psalms 82:3, Daniel 4:27, Proverbs 21:13, Proverbs 31:10,20, context Proverbs 31, Proverbs 19:17, Proverbs 19:7, Luke 4:18, Matthew 11:5, Mark 10:21,
Proverbs 19:6, Esther 9:22, James 1:27,
This Christmas season we really have a moment to help comfort, our nations with love, giving hope through the WORD, to poor in spirit & helping heal wounds. There is much we can give this year, for those in need. I pray GOD lead us even now, to start the giving season early. Romans 6:23, 2Corinthians 1:4, Proverbs 15:23,
Psalms 31:24, Ecclesiastes 3:1,
2Chronicles 32:26,
Hopefully you will find these helpful
1st want to address
The Earth is The LORD's & the fulness thereof! Psalms 24:1, Daniel 7:13-14, Romans 6:9,
Dominion GOD gave to mankind. Genesis 1:26,27,28,
War in Heaven: cast out, Revelation 12:7-17, persecution but not dominion, John 8:42-44, Revelation 20:7-15, Please read all of Chapter for context. Revelation 13, Revelation 20, deceiver like Genesis 3, James 4,
Psalms 145:1-13, Daniel 4:2,3,34, Daniel 6:26, Ephesians 1:17-23, Ephesians 6:11-18,
Hopefully these are helpful,
Please read the WORD, & study
Daniel 9:2, searching the prophetic timelines,
Other years mysteries: Isaiah 61:2, Isaiah 63:4, Jeremiah 11:23, Jeremiah 17:8, Jeremiah 23:12, Jeremiah 48:44, Jeremiah 51:46, Ezekiel 46:17, Luke 4:19, Luke 13:8, Revelation 9:15, Daniel 11:6,
Sometimes in prophetic dreams things symbolized days & years,
additional amounts of time described at "times" Daniel 4:23,25,32, Daniel 7:25, Daniel 8:14,17,19,26
Weeks; Daniel 9:24-27, Daniel 12:1,9,
Days: Daniel 12:11,12,13, 2Peter 3:7-13,
Also a Day is like a thousand years unto The LORD: 2Peter 3:8, Psalms 90:4,
* Daniel 2:20-22, James 1:5,
Hopefully these are helpful to your study
The Jesuits were not founded until the 1500s, some involve the Jesuits with end-time teaching, with the black Pope, and more, and their past is not filled with a lot of good. The Sabbath is the seventh day, keeping the Sabbath is more than going to a church on that day, Exodus 20:8-11.
Constantine created the earliest Sunday law known to history in 321A.D. The main reason was the conflicts between the Jews and the Christians and since the pagans did their thing on Sunday. Constantine claimed to be Christian, but this law does not read like it.
"On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country, however, persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits: because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain sowing or for vine planting: lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost". Codex Justinianus, lib. 3, tit. 12, 3.
Council of Laodicea -364 AD named Sunday the Lord's Day. One reason was to stop the Sabbath-keeping tendencies in the Eastern Roman Empire. The Council of Laodicea produced sixty rulings, or canons, covering a broad range of topics and punishments.
Many worship on Sunday because the day Jesus resurrected was on the first day of the week and some on Saturday. We are also told not to judge, Colossians 2:16 read all of chapter 2. Every day is a good day to worship in the spirit and truth, John 4:23-24.
Some point to the phrase "four corners of the earth" that appear in the Bible. Isaiah 11:12 Revelation 7:1, and Daniel 4:11 is said the earth would have to be flat to see the tree, and more, but even if people in the past believed the earth was flat, in my opinion, the Bible does not teach that.
God bless,
Jeremiah 4:16
Make ye mention to the nations; behold, publish against Jerusalem, that watchers come from a far country, and give out their voice against the cities of Judah.
Daniel 4:17
This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
Watcher is a type of biblical angel. Watcher occurs in both plural and singular forms in the Book of Daniel, where reference is made to their holiness.
The APOCRYPHA of Enoch refer to both good and bad Watchers, with a primary focus on the rebellious ones.
"In the Book of Enoch, the watchers are angels dispatched to Earth to watch over the humans. They soon begin to LUST for human women and, at the prodding of their leader Samyaza, defect en masse to illicitly instruct humanity and procreate among them.
They created Human/Angel Hybrids called the Nephilim. Fallen Ones - Watchers. They are real and they were wiped out by the Flood in Noah's time.
They aren't mentioned anymore after the narrative that they created giants after lusting after women.
If you go to the book of Enoch, they are imprisoned.
Daniel 1:4, the children taken capacity,
Daniel 1:5-16, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, & some of Exodus covers the foods that Jewish children were by GOD's Laws not suppose to eat, it was wisdom
Daniel 1:17-21 stood before the king, seems to say they stood by the king in service & advisers.
Daniel 2,
1st let's look at threat Daniel 2:5, if he had made all the young boys eunuchs & Jeremiah 52, would have caused fear.
Daniel 2:1-13, just like Daniel 1:20, shows that king was seeking every type of teaching but they all fail
Daniel 2:14-24, GOD ALMIGHTY is Awesome & amazing!! Psalms 44:22,
Daniel 2:25-26, sad reminder that Daniel was of the captives of Judah, also the king had changed his name. (significantly there are Babylonian records with that name so it's interesting it's noted in Bible)
Daniel 2:27-30 :to GOD be the Glory
Daniel 2:31-45 the dream of the king & interpretation , with much symbolism
Daniel 2:46,48, different later, Daniel tells that king's son, no: Daniel 5:17,
Daniel 2:47 Glory to GOD
Daniel 2:49, interesting note of favor also seen in chapter 1,
Daniel 3, looks like the king misunderstood or took that "gold" interpretation out of context from symbolic "golden head" from dream Daniel 2:31,32,38,
Daniel 3:6 threats again, & rage Daniel 3:13,19,20,21,22,23
Daniel 3:8,12,16,17,18 just like Daniel 1, didn't want to turn from GOD's Laws
Daniel 3:24-27 GOD's amazing deliverance
Daniel 3:28 to GOD be Glory
Yet threats again of brutal violence Daniel 3:29,
Daniel 3:30 promotion again, through obedience to GOD
Daniel 4, told through that king when GOD humbled him,
Daniel 4:18,19, used name he gave Daniel
Daniel 1:1, Daniel 2:1, dates of significant recognition. 2 Kings 24:1-2,
Historical insight 2 Kings 24:3-16, this appears to be the time that brought Daniel & his friends into that place of capacity. Note they left the poor in the land 2 Kings 24:14,17,18 which may explain the historical reference mentioned by other comment. 2 Kings 25:8-12,
Stated 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar._._.
Please note Daniel 4:6-9,18, Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged Daniel as "knowing the spirit of the holy" GOD was in him, therefore it shows Chpt 4 being after the first interpretation. Daniel 4:29, Daniel 4:23,
Daniel 5:11, Daniel 5:20-22, Daniel 5:31, Daniel 6:28,
Please note Daniel 7:1 it goes back to time of Daniel 5. Daniel 4, to Daniel 2, In some ways, not in the same vision but the statement in Daniel 2:47, So consistantly Daniel jumps back into moments within previous Chapters to add additional situations within those time frames
Daniel 1:20, chapter 2, could also explain this statement of why Daniel 1:20, states that.
Notice also in Daniel 5:10-14,
Hopefully these are helpful in your study
Daniel 4:35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and GOD DOETH ACCORDING TO HIS WILL in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, and NONE CAN STAY HIS HAND, or say unto him, What doest thou?
Did he allow Satan to be created, or did God create Satan?
Isaiah 54:16 ....I have created the waster to destroy.
Does God allow evil, or is he the cause of evil to be used for HIS PURPOSE?
Jeremiah 23:12 ...and I WILL bring evil upon them.
Romans 9:17 The scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might show my power unto thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
God is sovereign and RULES over his creation.
Everything happening every moment is HIS work, showing man his power that his name might be declared throughout the earth.
This was the same thing happening when he CAUSED the demons to go into the swine, THAT HIS POWER and HIS NAME might be declared throughout the earth.
The word of God, is speaking to the person, reading the words, we should put OUR NAME in place of the name he is speaking to.
Romans 9:17 The scripture SAITH UNTO ROBERT, even for this same purpose have I raised thee up ROBERT, that I might show my power unto thee ROBERT, and ROBERT that my name might be declared throughout the earth.
Daniel 4:34 And at the end of the days I ROBERT lifted up my eyes into heaven, and ROBERTS understanding returned to ROBERT, and ROBERT blessed the most high, and ROBERT praised and honour him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation.
Daniel 4:35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and GOD DOTH ACCORDING TO HIS WILL in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, and NONE CAN STAY HIS HAND, or say unto him, What doest thou?
God Bless you.